I'm close to being due. Can any let me know what to pack in my hospital bag for pregnancy?

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Hair brush!
Comfy clothes, deodorant,
shower stuff,
snacks and drinks,
ohh breast pump,
nipple cream,
a bottle,
water bottle,
Hair ties
House coat
Blanket (for you)

Robe, hair ties, Chap stick, cozy socks. Toiletries,

I packed a charger for my phone comfortable clothes to go home in shower things for me and my s.o. brought a few snacks for him during and me after, some money for the vending machine, hair ties, a hoodie, a snuggly blanket and a pillow. For the baby I have a diaper bag packed with a few extra outfits and a smaller bag with the breast pump and supplies. Also since I don’t know if she’s going to be here at night or daytime and weather here sucks I added some summer and cooler weather outfits in her bag as well as a blanket. Also you will need a couple of masks god forbid you forget those

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An extra long charger, or a charger with extension cord. SNACKS. A robe or nightgown in case you have to have a csection. I liked taking travel sized toiletries instead of full size. Hair ties or scrunchies. Comfortable nonslip socks, the hospital supplies socks but they were so scratchy and uncomfortable. Definitely chapstick. I took my yeti tumbler for ice water!

lots of extra underwear

Personal care items(toothbrush, hairbrush, shower stuff etc)
Comfy clothes that are black, comfy socks, hair ties, pillow and blanket(for you and for whoever is staying with you in the hospital if someone is)
Phone chargers, either extra long cords or bring extensions.
Snacks and drinks, legit bring a cooler if you can lol.
Of course don’t forget some form of shoes. Flip flops, sandals, tennis shoes, whatever you think will be most comfortable for you after pushing a baby out.
For baby bring a bottle, pacifiers, swaddles, going home outfit, car seat, if you’re breast feeding you can bring a boppy pillow if you think it’ll make it easier for you, baby lotion and shampoo, mittens(they’re nails are like lil razors), just bring a couple extra sets of clothes for the baby in case, anddddd if you have a written/printed out birth plan then you need to bring a few copies of that :))