If you co-sleep, how do you make time for your SO?

Co-sleeping does not just mean sleeping in the same bed with you it’s any sleeping situation where the child is sleeping in the same room with you. However if they are in the same bed with you you can’t exactly have sex when your child is the same bed next to you so if you want to go then get your child to sleep in your own bed. If they are in the same room with you but in their own bed then it’s easier because then you just wait until they are asleep.

This is why my fiancé and I decided NOT to co-sleep. Not knocking people that do, but my first son has slept in his rock and play as a newborn, he naps in his pack and play in his play room, and sleeps in his crib in HIS room. Our bedroom is for us as a couple, we don’t share our bed with our kids. Of course we will allow it when he’s older if he has a nightmare but other than that, kids need to be in their own room. Mommys and daddys need their alone time.


We cosleep. We have a whole house why do we need a bed?? Keeps it fun and our babies feel safe in our bed and sleep better


We co sleep most of the time and getting alone time is hard cuz we live with other family so we ether take an evening and leave baby with grandma or stick him in his crib that gives us a little bit

I co sleep and i love it we have sex other places or while our daughter is in her room playing. Therea nothing wrong with co sleeping and it has benefits too.

As much as I loved cosleeping. My son had to go in his own bed. My husband is a very patient man and doesn’t complain. But I sensed he wanted his wife back

Never started that. I would lay next to my son on his bed until he went to sleep. Then back to mine.

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Kid gets moved. Lol. We have other beds, and (this ones a shocker)- kid has his own bed too , he just doesn’t use it much :joy::laughing:

We just got creative. Or used the travel cot downstairs and went to the bed. Then when I went to bed to sleep, took baby with me.

Cant co sleep cause I’m too scared but I am interested in the answer

If the child is past the SIDS age move him or her to their own room. Then get down to business. It’s safer to be in the crib anyway.

:sob::sob::sob::joy::joy::joy::joy: if he doesn’t finish in less than 10 then he has to finish himself.



Eletronic babysit is on? Check. White noise is loud enough? Check. Door is closed? Check! Now the rest of the house is ourrssss

You can’t. Lol unless y’all go to another room.