I wrote in a non bio father on my kids birth certificate and need to change it

I’m a first time mom and my daughter is 16 months old. Me and her father weren’t together when she was born nor when I was pregnant. She has the last name of the guy I was dating at the time she was born because he was all for her having his last name, being her father, etc. Turns out he was abusive and lied all the time. I ended up leaving him and now he doesn’t see her, ask about her, anything and hasn’t since March of this year. Is there any way I can get her last name changed? How do I go about it? He did sign the papers at the hospital, but we don’t have her birth certificate due to him refusing to give me the paperwork to send off for it. I just need to know where to begin to get her last name changed please.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I wrote in a non bio father on my kids birth certificate and need to change it

The birth certificate needs to be correct

Not only for family history, hereditry health conditions and your child’s right to know who their bio parents are, but also
I had huge issues when our bio father passed away without a Will and the courts wanted birth certificates to be able to go through Probate


Its a legal requirement to register your child. You don’t need the documents from the hospital to register them either it just makes it easier. I would phone them up and tell them. If he’s not on the birth certificate you can change her name to anything you want because you will just be registering the child x

You can have a change done on the birth certificate if you go onto the .GOV uk website it should have info on there. But you have to have proof like a court order or a dna test that proves he isnt the father. So was your child not registered with the home office? No birth certificate ? X

You can change it on the website… I didn’t have my sons dad on the birth cert to start with but when I added him he didnt need to sign anything or anything…