Help! I washed my boyfriends work sweatshirt with mix load of family dirty clothes, I didn’t realize until after wash was done in cold water… all the clothes in entire load smell like fuel/diesel. I tried washing it all immediately in load of hot water on sanitation setting clothes still smell… anyone have tips tricks to get oder out or am I screwed?
Baking soda, vinegar, and some dawn in washer. Lots of vinegar and baking soda!
Try vinegar and baking soda
White vinegar n baking soda
VINEGAR!!! It took the fuel smell out of my man’s clothes when he spilled on himself at the gas station. It also work on our kids clothes. We like to add baking soda for extra coverage but just vinegar should work
Baking soda and dawn with a soak on the cycle then vinegar in the rinse cycle … Or I hear pinesol works like a charm
Dawn and vinegar. Sprinkle baking soda in the washer
Trying washing in Borax & vinegar in the hottest water available!
White vinegar.It helps take smells out
I would do a vinegar wash then do a dash of banking soap eith some dawn wash.
Try washing them with vinegar.
That helps take away a lot of bad smells.
You could also try letting them soak in a mix of water and baking soda.
Sometimes that will help with oil and oil smells, unfortunately it may not help completely if his clothes were completely saturated.
(I work in a kitchen and If my clothes are too saturated or only does so much)
Id keep them separate from other clothing and call them gardening clothes…it will eventually fade. Just keep washing and wearing. Try drying outside too
Soak in dawn and water mixture. Then wash with a lot of vinegar on the heavy setting and add extra soap. Then wash again with oxy and regular amount of soap. It’s a process but it works. I’ve done the same thing.
Wash it again and add pinesol!
With yor normal washing powder
Dawn instead of laundry detergent and vinegar to rinse, I just washed my Carhardt jacket that had diesel fuel on it.
Hand wash with Dawn dish detergent. Comes right out
I was always terrified of accidently doing this. It was bad enough I had to wash car grease off the walls. I didn’t realize how much a man touches the wall until he moved in
Musrt be nice ro have the husband and the boyfriend there.
Odoban. I used it all the time for the ex who was a mechanic.
So is he the boyfriend or husband lol
I say baking soda and vinegar mix
Oxycleann added to the water or vinegar??
What I did one time was put a shit ton of detergent in and it got rid of the smell and the residue it left on my clothes.
Please know, not all washers can handle vinegar. Most are fine but there’s some, they gunk up after 1 or 2 uses.
Dawn, just squeeze the bottle in there, 1/2-1 cup vinegar & Arm n Hammer powder. Just regular A&H powder. Its around $3 on the laundry aisle.
If you can’t soak, run it on hot water, extra rinse. You may need to do it 2 or 3x. On the last run, toss in an entire cap of Oxi Boosters, liquid works best, white bottle pink lid. Or, Whole cap of Lysol for laundry. I’ve used 2 caps before bc ugh my husband helped with cows You can use Oxi & Lysol if needed, just run the rinse again by itself.
Again, if the smell is still there, soak in a sink, tub or even a bucket. Dawn, Lysol, Arm & Hammer. I don’t even measure for that type of stuff bc I want the smell out.
You can soak in various places if needed. It’s annoying but works.
Oh man that’s happened to me a few times. I haven’t found anything to get rid of that smell yet
Gee lady does ur husband know about u washing ur bfs laundry with his lol
There’s a great product called Downy Unstoppables, they are tiny scent beads which go into the machine with your clothes, in addition to laundry powder/liquid, and fabric softener … they leave a great scent on the clothing, they might work for you
Boil water add dawn dish soap and soak them
Mechanic husband and biz color safe bleach does the trick when ive done the same.
I’m thinking the hunters washing detergent to take scent away may work. Worth a try.
Detergent and vinegar. I wouldn’t use baking soda with this because it may bleach your clothes out
Husband? Boyfriend? Typo? I’m confused forget the laundry part… HUSBAND? BOYFRIEND? Are you needing help with the laundry situation or the boyfriend/husband situation? Both?
Borax ( my husband is a diesel mechanic) fill your washer put a cup of borax in with the clothes and mix them around, let them sit for about an hour and then wash again. Works everytime. Sometimes if the smell is too much I wash them in a cup of Odo Ban.
. Wash in cold , I use tide, and vinegar but I also add the pink stuff laundry detergent. And pause it after it filled and ran a min. The pink stuff will strip out crap. I let it sit for 15 min. Then continue your wash.
I use Lysol sport in the wash and use instead of fabric softener, blue dawn, oxy, and tide or arm n hammer
add vinegar or lemon juice.
next time don’t wash your boyfriend’s stuff with your husband & family’s
hang them outside for a long while then wash with baking soda and lots of soap
Dawn and odoban or dawn and white vinegar
Fill washer then add borax and white vinegar, soak for a couple of hours then run the deep clean cycle if you have it.
Lest oil - my husband is a mechanic and i use it on all his stuff
Put the washer on and let it fill. Add some vinegar and let it soak for about 1/2 an hour. Before you start the cycle, add laundry detergent like usual and finish wash. I use Tide on heavy soiled clothes.
My husband works with diesel. I sprinkle baking soda in the washer before washing my clothes. Also dawn power wash sprayed on the clothes. That should get the smell out.
Add baking soda…lots of it or white vinegar.