I'm at a loss of what to do

Hey mamas! So I have a situation that I’ve currently been dealt that I need advice on. I’m currently 7 1/2 months pregnant with my third child and I have gestational diabetes, so my pregnancy is considered high risk. My entire pregnancy I have worked at a donut shop and am still currently working but here is my dilemma, I’ve just been diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy in my feet due to not getting off my feet for hours at a time and I’m talking like 6-7 hours straight of constant standing and walking during my shift. I’m part time so “legally” I don’t get allowed breaks. Weply doctor said my last appointment that I’ve been on my feet too much cause my feet are purple and bruised, plus they go numb after I get off work therefore he said I have to take breaks and get off my feet more often. The problem is my boss refuses to work with me, I even offered to switch shifts to open the shop from 2 a.m to 9:30 because it can allow me to take those short little breaks when necessary. The shop is a high paced job at times and I get that but I’m the sole provider for my three kids (father up and left after a ten year marriage to another woman and doesn’t provide nor see my oldest two) so I can’t afford to quit and it’s too close to my maternity leave to find another job my boss says she will be out money if she gives me a few of her shift (morning laid back shift) and she is just not going to do that. What would y’all do? I’m at a loss. I have zero family to help me and child care is outrageously expensive so it’s hard to find a babysitter that works with my schedule plus is reasonable on a single mom. I feel like the world is against single parents.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm at a loss of what to do

Get a doctor’s note. Legally she has to comply to the doctors orders as long as it is in written form. Or get your doctor to write a note stating you are on bedrest. Maybe you could claim unemployment then? Your boss sounds money hungry and obviously isn’t concerned for your wellbeing our your family’s. As soon as you are able, I’d look for a new job.


Is your Dr. Not able to put you on disability? That is different than your maternity leave.


You need to get a note stating what your doctor is saying and it needs to be from your doctor and signed by your doctor and once your boss has that note she has to legally comply with it. And if she doesn’t she could get into trouble legally.


Just because you’re part time doesn’t mean you don’t get a break. I’ve worked part time and I gotten breaks. I do believe after 5 hours you get an unpaid half hour. If that’s not the case then definitely get short term disability note from your doctor and get it through the state.


Legally they have to follow rhe ADA (American Disabilities Act) so get a Dr’s note. If they still won’t, you’ll have 2 choices, sue them or find a new job.
Personally, suing isn’t really worth it for all jobs. That said, if your boss refuses, send the paperwork to HR above him. :woman_shrugging:
Research the company policy and ensure you attach it to your Drs note. It’ll make it harder to ignore.
Also, talk to your Dr abt recommending chiropractor visits and massgae therapy. If there’s a massage or chiropractic care school near you, see about using the students. It’s usually really cheap or free and it can help with blood flow. :black_heart:


I would try a doctor’s note. I would also look into FMLA. You don’t get paid on it but it does save your job. Maybe even look into disability. I would also look for another job after the baby is born. You deserve to be treated better than that.


I’m sorry, did you just say you’re pregnant, gestational diabetic, have blue and purple feet, and your boss DOESN’T care? There has got to be some kind of public backlash I mean if any boss deserved to be canceled it’s this one. Maybe someone could start a gofundme so you can out him without financial worry. Not me though, I’m not reliable. I still think it’s a good idea though if someone else would be willing or if you are. That’s not right what he’s doing, and at the end of the day he’s gonna treat others this way. He deserves public humiliation via just simply telling the truth, no slander needed.


By law your boss has to work with you or take family leave before maternity to have that added Time to relax.

A good dose of empathy and a swift kick in the ass is what your boss needs … Praying for you :pray:

Call the attorney general in your state and put your kids dad on child support. And look into disability and whatever other state benefits may be available to you like housing assistance, food stamps, childcare assistance. I believe they have social workers to assist. Also think of what will happen to your kids if you become disabled or die. Take of you so you can take care of them. Good luck! :pray:t5::heart:


Get a doctors note & an FMLA for your maternity leave & please put that man on child support to


if you have a doctor’s note sue her

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So depending on your state, I have a legit work at home customer service job, we send all the equipment you just need internet, it’s full time tho (not sure if you want ft) has benefits after 90 days!


Your boss is gonna care if you can’t come in anymore because your feet have been amputated smh. Listen to these other comments please. Take care of yourself!

Oregon has TANF (basically a welfare program). They can help you a lot including cash. Plus you should be getting the $300 per child Federal assistance at this time. Some housing assistance may be available. A
I believe all states have welfare, food stamps, etc. California and Oregon pay more than Arkansas or Mississippi (it all depends on your state). You do need to get off your feet before you end up crippled forever. God bless you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::grin::pray::pray:

Take a leave and find another job. Sue the father if he’s employed.Also change your diet to also help the diabetes and swelling. Follow Krystal Alkaline Doula

You need to take that ex to court,get a doctors not that you can do light duty,look in to collecting unemployment since you may need to take some time off due to your condition

Report her !!! Get a doctors note and mail it to her certified mail for needing rest if she tried to fire you and refused to do anything to make changes you will get full benefits :ok_hand:t2:


Stop having kids you can’t afford??? Where’s the daddys???


I’d tell him to fark off and get another job you got this :+1:

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Besides what all the other ladies said, there’s also compression stockings that might help some. Do your doctors think this is permanent or just from gestational diabetes? I’m so sorry you are going through all this!

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Anything over 4 hrs u are required to hv a break! At least 20 minutes. If she’s refusing u ur break, report her to the state! Ur not gonna be able to make any money at all if u keep it up and are put on bed rest anyways. Take care of yourself honey so that u can take care of ur kids!


Get a different job with a boss who cares about your unborn baby and your health or start your own business so you can leave that job behind you.

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Get some compression socks. See if you can get some government assistance

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Your boss sounds like a C**T. Not fair at all x

Get a doctors note. And if she doesn’t follow it… it fires you, you can get unemployment. Much longer than disability. Also, you can take her to court.


Ugg this is terrible. Unfortunately it happens ALOT. Report this to unemployment/wkforce. Maybe they will make your boss take care of pg worker then?? I mean another job would wk too but thats just crumby on bosses part. Im sorry you’re having to deal with this.

Doesn’t matter if you’re part time… you are entitled to a 15 min break and sue the ass off that ex of yours

I would leave. I’m sorry you are going through this but it’s now affecting your health and can also put your unborn baby at risk. I would get in touch with a lawyer though (if you really need a job) and see if there is anything legally that you can do.

Plez go talk 2 the unemployment office n have them tell u where 2 report this. Get a doctor’s note on this n take it with u when u talk 2 these people.


So sad your boss sounds like a utter bitch!!! Who cares if breaks ain’t ‘legal’ you should be aloud to sit every so often when needed! What an asshole please find another job after maternity leave a job who actually cares about their staff

I would find another job, report her and then go after dad for support.

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If you provide her with a doctors note that says it is medically necessary for you to have a 10 minute break every 2 hours or something along those lines then she has to abide by it. If she doesn’t she can get fined and you could sue her and easily win the case.


I would find a different job. There are jobs everywhere, surely you can find something that fits your needs.

Take a early fmla. And find other job while you on maternity leave. If your doctor gives you a note, she doesn’t have to honor it. She can just let you go.

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Your kids need a mum/parent.
You need to look after you first and foremost for your children!
What you do or don’t do now with regards to your health with reflect on your health and well-being later on in life if not before.
No job is worth yours or your unborn child’s life as well as risking children to not have a healthy mother.
Get a dr’s certificate saying you need your hours reduced or breaks ect…she can’t sack you as it’s discrimination and everyone is entitled to X amount of breaks…
If she’s a b* to you now imagine what she’ll be like when you need maternity leave ect…reduce your hours or leave


Also depends on what state she is in. If she’s in a fire at will state it won’t matter.


Idk what state you are in but contact Job Accommodation network https://askjan.org/
And HR with documents from doctor. Legally your job will have to give you a reasonable accommodation documented understate law. someone will advocate for your disability while keeping it confidential.


Your health will always come first.
I would have an honest discussion with your boss and if they cannot accommodate you, start your maternity leave early

Report her to the labor board.


Idk about other states but in California you have to be given a 10 min break every 4 hours and 30 min break before 5 hours if you’re going to be working 6+ hours


Have your doctor write you restrictions. Employers have to follow the set restrictions and if they dont, Id get ahold of the BBB


Go to welfare apply for child care food stamps and hud housing explain your husband left you for another woman and you need help


Also you can call and talk to your local labor board, about breaks and leave

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Dr note but if your work doesn’t take care of you then I’d call someone

That is absolutely insane. I had a similar situation when I was pregnant with my youngest. I was a bartender and I was getting really swollen and bruised feet along with high blood pressure. My doctor told me that I needed to take frequent breaks and get off my feet at least once an hour for at least 5 minutes each time and wrote me a note for work. Well the bar owner, rather than let me sit for a few minutes throughout the shift, put me on unpaid leave and told me I couldn’t come back until I had a doctor’s note saying that I could work unrestricted. We were a hole in the wall bar, not super busy, and had at least 2 bar tenders on at a time. Not to mention that he let everyone else take smoke breaks. But couldn’t let the pregnant girl sit for a minute.


You have a documented medical condition. Your boss is required by law to accommodate you.


Part time worker’s are entitled to a break, not sure what state you’re in, but are you casual or permanent part time, it really doesn’t matter, you are still entitled to a break, especially if you are permanent part time, look into your rights

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Since you are a single mom, I would start looking for a full time, less stressful, more income job-after your baby is born. Use the donut shop for the maternity leave, but get out of there as soon as you can after that. Legally, your boss cannot treat you this way. If your doctor has written a letter for you about being off your feet and you have offered to work a less stressful shift, contact OSHA, citing Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act and also Americans with Disabilities Act. Pregnant women are covered under both of those. You have a right to work and protect you and your baby at the same time!


Pretty sure with a doctors note, they legally have to work with you.


LEGALLY your boss has to allow breaks with a doctors note otherwise hes breaking so many rules… even being partime…


In the Unites States after working more than 4 hrs straight, that person is allowed to have a 15 minute break


If you have a medical condition then your boss has to comply with that. you are entitled to at least a 15min break depending on how many hours that day you worked . Also on days that you have off I would start looking for another job. I wouldn’t put up with that boss and her bs.


Have your doctor put you on restriction for the breaks. That is what I had to do with my 1st. Every 4 hours I had to have a 15 minute break to elevate my feet. To help with the swelling. Also wear compression socks they will help.


See an attorney for a free consultation about your legal rights in your state since they may vary by state. Call the attorney general’s office in your state for assistance. Inquire from welfare what rights you have for assistance since father is not helping with financial support. Reach out to churches in area and food pantry and charities for immediate help. Put your physical condition first or you could loss your legs in the future if you neglect your health now or lose your baby. Don’t give up ! Ask social worker at hospital where you are going to deliver your baby to help you find assistance. Good luck and God bless you and your baby.


Drop the name so we can blast the shop. I’ve never heard something so horrible


With a doctors note, your boss has to accommodate you. By law. Let her know politely and professionally that if she doesn’t, you will be seeking legal action against her.


If your employer cannot accommodate your medical restrictions (restrictions due to pregnancy is considered a disability according to the ADA and they have to be accommodated) you can file for unemployment. If she can’t accommodate you now with breaks, she’s going to have fun accommodating your entire shift. And depending what state you’re in, breaks are not always a legal requirement no matter how long you work. Most employers give them because it’s rather a dick move if you don’t. But they are not legally required in every state. Check your DOL for your state.

Dr note has to be followed, get one .


It sounds like you need to turn the management in to higher ups ( if that doesn’t work turn them in to the us department of labor bc you’re entitled to breaks regardless of employment status). Talk to your doctor and have them fill out paperwork stating that you must have at least x amount of breaks off of your feet. Diabetic neuropathy is considered a disability and if they don’t comply with your doctor’s orders you can get them for that. If they threaten to fire you you can get them for discrimination.


Legally u can have breaks with a doctor note and I’m surprised he didn’t pit u on bed rest

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I don’t know where your based but legally in aus
If you work 4 hrs you get a 10-15min break
For 6hrs you get 30min
And 9+ you get 1 hr
I think…. :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:
When I was pregnant I didn’t think I was allowed to sit down at my work either
But through looking at my work contract… I was allowed to sit on a stool later on in the pregnancy
I had GD and preclampsia and delivered my daughter At 30weeks
At 28weeks I was still working but was struggling to walk due to my fluid gain.
Once I was hospitalised I didn’t go back to work. Up until a few weeks ago

Bypass your boss and go straight to HQ. They should have a ruling in place.

Do what this ladies are suggesting and get your Dr to fill out the appropriate forms for you, but also make your ex pay child support. Just cause he has a new relationship doesn’t mean he is not responsible for his children. Talk to a family lawyer in your are. There’s always cheap or free resources available for women. Look for what resources you have in you area


Have your doctor take you off of work

Kala Thompson bet this is the place you interviewed at

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Screw that. I worked in the soda business pulling pallets, building loads, stocking shelves & I took breaks as needed. It’s already hard enough being pregnant, do everything you can to get those breaks. You & that baby is more important

Can they deny you the breaks if you have a doctors note? I would think that would be considered reasonable accommodations? I mean, you can’t sit in a chair or stool behind the counter and still wait on customers? I’m sorry you’re boss is a jerk :disappointed:


Can you see if you can file for temporary disability? &you need to look up required break time for your state because in NJ part time you get at least a 15 minute paid break. Anything after 30 minute break is unpaid. I would call the labor department and let them know your situation.


Um, even part time people are legally supposed to have breaks


Have your doctor write you restrictions to give to your boss. Maybe go to a lawyer too or lookup laws in your state. But really, get off your feet before you lose them.


Apply for Emergency food stamps and WIC , I helped my neighbor and she was approved in 24 hours and got her card in 2/3 days she also got Medicaid for her and the kids . Your state’s food stamp program will initiate Child Support procedures, so you get the financial support for the children your ex husband fathered , and the financial support your children Deserve! Your kids Deserve a mom who isn’t stressed out and Suffering medically, because their father refuses to assist you in your MUTUAL obligations to support the children he also created .
It will cost you NOTHING for child support hearings and an order for child support if your State is the Petition on your behalf !
best Wishes


If you are in the United States diabetes is considered a disability. Workplaces have to make accommodations. They need to accommodate breaks into your shift.


Check your H/R policies… I’ve never heard that part time workers aren’t allowed a break.
I worked at a busy Starbucks location and was permitted to sit during my shifts.
Your’e boss is just trying to be an @$$

If the doctor writes a letter stating what your restrictions are, the employer has to accommodate you other wise you could have an unlawful termination, if they fire you, do not quit. That’s ridiculous. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Breaks are mandatory not optional your employer sucks ! I’d be getting a lawyer

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I believe depending on where you live if you work 4+ hours shift you get a 15 minute break.
6 hours you get a 30 minute lunch
If it’s 8+hours you get an hour lunch

Regardless you are entitled to at the minimum 1 15 minute break if there is down time they also offer a stool or something to sit on if necessary.


Your boss is a shitty human being!!

With a doctors note your employer legally has to provide reasonable accommodations. You being able to sit for a few minutes every so often is a reasonable accommodation. Get a doctor’s note and if your employer denies the accommodations, tell them you’ll be speaking to a lawyer.


Present a letter from your doctor to your employer saying you need more breaks or have him take you out on disability until after the baby is born. If she fires you take her to the labor board. You may not be entitled to more breaks because of your part time status but under the circumstances your boss must be a big jerk to not work with you on it. I’d find another job as soon as you’re able.


I’m in Oklahoma so not sure of other states….but I managed restaurants for over 25 years…everything from fast food to Applebee’s…and if your doctor writes a note (keep a copy) by law they have to adhere to it!! YOU have rights…tell your boss you’ll start with the BBB!!! If you are fired you could possibly have a case on your hands!!

Get a written letter from your doctor, ( keep a copy) give it to your employer, if he won’t follow it, contact an attorney and see what he says, otherwise call your county social services and you will probably qualify for emergency help. Don’t be to proud to seek the help. Your not going to do yourself or your kids any good if you end up in the hospital


You are entitled to protection under ADA for a workplace accommodation, I would explore that with your HR department.


Bottom line your health and your baby’s health is more important than any job!


I’ve never heard of people not getting breaks for being part time. How long are your shifts? In my state, anything over 6 hours a day requires you to take a 30 minute lunch, and anything 4+, you at least get a 10-15 minute break.
To me, part-time means you work less than 36 hours a week, doesn’t have anything to do with the daily hours.


Have your Dr. Provide you with a note. Keep documentation of everything.


I would get documentation from your doctor to take to HR and start looking for a new job immediately. You deserve better than a crappy employer like that

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Look I don’t know what state you live in but legally it’s a 10min break for every 4hrs worked and a 30min lunch after 6 hrs. Do your research on your specific state. Considering your doctor is telling you to take it easy he could vouch for you and say you need a 10min every hour! I get the employer sucks but at some point you gotta help yourself and stop letting people like your shitty boss stomp all over you. Again idk what state you live in but your doctor could take you off work and you could earn disability, it’s fairly easy to get on esp when there’s complications in the pregnancy…

There are things you can attach to your shoes when you have to work long hours on your feet.

You can get unemployment if you cannot work due to medical reasons! Also after working 4 hrs they must give you a break! Your emotes has to accommodate you if you have a medical condition!


Idk why everyone’s telling you to go on unemployment. You need to be looking into going on disability not only does it pay more but it’s for pregnant women!


Could you at least have a stool behind the register so you can at least sit here and there while doing certain tasks when the time allows?

First go to court and seek child support, also if your doctor is willing to write up a letter stating you have medical need for breaks especially under the ADA for a workplace accommodation, if your boss does not comply she can be in big trouble. You can die from gestational diabetes, I know somebody who lost their mother because of it, she ended up with blood clots in her legs at about 8 months, the baby was saved but raised by her aunt. I think you can apply for something under the disability act, maybe contact L&I or OSHA.


Go to the Child Support Enforcement Agency and get your child support…it’s easy to say go to your doctor and get a note…but most employers will become snotty with you for it… nothing like a toxic work environment…your health and unborn child is the main worry here…you may end up with blood clots in those legs if your not careful…I’d go down to Job and Family Services and get public assistance until this child was born…get that much needed child support after that and find another job after the child was born…your employer is not welling to work with you…so let her do your job…


First off that’s illegal, every 2 hours you’re supposed to get a break if working 7 hours and/or get a lunch. & your manager can’t do anything about you sitting down every now and again while you’re pregnant. If she fires you it’ll be a law suit


Mama, due to your medical condition you should go on disability! Early disability due to pregnancy


Get a letter and turn it in as documentation. If your boss still refuses, go to HR.

You are protected by ada if your employer refuse to accommodate you ask for documentation in writing. Contact department of labor so they can start an investigation of the company. Sounds to me what they are doing is illegal. You will be protect and may have a lawsuit you can file.

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Sounds like she is wanting you to quit, so don’t let her fire you. If you have to stay at this job.