WTF ? Does he sleep in a bed ? If he does kick his ass out of it and claim squatters rights ! Damn girl he doesn’t love you ! Your his booty call ! Kick him out and not just out of the bed for Gods sake ! Out of your life. Find someone who will treat you with respect like you deserve.
This is the most bizarre post I’ve seen on here.
I have a lot of questions and feel this post left out a lot of details. Why aren’t you in the same bed and the same room
My husband and I don’t sleep in the same bed and never have. We worked different shifts for years that made it almost impossible and I get to hot for him to sleep comfortably. We have separate bedrooms but we still manage to spend quality time together and have 2 kids together. However if he’s not willing to help you set up a separate room for yourself with your own bed and he’s being a dick about it then that’s a huge red flag and a completely different issue in your marriage
Im so confused. But reguardless no wayyyyyyy girl you better straighten your crown and find your worth cause babeeeeeee
What is wrong with women today? Who told us that it was ok for a man to cheat on us, verbally and physically abuse us, gaslight us, use us, demean us, etc., etc., etc.! I was born in 1960 when women stayed home and raised the children and very few women worked outside the home. However, if my Dad would have done any of these things to my Mom, she would have gone to prison for life because she would have killed him or seriously maimed him. And that was back then. my mom chose to stay home because she didn’t want anybody else raising her children. This is the 21st century and we have women who think they don,t deserve respect and love from a man. This vicious cycle has got to stop or we will be right back in the caveman days where we were drug by our hair and hit in the head with clubs. oh ya, we are there now. Please start trusting your gut and don’t be with someone just because you are afraid of being alone. There are worse things.
Wait what? I feel like more details need given…he refuses to sleep in a bed period, or with YOU in the same bed? Or do neither of u even have a bed?
What is happening? It continues because you let it. You are the controller of your own life. You don’t like it -get a bed or leave?
5 years and never ever slept together? Now I’m sure y’all have plenty of sex. Yeah that sounds like a booty call.
My ex … when we first got together he slept in his bed and made me sleep on the lounge for a long time even when we both didn’t have our kids
Then when we moved in together he chucked his bed as it was so old and he started sleeping in it and would only let me come into my own bed when he either wanted something or was in a good mood otherwise I was on the lounge
Clearly she has been brainwashed like i was as I didn’t really think to much into it
But sweetheart all I can say is RUN it will only get worse trust me xx
Yoh you are patient wena love yourself🙄
Why don’t you sleep on a bed? Have you been living with someone else? Does he sleep in a bed? I’m so confused
I’m literally pissed just reading this, he’s treating you like an animal no worse some dogs have beds. So y’all just get it on and it’s back to the couch for you? Why can’t his butt sleep on the couch? You staying in the relationship hun is showing your kids how to let someone treat you like crap. Please get out before it gets worse. You need to leave now. I’m here if u wanna talk. Please get help.
Ummm what?? Girl goooooo!!
I need more context to comment or advise…
That’s abuse. Leave.
You are an adult… do not let a man or any other human being tell you you can’t do something.
If you are allowing to be told you can’t sleep in a bed AFTER 5 YEARS I can only imagine what else your not doing…
Melissa Harrington dude
This is the most weirdest post I’ve ever seen do you own a bed ?he won’t let you in the bed ? I’m so confused right now
I don’t understand this post. Who doesn’t sleep in a bed???
It’s time to go. Work on saving up or stay with friends but get out and get your own place and bed. You deserve WAY better
If there is not more to
This story then you need to re-evaluate your self worth and decide this is not okay.
So he has a room with a bed and he makes you sleep on a couch in another room? Where do your children sleep?
This is a joke or he is gay.
I really wish you would comment or something to explain more. This is the most weirdest/random comment like she said above… do your kids sleep in a bed? Does he sleep in a bed? Actually you probably just need to leave that relationship
Doesn’t sound like a relationship to me. Sounds like you are just a roommate. I Would totally not tolerate that especially for 5 years… your poor back. I hope your kid isn’t sleeping on a couch as well…
These made-up stories are disgusting.
Time to get a new man , AND a new bed
Pack your crap. Take your kid. Move on.
I’d threaten him with a bunk bed, gauge his reaction and then leave. But after five years? I’d just leave.
Need more info. Story sounds off.
There’s definitely something wrong here…Definitely leave
How do you not share a bed?! And how have you been together 5 years not sharing one… I’m so confused…
Um time for a new bed & a new man.
“Sleeping on a sheet of love word” I’m lost lol
Wait you’re sleeping on the couch and he’s in a room in a bed honey he has you for 1 reason , unless he’s a werewolf
So where’s the rest of the story? Where does he sleep ?
I can’t… what in the wild Harry Potter sleep under the stairs no bed story is this
Come on baby this simple leaveeeee
Oh my. One of the most basic needs you’re refused?
Are y’all both on the sofa? Is ANYONE in a bed? I have more questions than answers.
Huh…Say What…This is to much…
kick him out and buy a bed.
You deserve more than just a bed to sleep on
I ain’t never heard any such stuff as this. Something is definitely wrong.
Do u need permission to shower as well? Fuck that, it’s a basic need not a want. Lose the loser
Do you not have any self worth?
Somethings wrong doesn’t sound right.
What exactly is wrong with you? You have accepted this for 5 years, WHY? He must be solid gold in every other area of your relationship. Is he afraid of beds? You both need to seek therapy!
Dude he’s a controlling asshole. Why would you stay for five years with this dude? Obviously your not seeing the bigger picture. He’s arguing with you over having a bed or sleeping in it? Wtf kinda shit’s that? I would have left after a year of sleeping on idk wtf. Like grow a back bone ad bounce.
What?? He sounds like a cheapo di*ko that needs to get over that. Go get you a bed
To him you’re a doormat, maid, and booty call all in one. He has absolutely no respect for you at all and clearly doesn’t see you as a equal. Get out while you can. How can you let you’re child let alone his child see you like this and how he treats you.
What culture are you?
4 years and 10 months too long… I mean do you not see a problem here?
How have you put up with this for 5 years?
You’ve accepted sleeping on a couch for 5 years? Go and buy a bed and sleep in it yourself. It’s a basic need you’re letting him deny you.
Sis!! There are men willing to share a bed with women they met hours before and you’re telling me you’ve been together that long and have NEVER shared a bed. That is the oddest thing ever? You sleep on a couch together? At this point I don’t really have advice except to say that you should get yourself a bed.
God I hope you at least have beds for the children… smh
Start off by getting a mat… slow steps sister
I had a boyfriend of 3 years. He refused to get a bed… he ended up cheating on me and he got a bed after he kicked me out.
Where the f dies he sleep? Where do the kids sleep… your his gf or a nanny?
Bye, bye mother fucker
Weird to say the least.
Mate I would of kicked him to the couch the first night and stole the bed
Ummm what? Is he bedophobic ? Lol girl go get yourself a bed and dump that man while you’re at it. New year new sleeping habits wtf.
You’ve been sleeping on the couch for 5 years? And you’re still with this “man”?
Throw the whole dude away!!!
Leave him. why you wasting time on this guy who obviously doesn’t love you and has made you sleep on a bloody couch. Wake up and open your eyes.
I’m gonna reiterate what someone else said on another post…some of these mfking questions/posts stress me tf out…woman, what tf are you teaching your child, letting them watch you be uncomfortable like this for years now!!! Tf? “Been with?” How? Y’all fk in the bathroom an then go back to being roommates it sounds like, get rid of that mfker an get a bed. Wtaf. Sometimes I think these gotta be bs…
kick his ass to the couch and you get the bed
Why y’all be posting this stupid crap? Obviously you know the answer
Buy you a bed? Not everyone can sleep with someone that doesnt mean they love you any less.
I need more information! Where have you both been sleeping? My husband and I shared a single bed the 1st 3 years we were together…but it was a bed…lol.
I am very confused
Move out then you’ll have a bed all to yourself. Without someone forcing you out of it.
5 years of that ish ? Steups
What? I am so confused lol
Thoroughly confusing…
You live together but you sleep on the couch? Do you pay rent/bills?
Why would you put up with that?
Why are you still there then??
For crying out loud, you’re a grown woman if you want to sleep in the bed then do it. Seriously if he don’t like it then he’ll sleep somewhere else, oh darn.
Why are you not sleeping in a bed ?
Is he sleeping in a bed ?
Are you intimate at any time or just sharing a space ?
5 years is a long time to put up with this nonsense and id have bought my own bed in my own flat a long time ago.
Whats the point of being together?
Wtf. How can you be with someone but not sleep in the same bed for 5 yrs.
Wtf I have so many questions
We need more details
You need to go bye bye see ya
Oh honey you need help.
I’ll be fuckkkking damn someone tells me I can’t sleep in a bed argument this
Don’t hold your self hostage to fit his standards. He has already shown you that his plans for your future together does not exceed the present. You can do this, you and your child deserves better! Time to plan your escape! Be well!
Replace that couch with a new place to live.
Your sleeping on a sheet….on the floor? While he wears the couch out? You have to ask for a bed? I can’t even take this serious….y’all got kids too? They see all this? Girl you got bigger fish to fry, a bed is least important if you got kids watching you sleep on a sheet with your man on a couch while you ask for a bed. Really?
I mean, you don’t have to sleep in the same bed. A lot of couples don’t, but you need A bed. Or something more comfortable.
Tell him to switch with you for a while and I bet he’ll buy a bed or new couch
First off fuck him. Second deft need more details to say anything more.
Bounce him he’s definitely controlling and toxic
What ??? Why are you even there ??? You’re not a … sex worker… or a maid or a servant. Move out !!!
He is treating you worse than a dog get the f away from this person!!!
I don’t usually comment on these posts but let me say WTF?? So he’s sleeping on a big bed all by himself forcing you to sleep on a couch? Is he a king? A prince? Cause if he’s none of the above you need to analyze your worth girl!! What the hell are you getting out of this relationship? Makes no damn sense that you’ve been there that long living like a peasant. Why the total hell does he think he deserves a comfortable bed and you don’t?? I’ll tell you why, because you have allowed it! Love yourself darling you’re way better than that!
Buy a damn bed and sleep in it in your own room. If he joins you fine if he don’t he don’t. No fighting. But if it means that much to you then buy a bed and your own place.
Girl, what the actual?
I treat my animals better than he treats you! My dogs have their own beds and kennels and a abundance of toys and food. You need to higher your standards especially if your kids are seeing all of this. You are teaching them how a man should treat a woman and thats not it sis.
I think this is the strangest post I’ve ever seen in this group. I have so many questions.