I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

I took my daughter to the doctor today for an ear infection. While listening to her heart, they said she has a murmur, but they can’t tell what type it is, and I should follow up with her pediatrician. Which of course I’m going to, but I want to know other people’s experiences with this?


I wouldn’t worry to much about it. Sometimes it’s minor and can go away on their own. Even if it doesn’t if minor it won’t cause issues. My sister has one and she is 25. My boyfriend is 32 and his went away a about 8 years ago.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

My kids went away after like 6 months

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I’ve had one my whole life and it’s never caused any issues, other than docs mentioning it here and there

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My dad had a heart murmur most of his life and it didn’t effect his life at all.

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I had one when I was little. It went away on its own. No other issues.

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My daughter has a heart murmur they found it a month after she was born we seen a pediatrician they said everything looks good she is 2 I have to take her back at 3 to see if everything going ok

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My daughter is 45 and has had hers since birth she is fine

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My son has one and they said it’s benign and won’t cause any problems


My sister had one the whole time she was younger and went away as she got I think past her twenty’s ……only had to take medicine before going to the dentist but other than that she was fine


I have had one my whole life im 26 with 2 kids hasn’t affected me at all


Mine kids went away in time


The doc didn’t recommend anything or suggest a heart doctor .just said she might have a murmur …time for a new doc and your little one to get a complete physical


It depends on cause of murmur. Suggest setting a pediatric cardiologist after seeing pediatrician


My son has one. Born with it. His dad had one that closed up. Doctors are hoping my sons does too.
Biggest things they mentioned is changes in activity levels and monitoring him. I watch him like a hawk. Overall he’s a healthy little 7 year old tornado. :sweat_smile:
I wish you health and positive news.


My daughter was also told at her appointment when we went to her pediatrician when she was little and we had to go to Yale which everything ended up being fine

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Be pending on how old the child is and the type cause it can fix its self my daughters did and a friend of mine hers did to

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I’ve had one since I was seven. No problems.

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My son has a murmur but it comes and goes. Follow doctor orders for tests. Any doctor will always listen to the heart so you can keep up with it regularly. Sometimes they go away Sometimes they play games. My son is now 18yrs old has played basketball, football, baseball, soccer all the things kids do.

I had one as a baby and so did my 14 year old when he was a baby we both grew out of ours

My kids dr said she had the same. But she’s completely fine

I was born with one. It went away on it’s own by the time I was 5. One of my sons was born with one, it too went away by the time he was 3. Pediatrician told me they are fairly common in kids.

I was born with a heart murmur, still have it at 22. A lot of babies are born with it but most grow out of it

My son had to get an Echo when he was 4. Doctor heard a slight murmur during his check up. He is fine. No issue with his heart. It’s fairly common to have a slight murmur as a child briefly after having any type of increase in your body temperature

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I have had a murmur since birth, it’s a misshapen mitral valve that doesn’t allow the flap to close all the way. The blood back gurgles a little and it can be heard with a stethoscope. It has never kept me from playing sports, being a commercial driver, or having kids. They check me out once a year to make sure nothing has changed.
Don’t panic mama, murmurs are pretty common.

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I’m in my 70s, was diagnosed years ago with a murmur, was told it would heal, but never did. When I was pregnant, my Dr thought I was having twins. FYI: even though my teachers wanted to restrict my activities, my Dr OK’D all physical activities

Mine had one when she was 2/3. They watched for a year and when we went for an ultrasound it was gone

My daughter has a murmur I took her to a pediatric heart doctor who told me 90% of people have 1 and have no trouble she played soccer for 13 no trouble with activities

My son has both types of heart murmur, doc says they’ll go away with time and they keep it monitored with his well child checks. They don’t affect him at all

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Was born with one and I’m 60. Definitely wanna keep an eye on it though thru the yrs


All three of my daughters had them. Theirs were innocent murmurs thankfully.

My son was found to have one at a physical. Our Dr. referred him to a pediatric cardiologist where they did an extensive exam and echocardiogram. He was found to have a benign (not serious )murmur. Not something they were concerned about. I still list it as a medical issue on his sports physical as he is very active and competitive.

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My son had a heart murmur. It was found at his 2mo well child appt. His ped sent him to cardiologist. They did an u/s. I don’t remember any medication. We went back later & it resolved itself. Drs still listened for it for years. Sometimes they thought they heard it slightly. Other times they didn’t. It was so weird. You think serious whenever it involves the heart. Drs didn’t treat it seriously just were precautions. Anyway he’s 20. It hadn’t been heard in years.

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I have one and my fiance has one. No problems. Our daughter doesn’t have one

My daughters dr found one when she was 7. She’s almost 11 now and she’s grown out of it they said.

I had one as a child. It went away as I got older. My son also had one when he was younger, but he’s already been cleared by the cardiologist. He’s going to be 8 in August.

My daughter was born with a heart murmur. The next day they did an echo and ekg on her heart and found three holes. We followed up with the cardiologist that saw that holes first for six months. By the then (six months old) the holes were completely closed. She’s almost two and no signs of the murmur. Definitely follow up with her doctor and possibly a cardiologist.

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My daughter had one at 6 months, we did all required tests… ultrasound and ekg… she is 5 now and has since grown out of it… weve never had a problem with her and it

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My sons pediatrician heard a heart murmur went to a cardiologist, he has an extra tissue that grew out in one of his valves and the blood flow is basically hittin the tip of the extra tissue causin his heart murmur we jus have to keep an eye on it

Follow up with pediatric cardiologist. That’s what we were told to do. Always good to check it out. They did 2 sonogram and echo maybe not sure which test. But heart was fine and it is a “harmless” murmur. Always follow up to be sure.

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My daughter had one …Atrial Septal Defect…she ended up having surgery at 7 months. She had the get synergis shots every RSV season for the first 2 years of her life. She has a lot of check ups. …but she is now 12 and in sports and active

My daughter has one they did an ekg but everything was fine

My daughter has a heart murmur. Dr doesn’t seem too worries and we’ve kept track of it.

My baby had one at 12 months. At 18 months it has gone away.

My daughter had one and it closed on its on.

My Daughter was born with one and it and it disappeared on its own

My youngest daughter is almost 15 and has had a murmur since she was born. She has never had any issues with it. She just has to see her cardiologist every couple years.

My daughter was born with one. They did a couple ultrasounds on her and it ended up closing on its own, she’s now a happy and healthy almost 4 year old.

I’ve had a murmur and a hole in my heart both since birth, the hole will likely never grow closed. I went to frequent appointments as a child but my last one was in 2017. I competed in gymnastics, track & field and lots of other things growing up. It’s something I’m mindful of (like if I get chest pains or whatever, I make sure to go see my doctor asap), but I’m 21 and in pretty good health

My son had one it comes and goes I was told it is normal for babys to have them and they usually close

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

They’re normal at a young age. But you can join this group Heart Moms there’s a lot of good info in that group

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My daughter had one and it ended up being a small hole that needed to be plugged. It was scary but after the surgery she has done great.


My daughter was born with one. They said it was small and nothing to panic about, and by her 2nd follow up appointment they couldn’t hear it anymore.

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I was told that about my son and he grew out of it and it didn’t cause him any issues, they just monitored it

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My two youngest had heart murmers… My daughter was C section 3 weeks early… But a big baby 9.12 she had to be tested at CHOP and my youngest son 4 weeks early C-section 8.7 his was harmless and he out grew it. My daughter has 3 children.

My daughter has one too

My 10 yo has one that they noticed during an ear infection a couple years ago. They said that it’s pretty common and common for them to be heard when the body has something going on. It causes her no issues.

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My daughter had one they sent us to a pediatric cardiologist who then told us she had a pfo… at 1 year old then l they ended up telling us everything cleared its self up and nothing to worry about… we did 7 months of worrying for nothing

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When my daughter was a baby she was sick often with respiratory illnesses that landed us in the hospital more often than not.
We were told a handful of times sometimes they’d hear a murmur, and then someone would listen behind them and they’d say they didn’t hear one.

They eventually told us since it was so hit or miss hearing it that if she did have one, she would grow out of it.
Down the road she ended up having an echo done of her heart for an unrelated issue and they found no issues what so ever.

If I were you I’d definitely have your daughters pediatrician refer you to a pediatric cardiologist just to be sure. Good luck and hopefully it’s nothing to worry about! :blush:

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My oldest has a heart murmur. They noticed it when he was 4. And said it wasn’t anything to worry about. Recently at a check up they showed concerns so his pediatrician refered us to a cardiologist. They said it won’t affect him. He was cleared for sports and all. But they did also find a small hole that should have closed when he was an infant. So we go back when he is 8 (hes almost 6 now) and go from there…

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

My son has a PFO. I would seek out a ped cardiologist for more tests

Most of the time they will monitor and the child grows out of it.

I had one son outgrow it and another at age 16, hypertension and tachycardia. They may send you to cardiology.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

My daughter has one, she’s had it since birth hers is slowly shrinking in size they said as long as it keeps going the route it’s taking she will be fine she’s a happy healthy almost two year old

A lot of people are born with a murmur. The key is finding it early and monitoring it. Most close on their own.

My daughter had one she was born with it. She had an atrial septal defect and pulmonary valve stenosis. She had to see a cardiologist until she was 1 and then it resolved on its own.

I had a heart murmur when I was young. (Not sure of my age) I’ll soon be 57 & haven’t had any issues. OCCASIONALLY a Dr will hear it & say something but that’s usually when I don’t feel good.

Found out my son had a musical murmur at 3. They rechecked it at 4 and it fixed itself.

I was born with VSD and a heart murmur. It went away and I’m totally fine now.

I was born with a murmur. Go to a cardiologist, they’ll do regular yearly or every 2-5 years echo cardiograms and make sure it dosen’t progress.

My daughter did the same thing. Went in for ear infection and heard murmur she was almost 2. She just turned 5 and it’s gone all on it’s own!!

A lot of people. Have this. Never. Bothers some. Just. Need to. Keep. Check on it!

My son had one, went away on its own. As they grow it’ll shrink or disappear

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

Heart murmur can heal by themselves. My daughter was told she had one and now she is 8 years old and they can barely hear it. Pediatric is an absolute yes! Always get more then one opinions :blush:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was told my daughter may have a heart murmer: Advice?

My oldest was born with one. He was tested every year and out grew it by the age of 6. It’s very scary but it honestly not that unusual in children.

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My son has one. Found it at about 8 months when we switched drs and the new one used to be a heart dr. He had one ecg when it was first diagnosed. She said lots of baby’s have them and most grow out of it. Mine still has one but has never had any issues. He’s 10 now. Still plays sports and does all the normal kid things.

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I had one when I was younger and so did my daughter. We both outdrew them. A doctor can give you the best advice on the stage and whether it’s classified as innocent or not. FYI, the stage is how loudly it can be heard to simply it greatly. Mine as stage IV when I had mine.

I was born with one and it didn’t bother me until I was in my 40’s. God healed mine after prayer along with healing my Lupus. My brother was born with one also and had to have one valve replaced when he was about 65.

My son had one. Doctor said it’s just an irregular heartbeat. They checked it every 6 months or so, he outgrew it in a year or two. Btw, he’s healthy and will be 48 years old soon!!

I was diagnosed with a heart murmur as a child (4 or 5), 40+ years later I’m just fine.

My son was born with one. The paediatric cardiologist called it insignificant and that he would grow out of it. Apparently baby’s body parts all grow at different rates. Of course you should get it checked out, but I don’t want you to worry unnecessarily

My cardiologist told me I had one but not to be concerned because most people do as well, just keep an eye on it.

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I’ve lived with a heart murmur for 30 years. I was born with one. Other than my heart skipping every now and again I’ve had no trouble

I have one and have for years and no problem at all…In fact I didn’t even know it until I was an adult. My grandfather had one too…they are called innocent heart murmurs but some do need some treatment. Oh and yes antibiotics for a day before going to the dentist

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I grew out of mine by time I was about 16.
Doctors can hear my daughters when she is ill but when she’s healthy they can’t.
I have a referral to follow up but haven’t yet :grimacing:

Grandson was born with one. He’s six now and still has it, but no problems. I have had one since birth and never had any issues.

very common in children to have an innocent heart murmur. one of my children had one.

I was born with a heart murmur. Wasn’t found till I was 6 months old. Was operated on and am fine now, no issues

All my girls have murmurs took them one at time to heart Dr was nothing bad. I even have heart murmur now girls in 30s. I’m 70. We all doing good. My girls played sports in school with them…
Just get it checked out. Some grow out of it. And some grow old

I had one at birth, and it never went away. And also ventricle septal defect. Im 29 and hasnt restricted me at all :grin:

I have 1, mine wasn’t picked up until I was about 9, they said I have an extra beat (I’m greedy lol) I don’t generally have problems, whenever I go in for surgeries they check it and they’re always happy with the results.
The only time I notice it, is if I have anxiety/panic attacks, but I know how to deal with it.
I found out my Nan had 1 as well, the dr told us when she passed away, I don’t think she would’ve known as she never mentioned it when I was diagnosed

Many have heart murmurs and no problems. I have one…I was an active child and teen in sports etc. Now age 74 and still going strong. Best to your child and you.

My mom is 53 and has had one all her life. It has never affected her in any way.