If you had ot choose, how would you give birth?

If you had to choose would you have a natural vaginal birth, induction vaginal birth, or a C-Section and why?


Both mine were natural births

Natural vaginal. My induction lasted so much longer and hurt so much more than natural labor, and I’m not a fan of surgery recovery. :sweat_smile:

Lovedddddd my c sections, hated my vaginal. But my son got stuck in vaginal so maybe if I had a normal delivery I’d feel differently. But my two c sections were great. I had zero complaints

Had 3 natural vaginal , alot less pain then being induced my one that I was induced for I was in labor for for about 20 hours and contractions were way more intense and lasted longer

My first was 25 hrs to deliver because of meds 2nd was 10 minutes no problem and felt great my granddaughter gave natural birth and felt better to she was proud she done it

I would absolutely take vaginal birth 100 times over another c section. 1 natural and 2 c sections and they both were torturous. With my natural I was up showering and moving normally in 20 min after. First c section it took me almost 48hours to even get up and was in pain for weeks. My block didn’t take at first so they had to do it again which made it where I was numb from chest down for several hours. I had a spot open back up in my incision. Then my second I was totally out of it for the first 24 hours and remember nothing of that first day. I missed everything to include first bath, foot prints and hospital picture.

Why would anyone choose c section if they had a choice?