I am right around 12 week along with my 2nd baby, my first is 8 years old in October. I was unable to breastfeed my son, and was seriously considering it for my second, I just am not 100% sure how I feel about it, I need some advice on classes to take to learn more about it and or books to read just any advice would be great.
I’m not sure of any books or classes but if your able to breastfeed this time around just try it it creates an amazing bonding time and not gonna lie it’s not the easiest it’s tiring and hurts in the beginning but once y’all figure each other out it’s great!!
I didn’t do it with my first and I also had a c-section. With my second, 6yrs later, I breastfed and had him vaginally. I had trouble producing enough milk for him so I had to stop after a few weeks. I was sad… it was an amazing opportunity to have been able to try
Honestly the easier thing for me was actually trying it I read book and this and that’s but when my first was born I was still unsure until a nurse helped me get him to latch and than I was sold. I plan on doing it again this time around
La leche league has all the info.
I learned from Pinterest articles with my first. I breastfed til she was 2 (once we hit a year we did it just before she went to sleep and that was it), My son is 5 weeks and we are doing well so far…just get past the first 2 weeks before making a final decision if you can. Those are the hardest because of your hormones and new baby etc lots of changes but my delivery nurse helped me with my son and she was an angel! You can do it if you are determined to. Don’t freak out at first. It takes 2-5 days before your milk is in. Their tummies are tiny at first so don’t need what you think they do. I pumped after he nurses to boost supply. Good luck!
I’ve been a breastfeeding Momma since my first was born in 2015. He nursed for 2 years, and then my youngest son was born in 2017, and I nursed him for 2 years. I’m due in 4 weeks with Baby #3, and will be nursing for another 2 years or until she has no desire to anymore, whichever comes first.
I thought I would feel weird about it before I had my first, to be honest, but the truth is, there really is nothing weird about it. I had a great lactation consultant who advised me that if it was hurting me, something wasn’t right. I never had pain. Never experienced a lack of milk. I made sure I drank plenty of water to keep hydrated. Honestly, I’m looking forward to the bond I know it brings, one last time.
Exclusive Pumping is an option also. I did it for my last baby. In the beginning it is hard but you get into a routine and it gets better. There is a group called Exclusive Pumping Mamas on FB you could check out. Good luck
After you have your baby, if the hospital provides, a lactation consultation or someone that can give you more tips and advice on ways to hold your baby for feedings, finding a good position for you to hold ur baby n breastfeed so you both are comfortable.
All you’re ever told is “It’s the most natural thing in the world” yes, it may be but it doesn’t come easy and it’s a skill that you do have to learn. It’s amazing once you have it down to a T but it takes time and dedication. It is exhausting and it does hurt in the beginning, make sure you have nipple cream at hand to help. And stay hydrated. And when breastfeeding, make sure to snack while you do so in the beginning because it takes SO much energy.
If it’s something you want to do and can then try
Definitely see a lactation consultant at the hospital once you give birth to baby! I struggled a lot with breastfeeding and the only thing that helped was using a nipple shield!! The hospital will give you one, just mention it to them. It helped so much and also didn’t make my nipples bloody and chapped!
Expressions! Lactation Services is a great group!
Same with Milky Mamas Breastfeeding Support Group
Call the la leche league for support. Hospital should have a lactation nurse
Breastfeeding Babes🤱 are helpful with troubleshooting, questions, and don’t sugarcoat!
I tried with all 6 kids and my 6th is having no issues with my milk and gaining weight. Give it a try and if it doesnt work out than formula
I did it with my last child number 4 and it was great, I feel like they eat more, but it helps you loose weight and creates such a great bonding experience. Also I feel like this child got sick less… Stay hydrated. Good luck
Find a lactation consultant. Most insurance will pay for their services. And find a local support group. Im in the US and we have a WIC program (Women Infants and Children) they have an amazing support group. The first two weeks are the toughest because your both learning. Educate yourself as much as possible. You got this momma and remember if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t mean you failed.
Make sure you invest in nipple cream and definitely the first couple weeks are the hardest babies cluster feed a lot you will be sore but once that passes you’ll be fine I barely even notice it at all anymore