I was on birth control and didn't know I was pregnant: Could it harm the baby?

I am a married 22-year-old and already have two kids under three. I was on Tryphasils as contraceptives and was loyal to them for a month, ever since I started them I have been experiencing excruciating period Cramps especially when I make sudden movements. I then decided to take a pregnancy test, and it was positive. Now my question is, could the Tryphasils be harming the baby or slowly killing it?? I have since stopped the polls though


We’re not doctors you need to make an appointment with your primary doctor and ask these type of questions because none of us on here will truly know except a professional doctor.


Also recommend you look up the birth control you are on and type in pregnancy and see what the category level that will explain the harm to the fetus


Go to the doctor as soon as possible call them and tell them you need to be seen THIS WEEK or go to your ER if you feel like you cant wait


Def sounds like you need to talk to a Dr about this. Best of luck

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First of all … you are always supposed to use a back up the first month and it shouldn’t cause any issues. Happens all the time. Just quit taking it.


You definitely need to seek medical advice but, I will tell you that I’ve had that happen before ( yes, it’s been years and years ago) with no adverse effects. That being said, everyone is different with their own stories and opinions…prayers for you and your little one💜

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Definitely call your doctor, I’m sure you already know that. But women get pregnant everyday on birth control. I’m sure the baby will be fine! The pain you were feeling was probably round ligament pain. Good luck!

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Loyal to them for a month is not long. But definitely speak to your doctor.


I agree you need to go to the doctor ASAP. But, I will say my daughter got pregnant twice on birth control. Don’t know what kind or how long she took it after conceiving but, both her girls were perfectly heathy

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How it was explained to me is bc gives your body hormones similar to pregnancy so it does not harm the fetus. And cramping can be normal in the first trimester!

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I once had pain, especially when moving and went to dr and found out i was pregnant but it was ectopic (the egg implanted in my fallopian tube) and the pain was my tube rupturing. I’d get to the doctor ASAP. The best way i can explain how it felt was as if i was being stabbed. I hope this isnt what is happening but its always possible & can be life threatening.

A positive pregnancy test especially the home pee test doesn’t always mean pregnancy. Yes can be positive for other reasons. Best to go see a doctor to get a blood test done.

I took birth control pills for 4 months not realizing I was pregnant and it did not harm my baby girl at all

I would say stop taking the birth control until you are absolutely sure. Generally the first month of BC wouldn’t hurt the baby, but you definitely will need to follow up with your regular dr. :slight_smile: congratulations!!

I got pregnant on birth control! I was taking them for about 9 weeks before I found out I was pregnant! Baby turned out fine! And is now 12!

This happens all the time. Usually babies turn out okay when they are conceived on the pill, no harm done, but excruciating pain calls for a trip to the ER.

If it’s any help my mom was on birth control for the first 5 months of her pregnancy with me and losing weight. And I’m 23 :sweat_smile:

Nope ! Same here doctor says its 100 percent ok !!!

Just some extra hormones. No harm for baby especially because placenta has not fully implanted until about 6/7 week mark

Yes, call your primary care physician as soon as possible.

U should ask a doctor

I was on birth control for about a month and still got pregnant went to the doctor to make sure everything was ok
I had my daughter and she’s perfectly fine :two_hearts:
Just find a doctor and talk to them about it!

Sometimes people just have anxiety, and need reassurance

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Sometimes it takes time to get to the doctors and asking facebook in the meantime may help settle the anxiety…we r supposed to support each other as mothers not be assholes and easily say “get off facebook and see a doctor” im sure thats in the plans but in the meantime why not try and calm her nerves its a stressful time in the world especially to have a child that was exactly planned for


I got pregnant on mirena with my youngest. He’s now 6 and we’ve had no issues

I got pregnant on the pill, and had no complications.

Please ask your DR and not FB


I got pregnant on depo for my daughter and the pill for my son I had no complications

Get off Facebook and go see a doctor.

I have 2 birth control babies…they’re perfectly healthy 10 and 7 year olds now! Needless to say, I didnt use birth control anymore as a prevention method lol

I got pregnant while taking birth control and have a completely healthy pregnancy. Congrats!:two_hearts:

I was about 8 weeks when I realized I was pregnant, stopped immediately and my little one is in perfect health. No issues through the pregnancy either.

You should definitely go to the doctor immediately. Have them confirm/deny the pregnancy (the home test could be wrong), and regardless of the result, find out what’s going on as that isn’t a good thing to be happening.

I got pregnant while on the Xulane patch and then got the nexplanon inserted while I was pregnant and didnt know. My baby came out perfectly healthy.

They’re stronger than you would think in that phase. You got this mama!

After being in a relationship with her for 8 years,she broke up with me, i did everything possible to bring her but all was in vain, i wanted my fiance to be back so much because of the love i have for her, i begged and made a promise to her but he refused. Hopefully i meant a guy online who has face the same issuse so i explained my problem to him and he directed me to a spell doctor who once helped him in the past.He told me the spell Dr will be able to help me bring back my fiance but I’m the type that never believe in spell,i had no choice than to try it .i mailed the spell Dr,Dr Omofuma and he told me not to worry that everything will be all right within three days,that my fiance will return to me within three days. He cast a spell and surprisingly in the second day, It was around 3:00 My fiance called me, i was surprised, i answered the call and all she told me was she was sorry for everything that happened,and she want to return to me,she love me so much and she can’t even imgain why she left me in the first place. I was so happy and I told her to come home,that was how we started living together happily :heart:. Since then,i have made a promise that i will share my testimony to the world for others who are in the same relationship problem or health problem should know how i was helped by Dr Omofuma the spell caster.

You can get in contact with him on any kind of help via whatsapp:+2348141550143 and you can also contact him via email :Dromofumasolutionfinder@gmail.com