If you share custody, how are you dealing with stimulus checks?

I want to know how parents who share custody are dealing with one of the parents getting stimulus checks for their kids?


Depends on who claims whom on taxes for the year with us.

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I claim my daughter so I keep the money. :woman_shrugging:t2:


My ex-husband and I have been splitting it evenly with each stimulus payment. We share 50/50 custody without child support.


I would think if it’s 50/50 than you should split the stimulus 50/50. I wouldn’t go by taxes seeing stimulus checks aren’t something that’s going to happen every year


We’ve been splitting it. 50/50


I claim my daughter on taxes but we have 50/50 custody. I have given him half of every portion of the stimulus for her.


If you share custody, split it

I claim our son on taxes, and I should get the stimulus for him… I will set some aside so if his dad comes to town they can do something special, but I have him 100% the time as his dad moved out of state.

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Its in your court order how to handle tax money.

He only gets visitation so the stimulus goes in my name.

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I have always claimed my son and he claims my daughter. It does matter with taxes. Just because it doesn’t happen every year. If 1 parent as more Custody then they should get more $$$

I have been getting them for both my kids because of claiming them last year on my taxes, I kept them. Each of their fathers were able to claim the stimulus for them on their taxes when they filed this year. So, even though I got mine, they are getting theirs along with their tax return

Whoever the irs sends the money too lol ?


If ya’ll have the children 50/50 then the children’s part needs to be 50/50.


I claim my kids on the taxes every year so I’ve gotten the stimulus checks. I split them with their dad

The stimulus & tax credit is supposed to benefit the children. Personally id sit down & decide how it best be used to benefit the child. If that means going towards a car for a parent without or moving expenses to a better area for 1 parent if that improves the child’s life on that child’s time then it should go towards that. Otherwise I’d put it in an account for the child with both parents & a written agreement that it can only be withdrawn with both parents present for agreed upon expenses. Kids want to join sports or summer camp, kids been sleeping on 10yo beds at 1 parents house because they can’t afford to upgrade etc the money will be in that account. Parents should not be profiting off this money. It’s not for either parents purposes. It’s for the children.


Split it if it’s 50/50, especially if you guys go halves on sports and such

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Your custody agreement should call out how taxes are to be done, and you follow that. Unfortunately, though we have 50/50 for 2 kids, one of them hasn’t had a thing to do with her father for over 3 years. I essentially have 1 child 50% and 1 100% but until we go to mediation it won’t change.

My ex and I technically have shared custody, but I have her year round and he barely sees her. I’ve gotten her stimulus, but I don’t give any to her bio dad bc besides the court ordered child support, he does not help out with her. So i didn’t give him any portion of her stimulus because it helps with all of the costs associated with her.

But if you guys have true shared custody where he actually takes the kids I would split the money with him.


Whoever claimed the child on their last tax return gets the money

I have shared custody but before hand its in my court order that I claim her every year

Going straight into the kids savings account


My ex husband takes the stimulus for himself and 1 child and I take the other half for myself and our second child.

We split it 50/50. Same with child credit on taxes. I claim our son but share the return.

Maybe I’m the odd one but mine was already split, his dad owes back pay in child support for his daughter and they took his dads part and then half of my sons… 2nd& 3rd one same thing we both got half.

We have 2 kids, I claim a kid and he claims a kid. That way it is fair

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How many of u spend it on ya kids?

We alternate years on taxes so one year his dad gets to claim him the next year I get to claim him so forth and so on everything tied to it


I take one kid every year he gets the other. We have no court order custody agreement we decided after divorce to deal with everything outside of court

He claims one I claim the other we both get extra

Me and my husband have recently separated. He moved out since our boys and me needed a place and ive been the one payung rent since day 1. He however has been claiming our boys the last few years so according to his taxes the stimulus for our boys goes to him. I had no issue with him claiming kids as we we’re together and it wasnt an issue. We always agreed we split each of us got one of the kids checks. I always spent what I had on “the house” supplies kids food bills ECT. He did what he wanted mostly… Well since we split right before this round of stimulus, even though I have our kids full time I agreed to still split it to offer him help in securing an apartment so he can start getting the visitation he requested. Which is only every other weekend…

We split it in half.

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My ex got it since he claimed our son in 2019. When I filed 2020 taxes, I got credit.

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We have 3 kids. I claim 2 and he claims 1, every year. We mutual agreed to that because we mutually agreed to a low child support amount. So since we agreed to keep child support low, to “even it out” so speak, we agreed on me claiming 2 him claiming 1. So keep what comes to me, and he keeps what comes to him.

My kids father lives in CA. He sees them twice a year maybe. Regardless, if he’s caught up on his obligations then yes but if he’s not and I get it- well I get it. End of story!

Funny story. I have joint custody with my ex. Last March he stopped showing up every other weekend for his scheduled time. He also stopped paying his half of the health insurance cost ($106). We are supposed to alternate years per our custody order. I sent him a nice text saying is hope he would agree that I claim my son again this year since I had him the entire time. He said “Nope! Covid happened.” Needless to say he’s a greedy mofo. Now he’s probably gonna get this stimulus for my son even though he’s had little to no contact with him this whole time, and not only that but also the additional child credit they are supposed to give starting July. I am pissed.

Were not married but I get the stimulus for our son so we do like we do with taxes and split what we get for kiddo in half

I just put it in my sons bank account.
It’s his money.


Split it or use it for something that benefits the both of you.

We split it regardless of who claims him on taxes.

My daughters dad does every other weekend and every saturday. I spend much more on clothes, entertainment, food, etc. So i get it. He pays low cs and never asked for it becUse he knows im the one spending more.

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Primary caregiver gets it.


Well the stimmy will go to the parent whoever claims the child . Myself and my ex alternate tax years on who claims her but we share 50/50 custody. I got the stimmy and he asked if I would split it with him since we do have joint custody and i agreed. You really can’t make the other parent share or you even have to share but I don’t see nothing wrong with sharing if it’s possible.


Primary caregiver SHOULD get it, unfortunately there’s no precedent, and a lot of parents take turns claiming the kids, so if your ex doesn’t agree with that you’re pretty much screwed.


I have had some friends split it or the Primary gets it

The child’s stimulus money goes to the parent who claims the child. It doesn’t get split between the two parents like it belong to the other parent or something.

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My boyfriend doesn’t qualify for the stimulus and I usually give him half of what I get for our son


I am primarily parent of both our children. He claims one and I claim one on taxes, he kept 100% of the child portion of the stimulus


We have 50/50 custody so it’s one week on and one week off. We also alternate tax years. I have the odd years that I claim our child and he has the even years to claim our child. So who ever filed that year gets the money. Last year was him and this year is me

I’m spending the stimulus I got for my son on HIM. not us. We have our stimulus for that.


Me and my sons dad share custody and we take turns claiming our son so who ever claimed the child on income tax thats who the stimmys going ro

We’re splitting the $$ 60/40.

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I have been splitting them with him

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While I am the primary, we claim our child every other year. My son’s father gave us the child stimulus last year, (kept the smaller one and bought our son new clothes) even though it came to him, because our child lives with me. I will also keep this one. He’s a pretty reasonable guy.


My baby daddy is in prison. Has been for 14 months. Had the AUDACITY to ask if I would spilt out sons stimulus money & taxes with him :rofl::rofl::rofl: fuck no. You in jail. What you need it for


I’m the primary parent and last year he claimed 1 and I claimed 2 so we keep what’s given to us.

Split it 50/50. Thats what my ex and I do. We have 50/50 custody


We split it. We share 50/50 with 3 kids so we split it as we should.


We have two kids so he claims one I claim one :woman_shrugging:


The CP gets the money. Don’t know why the parents fight over it, the money is for the kids, not material goods for the parents.

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My daughters father doesn’t claim her and doesn’t take the stimulus checks since she is with me pretty much all the time.

We have 3 kids. I claim 2 , he claims one. He keeps his stimulus and I keep mine. He’s never argued about it and I don’t think it’s unfair either since they’re with me more. Yes, he does financially provide for them too.

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I won’t get a stimi. I found out the other day that my ex husband will. Tbh I don’t care what he does with it. We coparent well and if our daughter needs something he doesn’t hesitate.


I’m the primary custodial parent and I also claim them each year so I’ll get the stimulus for the kids.


Loop hole with irs…
If one parent claimed and got previous stimulus you can claim them for the rebate credit… i got 2200 back for the previous 2 stimulus


We have two kids, we each claim one on taxes and currently each have one on our health insurance as well


It’s a 2020 credit (the first two stimuluses), if one parent claimed child on 2019 taxes and received the stimulus then the other parent claims on 2020 taxes they will get it for the child as a credit. This current stimulus is not like that.

We’re splitting the kid’s stimulus checks in half between us


The primary parent gets the money for the child(ren) and it gets spent on that child.


Whichever parent claimed the child on their taxes is who gets it

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If it’s 50/50 custody then it should be split 50/50. If it’s 60/40 do that, and so on.


We have joint custody two kids. We split it.


Whoever claimed them on their taxes is the one who gets it. Fortunately I’m getting the current ones. Once the divorce is final we’ll be claiming every other year until she stays with me full time but we might make an agreement to split any stimulus checks during 50/50 timesharing following the divorce. My ex sucks with money and taxes so when we filed together I lost money every year making up for his mistakes. I have extra in state and federal taken out and he never has enough. Plus any extra money he gets would either go to his mom or buy weed. Extra money I get helps with childcare while I bust my ass in school and at work to get to a job where I make 6 figures to make sure me and the kiddo can have whatever we want and need in life. The only reason we even have 50/50 now is me wanting the ex and her to finally bond. #freakinparenting

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My husband has placement of my stepdaughter. Her mom has her 2 nights a month. We keep the stimulus.


I take care of her 100% he’s a deadbeat doesn’t even have her social security number to claim her and if he tried id call IRS on him and get it stopped. Shes almost 3 iv claimed her all 3 years and he won’t ever be claiming her. He’s not around nor pays his support so no reason to give him money if not even attempting to be a father.

But also I don’t care what anyone says if child support gets paid and stimulus is given but before all that was given everything is paid for out of your own pocket then that money can be spent on anything. The kids, you, or anything really.


My daughters dad claims her because I’m pretty much clueless when it comes to this stuff, horrible ik. But he splits the money with me.

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That money should be spent on the child regardless of which parent gets it, y would u split the money with the other parent


I got the money but we both agreed to put his part of the two stimulus’ in our child’s savings account.

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We switch claiming our child every other year.
We have split each stimulus payment. (One paid to us and one paid to them, each split between parties as soon as it was dispersed)

The money should go into an account for the needs of the child. To cover expenses like clothes, toys, school supplies etc not the parents pocket for drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, new tv, nails, hair etc.

Well…he only takes 1 of our 2 kids, and that is eow…so, yeah, I keep it!

I have two kids with 50/50 custody. We each claim one until our oldest turns 18, then we switch off every year until our youngest is 18, starting with me claiming her first (I get an extra year of claiming her that way) We each get our own stimulus check for one of the kids so we don’t have to spilt anything.

Each of us has kept the stimulus we’ve received. I didnt get the $600 one, but was able to get it back on my taxes.

I just got my taxes done in my ex got all of the stimulus has because he claimed him the year of 2019. When I got my taxes done the tax guy said that people who have shared parenting that the stimulus allows for the other person to get 1100 on their taxes! That way both sides get the stimulus. So when I did my taxes this year I got the 1100 added to my return.

I got the stimulus money but I claim the kids since they’re with me every day minus two weekends a month.


We’ve split the kids portion evenly every time

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I split it with my ex

My ex and I don’t have any agreements and he doesn’t pay support but he claims our daughter and splits it with me :woman_shrugging: I guess I technically have full custody but he sees her whenever he wants

My ex claimed both kids last year (we didn’t have court/tax details worked out in writing yet). He got all stimulus money for both kids in 2020 and refused to split it with me. We have 50/50 custody.

He doesn’t pay child support and I’m covering everything plus some (insurance included) so there will be no talk of splitting anything with anybody but between her bank account and mine.


He cant claim on rhe taxes if he hasnt paid child support for 6 consecutive months. He hasnt in 5 years so there is no question Ill continue to provide

I spend her money on her. Even when dad and I were together. Whether it’s clothes, diapers, special snacks, redecorating her room, whatever.

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I swore I read somewhere if it’s a fifty fifty custody both parents should be able to clame for a stimulus. Worth doing some research

I claim her. So I put it in savings for her needs so it goes to her and only her. Regardless of our situation. It goes to her. If there is left over. It goes to her own savings. He has not filed in years. So since he is not getting anything it is mine to give to her and take care of her. Period.

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My daughter lives with me; my mom claims her on her taxes until I can find a job. My daughters dad can not claim her on anything because there is no way in hell ima let my kid live with her dad 6 months out of a year. We do have 50/50 however, nothing is court ordered except child support. There’s a lot of reasons he will never be able to claim my kid. One of them being…he’s an alcoholic even after a year of rehab.

Edit to add; because my kid lives with me, her dad will never see a dime from me out of that stimulus check. I don’t care how much he is struggling, he made his bed…:person_shrugging: now he has to suffer the way my daughter and I suffered being around him. Just being honest.


i claim 1 kid, he claims the other

I claim one and he claims the other and for my baby well i have her and claim her so i get it and well her dad doesn’t care anyways

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The courts should have already split that up and if they didn’t everything should be half and half🤷🏻‍♀️

He got all the previous stimulus money bc he claimed him last year on taxes, and didn’t offer to split with me, so since I claimed our son this time, I am keeping his 1400 portion and not offering to split.