I'm trying to decide whether to do a natural birth or schedule a c-section

I had a scheduled delivery ( now I know it was cuz my doctor just didnt wanna be called in on a weekend) and my body wasn’t actually ready so I was in labor for 12 hours not dilating past a 3 and at hour 13 my son went into distress so they had to rush me back for an emergency csection. It was the worst experience ever, when they tried giving me the spinal it took 17 tries with that needle in my back, then he thought it was good to go… nope they started cutting and I felt every bit of it, started screaming and blood pressure was dropping so they put me under and when I woke up that was the 2nd worst pain I’ve ever had in my entire life (ectopic pregnancy with busted tube was num 1)… It took me weeks to recover. I could hardly walk for the first 2 or 3 days, I couldn’t bend down to pick up things, ot hurt to even carry my son… if I had to pick I would never pick a csection again in my life…

I had only had one child. I told my dr i wanted a c section. I was in my 40’s. I will be honest it was not terrible at all. I had him on December 23 and went home the next day at noon. I have a awesome dr. I was a little sore but nothing horrible. I never took any of the pain meds they gave me. I have had lots of surgeries and call me crazy but the c section was the easiest. Please if you have in questions just message me.

Had a scheduled c section in august and it was 1000 times better than my first delivery (induction, 2 days of labor, and an emergency c section). Recovery was easier too and I only had to spend 2 nights in the hospital vs 6 nights the first time.

VBAC and Birth After Cesarean Facts — Evidence Based Support This is a really good group to get info and ask questions!

I’ve had 3 c sections. First was an emergency but the second 2 I chose to have. And I’m so glad I did! I healed about the same with all 3. They still give you the big ass needle in the back, so be ready for that again. After the spinal kicks in, it’s pretty much all up to the drs after that point up until you have your baby with you in recovery. The thought of me getting cut open gave me more anxiety than the actual procedure, even the third time! But for sure try to remember with c sections, everything still hurts. Sneezing, coughing, laughing. Everything is sore for the first few days after surgery. Heads up that they still push down on your stomach afterwards to push your uterus even if you have a c section, which SUCKS.
When you get in and out of bed, try to be propped up so it’s easier to pull yourself up with your arms vs accidentally using your stomach muscles. Try not to have to reach to high places, put everything you might need around counter height to try and minimize grabbing stuff off the floor or from the top of cabinets, try to minimize stretching of the stomach.
My 3rd one, they sent
me home with Tylenol and a pain ball (which id never had before) but it was pretty neat. Look them up if you haven’t heard of them because I had no clue what it was till i had it. But it kept my pain pretty tolerable. I do have a high pain tolerance though.

Id listen to your doctor of I were you, especially if youve never had abdominal surgery, if recovering from vaginal labor was extremely difficult for you a c section will be way way worse

Csections only happen if medically necessary! You can’t just decide you want a C-section. I got induced & had a C-section because I had preeclampsia after my epidural my babys heart rate dropped so we were rushed into a room for our C-section. I planned on delivering natural but unfortunately that wasn’t the case…

You are seven times more likely to die from a C-section than a natural delivery.

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I Pushed out a 9#7oz without pain meds

My 2 were both c-section. I was in labor (induced) with my 1st for 27 hrs it was bad, my son’s heart rate dropped so they did a c-section where I ended up hemorrhaging and having to be on O2 with in surgery bc I had a panic attack. The healing process really wasn’t bad at all. Went back to work at 6 weeks. With my 2nd it was a scheduled c-section went in they did a spinal block and out came baby. Went back to work 4 weeks later, and they are 22 months apart. My sister in law after her 1st went with c-sections with the other 2 bc the 1st was a bad experience.

It sounds like you might need a c-section psychologically. You will have to argue your corner on it though. I was up and about seven days after having mine. I would request a spinal rather than an epidural if they do agree as it’s a nicer route. My c-section consisted of a Dr telling me I’d feel a weird tug whilst they located the baby. Next I knew baby was in the room and I was being stitched up. I’ve had far worse procedures than that one. On my pain scale, far less than labour or an eyebrow wax. Papercut maybe? I had dissolvable stitches with a dressing that came off in the shower and have a very small scar. I also breastfed with few problems.

You could get a c-section pooch so keep that in mind. I ripped with my 1st child too and never did again. You’ll be getting an epidural with a c-section. Epidurals work wonders when taken at the right time. I take it the minute I feel pain and relax the whole time, next thing you know it is time to push. Breathing is key to the whole pushing process as well. I’d do a vaginal birth over a x-section any day.

If you can’t handle pain you won’t handle a c section well or the recovery.

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Tbh I wish I had done natural with my first but after hrs upon hrs of labor I was just exhausted and couldn’t push anymore. My 2nd had to be taken by emergency C because she was the worst breech position and her cord was wrapped around her neck. Heart rate was dropping. Healing for me was easy…but I now have a kangaroo pouch that will never go away unless I get a tummy tuck. I hate it.

I think it’s not as bad if scheduled than if it is an emergency because with a scheduled c section you are only healing in one area. If you went into labor and had an emergency c section you are likely healing in multiple areas.
That said, I’ve only had one child and it was a scheduled C-section so I don’t have anything to compare it to. But yes I was sore but it wasn’t horrible and I was able to do stairs after a week or so. I didn’t carry the baby on the stairs for a few weeks just to be safe. Walking felt best for healing but if I sat around I felt sore

C-section is no big deal!

Natural birth is far less painful than an induced birth. I know from experience. Never had a c section so I can’t give any input on that.