I’m 27 years old. I was prescribed adderall for 9 years, 30mg 2X a day, after about 5 years i began abusing it and taking way too much. The past 2-3 years i was taking 90-120mg a day and just began spinning circles. im 5ft 2 inches and weigh about 125. Nobody my size should ever be taking that much adderall a day. I have 3 babies, my oldest is five. Last year my daughter was born two months early and was in nicu for 2 months (shes perfectly healthy now turning 1 in two weeks) after that i just hit my rock bottom, eating adderall like candy, being rude and just plain mean to everyone in my house.started gambling, drinking, distancing myself from family and friends… a HOT mess to say the least. In june, I left my babies and fiance and went to rehab for 3 weeks and was properly diagnosed with depression with adhd symptoms but i got a new doctor and expressed to him i cannot take stimulants so he prescribed me wellbutrin. Im on day 4 and all i feel so far, is im not energized alll day but cant sleep at night. My depression is not sad. For the most part, im not sad. Ive never been suicidal or anything like that. Im just physicallly drained everyday for no reason, i feel mentally paralyzed, have absolutely no interest in doing things i love. Even brushing my hair feels like a job. So anyways my doc says that this wellbutrin is going to help and i hope it does and ive been reading all these reviews on google but feel like none of them particularly relate to my situation. Everyone thats taken it on google seems to have had MAJOR depression and other mental illnesses that i just dont relate to so wondering if this group can help me out with some more relatable reviews…
I always read the discussions on here and it seems alot of people know what theyre talking about so help a sista out
Im like extremely anxious for this to change my life but nervous cause i dont know what to expect.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'd like to ask for reviews for an anti depressant i just started taking
I’m on Welbutrin and I love it. It took a while to fully get in my system and start working, but its been a game changer for me. Ive been chronicly fatigued my whole life, even before taking it.
Did you have any blood work done? Things like low Iron, Vitamin D, or B12 can really effect your energy and mood. If you were abusing substances, you probably also weren’t eating and absorbing the proper amount of nutrients each day. Anti depressants and psychotropic medications can be extremely helpful, but sometimes your body may also need some vitamins or nutritional supplement in conjunction.
Antidepressants take 4 weeks to become fully effective and even the. Many of them will then need to be increased. You probably wont feel much benefit until after those 4 weeks. Antidepressants can be frustrating because they dont provide immediate relief and are a lot of trial and error. But are so much safer and healthier long term than stimulants or benzos.
they say it takes about 7+ days for the medication to actually get into your system fully. i would try a month of it and if you still are not feeling like its workint, make another appointment. i have been on over 7 antidepressants and i cant seem to find anything that works for me. good luck momma.
Wellbutrin did the exact same thing to me. I hated it. I ended up stopping the medicine and now I’m just raw dogging the world and kinda hate it here
So Wellbutrin isn’t like Adderall and does take time to built up. It will take 6 weeks on the dose to see how you do. That being said. Wellbutrin has abuse potential and also works in the brain kind of similar to Adderall. I think you should talk to your pharmacist so they can explain how they work to you.
Sry but you’re never going to get that same energy you got from adderall. It’s just not going to happen. It’s legal meth essentially…. I stopped taking adderall years ago and I’m still getting back to normal… Wellbutrin helps but in no way will you ever be who you were on adderall.
You’ve got to make yourself get up and do things or the depression you were suppressing will dictate your life.
It’s hard but doable
I have no knowledge about the medications but l want you to give yourself a break. Take it easy on yourself and be VERY proud that you reached out for help. I’m VERY proud of you and know what a big step that was. It shows just how much you love your family!!
Medicines like Welbutrin takes a few weeks to start working! If it doesn’t help there are many other meds to try too so don’t give up hope, just gotta find what works for you!
Give them time to get fully in your system, it is still early days and unfortunately takes time to start seeing any changes/ benifits <3
Wellbutrin takes 1+ weeks to start showing improvements but it takes 6-8 weeks to show full improvements. Give it time and see what happens.
it takes 2 wks for you body to adjust to new medication keep taking it and you still feel like this after then ask for new medication or they might add to it i too have depression and from experience it’s going to take a few times to friNd what’s right for you but you will find it! Google the medication learn about it I always do when I am givin new medication so I can confirm it is indeed the medictation so I can know side effects and what to expect it helps put the mind at ease also I’m part of a group for people with depression and if you like you can join and ask what peoples experiences are to taking it sometimes that helps too
Wellbutrin is a rough one, it has awful side effects and im surprised they tried that first. Lexapro is a super successful antidepressant that you may want to try. The wellbutrin is basically pharmaceutical bath salts. Someone who abused Adderall may not be a good fit for it.
The really big con with medication is since people react so differently to medications it can take awhile to find the right med, dose, combination etc (and generally takes 6-8 weeks for antidepressants to get in the system) so it’s a process. There’s so many options now just be patient and hopefully you’ll find a good fit soon
I took Wellbutrin years ago and felt the same. It didn’t do anything.
I’ve been on Effexor XR for several years and it worked great at first but then didn’t seem to help as much. My doctor now added Wellbutrin with the Effexor and it has made a huge difference. I didn’t ever really feel sad, just no desire to function. This combination made that much better!
Try a month like others said and the make a decision.
If they don’t work I recommend asking about Sertraline! That’s what I take for anxiety as well as depression. I am pregnant so I take a fairly low dose. They started me on 25mg once a day and it worked for about 2 weeks and then nothing so after a month they adjusted me up to 50mg once a day (can go up to 200mg a day) and so far it’s been great. It gives me energy, curbs my appetite since I have an issue with emotional eating, no funky insomnia effects or anything. I was a little nauseous the first week on the higher dose but it did go away.
Now I do understand that medications work different for everyone but sertraline is one I really do recommend at least asking about.
I believe in the spirit of people when reading stories like this. You’re a darn rockstar for getting help and bettering yourself. Good For
I don’t have any advice or anything on meds but I think you’re awesome!
Every single person will react differently…and with these kinds of meds it’s almost like a “trial and error” type thing! Wellbutrin made me really angry (and I’m not an angry person)…but it may be a life saver for some! Good luck and don’t give up!
It takes an average of 30 days for it to have any affect. I have taken prescribed Adderall for years. Haven’t taken it for 11 years
Give it a month or so. It takes a while for meds to start working with your body. If after a month you don’t feel like it’s helping see your Dr about another Rx. You may have to try several meds before finding the right one for you. Meanwhile, get up and get out of the house with your kids. Get some sunshine (vitamin D). The worse thing you can do is sit around. If you feel like the med is making you lethargic take it with dinner (unless the Dr specifically said morning). Good luck. It took me 2 years to find the right medicine that works for me.
Give it a month before you make any judgements. One of the side effects of Wellbutrin is insomnia, I would be sure to mention it to your doc when you see them next.
I take Wellbutrin in the morning, otherwise it really messes up my sleep. I take citalopram at night. I hear a lot of women taking a second med, it works really well for me.
Take to him about Lexapro and Lamictal. It’s a mood stabilizer. Those two together have done wonders for me.
I take Buspar and for the most part like it but it’s a stimulant so
Firs, please see a psychiatrist for appropriate diagnosis and medication management.
I take celexa its perfect for me without all the side effects of most depression meds and helps with anxiety
Adderall is not really a antidepressant but can be used with people with ADHD & depression. I don’t know what kind of therapist/psychiatriat, but maybe you need to see someone else, especially since you abused this drug before. But will say Wellbutrin is a lot better
Smoke some weed girl
Felt like a zombie on Wellbutrin. Hated it
This same thing happened to me. They had me on high doses of adderall for 10 years. 100mg daily.
What you have is adrenal fatigue. It takes time to correct.
I will say as someone who is an addict themselves (I relapsed on heroin last year after having 6 years clean) and its something I’ve struggled with the last year on and off. Anyways, when I stop using I literally have NO energy at all whatsoever and also find no joy in normal day to day activities. It’s like for a solid month I’m just unable to feel happy or excited. Getting dressed is a chore. It does get better eventually with time though. Also give your meds a while to start actually working. Recovery is very hard. The hardest thing I’ve ever done honestly. I just can’t wait to feel like my normal self again, you know?
I’m super proud of you for taking these steps and for especially being honest with your provider. I know how scary and hard that is.
It takes awhile. It can take a good 2 months or so to get the full effects. And usually with depression meds, alot of times you can feel worse before you feel better. And you may not even be at your therapeutic dose yet either. Alot of things come into play. 4 days is definitely not enough time though to know if it works. If its making you feel sleepy, make sure you are taking it with a snack at night or in the evening.
If I was in your situation I would be going to my doctor and ask for a medical genetic testing to test for your medication response. Everybody has slightly different genetics and therefore they will respond to drugs slightly differently.
Genesight that’s the name of the company you should ask them to run a test for. Everybody is so individual. I want to correct you on one thing you said, you said you have no energy or focus and you can’t figure out why. You have three young kids that’s sucks the life out of anybody. It’s a hard friggin job and not one I would ever do again. Cut yourself some slack raising kids sucks
It may not be the Wellbutrin making you feel unmotivated. However, if it were me, I would do something like a full body cleanse for a while. Meaning try eating really clean and grab a good cleanse from a health food store. If you feel able, just take a break from all medications (after discussing with your doctor). I’m attaching a brief article to check out for yourself. Just do a little research on the long term effects of adderall.
“A.D.H.D. Drugs Have Long-Term Risks - NYTimes.com” A.D.H.D. Drugs Have Long-Term Risks - NYTimes.com
Girl you can PM me. I was in your situation and was taking a hell of a lot more than you for many more years than you. It almost ruined my life. It takes at least 2 weeks for meds to fully get in your system and work. From what your used to feeling…your never going to feel that again. Meds will help but you have to do your part to get up and help yourself too! by You will have post acute withdrawal syndrome for 2 years IF you don’t relapse. You’ll feel semi normal in about 4 months. pM me if you need anything.
You have to not only give your body time to correctly absorb the medication but for it to also adjust itself and your body…4 days isnt nearly enough time.
I have been on wellburtin for almost 2 years. If your having teouble sleeping let your dr know they can figure out different things or even start you on a smaller dose . I had to start small and work my way up to where i am at.
Adderall is an upper! You likely have been depressed this entire time but never felt any of the actual symptoms because you were taking so much medication. I bet you feeling tired and unmotivated is due to the fact that is no longer in your system. I am on Wellbutrin and I will say it takes 4 to 6 weeks to see a change which is exactly what the package insert tells you. I’m not sure you will ever feel the same way you did when you were on Adderall as the two types of drugs are not the same and unfortunately the type of drug your body is craving to have that energy is what you were addicted to and won’t be prescribed to you. It sounds like you need a SSRI drug, maybe ask your doctor if that’s contraindicated for you?
I was on different meds, my doctor was using me as a test rat to see what would work. I was more anxious, not so much depressed. The last pill he gave me was Wellbutrin. I took a cocktail of 10 pills a day, and after just 2 weeks of the Wellbutrin, I wanted to physically harm myself. I immediately stopped taking it, and my moods leveled back out. I ended up preferring the combo of lexapro and klonopin(as needed). It took away my anxiety, for the most part, but did not leave me like a zombie.