I'm being pressured to move in with a man with a shady past

Run, run, from this man! He is bad news. Don’t expose yourself and your family to this dangerous person. End it!

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I would break it off the relationship since he lied abt his name and record plus like you said he is shady with his past. The relationship is not worth for you to use the time.

3 months and already trying to lie? AND JUSTIFY IT? NopeBYE. :v:

Why would you go anywhere near this dumpster fire?!? Def leave him and keep doing you!

No joke ppl that have that many aliases is avoiding legal issues, warrants, questioning, child support many many reasons most legal.
I think I would probably confront him in a public place and give him a choice to give you a real name you can do another search on and a chance to be honest. I get the feeling that there might be some domestic issues you should be concerned about. Wanting all that within 3 months of dating is concerning. Not taking your responsibility seriously would be an issue for myself.
These arent small lies.

You either break it off with no reasoning or FINISH digging till you hit something that tells you why some much effort and pressure was needed.

Wait…“He admitted RIGHT BEFORE our first date that he did not have a driver’s license because he was a convicted felon, that he’d been caught with drugs and a firearm that he wasn’t licensed to carry. He said he was in prison for 3 years, and that he had been on his best behavior, had a legal job and his own house now.” He admitted ALL THIS before your first date and you went anyway? You are nuts.

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Good for you doing a search on him. I have never through a thing like that. But I would lose all contact with him .

You obviously need to go all in. We need a ridiculous sequel to this ridiculous question. You might get lucky and end up on Springer. Keep us posted.

Yikes :flushed:, no. Girl run.