I'm living a lice nightmare, help!

Go buy dog shampoo, I think I used Hart’s, can’t remember for sure of the name. I used it on my girls, couldn’t afford over the counter stuff for humans, and dog shampoo was more effective and easier on their hair, I followed up in 7 to 10 days for the eggs that hatched. It has the same stuff in it as the RIT does and alot cheaper. I still use it if I have a patient with lice or scabies

Mayo all over the head shower cap it then take her clothes out the on the dryer plain and if she stuffed animals same then plastic bag them for a few hours too a day.

Straighten her hair!

Maybe the source of the lice is still a constant?? Is there another child that she is with regularly that hasn’t been treated?

Flea and tick shampoo

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Use baby oil are cooking oil that what I use on me nieces hair andherhsir it was past her butt

Can I ask what the dr prescribed you-
I know of a prescription tablet that might help if it’s not the same as what your dr has already tried

flea meds for dogs also works on lice.

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Die her hair. Leave die the most time possible. Wash and Cobb through. Dead

Simplicety is amazing! It works!!

Best thing I ever bought! They also have shampoo conditioner and detangler all to help repel!!! I swear this will help!

You have to comb through the hair with a NIT COMB after treatment with strong lice removing shampoo. The spaces between the tines of the comb are tiny. I had to do this with my little girls when their hair was very long—almost to the waist. It is very difficult but they keep coming back if you do not get all the nits—baby lice!

Look some Filipino store,ask them if they sell “Suyod”“nit comb”,nit comb is very helpful.Maybe your daughter need to have a hair cut to lessen the spreading of lice and you can easily remove those lice eggs.You need to remove it on by one,just need patience .

Time to cut it that’s what my mom had to do.

Check to make sure there are no birds nests wherever she plays outside or near bedroom windows… bag up all throw pillows extra blankets and stuffed animals for a minimum of 10 days… it will suffocate live bugs and eggs
treat and wash every hair bow, scrunchie, headband and brush
I even ran everything fabric that could be dried thru the drier (all clothing)
Treat the car like you would your matresses
It took 2 months of losing my mind before the school discovered the problem was bird nests at the playground ( school had to be sanitized) it was every single student and faculty being affected (small private school)

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The only thing that has worked for my girls religiously is coconut oil . Lather it in the hair I do it by sections making sure the roots to ends are covered well then leave their hair in a shower cap exclusively for that for an hour or 2 . Shampoo very well 3 times and then most will go down the shower drain on their own and Il still check over but depending on how bad it is u will probably need to comb thru again after they’ve finished washing the. All bed sheets etc hot wash with tea tree and eucalyptus oil and detergent - works like a charm :pray:

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My daughter has had lice twice, what worked for me was seriously Vamouuse, if you haven’t tried it, you should, that and going through her hair, painstakingly for at least a week. Yes, she gets tired of it, I do too, but it has to be done. Also bag up any stuffed animals, wash everything you can and spray all your furniture for at least a week. Really, that was two years ago and haven’t had an issue since. There’s also shampoo you can get to deter lice. It’s a long process but it can be done. Good luck.

The comb never got all the eggs out for my daughter. Then they would hatch and start all over. I had to go through all her hair and pull them off one by one. It sucked!!! For the live ones I had a comb that killed and sucked them up, it was pretty cool. Ever sence I’ve started during my daughters hair she has not had them. So that does seem to work. Also used a peppermint spary for her hair and that helped her since they hate it.

At this point I would take her somewhere to have them treat her. Then I would bag everything of hers up and stick it somewhere away from here. They will die with no host. Also, wash everything. Vacuum everything.

Probably need two bottles for extra long hair but this stuff is the best kills lice and eggs in one go

A few years ago a kid in our neighborhood had this issue. Her hair was super thick and curly and it just kept coming back no matter what they did. They wound up going to a lice removal clinic and they got EVERYTHING out and they were finally cleared out.

Nit Comb her hair with hair conditioner
Then wash out conditioner and dry her hair
Then use a hair straightener close to scalp as you can
This will cook the nits and eggs
Put all bedding into the dryer
Works like a charm

After treating hair, combing through, blow dry her hair and straighten it. Straightener will kill anything that the treatment and comb through didn’t. Speak to class teach and school as well!

Shave all her hair off.


Have you bagged up all her stuffed animals and extra pillows no extra fabrics in her room. I had to do it with my kids a few years ago

Mayo worked best when my friends kids had them bad

I had to cut my grand daughters hair then get NIX it works the best.

There is a cream called scroumba + the lice comb… my daughter got it from her school a good friend told me about this after a couple days her head was clean

I have thick hair it does my head in but the best way for me have her hair up high and in a bun. While you comb through her hair give her something to watch like a phone or iPad, the best thing though is maybe tell your daughter it could be time to get her hair cut but still have it below her shoulders if that’s what she wants.

I comb out the hair dry first. Put mayonaise for about an hour. Comb the hair even with the mayonaise and keep wiping on a paper towel. Wash the hair couple times and of course the comb. Then I baby oil and comb it out again. When I am done I wash the hair couple more times. The lice dissapeared. If you cant get the left overs take them out one by one. This was on thin to a medium hair. I wish you luck

Went thtough the same thing with my daughter when she was around 8 years old, she used her friends hair brush at school. Spent so much money and time with different treatments and nothing worked. Finally, her pediatrician asked me if I would consider something that isnt backed by the medical world…Vasaline , like 1 whole jar. Completely saturate the head and use a shower cap overnight. Then comb out. Then shampoo hair. Finally, got rid of all the lice. Washed all bedding .only drawback…greasy hair for like 1 1/2 weeks, even after shampoo daily. Never happened again though!

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I had it really really bad as a kid. For like a year and a half straight. Finally my mom put miracle whip on my head before bed and then tapped a bag around it and it’s the only thing that worked.

There’s this place I’ve found on tik tok and saved the website kus their work is amazing I’m from the uk and they are in the US but deliver all over the world. Called lice angels they have a website it’s pricey but works 100%! Definitely worth it if nothing else works

Soak hair in apple cider vinegar like a gallon of it

My child had a nightmare with them was doing it every day I used a nitty gritty comb it’s expensive but I’ve had it for 5 years now so they last! Also used to spray tea tree oil in her hair.

Drench her head in conditioner dont wash it first. Those little critters have gills

lots of conditioner,and comb daily, better than any chemicals. good luck x

I am sorry I know this could be slightley upsetting for your daughter but might be time for a good hair cut! Pixie do :slightly_smiling_face: buy some cute headbands get rid of all that hair , treat , treat ,treat and without all that heavy hot hair u might win the battle


Don’t forget about stuff animals. As a child I went through several months with lice and then my parents threw out all stuff animals and the lice finally went away. Even when you wash them it doesn’t remove the eggs. I will say I had a very hard time with it so make sure you explain why instead of just tossing while the child is out. Lol

Cutting hair shorter & thinning it out will help.
Also get a spray bottle fill with water & put tee tree oil in or eucalyptus oil & spray on head every morning. Even put some in the washing machine when washing bedding,etc

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I had to cut my daughters hair off. Then use ivermectin, tea tree oil and conditioner to make a paste and use to treat her hair. Then we did the combing daily. We retreated I think 1-2 weeks apart. I threw the pillows away. I threw her brush away.

Make sure your washing everything in hot water. For the people saying use conditioner your not supposed to while doing treatments, don’t do that. They like clean heads. Make sure all stuffed animals are put into a garbage bag and shut tight you have to suffocate them. Spray her hair with tea tree oil. Sounds shitty but cutting her hair might help and make it easier. Hair always grows back. You can even bleach her hair and theres a chance of killing them but i doubt you want to do that.

Mayo and a shower cap.


Tea tree oil. Put a drop or 2 in her shampoo. Lice like a clean environment. Also, you could cut her hair. Don’t shave it or anything unless she wants to rock a shaved head. Personally I think chicks with shaved heads are badass. But your best bet would be to cut her hair to around shoulder length and try treatment. I had lice a few times growing up so I know her pain. And this is random but flea shampoo for dogs kills lice too.

I’d cut her hair for one thing. It’s just hair.

Listerine kills them. I’ve never seen anything kill lice like the plain amber colored Listerine.


Have you treated your own hair? Everyone else in the family? Sometimes you can pass them back and forward.

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A couple years ago we had a bad infestation between my nieces my God kids my kids me I mean there was about seven families needless to say all the kids went to the same school as well thank God I had boys I can shave their heads but that was not the case with me the only thing I have found that worked and I don’t know how old your child is dying my hair without actually having to cut it off it does work for the new so-called super lice

Heat kills them blow dry as much as possible and use a flat iron it kills eggs and bugs thats the only way we got rid of them

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My mom finally got sick of it with me and she put the shampoo on my head with Saran wrap for like the hours then went through literally every single hair pulling out nits and dead louse. I was little and it seemed like she had me sitting there all. Day. But it did do the trick.

From experience,clean any vehicles your daughter had been in,they also get in the vehicles,if you don’t get rid of them there you will keep getting them.did you try mayonnaise and comb thru her hair,also twice a month rinse her hair with mouthwash,lice hates mint.

There is a place called liceology they are amazing and will guarantee their work i promise well worth it

Use Cetaphil lotion to coat every strand of hair then blow dry blow dry blow dry. It shrink wraps the lice n eggs n then comb them out! I learned this from a lady that does this for a living😆 thats her job, picking lice out of random peoples hair😉

Coconut oil. Let it set for a few hours. Comb and comb and comb. Wash and repeat every few days

Coconut oil leave in overnight with hair wrapped up.

Go to ulta buy lice terminator comb (use daily) i think its by fairy tales. Also tea tree oil to repel. You might go to a professional and rid the issue then try the comb daily.

Clean surrounding areas beds couches and toys and so on.
Comb the her hair 2 times a day use tea tree oil for treatment also … depending on her age hair dye can do wonders .something in the bleach kills off lice … not suggesting I just know it can work.
Use coconut oil and always put her hair up

Stay away from everyone . If it’s that much work someone close is infecting you

You need to treat the whole house not just blankets and floors. Pillow can have them even if you wash the pillow cases, also the mattress, couches, anything that’s fabric basically needs to be treated. They have lice clinics that can help.

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find a lice clinic in your area and take her ASAP. it’s the only thing that worked when we went through months of a lice nightmare with my daughter. there’s a thing called Super Lice that normal remedies and home remedies won’t even touch. it’s likely if it’s lasted this long, that’s what she has.

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Spray and soak her hair in regular gold listerine. Wrap her head in a towel for a minimum of an hour. Over night is a good idea. Wash with plain dawn dish soap. Works!

Try Apple cider vinegar

Die her hair the same color worked for me 20 years ago and when my kids got it 2 years ago I died it again and I never got it. Works for sure

Lice can generally only live 24 hours without a food source - you need to treat everyone in the home with a lice shampoo- not just her as if one person has it there’s always a good chance someone else has it as well- than you need to treat the whole house not just her room- vacuum and spray (they sell lice spray for furniture) all furniture/rugs ect- bag up anything she’s been in contact with that can’t be washed and dried in a dryer in garbage bags for 2 weeks (this ensures any eggs that may hatch are also killed off) after treating her hair try to get as many eggs as possible- they hatch approx 5 days after being laid so I always treat again every 5 days for a total of 2-3 treatments depending on how bad they may have gotten it- if she continues to get it after you’ve treated multiple times you need to find the source of where she’s getting it from (huge possibility your getting rid of it but she keeps getting reinfected from being around someone who’s not treating it) also make sure you are putting all her hairbrushes and hair ties in hot boiling water when you treat her- I also buy lice shield shampoo off of Amazon (the good ones generally are coconut oil based)

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I had this problem with my youngest awhile ago. We did all the usual treatment s (shampoo, using comb, etc) at the end we dried her hair then flat ironed small segments to kill off any eggs I may have missed. This was the only thing that helped us. We did treat all furniture, bedding, and wash all clothing and cloth materials. I found a few in my car from having them so long and she was in a car seat at the time. She has super thick and curly hair. I hope this helps you.

I know you probably don’t want to but start by cutting her hair, this will make it easier for you to comb through it to get the nits and live lice out. If the over the counter stuff isn’t working then you can contact her pediatrician again and they will prescribe you a stronger prescription lice cream for her hair that you put in and take out and comb everything out. Stay on top of the vacuuming and cleaning her bedding as well as your car etc. be sure to check everyone else in the household as she could be getting it from someone else in the household.

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Mayonnaise helps and leaves hair as soft as conditioner

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I hate to say this but if her hair is long and thick, most likely you aren’t getting it all even with topicals and combing. Get it done by a professional while you super hot wash everything fabric she touches. Or just throw things away that can’t be washed. If you do all that and it still returns, I’d cut her hair and do a contact trace of where/who she is with to find out where she is getting it from.

This was the only thing that worked in my daughter’s hair a few years ago. And it stays kind of greasy so it’s not bad combing out after

Once you get rid of them spray this on her every morning before school

They have professional or you can hire to take care of getting rid of the Lice

Mayonnaise cheap kind has more oil in it leave the n hair for a couple hours rinse out but don’t shampoo before using a fine tooth comb then shampoo and use lice comb again

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Olive oil and cling wrap for a few hours

I’ve heard mayonnaise is suppose to work

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The whole house will needs to be disinfected everyplace her hair touches chairs couch mattresses all bed room linen. Stuffed animals in a plastic bag everything.

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Ivermectin. Seriously. Look up the proper dosage, drop the drops right on the top of all y’alls heads. Deep clean through everything again and repeat in a week

Coconut oil for 15 min, comb through, then apple cider vinegar for 15 min comb through again then shampoo as usual. I had my kid use rosemary and mint shampoo from suave. Haven’t had it in a few years

Lice kit, soak head in olive oil for 24 hours, wash, blow dry with heat, flat iron.

Heat coconut oil and add some camphor let it melt then switch off the flame, when it cools down apply it like regular hair oil, keep it for 4-5 hours then wash and comb. You will see some lice on your towel too. Tried and tested

Unfortunately the shampoos, treatments, and even prescriptions only kill the live bugs. Then you have to vacuum and clean all bedding in hot water, dry on high heat. Bag up all stuffed animals, throw pillows, etc and keep them tied up in garbage bags in the garage or basement for about 3 weeks. Then the worst part comes… the combing isn’t ever going to get all the eggs. The only way to ensure you get all.of them out is to go through her head, literally strand by strand, and pull through each strand by hand to remove every egg. Its tedious and stressful. But it’s the only guarentee to get rid of it completely

Shave her bald her hair will grow back

Try straightening it with GHDs - you can hear the eggs popping from the heat, then just brush them out. I had murders with my daughter because she was allergic to all the shampoos

This is the only thing that worked for me and my family.