If you didn't get a Mother's Day gift, are you giving him a Father's Day gift?

For those of you who did not get anything for Mother’s Day, are you getting your spouse anything for Fathers Day? I am struggling with this. I feel unappreciated as is but also want him to know that I appreciate him nd everything he does for the kids and I


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. If you didn't get a Mother's Day gift, are you giving him a Father's Day gift?

I feel that it’s petty not to. We are adults. Just because he didn’t buy something materialistic for you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t show you love and appreciate him.


Yes, 2 wrongs don’t make a right!


Umm yes. Men are horrible at gifts. I would and i have.


You have just basically answered your question.You want him to know the kids & you appreciate him.Be the bigger person & get a card & a ‘dad’ mug or even just a card x

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Yes I always do no matter what

I feel u I didn’t get anything cause “I’m not his mother” but yep I still got him something and I hope he feels like shit

Don’t be petty, get the gift! Life is too short!

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I absolutely am…, these days are not about gifts it should be about the blessings. I got him a card from each of us , an air fryer , a little bank , n I paid for our camp site n the food n most of the drinks.

Always be the bigger person as they look up to us to be the example. Days are days appreciating someone should be year round

I did not get anything for mother’s day from my hubby. I did get him a gift to show how much he means to me and the kids. I am working on a trip to make up for my mother’s day!

Nope. Team petty betty.


I didn’t get anything but we had just had our daughter 3 days before mother’s day, so I got the most perfect gift. I got him something tho

Don’t be selfish because you dint get anything


I got absolutely nothing on mothers day. But I am not going to be petty and allow it to affect my character. So yeah my spouse and my kids dad will be getting at least, even small as I am not wealthy, something for fathers day.


Be the better example for your kids… if you don’t wanna buy him anything get the kids to make him something and cook his fav meal

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Yes I am. I always do.

Instead of buying a gift why not just make him a father’s day dinner. Make his favorite dinner and dessert.

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If he gets you nothing for mother’s day there’s not a chance in hell you should get him anything for Father’s day.


A relationship is 50/50 honestly. So, saying he is bad at gifting is not an excuse. A simple gift is a big deal in a woman’s eyes. I won’t no. It’s not called petty. I’d go about my day like he did his honestly. We can communicate about why we didn’t celebrate it. If the kids made him something in their own then that’s up to them if they are old enough. But the only men in my life getting gift are the men who helped raise me. That’s just my opinion though. :This was an edit to reflect the writer’s situation better. FYI


Absolutely why not!?

Yep, I picked out a gift I knew he would love because I appreciate him as our sons father and I think it’s very important for my son to see that.

Men are horrible at gifts, sometimes. They can also get really creative when they want to.

But, was it just mothers day he forgot about? If so I would still do father’s day for him, maybe it was an honest slip and he forgot. But my ex husband constantly forgot about me on ALL HOLIDAYS. Christmas, our anniversary, my birthday which was 7 days after his…all of them. When he’s constantly “forgetting” or just doesn’t care, that’s when you don’t return the favor.

I wouldn’t. If he doesn’t appreciate you why should you show your appreciation for him? Youve done more for your kids than he ever will. He should be showing you appreciation.

Something from the kids, its about the kids


Yes- if you love him, show him. I know you’re hurting because you feel you were forgotten but don’t change who you are.

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Hubby constantly blew me off on Valentine’s Day, Easter, moms day and last minute b day gifts. His yrly excuse was I don’t eat candy because I have celiacs. After 8 yrs I’ve had enough. Blew him off v day & Easter and when he asked what was up, I informed him since I wasn’t that important to him, didn’t figure it mattered. He didn’t care, why should I? U get what u give. He bought me a tree for the yard on moms day this yr… seems u can teach an old dog new tricks! We teach people how to treat us by what we tolerate. Good luck


Get a gift and talk about your frustrations with him . People aren’t mind readers .


Don’t let anyone else’s black heart blacken yours. Now I don’t think he did this viciously… Most men are just not great with gifts and showing appreciation but that’s always my motto just because he sucks at this particular thing… doesn’t mean you should change your heart.

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Yes. It’s wrong that I wasn’t acknowledged on Mother’s Day and I’m frustrated about it, but I’m not taking away from my children doing for their dad on his day with them. They miss out on those memories with their dad if I don’t help make it special. Sometimes we have to be the bigger person and put pur feelings aside even if it sucks.


I got him a gift from the kids…

I got him Fathers Day gifts.
Mainly because he’s a good dad and good to me.
I get things what I want if I ask for them. I’m guessing he just didn’t know what to get me​:woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Hes not your father. Have the kids make him something


Same dilemma…my husband is selfish and inconsiderate often. He does have more good qualities than bad but damn it, I want him to be better, do better.

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All these “if he doesn’t appreciate you…” comments simply because he didn’t get you a gift, shows how materialistic this world has became. :confused:


I feel this struggle. I had an absolute shit mother’s day. But, alas, I’m still gonna get him something because that’s just who I am. Still love the guy, still gonna encourage the kids to be good and sweet.

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Be the bigger person

I don’t have this issue but if I did yes I would still get him something. However, all the women on here saying men are horrible at getting gifts and just let it slide are ridiculous. These are grown ass men who can manage to do everything else in their daily lives. You’re telling me they don’t know how to go buy a card and some flowers and say happy Mother’s Day :roll_eyes:. It has nothing to do with being materialistic, it has to do with respect. Y’all need to hold these men up to higher standards. I’m thankful I have an amazing husband who understands this.

My fiancé just got me a card but I’m still throwing him a bbq party. He’s a SAHD and is so wonderful with our son (who isn’t biologically his) and he deserves to know how appreciate and loved he is. It’s not about what we get in this life- it’s about what we give.


I say do what feels right to you! If you want to get him something… do it! If you don’t want to… then don’t! I spent many years giving and doing things to celebrate my husband for bdays, fathers day and holidays. After about 10 years and nothing in return, not even a dinner… I stopped. Why should the woman have to make sure her man feels appreciated all the time while she and her actions are being taken for granted? It’s not being petty if you don’t. It’s about mutual respect and appreciation. Definitely have a conversation with him about it though, that way you both can be on the same page when it comes to these holidays.


I didnt get nothing on mothers day. And I’m not buying him nothing. I’m going to tell him he has a healthy 1 year old and I got him what he got me in blue. And when he ask what it was ill say the same thing u got me nothing!!!


This past mothers day was my very first mothers day and he did not get me one single thing. This is his first fathers day and so far iv spent almost 100 bucks on him plus more Saturday night because I am taking him out for dinner my treat

My husband did nothing for me on mother’s day. So when he told me what he wanted for fathers day I told him I was getting him the same thing he got me, nothing. Fairs fair in my book


Hi, dad here, I told my wife I don’t want her to get anything. As I didn’t get her anything for Mother’s Day. If you have to show appreciation one day of the year. Then we as a couple have failed each other.


Let your kids pick and give him the gifts… always lead by example

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Have the kids do something instead

I never get anything for birthday’s, mother’s day, Christmas, valentine’s or anniversaries but my man always gets something for each of those holidays. To me he bust his ass all year day in and day out to support our family and whatever I need or even want, I get it. So I get him gifts from the kids and I to show how much we appreciate him and all he does for us.

This is women’s downfall right here… do unto other as others do unto you…if you keep getting treated crappy and feel unappreciated but you still do for him and make him feel appreciated you are telling that his actions are acceptable and that’s exactly what is going to keep happening. I wouldn’t do a damn thing for a “man” that didn’t put in the effort to make my days special

I never get anything, but for me thats okay. I helped my kids make him a book of pictures and quotes of what they love about there dad. And I’m just giving him $100 for whatever he wants. Hes a stay at home dad while I go work. And its like pulling tooth and nails trying to get him to tell me what he wants or needs.

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I never get a mothers day gift but always send a father’s day gift from my daughter, usually something she helps to make such as fathers day cookies. I’ll always be the bigger person and no matter how much we don’t get on, I try not to let my daughter see that.


Is there something he wants? Our rule here is if theres nothing we want we just try to do nice things amd make the day special

This is why you stick to handmade gifts from the kids! That way there isn’t any pressure for reciprocation.

My hubby didnt get me anything cause our funds were real low (damn near all our bills came out that week) and he told me not to get him anything but i dont listen :person_shrugging:t3: kiddos got him a super dad cup and a “dad stash” glass change bottle for his truck. A few years ago i got him a dad stash bank for his xterra so just had to get him another for thr truck :joy:

I still do if I don’t get anything ohh well but I make sure he gets something that’s just how I am

Have the kids make him a card :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I feel terrible for you all that didn’t get anything not even a card if that happened to me I’d just get a him a card but that’s it, it works both ways I doesn’t have to be expensive! Breakfast in bed is my favourite off my little girl

Lead by example and show your kids that spouses should acknowledge this day.


Well I got a card unsigned but we was low on money after paying our car notes I was happy with that but I got him a Father’s Day basket for 80 bucks he don’t know it yet but he is good dad also got breakfast that’ morning and grill food later he felt horrible

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I didn’t get a gift… I had got something better… Lol he took the kids out and let me sleep!!! So yes. Hes gettin a day off as well lol


I didn’t really get anything for Mother’s Day but it’s so close to my birthday that I generally pick something for myself for Mother’s Day and let them all surprise me on my birthday but I love giving gifts, especially if I have the money to do so, so June is typically “Father’s Day month” around here :smirk: he gets more spoiled in June than he does on his birthday.

I guess it depends on the reasoning for not getting you anything. Was money tight? If so most men aren’t creative lol. I would still have the kiddos make gifts for their dad tho.

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Yes, because it’s not about being petty…and maybe it will show the father that he needs to up his game.
My ex-husband always made sure my kids had gifts for me when we were married and even when we were no longer together. We barely co-parent together, but that is one thing he has always made sure to do.
This year my son (12) wanted to do it on his own, so his dad drove him to buy me flowers, where my son then paid for them on his own.
For Father’s Day my son didn’t know what to get his dad. I had bought two of what I was going to give my dad (I was going to keep one for myself) so I offered it to my son to give him dad. My little Type A kiddo asked for the receipt and then proceeded to pay me (down to the penny) for the gift even though I didn’t ask. He said he wanted the gift to be from him, not me.

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He isn’t my dad. So no.

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Well we dont do gifts. We think its about the kids & there handmade gifts. We both think its ridiculous & Only So people spend moneh again on stupid stuff. We celebrate it with the kids & there crafts. We love it. I think nowadays its more about showing of the most expensive gifts on social media instead of the kids making something.


Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is not about gifts. The best gift for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is to show them that you are appreciated by helping cleaning help with the kids Etc.

I didn’t get anything for mother’s day but I’m still doing something for fathers day for my boyfriend, but mine helps me out and works a lot. A relationship should be about thinking about the other person, not being petty or vengeful.

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Verbal appreciation. It’s not about a gift

I got nothing for Mother’s Day other than flowers from my husband. For Father’s Day my husband is getting a surprise new grill and shorts and a grill cover and a coffee mug.

How someone acts doesn’t change my character.


He’d be blessed with my presence

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Does your spouse help you through the year? I’m sure your spouse expresses “thank you” in other forms. It’s petty if you ask me to not do anything, but that’s you. Have the kids do a handmade craft for dad.

Simple…buy a couple gift for both of you reminding him it is/was for mother and Father’s Day …win win in the end for both


Even if he didn’t get you a card/gift for Mother’s Day, get him something. You never know when it will be the last Father’s Day that he will be around. I lost my husband, Dad and father-in-law in a 3 month period. Been 23 yrs and still miss them so much!:sob:


My x husband normally didn’t but I wanted to teach my kids the right way to do things even on my birthday or Christmas I got nothing but shopped with the kids for him, I think every Christmas there was a piece of paper where he had ripped the corner off and just wrote on it I O U . But never did anything. And trust me having my boys just make me a card would be something I would of treasured forever.

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Nope lol not bc I’m petty but he can get whatever he wants, same goes to me! Holidays shouldn’t be about gifting things

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Of course. Lead by example and be the change you want to see.

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I didn’t get a mother’s day gift but I definitely got him a father’s day gift why you might ask
The reason is I’m a grown ass woman gifts don’t mean crap it’s the memories that count and I ain’t about to be bitter to try prove a point

Depends if he was able to afford it or not. If he did it to be a jerk…by all means get him nothing

I don’t do tit for tat in my relationships. It only leads to issues. Stop keeping score. If those things are important to you and not happening, :star2:communicate​:star2:.

I appreciate my husband, but he isn’t my father, and our kids are grown and can get their own gifts for him. He has never even wished me “happy Mother’s Day “ to me unless prompted.

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Okay see this here is what ppl need to understand. My husband and I started a trend when our kids were old enough to understand what mothers and fathers day is. The trend being the kids choose what they want to do. Make a card, ask an adult to help make a cake, whatever. We do not go and buy gifts. Its not husbands day or wife’s day. It’s a day the kids get to express their love and appreciation to their mom and dad so they need to do in their way. If they saved up and they want to buy a present then fine no problem but it’s their choice. This teaches the kids that gifts are not what the day is about. It’s about showing love and appreciation. This day is about you and your child. Not your spouse and you. The day for you and your spouse is called your anniversary Also when our kids were too young to understand what the days meant we spent it like a normal day, grateful to be parents.


I got flowers and I was hoping to get him something instead I’m in the hospital. I’ll be having our son the Friday after. So I will try to do something after. Our 2nd oldest and his gf bought water park tickets for the family so he will be in the dells with 6 of the kids.

Here are my thoughts: first Mother and Father’s day is for the children to express appreciation to their parents. Second: it’s never about the gifts. If you feel like you want to especially honor your husband cook him a special meal he loves or do a chore he typically handles but by all means don’t do it while feeling bitter that he didn’t buy you anything.

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Give out of love, never out of the expectation to receive. If not getting one yourself made you feel bad, you should instead bring it up.


Show him who the bigger person you are. Marriage or relationships isn’t about …‘well i didn’t get anything, so you aren’t either !!!’.

Nope I’m petty he ain’t getting not one thing from me .not even a happy shit day because he don’t deserve It!

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Do the right thing. Treat others as you want to be treated :heart:

You should have talked to him. Don’t be petty. Pettiness is how people end up divorced

I didn’t get nothing never have never will didn’t even get a happy Mother’s Day text we aren’t together but I still got him something from his daughter !!

Yes, absolutely. He works his ass off every single day for me and our babies.

When my kids were babies we didn’t exchange gifts, now that they were able to pick gifts out for me they buy me something. I’m also not a huge needing a gift person. I just got him a cute coffee mug from the kids for father’s day. My husband and I were never big on exchanging gifts. That’s just us.

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My husband lets me sleep in and do whatever I want on mothers day and I do the exact same for him. We don’t usually do gifts and if we do ots always ‘hey whatcha want?’
Its video games tbh. Us both being gamers helps with that lol

We don’t always do gifts for Mother’s or Father’s day, but if we do, it’s something small that includes the kids, then we ALWAYS do something as a family, because memories are the best gift. For Mother’s Day we went to the beach and the zoo. Kids absolutely loved it. For Father’s Day we got him a little gift, and are doing a family bbq and pool party with his favorite meat from his favorite meat shop. There’s always a way to do something sweet that shows someone you love and appreciate them. You never know how much time you have with someone. Do something that creates a memory :heart:

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Yup we share a 6 year old every year I get him something simple but thoughtful but I put Is as from his child not from me

Fuck no. Treat me wrong and watch me do the same to your misogynistic ass. We don’t play that game over here. I’m a queen and if you don’t treat me like one I’m fs not gonna treat u like a king. Were mothers. We BARELY get recognized for the endless things we do and men don’t do crap compared to us. But they want to be bowed down to for everything when they can’t even consider us for one day. Not uh. Nope. Nothing for you sire. Buh-bye.

he got me a big ass ugly bear from the toy section and a card no one signed. so idk

I just had a baby 5 days ago and he has been my number 1 support person, of course I’m going to get him something because he deserves it! When our son gets old enough to understand fathers day he will be the one who will decide what to do for fathers day but until then, I’m in charge and showing him how much I love and appreciate him for being such an amazing father regardless if he does the same for me

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Get a shirt made for your child that reads, I am your Father’s Day gift :heart:

Just a card and snacks of you feel guilty. Dont stress over it.