I want to start wearning make up again...advice?

Not completely mom related but I want to start wearing makeup again just for myself. But I don’t even know where to begin

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I would recommend going to Ulta and have a beauty advisor help you. I think it all depends on you but for me I start with a face hydrating cream, then primer, foundation, concealer, etc. I have a routine with mine but a beauty advisor can help you pick out the right foundation for your skin and go from there with you. :hugs::lipstick::kiss:

Blush, lip gloss & mascara. Once you’ve mastered that, go for foundation, lip & eyeliners and eyeshadow.

Pay $50 or so at Sephora or whatever at a department store makeup counter and have them show you what to do with their products. Clinique for a more natural look, Estee Lauder for something more dramatic, for example. Buy one of whatever you can afford and then shop wherever you want to.

I like Almay, joah, and Bare Minerals (online only) brands for their natural ingredients, but look for brands with colors that match best with your coloring.

There are lots of makeup videos online but many of them are too much and too complicated for everyday wear. Some are downright garish.