I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

I was told the same thing about my daughter. The results of all her tests were normal. Dr said her chest wall was thin and she did not have a heart murmur. She is 28 now and fine

I was born with a heart murder. For awhile (probably until I was 12-13) I had to take an antibiotic before I went to the dentist and had to see a cardiologist, like, once a year. It didn’t take too big of an effect on my life.

My daughter had two. One closed on it’s own and the second, she had to have surgery. She really had no issues her whole life and had the surgery at 13 years old. She was more mad at me for fixing it because she wouldn’t get the attention every year from the doctors office. Lol

My son is 2 months and he has a heart murmur when we went to the heart doc they do all these tests and they told me his is like normal nothing to worry about but they do check and see if it gets better or worse

I had one my whole life. Anytime I had a physical the Dr would always mention it. Never bothered me. But when I turned 51yrs old I had a seizure and when I was in the hospital they heard the heart murmur and told me I needed a valve replacement. So now I have a mechanical aortic valve replacement. Apparently, to some Dr’s it’s the most awesome thing.

Doesn’t mean much, sounds worse than it is. Basically a leaky valve. People live their whole life with one. Just need to take an antibiotic before dental procedures

Very common around 4 they usually resolve themselves.

Some murmurs are harmless and others are indicative of valve issues. Fu with dr.

Had one when born, outgrew it

Some murmurs are harmless. I have one and have lived a happy and healthy 34 years.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

Some babies are born with a murmur. Some “grow out of it”, some don’t. There are many different causes of murmurs too.

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I’m 67 and have a heart murmur I was told that at one of my doctors examination. But it has never bothered me.

Knew a couple of kids in my life that had one.never created severe problems tho. Do follow ups any way. Best of luck with this.

I had one as a child. The doctor said I would grow out of it and I did. Good luck to you. Hope everything turns out well.

My mom was toldI had a heart murmur when I was a
Child I am 70 and still have my murmur so praying it the same for your little one

I had the same thing with my son, took him to the doctor for an ear infection and was told the same thing. Apparently quite common with kids when they are fighting an infection. Worth following up thou just for peace of mind.

I’m a healthy adult with a heat murmur. None of my children has it

Have had one all my life I am almost 70 yrs

My youngest has one . After some tests and stuff they can tell you more about it . Most often its nothing and grows shut when the heart strengthens as they grow . Still nothing to take lightly

I’ve been told that I have one, but it’s never been officially diagnosed, no pain, but on occasion it gets my attention, palpitations, rapid beat, thumping and flutter… since it’s never been diagnosed I’ll continue to blame it on to much caffeine. ( I’m 53). My youngest however was. Thankfully by the time he had his echocardiogram everything turned out fine. He was four at the time and now in his late 20’s. Please have it officially diagnosed things can be really deceiving just by listening :revolving_hearts: And hang tough, hopefully as she gets older, it will heal on its own :pray::pray::two_hearts:

My oldest son’s pediatrician heard a murmur when he was just a couple months old. We were referred to a pediatric cardiologist, and he was diagnosed with a VSD and an ASD. I took Zofran during his pregnancy, which they say causes heart defects. Thankfully, his were very, very slight. He grew out of his VSD by the time he was 1, and out of the ASD by the time he was 3.

My son has a negative heart murmur but it’s so hard to hear that it took abt 3 years for us to even know he had one :woman_shrugging:t3:. He’s now 13 n we found out 10 years ago

I had an accident where I fell off my bike and had severe concussion at about 6 years old and whilst in hospital they found I had a heart murmur. I was fine though, they weren’t worried and it went away by itself. Nothing was ever mentioned again. I had some issues with chest pain when I was about 13/14 and doctor checked just to make sure there was nothing wrong and there were no issues. I’m now a healthy(ish😂) 20 year old with no heart problems

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My son has one, he’ll be 5 in September and it’s still there. He sees a cardiologist once a year to peak at it but it hasn’t been an issue. My oldest was born with one but it closed, same for my self and my spouse.

My daughter has (and has had since birth) a stills murmur. Harmless and will always be there according to her cardiologist. But still good to get looked at to make sure!

I had one as a child, but all of my tests came back normal. They still hear it from time to time but it doesn’t affect me.

My son had a heart murmur so his pediatrician wanted us to see a pediatric cardiologist. He’s grew out of it.

I have had a Heart murmur since I was a child. Still alive and kicking at 38 yrs old. Not to much to worry about

My daughter was born with one, at 3 or 4 year mark they had us go see a pediatric cardiologist for imaging just to be safe, it was fine. And around 5 it resolved itself.

Also my father in law has had one his whole life and he’s now in his 70s. So not typically much to worry with and your pediatrician will follow it at each checkup

My daughter had one. And still does. She was born with it. She was one and a half yrs old. She also had a valve problem. The left side of her heart was dieing. It scared me. The operation saved her life. She is 40yrs old now.

My daughter has had this her entire life shes 22 now.

I’ve had one all my life didn’t know till I got sick as adult, Doctor heard it , I told my mom about it. She said its nothing, you was born with it. 50+ years and still kicking .

Went thru the same with my oldest. She seen a specialist and they said It was an innocent one. Never heard anything thing about it since and she’s 6 now

Most grow out of it. Just something for the doctor to monitor

My daughter had one when she was little, she’s just about 13 and we’ve never had an issue with it.

Heart murmurs are quite common. A lot of people have them and don’t even know it. Of course, follow up with her pediatrician but a lot of them are harmless.

I’ve had one my entire life and I’m 31. Doctors told me it isn’t anything to be concerned with.

My brother and I both have a heart murmur.we were born with it We’re both alive and healthy. It’s not anything to worry about

My son was born with ASD. Just had many echoes done and it fixed itself.

My daughter was referred to a specialist at the Children’s Hospital. They hooked up her to the EKG machine and depending on how severe it is, depends on what they do. They just monitored her over a period of several years. She never showed signs of it affecting her in anyway or prevented her from doing anything. They said it would close on its own. This is when she was 3. She is now 17, looking forward to her senior year of high school.

I was born with one and had to see specialists til I was 4 and it never grew or caused any harm so they told my mom I was fine. It only bothers me at night when I first lay down I get kind of short of breath but that’s my only issue.
My ex step dad had a sister born with one but hers never stopped growing and she passed at 15. I’m not trying to be negative but offering two different scenarios. My brother and sister were also born with them and are perfectly fine.

I’ve had a benign heart murmur my entire life. I played sports and it has never effected my health or life in any way. I always forget to tell new practitioners and they are amazed to hear it even at 31. Hopefully nothing but def worth checking into

They can hear mine when I’m sick but not when I’m healthy. An echocardiogram showed where it was and it isn’t a concern.
Most are benign

My mom told me I had one when I was young too. Don’t have it anymore. I’m 34 yrs old.

My little girl had a suspected murmur, they noticed it while she had a bad viral infection. It disappeared couple months later. Doctors reassured me it’s quite normal in small kids especially when they are ill and as long they are not losing weight or really lethargic it’s nothing to worry about

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My child was born with one and was not found until she was in her 30s. Regular check ups by a heart specialist is the norm

Stay calm Mom. I have lived 62 years with a heart murmur. It has never stopped me from doing anything

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I know someone that has one since they were 6 are are now 73. The question is …what caused your daughters murmur as to how serious it is.

My daughter was tested when going out for a sport. Took her to her primary care doctor. Turned out not to be a problem. He said the sound is not a true murmur.

My daughter was born with a small one and it fix ed itself doc kept monitoring it was gone next visit.

I had one as a baby and outgrew it. Don’t know if this will happen for your daughter. But hopefully it will.

See a pediatric cardiologist. In fact get a second opinion.

I’ve had a heart murmur my entire life and I’m now :broken_heart: 89!!

Do yourself a favor and don’t research or ask others…there is too many things and you need a dr to tell you exactly what it is. You could scare yourself to death over nothing. Please… there are too many things it might or might not mean.

In my opinion Facebook is not the place to seek advice on any health issue. If you are not satisfied with the opinion of one Physician by all means seek a second or even a 3rd.

I have one and have lived a full and active life I wish you both well

Heart murmers are super common and for the most part they don’t really do a whole lot, I’m sure your little one will be fine!!

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My youngest was born with one, went to heart specialist, no cause for concern. I was diagnosed with one while i was pregnant with him. Sometimes they hear it and sometimes they don’t. Both of us have to have massive doses of antibiotics before any dental or surgeries.

Heart murmurs in kids are common and most go away as they get older (Atleast that what my kids ped told me) my son supposedly had one when he was younger too and everytime I ask about it they say they don’t hear anything anymore .

I have a heart murmur all my life. I am 71 years old. Most people live with it all there lives. But I would have it checked out any ways.

My friends daughter was born with it and two of them have slowly closed… good chance it will close itself but definitely worth another opinion. Good luck!

Could be minor, mine was detected when I was 8, from then I had a checkup with a cardiologist every 3 years which consisted of a echocardiogram when I was 23 the cardiologist said he can barely hear the murmur anymore and nothing abnormal was on the echocardiogram so I don’t need to be seen anymore.

My daughter had a heart murmur and we took her to the cardiologist for a follow up & it ended up being nothing to worry about!!!

Similar experience with my girl kids can develop a post viral Murmer that generally fix itself in a few weeks

I took my son to doctors for a cold thinking it was on his chest and they said he had a heart murmur had an appointment with a paediatrician about it and they said it wasn’t a concern and signed him off it’s not bothered him x

just follow up, probably nothing to worry about, everybody’s got something

My gp said my daughter had a murmur. It was quiet therefore small and non concerning. When she ended up with bronchiolitis at 2 my the old I told the surgeon at hospital about the ‘quiet murmur’ which had not been entered on to her records properly. He flipped, the room filled with equipment and staff. Seems the quiet murmurs are the bad ones bigger holes. She was operated on 3 months later. And if a fine strapping 16 yr old now. Always get stuff double checked.

I was told I had one long ago and did nothing about it now I have congestive heart failure