I want to be better at saving money

As soon as my husband and I have it we want to go shopping or out to eat. I have $2000 in savings rn and I just want to spend it. I always rationalize a purchase with “I’m just gonna get more next week “ or “f*** it I worked hard to not buy something I want”. Any advice . Please don’t judge. We didn’t have good examples about handling money growing up but we want to learn


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I want to be better at saving money

I think it’s will power

Following because same :pensive:


Put it in an account you can’t touch for 6 months or more and can no cards so you have to go to the bank to use it


You need an allowance for “reward” and self care purchases. Those fun things can be budgeted!


same with us here!! your not alone

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You earned your money do as you please with it. You pay your bills so the rest is yours to spend.


Get a separate account you can’t see and have no cards to. Make it so you can’t access it unless you go into the bank to get funds out. Set up a automatic payment to it and just forget about it. Out of sight out of mind.


since more money is coming next week learn to wait until you have enough to spend again after saving from that paycheck. you know what i mean? divide your money, and only use what you leave in your checking’s and consider yourself broke once that account is empty. keep calm and remember more money is coming next week so whatever you want, can wait… it’s all abt self control! also set long term goals and call yourself out for breaking a savings commitment when u do it for no good reason (a hospital bill or glasses, or car repairs are examples of good reasons. treating yourself after spending more than half your paycheck while trying to save isn’t gonna take u very far) . >sometimes< hearing things from yourself aloud can really help but don’t beat yourself up!


Read the book
“The Barefoot Investor”


You need to separate separate accounts for things like saving for cars, home, emergency, and fun money. On top of your reg accts. Also therapy and maybe talk with a financial counselor to make a long term plan to work towards to maybe help you not give in to those urges so much.

Save towards something.
A house, vehicle, ect. I can’t just save for the purpose of saving


Most important thing is to always pay yourself first. Give yourself an allowance and when it’s gone it’s gone. It’s hard to save if your getting nothing in return. Get a budget and stay on it. You’ll be surprised at how much you’ll save


Open a savings account that requires 2 signatures to withdraw any funds. That way you can hold each other accountable and no one can play the blame game when money is withdrawn and spent.


Think of everything as an investment. Do you want to keep paying on it every month? How many months are you going to pay? You sound very young so my best advice is don’t live out side your means. If you can’t afford it don’t get it

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1/3 to bills, 1/3 to savings and 1/3 to spend … if you’re in a position to do so. Or pay your bills and half the rest for saving/spending

I have started taking out cash and putting money in an envelope locked away in a lockbox. Out of site out of mind

Have separate accounts. Have your savings one and set a goal amount and start to act like this doesn’t exist - if my everyday account is empty, I’m broke. Doesn’t matter that I got savings in another account.

also have a special account for savings that you can spend on yourself. Self care is so important and it will encourage you to leave your real savings account alone.

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I do better saving if I have cash versus keeping it in an account. Withdraw a set amount each pay period and put it in the back of a drawer, or in a little safe.

Give yourself a maximum and don’t spend more than that out of your savings.

Get a savings account with a high interest rate and spend the interest you get that way your saving money and spending it at the same time if that makes sense it’s a win win :grin:

If you have to buy something, go to the dollar store

Every single time I come to having to spend money aside from special occasions I ask myself one question “do I need this or do I want that” deciding on only buying things I need has helped me spend way less


Same. My problem is Amazon and Walmart+. It’s much easier to spend when you can literally buy anything anywhere and just have it delivered.

I usually take out all the money I need for bills and some extra for gas and such… the if I have any left I take 20% of what’s left and put it away. Whenever I want to take out of it… I always am harsh on the “do I need it? Or do I just want it?”


Mine is if I need it vs if I want it, and then I think about it for a day or so and I typically don’t get it.


Don’t spend your savings

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Have a spendings account that you can drain if you please and a savings account that money will go into every week


Have you looked into cash stuffing definitely help me

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Reading the book: The Barefoot investigator is a great start.

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I’m always broke :blush:
Why because I see bills 6 months out n mortgage at least 3 months out. I pre-save for those as a “must” save in case of disaster (example- losing a job)…
I set goals with tax returns n bonus checks, of dream wants- our vacation money a goal that is deserved and drives me to save…


Only spend what u need bills household items ur female items n shower stuff etc stuff u have to have keep couple hundred for ur self n save the rest

Someone said it earlier the best way to get ahead is have two accounts. One account you can drain and another for savings. Every pay period set aside the amount for necessities plus extra. For me it’s $100 dollars more and put it into your “saving” account. If you are paid 4 times a month that extra money will add up fast and it’s there for emergencies or savings. Anything extra from your necessities account you can spend however you want.

Set a goal. It becomes easier to save when you give it a name. “New car fund” “new house fund” etc because then you’re saving with a purpose.

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Create a spending account that you put a certain percentage of your earnings in each pay period, for a little fun money. Only spend from that account if you have it and leave your savings account alone. That extra work of saving “fun money” may make you reconsider spending it.


Join she’s on the money group fb

I’m sure you are getting plenty of tips on here. I just wanted to applaud you for asking for help. That’s the first step! Remember that yes, you worked for your money. And you deserve something for that. And what you absolutely deserve is peace of mind for having a bit of savings in case of emergency (new tires, brakes, etc). You can’t put a price on that. But sure feels great to not stress about money. Good luck to you! :blush:


Put it in a stock that it isn’t so easy to retrieve. When u see something u want and u have to take it out of a stick that’s making you money then that 300 dollar purse might end up costing you 900. Then u can look at it and say “it isn’t worth it!”

look up the dave ramsay method.


Try making a savings account that is separate from your checking (like at a different bank or an investment account) and harder to access. One, it will help if you can’t see how much you’ve got in savings when you access your checking account so you won’t associate that money with money you can spend. Second, if it’s more inconvenient to access then you’ll be forced to think about is it actually worth accessing to purchase whatever it is you’re thinking of purchasing.

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Only pay cash if possible. You see money running through your fingers and it can be painful :smiley: so you will reconsider some purchases. I have envelopes for everything I need. From gas money to clothing. I put my budget for the month in there and when empty then empty. I only pay rent and insurance with the card. Ever since I started I saved a lot of money.
You got this :+1:

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Make an account and every month add some money. So you will know this account is for future. I did like that and i bought my apartment

We keep our needless spending money in cash. Pay some bills, put 10% in savings…rest is cash that we can either save or spend.

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Don’t go out. Shop online.


i do the same thing i got an app called crypto.com and now i invest in stocks and it helps me not touch money in my bank as i put a few grand in the stocks and i buy and sell them when i feel like spending money

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Join a credit union, they usually have a free financial adviser who can help you put it in a retirement account where you cannot touch it. But do treat yourself. Set aside 10% to splurge on. Or chose something you want and save towards it.


Taught my kids… split in 3rds. Bills, saving, what we call it in the south “piss away $$”
Every check split 3 ways! Never touch your savings! My daughter started working at 14, she paid all her own expenses (school clothes, entertainment, phone etc), by 19 she had 14,000 saved! And purchased her own car, insurance etc…My other daughter is not quite as good at saving and started alittle later working but she is nearly 18, pays all her expenses, bought her own car and has 5,000 saved. Plan to do the same with my youngest child…

Put it in a 6 month cd


Something we’ve always taught even the kids, if you get $20, you spend $10 and save $10. Or if theirs something you’ve been dying to get you save for it. Don’t spend $50 here and there save it for a $300 item. You have to have a plan and something to save for otherwise you never will. It’s human nature not just yall. We work and want to spend whatever’s left after bills. You’re lucky to have anything left, maybe look at it that way. Dang I sure am lucky to have this, let me hold on to it.

You’ll be broke forever if you can’t ever save. Compounding interest is your best friend. But you need money to make money. Save!!

Open a saving if account that you can use unless you physically have to go to the bank
Put it all in there
$2000 is not a lot of money.
I know it hard not spend all that money when you have worked so hard to save
I would have a hard time not booking a vacation with that money

Speak to a financial advisor/money manager. I personally invested my money into an aggressive IRA account

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Good for you for reaching out & looking for advice/tips/help.


My job allows us to split direct deposits, so I deposit $500 a month into savings. I don’t miss it and it has grown my savings.


Be cheap now, enjoy later. Spending that money is fun until either something serious happens that you cant afford. I recommend putting more money into your 401k, buying stock from the company you work for, buying CDs. Anything you can to stop yourself from spending it on short-term happiness stuff.

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M husband and I didn’t grow up learning anything about money management… maybe we learned by bad example what NOT To to. For our house hold we have 6 accounts.
1 house account- we have money direct deposited in this account from both of us and its for household expenses only. ( no debt card attached)
2. joint checking- la “Just in case” account
3/4 - My checking and savings
5/6 his checking and savings.

This is what works for us.


Everyone should have several thousands saved in case of emergency. You could lose your job or have a big expense because something broke down. If you save you don’t have to finance things which always makes it cheaper.

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Thankfully I started saving last year and had a decent sized savings account. Unfortunately I got hurt 3 months ago and haven’t been able to go back to work and have been so thankful I had that savings. Think of it as your rainy day fund and not just money sitting around. It’s what kept the bills paid the last 3 months for me


My suggestion, open a bank account at another bank. For example, if your normal bank is Bank A, open a savings account with Bank B. Go to HR for both of you, and update your direct deposit to deposit X amount of dollars, from each of your checks each week to Bank B. Do NOT download Bank Bs app or anything like that. Don’t even go to Bank B. Just let $50 or $100 deposit to that account each week. I did something similar when I was younger, not so much to help me save, but to help me learn to pay my own bills on my own. I bank with PNC, but I split my paycheck so that $500 from each check went into an account with Bulldog Federal Credit Union. My bills were set up to automatically come out of that Bulldog account. I had myself convinced that I was making minimum wage, bringing home about $500 bi-weekly, but living bill free, because my bills were automatically paid from the savings account. So, split your direct deposits into two different accounts at two different banks. Outta sight, outta mind. With my current bank, I have 3 accounts that are all connected together. So I can see what’s in my spending account and what’s in my savings account, and I think like you do… “oh, I’ll just transfer this $50 from my savings to my spend, it’ll be okay, I’ll put it back next week” and before you know it, your nickel and diming your savings


Open an online only bank account (google can give you places) or an account at your current bank that you just don’t have a card to (not preferable bc you can just go into the bank itself). Have money automatically deposited into there or send money as you see fit based on your ability. If you want to use any of it it, it’s not going to be an immediate option to withdraw since you have to transfer - which means you’re less likely to have the same impulses a few days later.

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Spend less than what you make.
Most wasted money is usually spent on fast food.

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Need to hear the responses as well lol. Horrible at budgeting

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Some banks offer budgeting courses

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Spend 1/2 and save the other if you don’t have bills to pay.

Put it in a bank in another town. With no debit cards to withdraw.


I suggest joining Dave Ramsey groups for beginners . Or atleast listen to his advice or other testimonies


Put your savings somewhere you’re not looking at it constantly. A separate bank or an investment account. Keeping it out of sight is the only way I hold onto it.


Do you do anything on a banking app or website? My suggestion open at least 3 accounts. The main where your checks go into and from there, make one account for bills and transfer the money for your bill totals and payments from there. Then I’d make a 3rd account to throw some savings in. Then once bills are clear, some money put away, whatever is left in your main account until payday is your spending and play money. Really helps separating money where you know you can just spend randomly from 1 account without getting in trouble


Follow Dave Ramsey that’s what we do


Go to a therapist. There may be an underlying problem. I know it sounds iffy but before my friend was diagnosed he would spend a shit ton of money as soon as he got it. Now hes a little better because of understanding theres a reason behind the spending

Listen to Dave Ramsey podcasts.


Read Dave Ramsey total money makeover book it’s great.

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Open a separate savings account with a different bank so you can’t just transfer the money and play, you’ll actually have to go through a process to get at it.


I direct 10% of every paycheck in to a savings account with a different bank that I can’t see and don’t carry a card for. The card is always at home in the safe for emergencies only. The whole out of sight out of mind thing works for me in this case. I don’t know how much is in there but I know there’s money constantly going in to it whenever I get paid.


Treat yourself to something small at different goals. Maybe a new lipstick, face mask, or a new movie. Nothing big, but something to to curb the desire to spend.


Follow frugal living tips and tricks page. People in that group always have good tips on saving money they have helped me a lot!!

When I get to 500$ I buy more of my index funds. So I never have more then 500$ extra. And if I need it’s a hassle to sell it.

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Sets goal to save for somwthing tou really want or need and work towards it so you feel like it’s not just sitting there waiting to be spent.
It could be buy a house, go on vacation, new car, etc… set a price point and start saving towards that making you less likely to dip into the savings and prolong the end goal!

I always make a list and only buy on sale. When it comes to Xmas or Thanksgiving I buy everything a little at a time on sale ofcourse.

Last year I did a challenge where I would put $20 in an envelope for an entire year. It was extra money I was spending every day anyways. I saved $7300 at the end of the year


Discipline make a list of big items you would like to purchase one day such as a house a car look up that house that car and write down the price tag and that will motivate you to keep on saving and the small stuff you can still purchase but be fruitful if you don’t need it don’t buy it and if you don’t have the cash to buy it don’t buy it good luck it’s not easy


Have money deposited in an IRA or investment account directly from your paycheck. You don’t spend what you don’t see, and it’s harder to pull funds cut.

Pick a small thing to use as a reward: new underpants, mail polish, an I’ve cream cone.

Make a list of things you need to save for:

  1. 3 months worth of expenses in case of job loss
  2. Emergency medical funds
  3. Emergency car repairs (and you should have savings for routine recommended car maintenance).
  4. A modest vacation, like a day trip or weekend destination.

Set up a budget with every expense you can think of for a year. Stick to it.

Pay for things in cash if possible. The visual of money going out is powerful. Also if you only have a certain amount in your wallet for groceries, vacations, etc. that’s all you have to spend.

Put credit cards in A waterproof bag & freeze into a block of ice. You have to wait until the ice melts (microwaving or boiling can damage the card, giving you time to think again about the purchase.

Take a financial literacy class

Save 3/4 of income as bills and such and 1/4 is split between sinking fund and play. If Anything is left after bills split that between the sinking and play. Sinking fund is extra or unexpected expenses

I put my savings somewhere i can’t see it all the time. Also i tell myself its for something for my kids. Im a sucker for my kids and feel like I’m stealing from them if I set money aside and say its for them. Also when you put savings, and say you have $1,100. Put $1k away and put $100 away somewhere else and that is YOUR savings so if you dip into it you still have your real savings.

The financial diet is better than dave Ramsey for people like you who dont want to be miserable about saving money

I put our in a different bank account for savings. Then auto make deposits to it. Out of sight out of mind

Make a list of what you need and add how much you want to save.

I handled my hubby’s check cause he’s the same way. I’m a stay at home mom so I know what we need for our home. Then again, I rarely get anything for myself.

What about opening some sort of account that doesn’t allow you to pull from it before a certain amount of time? Is that even a thing?

Mark it for something big, then say I can’t spend this its for such and such

I create envelopes for everything we want to do over the year and put them in our safe. We still have a savings account but the way once everything has been divided for the week/month whatever is left is fair game. I’ll even make an extra envelope for myself or hubs if we are saving for something in particular.

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Buyers remorse… if you feel guilty for getting something, take it back and get your money back. Sometimes you get the high from the purchase, and then you get thebhigh from taking it back and getting your money back. I startwd taking things back and getting my money back and it really helped me change my perspective and feelings and start saving. Sometimes you need to take a different routr to the same destination.


Martha Carolina Sanchez-Avila perfect person to ask

First step is admitting you have problem.

Following cuz I’m the same way :sweat_smile:

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Emergency fund. Put so much in every week.forget about it cause,its,for an emergency.

Dave Ramsey financial peace university is THE BEST! I highly suggest it.


I always first think is it a need or a want. If it’s a need them of course if it’s a want it can wait. I hate things and clutter anyways, if I spend some money it would be experiences( visiting a museum, a new restaurant…)

Make something else your reward:)

Make it for something so you feel like you can’t spend it. Something fun like “vacation”, “The car I want in 5 years”, “Christmas presents”, or practical like “emergency fund”, “retirement”. Giving it a purpose instead of just “extra money” helped me allot. Make different accounts. Use cash in envelopes (in a lock box so you don’t see it) Whatever works for you.

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