I Want to Know if I’m Going Crazy

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"My partner always ignores my calls and messages but when I'm at home with him he is always messaging someone he says it his kids but I feel like ever time he goes out he's on messanger active like he's talking to someone and I'm always made to be the bad person why I try call he doesn't answer but sends me message that I'll be back soon"

RELATED: Am I Crazy? My Friends Are All Against Me and Calling Me a Liar Even Though I’m Not, Am I Crazy For Not Wanting to Fix Our Friendship?


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I’m just saying this from my experience- my husband did this. He was always on his phone at home but when I was gone and would text him I would never get a reply. Like ever. We argued about it a lot & a few weeks later I found out he was talking to someone else. Also keep in mind, Facebook messenger is not always accurate with who’s online and who isn’t… I’ve been sleeping & was told it said I was active. It’s something I would bring up to him so he knows that there’s an issue."

"You’re not crazy you know exactly what’s going on… The question is what are you going to do about it"

"Writings on the wall just gotta choose to read it"

"I’d be done with him."

"Your gut instincts are already telling you that something isn’t right. Always follow that gut instinct. You need to sit him down and have a serious discussion about this! Your feelings are valid and no your not crazy believe me been there myself before and my gut instinct was right. Reminder that he could be deleting these messages or they could be under a fake name to hide that he’s texting or calling another female . Stay strong girl! If he admits to cheating then you need to leave , a leopard never changes it’s spots!"

"If you like that stay if not time to go"

"My ex use to ignore my calls every night then call back 10 minutes later. He was definitely cheating on me."

"Make a plan to save money and get out!!"

"He could b inocent…but in my opinion he’s being sneaky…go with your gut feeling…remember communication is the answer"

"If you can’t trust him, you don’t need him."

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