If your toddler had COVID: What were the symptoms?

Anyone’s toddler has COVID? What are the signs? He has a stuffy nose, caught, and a temp of 99.5-100.5. And super crabby. Where would I even go to test him? Would they do a rapid test? It could just be a cold but I obviously need to be super careful.

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Colds don’t normally have fevers

I got a upper respiratory infection last week just getting over it. I had all them symptoms. Everyone is so quick to jump thinking of that… but I know my urgent care in Louisiana has the rapid test

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You can go to any health department and they do COVID testing just make sure to call and make an appointment

I’m pretty sure my son had it but I didn’t see no reason to go and get him tested… it was just like a regular cold with mid grade fever and runny nose… it was no big deal really he was over it in a day


I would take him to his doctor it’s probably just a common cold your doctor will tell you if he thinks he needs testing for covid.

Could be an upper respiratory infection or ear infection this time of year. Is he teething? Call the pediatrician ‘s office. Don’t automatically think covid unless you know they were exposed.

Could be URI but if the fever makes you so concerned & you think he’s in pain especially with breathing problems, take the kid to the ER. Depending on the age, a child’s fever might be a sign of an infection that needs immediate attention.

I would go to the ER. Call them and let them know its a possible covid and they’ll have a room ready for you. They do rapid testing whereas most drive ins/doctors offices take 24 to 48 hours.

Don’t just go to the ER for a test. Call your primary care doctor and ask them what to do. Check with your local health department for testing. Without severe symptoms you shouldn’t be going to the ER just for a test.


I would call normal doctor office … sometime a local walk in clinic has the test you can always call there to if you dont want to wait until monday

Everyone jumps immediately thinking covid. People still get the common cold, flu etc… it’s not much of a fever probably a cold or something but best would be consult pediatrician


Don’t take a chance . Get your child tested

Call your pediatrician.

Most places want them to be at least 2 years old. Call his dr and they will give you the info for testing. Sounds like a cold though.

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I would call the pediatrician. My 11 month old had the same symptoms a few days ago and they did a rapid covid and luckily it was negative. Just some bug she picked up but she’s on the mend :blush:

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This happened to me. Call your pediatrician. They will tell you exactly what to do.

Pretty sure I’ve had covid in the past 2 months, no test, my son had the same symptoms as me, we were both well and back out of the house in 3 weeks, if your a healthy person no underlining issues I wouldn’t worry, if you do have underlining issues get a test and get some medical help, but otherwise it is literally a new strain of the common cold/flu :woman_shrugging:


Most doctors mini has had dont even consider it a fever until its at least 101 or more. 100.5 and they tell me to give OTC meds as needed for the various symptoms and if it lasts longer than a week or so to go back. :woman_shrugging:

Wishing baby a speedy recovery​:bouquet:. Treat it symptomatically and as common cold. Rather a call and visit to family dr, then ER unless dr says so. God willing, this covid really needs to just die. Be strong mummy​:cherry_blossom::palms_up_together:t2:

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So my son 17 months. Was just like you described however, with diarrhea. We got him tested his pediatrician said covid last for about a week Day 4 and 5 are the worst. We were on day 3 of all this. Got test and got the rapid test at his pediatrician came back negative. Talk with your pediatrician. They will point you in the right direction.
My son has a virus but not covid.

Or his dr or hospital

Don’t freak out. I did that, my daughter (who is 4) was running a fever of 101.1, coughing with a runny nose. She even said she was having trouble breathing. I had her tested which she screamed and told me it felt like a shot inside of her nose and cried for a loooong time. She wound up just having a common cold. She took the covid test with 21 different strains and it was rhinovirus. The fever doesn’t necessarily mean anything. She had a fever for at least a week. Still took her to the er cos I was worried… My advice is don’t subject your kids to the test if you don’t have to…i did. And if she ever did get corona I dont think I’d be able to get her to do it again. I would call the pediatrician and ask there advice for sure.


At hospital in davenport behind hospital they were set up there doing it

My daughter had the same symptoms she’s over it now but she did not have covid-19 code to the emergency room and what she had was a viral respiratory infection and they also tested River covid at the emergency room she’s only 16 months old and afterwards she ended up getting a middle ear infection in her right ear due to bacteria because they failed to give my daughter any kind of antibiotics to prevent that from happening so I just take him in

My 7 month had similar symptoms. Took her to her pediatrician and test came back negative.

You can get a test thru CVS and the minute clinic. It’s pretty easy mine was thru the drive thru. It came back in 4/5 days but really it’s dependent on all the tests going to that lab.

Take care of him at home unless he gets worse and just stay home for 2 weeks the test is not fun

It is the start of rsv and cold season , the test are horrible so I would just use Tylenol and keep an eye on them

I like how noone says yes my test came back positive .


My 1.5 year old is positive with covid. She has occasional low grade fevers, gets tired easier than usual, and can get cranky. Coughs occasionally. Runny nose. Me and husband have it way worse than her

I wouldn’t test him unless he is really poorly then take him to hospital it’s flu and cold season people Need to remember that covid is a strong flu type wouldn’t make any difference if u get him tested

I’ve asked a children nurse about this coz my two both had runny noses and that and they said it’s more than likely to be a cold if they have a runny nose too but if your that worried get them tested, it is coming to flu season so everyone’s gunna be in the same boat

Call the child’s doctor. Follow doctor directions.


Mine was tested and negative there is is a lot going around right now mine tested positive for Rhinovirus same symptoms low grade fever stuffy cough mine even had a sore throat and what looked like blisters in her throat …Rhinovirus (Common cold) nothing they can do the prescribed her rynex and said give it 5 to 7 says to run it’s course

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Call his doctor and they will help you get him tested!! We had to get out son tested (2.5) and to get rapid testing here at least it has be doctor ordered.

The symptoms for COVID vary from individual to individual. Definitely call the doctor and get them tested

I tried our hotline here, then just called the local hospital. ER can test… I was exposed to someone that tested positive and I have symptoms…er can’t turn you away.

If there’s no difficulty breathing- Check his teeth, molars can* cause snotty noses, post nasal drip can cause a cough, cutting teeth usually causes fevers & crabbiness. I’m not saying that this is the cause, I’m just suggesting to rule it out before you panic. Best wishes!

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My child and I had the same symptoms. We got tested. Negative. They said we had an upper respiratory infection.

Call your doctor or possibly your local health department.

Always call your doctor! I work in Primary care, always call your doctor because going to the internet for medical advice steers people wrong more often than not and then we don’t get to see you in office until things are much worse.


Mine had the same symptoms. Negative COVID. She was then tested for Pertussis. Positive for pneumonia.

Mine had it… it was like a cold for her stuffy nose cough and she ran a fever for 2 days

No point in testing!

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Same symptoms. Negative for COVID, but positive for rhinovirus, adenovirus and enterovirus.

My son just got tested yesterday…he has had a runny nose and cough (mucus draining) he has SEVERE seasonal allergies so I chopped it up to that. Then he woke up at 1am with a ear ache so I made him a emergency appt for that the next day. Few hours later he got a fever so doctor tested him. They dont have many rapid test here (I’m a healthcare worker) so they do the regular. Should have gotten a call back today but didnt, so probably tomorrow. I had covid BAD in may, all of may actually and somehow he didnt catch it or had no symptoms

He is 6

Those really aren’t covid symptoms

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Go to your doctor. Doctor degrees by Google aren’t going to help.

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100.4 is usually what’s considered a fever. That sounds like a cold to me, but see your Pediatrician if you are worried.

They are exactly covid syptoms.anytime they have a fever and cough go up there asap.sooner they catch it the better


My daughter ran high fever of 104.5 for 6 days her test came back negative and they couldn’t figure out why she was sick

Call your pediatrician or a nurse line. Do not go to an emergency department if he is not having issues breathing and such. It’s just putting him at risk for picking up other garbage. It’s not an emergency with those symptoms. Some pediatric urgent cares do testing. Always ask for a medical professionals advice first!


If you’re unsure, just get a test at urgent care. Better safe than sorry.

Temp is not that high so I wouldn’t worry to much. Season are changing I would bet it’s just a cold. If you feel worried don’t listen to us though!

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My daugther just got over a runny nose and seezing with a temp of 99.5 to 100.1 for two days and I chose not to get her test because it is just the general time people get colds and flu besides having a little bit of a stuffy/ runny nose she is better and bafk to her normal self. The doctor said that I could get her tested but didn’t feel like it was necessary

Call your local hospital and they can tell you where to go. Or call his pediatrician and ask since being that young he’ll have to have them give an ok.

Are three year old granddaughter had covid two months ago. Her symptoms were a low grade fever for one night and a stuffy nose with no cough. Her mother’s a R.N. So working with the elderly she tries to be careful, the whole family got tested and she was the only one that was positive for covid. The others still had to isolate for two weeks. No other symptoms.

Call your local hospital and ask for their advice my 3yr old son got a bad cough, fever and couldn’t breath probably during the worst part of the pandemic and we were in lockdown. Because he had those symptoms they wanted me to rush straight in once there the first question I was asked was what type of cough was it, if it was a croup type of cough we were to be isolated and he would have been tested but it was a phelmy cough so he had chest X-ray’s and turned out he had Asthma, mild pneumonia and mucus cloud over his right lung

Everything is Covid until proven otherwise, even with mild or almost no symptoms


I just came to urgent care because my 10 month old had the same symptoms turned out to be an ear infection

My 5 month old granddaughter and 13 month old grandson had it. 5 month old ran fever for 3 days and was just lethargic and laid around. 13 month old ran fever and got very congested. He turned blue and had to be admitted to the hospital. His symptoms progressed very fast. If you notice any wheezing or problems breathing, go to the ER immediately


These are questions for your doctor. He/she has a medical degree.

Kids are crabby when they are sick. My daughter’s are currently quarantined due to being in close contact with a covid positive classmate. They are showing no symptoms. Me and my girls all have stuffy noses and chest congestion im treating at home and everyone is fine. They only way I’m gonna hit a panic button is if they have super high fevers that I can’t control at home with alternating Tylenol and Motrin other wise I’m gonna treat it like i would any other viral seasonal illness. I’m not gonna subject my kids to testing just to appease the government. We are following the quarantine guidelines but my other three kids are allowed to attend school. Even though my other two were “exposed” what’s the irony. We are all in same house but my other kids can still go to school.

When we quarantined because of possible interacting they said symptoms for my toddler was rashes on neck and back and fever and I can’t remember the other

Call the doctor for best advice

My 4 year old had it. She woke up one morning with a fever of 100.5. I took her into the ER so they would test right away (as opposed to making an appt somewhere). Her fever went down the same night. She had NO other symptoms and was back to her normal energy after just 1 day. So I’d say get him tested anyway even if they aren’t typical Covid symptoms. The ER will test same day and results typically take 2-3 days.

My 3 year old has had a fever since last but has been playing so I’m not worried

You should call before taking him to the hospital so they can tell you where to go in the hospital. Most hospitals try to keep possible covid patients seperate from other patients since it is extremely contagious. Call them your son is having symptoms and they will give you instructions.


It’s cold/flu season, relax. Take them to your doctor.


Try the fb group Covid 19 recovered survivors they might have a post about kids. Prayers

I just called my pediatrician today because my daughter had the same symptoms and they said to watch for her breathing. They said if i wanted to i could bring her to a respiratory doc but they may or may not swab for covid. She has had a runny nose, cough, and sneezing a lot. Had a temp of 99 yesterday but figured it was cause she got the flu shot the day before.

Both my children 2 and 4 yrs old have runny nose cough and around same temp. Took them to ped my daughter has bronchiolitis and my son has a sinus nasal infection causing the cough from extra mucous. Their ped didn’t seem concerned with testing for covid as their temps aren’t high.

Cough, fever of (typically) 101 or higher, congestion/nasal drainage, vomiting, diarrhea, rash on the toes/feet. However, your child could have it and have none of those symptoms at all. Best case scenario is to stay home and quarantine for 10 days from first day of symptoms and 24 hrs fever free. Definitely weigh your options with testing if that’s what you choose to have done. Keep in mind that the rapid tests have a 50% chance of giving a false positive. Even if your child DOES have COVID, no matter how inconvenient it may be, having a positive result won’t change the course of action. Alternate Tylenol (every 4-6 hrs) and Motrin (every 6-8 hrs). Best on luck to you and I hope your child feels better soon!

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There are these people called pediatricians


Call your pediatrician ASAP and ask them. No one on here can give you an answer

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Call his pediatrician and they will hook u up.

Rite aid cvs alot of drugs have u gotta look up which one

Depends on where u live, in my city I have to call a number and get them to make an appointment then wait for another call to know when an appointment is available. But in bigger cities it is easier to get tested because u can just go to a walk in clinic. I am in Canada, Sk.

My story. My six-year-old came home from his dad’s with a low grade fever and a headache. One dose of Tylenol and 5 hours later he was fine. No lingering symptoms. I thought nothing of it until I tested positive a week later. Two days after his symptoms, I started displaying my COVID symptoms. I’m not sure I would have been able to get him tested if I hadn’t caught it and tested positive.