I'm lost and scared

In week 5, your baby’s heart will start beating this week. Keep your precious miracle. This baby will change your life in the best way with or without this man by your side. Blessings to you, you can do this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Did you and your SO never sit down and talk about what would happen if you broke up? Seems a bit immature to fall pregnant but have no contingency plans.

If you want an abortion, go get one. If you don’t, then have the baby. Whatever decision you make will most likely affect the rest of your life… one more so than the other. Just make sure you’re ready for whatever decision you make.


Only you can decide. You know him No one here does. As for the baby well again your choice. You talk openly with him about how you feel about what happen. You might want to give him some space too he does not go out you can check his phone anytime he ask permission … Wow not many can say that. In the end you are the one in this relationship and I would advice you to ask advice to people close to you and not strangers. Best of luck mama

Go with your own feelings and gut feelings no one got the wright to tell you what you need or have to think love …

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Not baby falult he messing around don’t bring poor baby in it how could anyone say that I’m sorry people out love baby can’t he playing a about that his doing keep that poor baby out off it

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Honesty you sound immature as fuck. I’m against abortion but I feel bad for that baby. Your only capable of being a mom if he a dad? He cheated on you get over it and moved on. Dont take it out on a innocent baby because he cheated on you. Pathetic.

I wouldn’t continue with the pregnancy


Why would u kill your baby because he’s a pos???


I’d get an abortion, you can always have another with a man who would never do that to you.


Remember no matter what you decide about your boyfriend, that is your BABY inside of you! Your baby! You are that baby’s mother no matter what happens with the boyfriend! Your baby is already growing inside of you and depending on you - his or her mama! If you don’t want to be a mom to this miracle from God, you can always give the baby up for adoption to a family that does want a baby. Just a couple of things to think about. Best of luck with your decision about your boyfriend. Btw - your baby already has a beating heart! :heart:


All the comments judging a potential abortion are disgusting


You dunno if you want your baby, because your boyfriend is acting a fool? Damn.

Why spread your legs if you can’t take care of a baby(ies)?


I say abort the man not the innocent sweet life. Youll never forgive your self if you do especially if you stay with him. My man cheated on me after i had our first. I decided to stay. I set boundaries. And hes done every thing he could possibly do to prove to me he loves me and he knew he fucked up and he doesnt want to loose me or the kids. Were now on our 3rd kid together. If you do anything leave him. But if you decide to discontinue the pregnancy thats ultimately your choice. You came here for raw advice so i hope no one comes at me.

The only thing I will say is the baby inside you didn’t chose any of this so why should he or she suffer for the actions of you or your partner? If stuff doesn’t work out between you both that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be a good father. You really should think before acting


If I were going to discontinue anything it would be him. Never would it be my baby.


Just because he went to a club doesn’t mean your baby isn’t gonna be a blessing for you both. And honestly instead of harboring on the fact he did one thing out of character once. You took it to the extreme with getting an abortion and leaving him. When you just said he has never done this before is open with his phone… the benefit of the doubt here would calm alot of your fears. Btw I’m not shaming nor have any personal stock in your life decisions, just my advice.

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Better to regret an abortion than the man you had a baby with


I don’t get why you’re getting attacked for being “controlling”, other than feeling the need to check his phone. If you have to check his phone, you don’t trust him and you don’t need to be together. However, my husband never goes out or invites anyone over without checking in with me first. Not because of control but to be respectful of my feelings as well or what we have going on. I do the same for him. Granted, we have kids so it’s a bit different but the concept is still the same.
If you’re not wanting to go through with this pregnancy because you feel like your relationship is toxic and not fit to raise a child in or you’re just not ready for the HUGE commitment, then don’t go through with the pregnancy. There’s always adoption but It would take a huge mental toll on anyone who went through an entire pregnancy just to give their baby away. I for one would not be able to do it.
Both abortion and having a child are huge decisions but just do what YOU feel is right.


Just stop and listen. 100 times if needed…
You are asking him permission for basic human things (such as hanging out with your friends) but he can just go the club til 2 am and you accept that??? Listen to yourself and wake up.

It’s not the baby’s fault AT ALL it is a blessing.if u feel u can’t or dont want the baby I’d gladly adopt it and give it a loving home and everything it needs in life as I myself can’t have kids of my own​:pensive::man_shrugging:just a thought


The comments advising you to “lose” your baby are wild! My baby is my Baby regardless of anything. Shocking what I’m reading on here.

Really?? Aborting a innocent baby🤬


I thought your question was going to be:
should I continue in this relationship?
Let me answer both questions. If it were me I’d run as fast as you can from this boy, tell him you had a miscarriage and cut your ties. Then get off Facebook and look into what happens during an abortion, the stages of an embryo/fetus and also visit the baby floor at a hospital. Maybe talk with a pastor or teacher or a friend you trust. Sister? Mama? Auntie?
Search adoption stories online. Realize that you have the power inside you to change a couples lives. Have a good cry. Then make your decision. Good luck :purple_heart:

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You are hurting. But consider this before you act: you can’t undo an abortion. You can change your mind on an adoption, or choose to have it open so you can still see the child. But I know too many who have terminated because of his-actions, only to go on with lifelong regret and depression. My daughter plants forget-me-nots in honor of her baby, and her broken heart over her choice she regrets. The decision is only one you can make, only you what you carry. I wish you peace.


No reason to abort a baby, a miracle because you think he’s cheating get rid of him! It’s not the baby’s fault!


Your baby shouldn’t even be in question about going thru with your pregnancy or not now. I can understand maybe your just scared and don’t know how you will be able to raise your child on your own if it comes to that. If it comes to you raising the baby on your own Please never think you can’t. No matter what reason it is just know you can do it just believe in yourself. Second go with what your heart is telling you happened and your eyes see the proof with. You deserve better than that and never accept less. Don’t believe the lies it will never happen again or ect. If they cheat once they will cheat e every second they get cause they know you will let it slide sooner or later like you did last time. If you truly meant everything to them nothing at all would of ever happened for him to have lipstick on his clothing. Best wishes but least give your child a fighting chance if you don’t want the baby. There is people everywhere who can’t have kids or ect that would love to have your baby and love as their own.


That’s a no brainer either choose you n the child or partying. Time to give him an ultimatum. How can you not see the only options

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See if you can get couples and/or individual counseling to help you clarify what’s going on and your feelings about your current and future situation. Your employer or his may offer an EAP with three free consults with a counselor.

Ask BF if he wants to stay & raise the baby with you or not. Maybe he’s wanting to sow his wild oats before all the responsibilities of parenthood, or he’s scared witless about what comes next (including possible marriage). Or he’s just ready to run away. Ask his friends what happened and what they think of his behavior: a one-time aberration, definitely cheating on you, nothing really happened, it was all on her, he was a willing participant or the aggressor, he’s checked out of your relationship or what. Tell his friends/companions you need them to tell the truth so you can make informed decisions, especially about your pregnancy. BTW, does BF know you’re pregnant?

Think about what happens in different scenarios and figure out finances for each: if things turn out perfect, if he has affairs, if either of you initiated a breakup, if he disappears entirely, if he supports you and baby or if he’s a deadbeat. Are you financially dependent on your boyfriend? Can you work towards being self-sufficient? How well are you able to handle stress? Don’t have/keep the baby if you are likely to resent or abuse her/him. Do you enjoy being with babies and/or children or find them to be annoying and demanding? Did you grow up with great parents? Did you have siblings, and if so, how did get along as children and now as adults? What kind of role models did you/do you have?

Certainly it’s no one’s business but yours what you do with your body and your fetus. In addition to adoption, people looking for surrogates might be willing to pay for your expenses in return for being able to adopt your child. Think about if you’d want it to be an open adoption where you could be in touch with the adopting person or persons or not, or if there’s someone in your extended family who would love to adopt so you could see the child grow up.

Talk to medical professionals about what happens and the costs of continuing or terminating your pregnancy. I’ve known people who’ve had abortions and been fine and happy afterwards, many who’ve gone on to have children when they were ready, others who knew they were not cut out to be a parent and were really sure of their decision. I’ve known others who’ve felt guilty their whole lives after abortion, those who’ve put kids up for adoption and been devastated, and those who found acceptance and happiness after giving up a baby. Think about past decisions you’ve made and why you were happy about them or regretted them to help figure out how you would react to the decisions in front of you.

It all depends on what other challenges you have in your life now or anticipated. Did you want get further schooling? Go into a time consuming profession or one requiring lots of time away from home? Do you hope to travel? Be a SAHM?Your employment, your finances, your housing, the cost of insurance, childbirth, your earning potential and what’s lurking in your head, and your heart will all contribute to what you decide to do. And of course your relationship with the father will be a big factor. A good therapist can help you think more rationally and less hormonally about your BF situation and pregnancy.

Is your BF gainfully employed and likely to pay child support in full and on time if you have the baby & y’all split up? Is he likely to be a good parent or co-parent? Is he a generally responsible person or more carefree? Does he willingly do half he household duties and pay bills on time or does he expect you to shoulder the bulk of them? Is he responsible with money and time? How do you feel about pregnancy and motherhood? Wonderful? Scary? A blessing or a burden? Why?

Why weren’t you both using reliable birth control if you weren’t looking to get pregnant? When this is resolved be sure to use it faithfully until you’re ready to be pregnant again.

It’s always good to have a wonderful and extensive support system no matter what happens in your life. Know that you are already strong enough to handle whatever life throws at you, but always ask for help when needed, and take care of yourself first. Learn how to discuss things without getting upset (yes, it’s difficult), because otherwise people stop listening and start plotting how to get back. If you decide to keep the baby, use classes, books, blogs, podcasts and “Super Nanny” shows to continually learn how to be a better parent, which will save your sanity too. Get your BF to learn as much as he can also.

Good luck! Sending positive vibes and serene chi to you to ease your fears, make good decisions, and be happy with whatever you decide. I wish for you much resilience to have confidence throughout life when things don’t go as planned, and lots of good people to surround you with love and support. I’m sure women on this forum would be happy to be in your support network if they live close enough to you.

Sending love and prayers.


Don’t abort an the baby it’s a life.


Not the baby’s fault! The guy you’re with is the problem.


All y’all saying she HAS to keep the embryo is just nasty! If I was you I would dumb his cheating ass and get an abortion. It’s completely okay to get one don’t listen to ANYONE who says other!

I’m going to start by saying she has every right to end her pregnancy if she wants, no matter the reason. Being a single parent is HARD and not everyone can do it.
Next, if you feel like his story is true and that you can move past this, considering he doesn’t seem to ever hide anything really makes me believe moving forward is possible, then I think you should try to move forward. Let him know that he has crossed a boundary and it’s not okay and you will not tolerate it again. If going to the club is something you only want to do together, make that clear. If you don’t mind him going with friends as long as there are no VIP dances, tell him that! Just be honest and do what you think is best❤️


Well…. you two are not married… and you are pregnant. One … no marriage … no legal commitment to him. Two… two of you created the baby … belongs to BOTH of you.


Some of you ppl need to get off of ur high horse. A lot of you would def NOT be good therapists. It doesn’t matter that YOU don’t agree with abortion, adoption, or a baby being born into a dysfunctional relationship, this is HER life & she’s absolutely allowed to consider ALL of her options. With that said, being a single mother is extremely hard, it’s a struggle that even the child will feel, so if u feel as though u will end up as such, perhaps not going through with the pregnancy or adoption is the best choice. But if he is remorseful & showing u that he still loves u & ur relationship, then I think that couples therapy is a good option & that there is hope for ur relationship & ur baby. If u truly want this baby, and so does he, & u think that even if u do separate that he will still be supportive & co-parent, then keep the baby. But a baby should not be used to fix a relationship, nor does it work like that anyway. You have to do what’s right for YOU. Think over your options, figure out your relationship, & do what is right for you & your life and do NOT let ANYONE make u feel guilty for it, none of these ppl are gonna be helping u, so it’s only on YOU.


It sounds like you don’t love him ànd are trying to find a way out . You don’t even sound like you want your baby so I think you are the one with the problem not him .


I would but continue with the relationship but I’m not sure why the baby would have to die. Sit him down and have an open and honest conversation with him


You shouldn’t take it out on your baby because of his poor decisions. Your child is the only person in this world guaranteed to love you unconditionally. I would find out who the girl is that he danced with and try to find out what happened that night


There’s nothing we can say to talk you into trusting him again hun. The only person that can answer that is you. I will say tho… if there is even the SLIGHTEST chance that you are gonna try to work things out with him, just be careful what you say to who and what you do… cuz whatever baggage you stick him with is gonna be baggage for you as well. As far as the baby goes, I’m prolife for ME, what anybody else does is there business but it sounds like you may be considering to abort to punish him. And that’s not right. Just don’t do anything rash hun. You’ve got some time before you make any set in stone decisions. I’m not the best person to be giving advice on abortion because I just can’t fathom it or understand any reason why someone would want to. But that’s the great thing about America. You have choices no matter what anybody thinks. So I’m just gonna leave it at that. Good luck and think about it first. Get couples counseling.


Why terminate the pregnancy? Its not the baby’s fault if hes unfaithful!!!


My best friend had became pregnant, found out her boyfriend cheated. She decided to keep her baby, but when asked at the hospital who the father was, she said she didn’t know. This was her first child and she raised a very beautiful daughter, her now husband adopted her at a young age and helped raise her. One can never know what life has in store for the future, only you can decide the outcome.


BIG HUGS :hugs: You know in your gut the answer. Follow it . Run


Your a control freak chick he can do what he wants its only a dance and your going to murder a kid because he enjoyed himself? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Either you want the baby or not, being with a man should not make the decision for you. Sounds like you want a family with him but only if he’s not going to cheat, and by his actions and his excuse I’d take those as red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:


Your body, your decision. Period. I am surprised at the other women’s “advice” in here. 5 WEEKS.

You have every right for an abortion, should that be your decision. You are 5 weeks. Please speak with your doctors and discuss your options and educate yourself on the local laws of where you live as far as timeliness go, that way you can make your decisions cemented in knowledge.

Married or not, if a man is interested in other women, he is going to be with other women. If a man is interested in being with you, he is going to be faithful to you. There is no in-between.

Women are very intuitive. You know these answers for yourself. Take the time to listen, and decide based on your personal sitiuation. Only you know what is right for you.


Do what’s right for you, do not let others force the>r opinion on you


First of all the phone thing there are so many ways around that. If a person is doing something they shouldn’t be doing they are going to be smart enough to delete whatever they need to. Letting you go through his phone means nothing… the fact you feel you need to go through it to find something then that should tell you everything you need to know. Leave. If someone is not bringing you happiness and peace and only bring stress and worry then let them go. There’s no need to have that in your life.


What would be your reasons to go out to the club again

What do you possibly mean that “his boxers came back dirty”? Isn’t that what happens when you wear clothes?


Firstly a baby won’t ensure loyalty from a man, do not get rid of it because you feel or suspect he wasn’t loyal.
Secondly Your baby is your blessing so hold onto that, you’re the baby’s mom for a reason.
Thirdly I think he fooled around with another woman and is using alcohol as An excuse to validate his behavior. Drop his butt. If he did it once he will surely do it again. Always follow your gut.

Asking for permission and checking phones? Am I old? Is this a thing now? I mean that sounds like alot of hard work. If you don’t trust him then what is the point? As for your pregnancy, you don’t need to be in a relationship to bring a child up , yes it would be nice too but it’s not ever guaranteed. Best of luck

Also… As for abortion? That is your choice :two_hearts:


I wouldn’t have an abortion that’s taking a life away from a baby for a small situation your in I would leave and raise the child on my own and comparing with the dad that baby didn’t ask to be here please rethink abortion it’s not a good idea you will regret it later

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I don’t know how many more of these stories i can actually believe or are you guys legit checking your guys “boxers, jox, undies” etc for real?! Man my man farts so much i pick them up from the top and chuck them in the washing machine, no way am i looking :rofl::sweat_smile: lol.
I apologise if this is legit tho! I guess no harm in questioning him. You put your foot down and ask him the hard questions, if you find it suss try ask his friends…


Of course you keep the baby no matter what, the decision to love your child should not depend on whether your boyfriend is there nor not.


Once trust is broken it will always be a problem I stayed with someone 11 yrs 4 children and it was never the same in the end he was cheating and he did it with a best mate at the time same sort of pattern and his stained boxers say it all and all u need to no he wouldnt go out with stains in his boxers.

if I honest it looks like he cheated on you my ex did me before just after our first son I took him back was never the same but I am a single mum with 6 children and there make me get up every day after all the betrayal from 2 people I thought cared only to find they shit on me from a great height but looking back everything happends for a reason and I am well rid doesnt see is kids as he a alcholic dead beat so it’s your body your choice but once trust is lost it will never be the same.

I found out I was expecting my third in September. The past year has been a rough one let’s just say that. I know exactly how you feel about not wanting to continue the pregnancy but please please please do not allow a BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND effect your decision. Make the choice for yourself. Ultimately I ended up keeping the baby and my third boy is expected to be here June 8th. Abortion just wasn’t for me. Did I think about all options, yes I did. Just please make the decision for you and not a man.


You do what is right for YOU. If you think for a minute that you may not be ready for a child, then don’t have one. Abortion is an option for a reason. You don’t have to bring a child into this world if you don’t want to anymore.

I would suggest you give yourself a little time to think about it. So you can make the right choice for YOU. Not one internet strangers are telling you is right. None of us live your life. You do. What we say or think doesn’t matter.


why is a grown man asking permission to go hang out with his friends? sounds like trust issues from the very beginning.


so because your baby daddy is a douche, a child gets to lose its life? umm ok…grow up. either leave his ass or stay with him, who cares. it’s not the baby fault. there is other options vs not continuing with the pregnancy. many people would love to be pregnant but one little bump in the road,
you decide your done? your clearly not ready to be a mom.

Abortion is always an option. Just FYI, 10% of guys cheat on their spouses while pregnant and the likelihood of abuse skyrockets. If you’re already having issues with trusting him, it’s not going to get any better.


If it was the other way round we would be saying hes a narcissist. Sounds like you are the narcissist when a grown man needs permission to go out. I also dont see the big deal about dancing with someone it’s just a dance


Girl you take you and your baby and haul ass. Mommy’s baby daddy’s maybe

Abortion is not birth control. I usually mind my business when it comes to that, but it seems as if you were wanting the baby until your bf cheated on you? So now you want to end the baby’s life. Why punish the child? Love that baby with or without him. The love for a child should not be conditional. It’s unconditional, so Don’t make that decision based on a grown man acting like a little boy. Don’t let him affect that decision. You will regret it. Same thing I told my BFF. She decided to keep the child and was glad she didn’t abort based on her man acting like a child. Treating her less than. It is your choice but don’t make it based on him. It is your decision ALONE. Nobody else’s. So really really think about it because it is a serious one either way you choose. But I know you can do it.
And queen, Do NOT let him gaslight you. He admitted to just dancing with the girl in hopes to get you off his back. Don’t believe it. Dancing doesn’t cause lip stick marks and stained boxers. Listen to every gut instinct, every story, every song from a woman with a similar experience stating what really happened. You are smart baby girl. You go up to him. Tell him straight up. You aren’t dumb. You know what happened and you are giving him a chance to admit it to you like a man, because girl, you DONT need him. He isn’t sorry, or he would have told you when he made that decision to cheat. It wasn’t an accident, drunk or not, he knew you were home and he still decided to be a class A jerk. You are a queen!!! You can do it alone, or not, but you CAN do it.
Maybe y’all will get past it. Counseling does help. BUT he has to admit his wrongs first. So stand your ground and demand the full truth or kick him out if he can’t give that to you. I’m sorry you’re going through this girl. Keep your head up and that crown on. You are strong, smart, and beautiful. And YOU GOT THIS!!! :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:t2::crown:


Dancing isn’t cheating. Makeup transfers and drunks are messy. There are so many explanations. I wouldn’t throw away a relationship and a baby over that. Baby can happen with or without the dude if that’s what you want. But, things happen. Dancing isn’t worth a relationship. But only you know what you’re going to do.


Have the baby and drop
Him…. You can do it by yourself…. majority of women are single mothers … and less worrying and stress for you with him out of the picture…

Like did he shart kinda dirty???
Either way I’m baffled why you are picking up his dirty boxers and having a look…


Ultimately it’s your choice. I will say this, please be ever so careful who you choose to have children with. It will affect you and the child for the rest of your lives. If you have doubts about him and doubts about wanting to keep this baby, you are only 5 weeks pregnant. This is your choice, you have to dig deep and decide what you really want and if you are mentally, emotionally and financially prepared to raise this baby on your own. If you decide that you do not want to go through with the pregnancy, don’t let anyone judge or guilt you for making a decision that is best for you. I will tell you, when it comes to situations like this, coming to mom groups for advice will get you a lot of judgment. Don’t listen to it. This is your body and your choice.


Why end your babys life cause ur boyfriend is a scumbag. I find this ridiculous. Your child is worth more then a boyfriend


You know best if the pregnancy should continue of not. And it’s your decision, do not let anyone else make it. Not your man, or anyone here. If I were you I would sit down and really think about it. Sending you love.


First of all if it doesn’t work out give the baby up for adoption don’t kill him/her!! That’s selfish!! Second, end it with him he sounds like a POS!!


LoL the boxer check hf :joy: you say you trust him. But all your acts by what you’ve stated. You really do not trust him at all. And a baby won’t fix it. A baby can be a lot of stress for couples. It takes you to your limits. I don’t think you’re in a position to handle being a mother if you’re going to be constantly checking boxers driving yourself crazy. It’s not about you or your relationship anymore. You focus on being healthy and happy for your baby. Baby can feel everything you’re feeling.

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Your treating him like a big baby when he has to ask permission go out and your checking his boxers yuck!!!


I know what your going through. I been there. But don’t make this choice lightly. You really need to think about this decision. You can still raise the baby without him.

Don’t do anything to that baby!!! I lost my baby at 5 weeks and it’s a shitty feeling! Adoption, I’m sure there is a family out there that can’t have babies and would love yours!

You have trust issues?
If he hasn’t done anything wrong, give him a chance

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It could be innocent and he could be telling you the truth, but 9 out of 10 times it is not innocent or the truth. No one can tell you what to do about your pregnancy, but If I were in your situation I would leave him. I am not sure what I would do about the pregnancy but the fact is he betrayed your trust and it will never be the same. He has put doubt in your heart and that is no way to live or go through a pregnancy… you will drive yourself nutty and be stressed and become bitter.

I’m not anti-abortion but it’s a serious decision you shouldn’t make because of 1 night. It sounds like he may have been manipulated by some friends.

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First, why would you end your babies life because of his stupid mistakes? That sounds mighty selfish.

Secondly, if you will forever question your trust towards him now, then pack up and leave him.


Pro Choice!!! You have the right to choose your destiny in this matter, so that is not up to anyone else. You may want to practice using birth control so you don’t get pregnant and have to face issues like this. I agree with someone else: ABORTION IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL!

If your boyfriend is cheating on you, you don’t have to stay with him. You should have a conversation with him about how you feel. If he can’t control himself going to a club, then idk. Perhaps it was a strip club??? If you suspect he has been sleeping with other people, you need to protect your health and that if your unborn child because SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES are real and both you and your baby could be at risk.


I have no advice without being bashed but this is for people saying your baby is just a bunch of cells at 5 weeks
He or she is so much more than that
Vital organs are there. Heart beat starts. Living baby


Keep the baby dump the guy


You don’t kill your own child because you are with a cheater. Why would you even think of that? Start thinking straight and get your mind off of men


The fact that you feel the need to check his phone would be it for me. I’ll never let a man disrespect me like that again. If I need to go threw his phone, then I don’t need to be with him. Secondly, the fact the you are wondering should you continue this pregnancy based on him, is crazy to me. Girl, did you get pregnant just for him? You’re having a baby… do you need him to save you? You’re a grown ass woman who now has a reason to fight and want better. Sitting down abs letting someone’s dusty ass son make you look stupid isn’t it. Drop him and focus on you and that baby.

Do what’s best for you, doesn’t sound like either of you are mentally mature enough or actually in love enough to have a relationship let alone bring human lives into the world. He’s out clubbing and grinding chick’s while you are vindictive and would abort your pregnancy over it. I’m.pro choice all the way, but I do not condone manipulative abortions because your boyfriend went clubbing. You shouldnt be getting pregnant by anyone you arent certain about. Get on birth control and use condoms. Time to grow up , both of you.


So you are going to end an innocent babies life ? Sounds like you are selfish and getting pregnant to trap him and just found out the pregnancy trap won’t work!


It’s not the babies fault that your partner is an idiot


I been a single mom 17 years its tough but you dont need a man to raise a child! And red flag wh the big if u ask me

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As a mom, make the best choice for yourself. Idc what anyone else says.


Having an abortion isn’t killing your child. If you’re going to leave your relationship and you can’t provide on your own when the baby is born, then that’s your decision and only yours to make. No one else’s business but yours and no one else’s decision but yours.


Girl. Don’t let anyone shame you into having a baby you don’t want. Which sounds like the case if you’re considering terminating if your relationship doesn’t work. You’re going to get a lot of pro lifers pushing their values on you in a post like this. You have to do what is right for you.


Just because your man cheated, you want advice on whether to continue the pregnancy? What is wrong with y’all females?!?!


Don’t kill it, like seriously. Just cause he cheated doesn’t make it the child’s fault. That’s so selfish! If you truly don’t want put it up adoption.at this point you’re just being selfish, cause of the situation. I got cheated on but I didn’t kill my kid. Maybe you shouldn’t of laid down and made the baby just to kill it five/weeks later.


Imagine ending an innocent souls life because of this… :pensive:
I love the it’s just cells… We all are. Imagine having to be wanted in order for your life to be worthy.
Just don’t make decisions in the heat of emotions. They tend to be choices we wish we hadn’t made.


The baby is alive. Just because it may be been inconvenient, doesn’t mean it should be “terminated.” You can put in him/her up for adoption. As far as “he” goes, well of he will cheat on you when he knows you are at home and pregnant, he will do it again. Save yourself a lot of pain and tears and move on.you can do this. Lots of people are single parents. A lot of support out there for you. Maybe you could see a counselor. Don’t pay attention to these people that are ugly on here. Stay true to yourself. Your baby needs you,

Leave him and keep the baby don’t kill it


I won’t give my thought on your abortion question but I will say Do not make life changing decisions while under such distress. Go get help from someone qualified to help you work through this. If you truly love your partner you both need to go together also.


Please don’t read some of these comments…these are the same people that drive by starving children in their luxury SUV. These are people who have never known lack or seen their own children cry from hunger or being cold. There are TONS of children in foster care because people won’t adopt them.

Do whatever is best for you but neither of you are mature enough to sustain a relationship or co-parent successfully.

Raising a child alone can be done but you’ll have to grow up quickly. I raised four by myself but it was (and on some days STILL is despite them all being adults) HARD.


I’m usually super understanding, but I can’t believe you’d end your baby’s life because your partner did/didn’t cheat.

Whatever you choose, just know either way is permanent. It’s not the baby’s fault.


sorry couldn’t read it all, He cheated, you are pregnant & don’t know what to do, Lord have mercy, You are pregnant, just how are you going to handle a newborn, toddler, child, teenager, as your baby grows with their problem???, if you can’t & don’t realize just what is best for you. You have two choices, leave or stay. Put your Big Girl panties on & choose

Your man cheated plain and simple . But that precious baby from god deserves life . Leave him and raise that baby. You don’t have to be together to coparent . And if you just don’t want the baby period bc he cheated :roll_eyes: just give the baby up for adoption. Some ppl can’t have babies and would love to have one to love as there own (adoptive child )fromthe baby stage. Let me tell you something I got cheated on by a man who pregnanted me and made me believe I was the one he was gone marry and he wanted the grown up life . I was just a teenager (17) and he was always partying and I was at my home with my parents . We was suppose to be a couple but he was cheating on me instead and doing the single life when I wasn’t around . When I needed him the most in the beginning of my pregnancy he was never there for me . I asked my parents more like begged for them to send me to my grandmothers house. I ended things with the father because I knew I deserved better and I eventually found better. Someone asked to step up as another young teenager at 16 and went to my doctors appointments and would talk to the baby and rub my belly and feel the kicks. When I was puking he would hold my hair back and be there for me . He was there every doctors appt . He loved the baby as his even though he knew it was another mans sperm made that precious soul . The sperm donor never wanted anything to do with the child even when I had him . So I let the step up dad sign birth certificate . My child is 11 now and the step up dad is still in his life . He’s never left . Every baseball practice he will do his damnest to be there even risking losing his job bc he loves that little boy as his . My son calls him dad on his own. Don’t let the Sperm donor of your baby dictate if your going to abort your baby or not .