I want to be better at saving money

We keep our savings at a different bank than our checking and no debit card so driving an hour to get money out makes me reconsider taking it out unless it’s necessary

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Long term and short term savings long term short term for smaller things like a new purse or going out long term stays. Budget out what you need for monthly bills and necessities then the remaining divide up 70 percent to long term and 30 for short term put long term in a different account that does not have a debit card attached

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you want to spend it, spend it, then when you retire & you will say ‘shit I wish I saved a little bit’, !!! There is nothing wrong with buying something or going out to eat once in a while, but in the end, no matter how you grew up, it’s your life, you are a grownup & you have to decide, what’s best for you. I was lucky where i work they had a pension plan, which I added to, then had a 401K, 401B etc, which I did well with. Remember you might not have much, but every little bit counts

Get 100 envelopes and number them 1-100 each payday pull an envelope and put that amount in it. Put it away, after you fill all you have 5500

We set our direct deposit up to automatically put 100 away everytime my husband gets paid. So basically 200 a month.

Can you make 2 seperate savings. 1 that is for long term and then 1 you can play with whenever? Or when making a budget break it down to where you give yours self fun money. Then the savings will grow and you don’t feel deprived of getting to buy something?

Following im the same ut sucks