If you split from your child's other parent, how often do you speak?

I speak to my sons father daily. Most the time it regards to our son, sometimes it doesn’t. Person I’m currently speaking to has the same relationship with the mother of his children and doesn’t bother me one bit. It’s good to have a good co-parenting relationship and I know a lot of people aren’t as lucky as I am to be able to have that.

My ex and I have 1 child together. We only communicate regarding our child/visitation etc nothing personal. He currently only gets her one day a week so I will send him photos of her and keep him updated of how shes been or what shes been upto throughout the week other than that we do not contact each other.

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I have a friendly relationship with my daughter’s dad and his girlfriend. We all still do things as a family, go to eachother houses for supper and his girlfriend and I talk on a regular basis and about anything.
It’s nice to have a good relationship I really feel for people who don’t cause in the end it’s only the child that suffers.


I have four co parent situations.
Ex husband- we have two children. We speak when I call him. I don’t initiate a call unless I have a child related item to discuss. We are on good terms can chit chat.
Ex- we have one child up until one week ago we had no contact for 27 months
Ex’s mom- very dutiful Nana to my son. Acts as supervisor for ex’s visitation but really they are her visits. She’s great.
Bio mom of step son- basically my bestie we talk all the time about all 9 (mine hers my husbands) kids. All good times there.

First ex husband and I speak about any problems or achievements the children have but keep it strictly child based apart from the initial ‘hey how are you?’
Second ex husband and I have zero contact unless you take his abusive messages towards me into account. Absolute Idiot and likes to blame me solely for our failed marriage. He will never put the well being of our children before his own bitterness :woman_facepalming:t3:

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We only text regard arrangements to exchange the kids or clear dates. He does not speak to my daughter. He calls my son about twice a month but is not consistent. Some month he might not speak to him at all. His visitation is 2 weeks summer, Thanksgiving, and week after Christmas. Other times by agreement that usually is 3 weekends a year.

My husband was married once b4 me has 2 kids (9 almost 10 year old and a 7 almost 8 year old) with her an they talk almost daily she has become a good friend to me an has welcomed me into her children’s life an help me alot with my own pregnancy (my first with my husband) she and my husband over came alot to be friends and he also has one from a previous ex (hes 2 an my bestest friend) we have him a majority of the time so when hes with us if she doeant contact us we will call her so she can talk to her son maybe 2 times a week when he is with her my husband calls to check on him almost every day if not every other day it all depends on the way things ended cause with his first wife it took them years (both have told me as much) for them to even be able to be in the same room together an with his ex they still are having issues that I often need to remind him she is the mother of our 2 yearold and even tho our issues with her are mainly with her boyfriend and his actions Dakota still loves his mom an has the right to know her an unless someone ij n the home is putting the child in danger (yes we have kept him when there were threats an allegations of abuse from her home) then the child has a right to be around both if the two of u can be civil around the child great if you have to ask a family member to help by doing drop offs an pick ups for you (I had to at the start of our relationship cause they couldnt even be civil on the phone but they have worked thru that as long as her boyfriend dont get irate)

Even when we where married my ex did t talk to me or the kids. He turned his back on his 2 boys, but can take care of his other wife’s kids. They do no wrong. Doesn’t ask about his boys cause he is afraid of his wife.

i talk to my ex when he texts and asks how we are. which is usually about once a month or when hes flown down to see our son

I can say this with me and my fiancé we broke up 2 different times and I still texted him about how my pregnancy is going and asking him to spend the night with us. We got back together and we hav3 been strong ever since and we know have a 4m old baby. Also with my 2 girls I co parent with their adopted mom and as I far as I know their bio dad is no longer in the picture

Well i would think that would depend on whether the ex has someone else or visa versa . you should always be able to speak amicably about the children . should never talk your ex down in front of the kids . but , the. Relationship should be kind . however due consideration should be made if either couple has entered into a new relationship . it might seem inconsiderate to keep constantly in touch with the ex . esp if it is over nothing more than chatting back and forth . however if both exes are still single and not involved a reunion would be desirable if they could work out there differences .

Been divorced 9 years tried to keep things civil for my daughter who was 8 at the time he won’t speak to me whatsoever, won’t take my calls or respond to texts. I text him copies of her bills he pays child support. He see her 1-2 weeks out of the year during summer break. When he does talk to her he bad mouths me or texts her when he’s drunk. Sorry excuse of a dad. She is older and wiser now and can make her own choice about three years ago I stopped sending him pictures or getting birthday/Christmas gifts and cards for her to send him. Sad situation.


As needed once a day or even multiple times a day. We are a team and my husband is also involved. My son will regularly call his Dad from my husbands cell phone. My husband will regularly take pictures of our son and send it to my sons father. We are a team.


It took my x a while to come around that my new husband at the time wasn’t going anywhere. We only text or call if it has to do with our son and now that he’s 16 I mainly communicate with my son and not him unless it’s something I need clarification on thru him.

Depends on how adult enough you both are, if you talk a lot that’s great if not well that’s okay to just make sure your both 100% on thr same page when it comes to the kids i.e drop off pick up emergency contact, who is picking them up from soccer practice ect…

The kids arent to blame my ex and me would take them to buy school stuff at least 2 3 time we had 4 he talked to the kids everyday and we talked alot oh he was step dad to 3 of them but he was there dad He pass I miss him he was a great father just not a husband

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If you have children it is 100% your responsibility to show them how to break up and stay friends. It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure their child understands its OK to divorce and its not the child’s fault. So yeah break up but be an adult and be the best parents to your child.

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I have a great relationship with both of my sons fathers and their wives. Most of the conversation is about the children but we’ll catch up from time to time. Unfortunately we don’t have that relationship with my husband’s ex wife. They do not care for each other and the feeling is the same here. Conversations are strictly about the kids. Our kids are older so we don’t speak often. They have their own phones!!

I tried being nice to my son’s father for years but it was all fruitless. I talk more to his wife than to him. Now that my son is 13 i just remind him once in awhile to call or text his father. They dont have a good relationship either.

My husband parents divorced when all of the kids were adults or just about to be adults. At first my father in law and mother in law would not talk with each other because the split was very painful. But over the years as their children were having children they talked on the phone almost every day. We even had family holidays and birthdays together. I remember when it came time for my wedding my husband had told both his parents to be nice to each other or it would be a very long time they would be invited together to a family gathering of ours. They were really good to each other, in fact I have pictures of the two of them dancing at my wedding.

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it depends on the need. if something is going on daily or more. if its normal life every couple days. there should not be a right or wrong answer it is what is best for the parents and child. some relationships are better then others.

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My parents split up when I was 14 and my younger brother was 8, I stayed with our mom and my brother stayed with our dad. They conversed at least once a week depending on what was going on (this was before texting). We are now 33 and 26 with both of us having children of our own and they still converse probably once every few months, more so when my brother is traveling (he is active duty) and our dad has joined us for family/ holidays gatherings at my moms. Their post divorce relationship wasn’t always good but now days they are amicable and actually live right up the street from one another.

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My ex and I speak every other weekend when we do kid pick up or drop off. We will speak in between if necessary. Our kids are 21 and 17 though so if/when they need the “other” parent they can and do reach out themselves.

I would say my ex and I are civil. We still show joy for each other when good things happen like my promotion, his better job, both of our marriages to other people, etc. And we can now reminisce on the happy memories together without getting weird about it. Lol.

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I speak to the father of my oldest children about every four years . I speak to the father of the youngest children about once a year.

We only email when he emails me to say “I lost my job/ my contract ended/ I can’t pay support because blah blah
And I just reply with ok…
And that’s all the communication that exists at all

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We both have a decent relationship w/ my husband’s ex wife but its ONLY because of our grandson .It has ONLY been a decent relationship since his birth Dec 4, 2018 . Before that we didn’t really conversate w/ her b/c daughter was older and can support and do for herself but now chooses not too .

My son’s father left when my son was 5 yrs old and havnt heard or seen him since…my son will be 24 yrs old this Dec!! Better off💯

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I speak with my son’s father about weekly. We share pictures, birthdays, holidays, etc. We are welcome in each others homes. We are also friends on social media. We all parent with ease and respect and friendship. Wasn’t always like this. Our son is 15. But it’s been this way for about 10 years now and we all, including my son, are so grateful for good communication, good co-parenting, and most importantly NO DRAMA!


About once a year. He got remarried and isn’t allowed to speak to me. His wife said no so he blocked my number. At first I thought how immature of her then I realized I could careless. He’s a crappy dad anyway and only wanted shared parenting to avoid the cost of child support. On my older sons 18 birthday his wife told him that his kid wasn’t welcome anymore at their house and so he threw his bed and things away. Then told my son. I’m sure she will do the same thing to my younger son.

I speak to my ex all the time we are still very good friends and we do birthdays together and holidays I am very grateful that my now husband is friends with him to so its nice i can spend time with who we call family. It makes it good for my kids to see that we all can get along and spend time together.


Should be strictly about the children and only when necessary

A "friendly " relationship is rare!

My husband is a blessing.

Mine are teenagers n some grown so once every 2 or 3 months now.

Me and my daughters dad get along and talk. Yes mainly about our child or he will let me know if he’s dating someone and bringing someone new around our child. I’ve remarried and I’m happy. Now my husband doesn’t speak to his child’s mother and his child’s mother will not allow us to speak to his kid or for his kid to contact us and his kid is almost 17…

I speak with my ex as needed. Sometimes it’s once a day. Sometimes it’s every 3 days. We send each other pictures of the kids and keep each other in the loop about the kids. Even funny things they did. My ex talks to the kids a lot more than he talks to me, mine are 8 and 12.

My step daughter lives with us and I speak to her mom about 4x a week. We send her pictures and keep her in the loop.

We all sometimes will send a meme or something that the other would appreciate.

None of us want to be with our ex’s. But we co-parent, so it may seem more friendly than necessary. We know things like who is in town, if they have plans, because we all work around our children.

We even do a co-parenting christmas where all siblings (half, step, etc) get to have a few hours with their whole extended family. Games and gifts for all children.

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My kids are teens and we actually text more now than when they were younger (we split when they were 8/10). Working hard to stay consistent with the attitudes and disrespect that flares with teens, and we’ve talked a lot through Covid so we were on the same page through all of it. We do share friendly non kid related texts here and there as well - family updates, a random update on a person we both knew etc.
it went always easy but we are in the best coparenting place we’ve ever been.

We haven’t talked in over a year. My daughter is one and he’s never seen her or met her, doesn’t want to. I’ve tried. I sent updates, pics etc for months and months, they were never read let alone acknowledged so I stopped and it’s absolutely zero contact. I don’t ever see us speaking again.

I have a restraining order against my ex… Don’t talk unless its about kids. My BF is friendly with his ex. They talk daily about personal, kid or gossip… I would be happy if my ex and I could at least get along. It doesn’t happen

My daughters father and I talk several times a week, usually through text. I talk or text with their stepmom almost everyday. We have a great relationship for the kids though. My sons father and I talk and text throughout the day. I end up seeing him everyday because he picks our son up for a few hours every day. I think people who have a good coparent relationship probably talk and interact a lot more than parents who are always fighting and arguing.

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I split from my daughters (she is almost 2 years old) dad 4 months ago. We talk to baby at least once a day. She stays with him most nights. I get her on weekends and most evenings after i get off work. I only speak to him about our child. Then again he cheated then kicked me out of his house and practically left me homeless. Thankfully I had some good friends take me in and now im about to get full legal and physical custody. No custody agreement was made after he kicked me out.

Literally don’t talk unless there is a doctor appt or something is going on with one of them. Which is t too often. We don’t co parent well

We talk most days, but not all. Conversation is primarily about the kiddo but there is occasionally friendly talk.

It was rough in the beginning but now we text about anything. Today mine asked if he could borrow something, sure!

I gotta restraining order against mine and his wife. They have stalked us, threatened us, and made numerous false police and CPS reports against us. I went after him cause he was being very bad to our children. they dropped them with me 11/12/18 and not a word since. We don’t talk at all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: best gift ever :cupid::family_woman_girl_boy:

Eeeehhh with me and my eldests, we would of kinda stayed friends but most conversation was about our son, when court ordered my son to live with my mum (I fell really ill and instead of support people reported me all because my son autism and I was having a hard time with his behaviour and falling ill I couldn’t get place in the work autism ni taught me) me and his “dad” stopped talking, I let me mum do the talking because any time i attempted to message him he would verbally attack me so I had to cut of contact with him, he eventually cut ties with our son just because my mum refused to do all the running after him for him to see our son, she suggested half way and he made excuses, so now my son has nothing to do with his “dad”… i love hearing stories about dads who do anything for their kids and treats the mother with a little respect providing the mother treats them with respect too, thats how co parenting should work… unlike how some of them are which ive witnessed first hand what it does to the child and it really hurts hearing him saying his dad hates him and all :pleading_face:

Wont speak with ignorance might want do something I’ll regret

We talk and text everyday. Still great friends.

I send my girls’ dad pictures of them here & there throughout some days, other days we don’t talk at all. He works 15-18 hour days & 6 days a week so I try my best to keep him updated on them. If they have doctor’s appointments, if they’re staying the night somewhere, if they mention him at all. We’re friendly but pretty much strictly about the kids.


My kids Dad just left my house after a family dinner for our oldest sons birthday we don’t always like each other but the kids deserve both of us sometimes it’s only child related issues sometimes it’s hey I saw a funny/relevant post/meme/joke that u would appreciate. Ups and downs sometimes I like you sometimes I don’t but ur family and I’ve always got ur back. Hope u find u peaceful plateau :rainbow:

I talk to him only when it’s about my son or it affects something with our son or me seeing him. My son has his own phone so when hes with his dad during week I talk to him almost every day. My ex we dont have friend-like convos.

Everyday. We are best friends. He actually called me last night to get advice on a woman and to see what he should wear on their first date. We have a better friendship than we did a marriage. 🤷 It works for us and we love our strange relationship

My son is 8, hasn’t seen his sperm donor since he was 4. He doesn’t try contacting us or seeing his son.