I'm trying to decide whether to do a natural birth or schedule a c-section

I had my first child over a year ago and now pregnant with a second. I have 3 more moths to decide. My first pregnancy was awful and so was delivery. We had induce because they were afraid if I went longer the baby would be too big to push out naturally. Everything about it was painful. The dilation check made me cry everytime. The Balloon they stick inside to get you to a 4 was painful and hard to move around. Taking the balloon out and purposely breaking the water was very painful and uncomfortable. And since I was past a 4, and Iā€™m not good with pain at all it just got worse from there. When I got to a 5 I decided to get the epidural and the man had to do it twice and still ended up fucking it up so I have bad back issues. I jumped from a 5 to a 10 within an hour so the epidural barely had time to kick in. I was passing in and out during pushing, and when he finally came out I tore on a scale of 2. After they stitched me up the epidural finally kicked in completely and I was very loopy and fucked up I didnā€™t get to enjoy the first few moments, not even hours with my son it was very depressing. On a scale of painful 1-10 it was 10 the whole entire time.
When we got home the healing process was horrible. Even tho I tore on a scale of a 2 it took over 8 weeks to completely heal the stitches and area, my doctor said was the longest healing for a 2 heā€™s ever seen. I do have stairs so I think thatā€™s what made it take longer to heal. I ended up get internal and external hemorrhoids which took over 7 months to heal and get rid of, very painful. Peeing, showering, moving, anything extremely painful for the 8 weeks it took me to heal.
Iā€™ve been telling my doctor that I really want a c-section and him (also my family) have been telling me itā€™s way worse then natural birth. I know every pregnancy is different for everyone but that is my story. When I ask people theirs about the c-section they really donā€™t say much other than donā€™t do it and the doctor doesnā€™t really give me good reasons why not as well (he just keeps saying itā€™s a difficult process). So just out of curiosity I wanted to get some opinions on whether you think a c-section would be a better route or if you feel comfortable to please tell me your experience so I am fully aware of what may happen, or how to handle the healing process.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm trying to decide whether to do a natural birth or schedule a c-section - Mamas Uncut

They let you choose ?

Iā€™ve had 3 kids all natural with no epidural and I would take it over c section anyday if I can help it. Iā€™m terrified of being cut open. In pregnant with my 4th and I plan on going natural again. Itā€™s all about how calm u can keep urself and keep telling urself itā€™s all worth it


My first was a c-section and was horrible I went on to have 5 vbacs and a couple of them were home births with my midwife. I found using a midwife was way more relaxing and bounced back after delivery quicker then my hospital births. I do have a friend though who got a 4th degree tear with her first so with her 2nd she did a c-section which for her she recovered quicker with her 2nd then her first

C-section had two I wonā€™t done it any other way ā€” way better the natural

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You canā€™t just choose a c section. You have to have a medical reason. None of your reasons would count. former employee in an OB office


I had awful labour with baby 1. And then a breeze for the next 2. Each pregnancy and labour is different and no one can predict how it will go. Pla bed C section is much less trauma than an emergency C section.

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If your body doesnā€™t heal the best then it may take a long time to heal. Took me about a full year to feel normal again, it doesnā€™t hurt getting the spinal or during the C-section but afterwards is when you really feel it. The thing about C-sections are sometimes they limit how many children you are able to have. Itā€™s ultimately up to you, but if I were you Iā€™d try natural first.

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Iā€™ve 5 kids 1st horrendous. Long labour overdue heamorrhaged took weeks to heal but the 4 after no issues. I like to be active straight after so be no good with section but I guess is your decision

Donā€™t go into this thinking that a c section is less painful or stressful. The pain and recovery is way worse than a natural, even with complications. If you donā€™t deal with pain well or recover well, Iā€™d be considering that. Iā€™ve had 3 sections.


I feel like if youā€™re body took that long to heal from a normal birth, it would take a very long time for you to heal from a c section, and might be more painful for you as well.


I have had 3 c sections with 3 babies and if I can do back I would do my first delivery different! I chose pain meds over edpidural which in turn caused my first c section! Then had the other two c sections! Yes the c sections got easier as I had them, maybe cause I got use to them or I knew how to handle them but the healing process sucks ass! 6 weeks of not being allowed to drive and carry more then ur infant! They recommend only having 3-4 c sections and then no more! And then now I have a bad tummy over hang from being cut 3 times and will never get rid of it! Donā€™t do it unless medically necessary!

Csections are horrible. Every bit of pain you just described, multiply it. Healing from bringing a human into this world sucks no matter how itā€™s done. But a csection? No no.


My c sections were easy but I can handle pain

I was a stage 4 tear and have a vaginal/anal fistula- Iā€™m pregnant now so they wonā€™t fix till after baby-i thought I wanted a c section as well- I KNOW NOW THAT I DO NOT!! Take epidural right when you can and maybe go to different dr.

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Iā€™ve never had a vaginal delivey, I had an emergent c section with my son in 2020. I was sore and it was difficult to get up and down for about 2 weeks, less so for another 3, and I no sore at all by 6. I did get an infection in my incision that prolonged the healing time, or I think I would have gotten better more quickly. I also have numbness on my abdomen several inches above and on each side of the scar line. If you feel comfortable trying for vaginally, go for it, if not, then plan a c section but know that you will need help just getting up and down for a while. Good luck mama :blue_heart:

You can choose to have a c section, just discuss it with your doctor and tell him you would prefer it because of the problems before. I had a c section with my daughter when I was 35, had her on a Wednesday, came home on Saturday and was out grocery shopping on Tuesday. One of the easiest things I have ever had done, my bleeding had stopped before I ever came home from the hospital. Good luck.

Iā€™ve had 3 babies vaginally. My 1st was very traumatic and we both almost didnā€™t make it. I was induced with my 2nd and 3rd and had them both vaginally. They came out fast and was super easy. I pushed a handful of times with both. I promise the second is much easier.

With my first I was in labor for 22 hours and pushed for 2.5 of those hours. With my second I was in labor for 3.5 hours and pushed her out with three big pushes. And with my third I was in labor for 3 hours but I progressed so fast (faster than any dr in that hospital has seen) that it was painful to the point where I thought I was going to die in the process. Every labor is different. I would just try to go vaginally and go from there!

Iā€™ve been contemplating the same, my birth in may this year was horrendous and I got sick after took 3 months to recover then boom pregnant again. I have been in with a friend for her c section I had an anxiety attack at her prep for it almost didnā€™t go in, and then seeing her recovery from it I think Iā€™d prefer natural :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: Iā€™m petrified of both :rofl::woman_facepalming:t3:

Drs donā€™t usually allow csections for convenience. :flushed: itā€™s actually surgery.


I had to have an emergency C-section with my twins I didnā€™t have any problems at all I think I healed faster with that than I did with all 3 of my hip replacements

I refuse to give birth with out induction my 4th child was a partial induction I donā€™t know about c sections but my first delivery was horrid 3rd degree deep and long As well I had to be cut almost died and my water broke he was 2 weeks past due I was 15 and didnā€™t go to doc until almost 9months so they didnā€™t really no my delivery date they estimated but when he came out his sack was filled with poop he came out black and blue! Inductions thus far have been a breeze vagina wise with epidural mind you I was in a lot of pain because I only ever have back labor idk what stomach contractions feel like so I was still in horrible back pain during and after but walking same day my back was really the only think that hurt for a while after :woman_shrugging:

I had 3 major surgeries whereby i was cut from navel to public bone area and had 2 children naturally and I can tell you from experience that the pain from from labour was far more painful than the pain from the surgeries. I have always told people that if I could have had c sections for my children I would have done that because I likened the pain to the 3 major surgeries I had so I did have something to compare it to. I do have a tough skin though and not everyone does. It takes a lot for me to complain. I even had a full hysterectomy with just an epidural because thatā€™s what I chose, and I can tell you I felt every bit of the procedure pain wise. Now that is something I would tell women to never, ever do.

I had a natural birth with my first born. He was 9lbs 2 oz and I had a 3rd degree tear. I also had external and internal hemorrhoids. I took about 6 weeks to heal completely.

My second born I had to have an emergency c- section. The recovery was awful. I was in so much pain. They had to keep me on morphine, I couldnā€™t hold my baby, my blood pressure was though the roof and I had no issues during pregnancy. The recovery took me almost 3 months. I am still not the same and he will be 5. My incision sight is still numb.

Between the two and If I got pregnant again I would have another vaginal birth. They are right.

I had a newborn baby, a 3yr old and a c section to recover from all at the same time. I couldnā€™t lift anything bigger than the baby couldnā€™t drive. I would listen to your family and dr. C sections are more to recover from.

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Most people who have had a natural first, prefer a natural, most people who have always had a c-section, prefer thatā€¦ I had all mine natural, but I didnā€™t labor long and tore with all mineā€¦ I think, bcuz itā€™s your second, Iā€™d say try it again natural, bcuz they say, the second one goes quicker. But obviously itā€™s up to you! You do whatā€™s best for you!

My first delivery was natural, 2nd was c-section (only because they thought baby was too big), and 3rd was vbaq. C-section was WAYYYY worse than any of them. Lots more pain, lots more healing time, an extra night in the hospital. I had to be put on a magnesium drip because my blood pressure went crazy. Please donā€™t do this unless absolutely necessary!

I will choice a c section every time Iā€™ve had three . Healing was easy I had two 18 months apart I was walking same night around the hospital I was sent him in two nights both times

With my first daughter I was in labor for 32 hrs. I tried to push but she was Posterior facing the ceiling instead of the floor like she should be. Which made it harder to come out. The doctor had zero patience and decided a C-section was needed. My recovery was long and hard. The nurses had me up and walking within hours of giving birth. The while experience was traumatizing. I went on to have 4 vbacs. I recovered so much quicker and was in less pain.

I am going to tell you c section is not the easy way out. It is hard a d painful and you still bleed from your vagina. I got 2 infections borderline septic and went back to the hospital for another week. I would never ever choose to have a c section. My son is 10 months old and I still canā€™t feel things correctly not to mention the random hot stabbing pain on the scar. Itā€™s awful

Iā€™ve had all experiences. Natural labor, induced, and c-section. I can honestly say the c-section recovery is WAY worse than vaginal. Itā€™s not worth it. Vaginal recovery is a breeze. With this latest c-section, Iā€™m currently still recovering and I canā€™t drive or even pick up my toddler unless sheā€™s at my level. It sucks emotionally and physically. I would prefer 8 hours or labor and an easy recovery than 6 weeks of restrictions. Thatā€™s just me. Though I will say, I understand. The induced labor was the worst labor pain I had experienced, I also didnā€™t take any medication or have an epidural with it.

1st pregnancy (40 weeks) labor was just over 20 hours. Water broke in its own (5:30am), but needed Pitocin to move it along. By 10:30pm still hadnā€™t progressed so they gave me an epidural. Was pushing about 12:30am and he was born at 2:08am. Epidural helped move everything along, but 1 muscle didnā€™t numb, so still felt every flipping contraction. Also because they couldnā€™t keep track of his heart rate they had to screw a lead into his scalp, so I couldnā€™t do much of anything with that cord sticking out of me. There was some tearing, but not much, only needed a few stitches.

Pregnancy #2 (was with twins). Made it to 36 weeks when my water broke. Had to have a csection because baby was feet first. So I didnā€™t have to go through the whole long labor procedure.

Now that I have had 1 of each delivery Iā€™d never choose to have a csection. Recovery time was longer, was way more sore when I went home, and actually needed pain killers stronger than Tylenol. Six months after they were born we moved and I found out I was still kind of healing. My scar hurt so much from lifting and moving things.

With my 1st almost 11 years ago
I had vaginal delivery, I was VERY young 15. I got the epidural and it didnā€™t work it completely paralyzed my legs and needed a c section. My daughter was flipped the wrong way and her hear rate was dropping. But I was so young and BEGGED them not to cut me open and the nurses and Dr were yelling at eachother and let me do it naturally. And I mean NATURALLY! LMAO they let my birth like a cat is how I describe it. I could not push because her heart dropped they ended up helping with the vacuum. WORST experience of my life!
With my 2nd almost 5 years ago I did it completely natural NO meds and it was super painful but everything worked out smoothly and no issues and I heald within 2 weeks. No tearing or hemorrhoids at all.
Thatā€™s just my experience.do whatever you think is best for you and your bodyā¤

My first was like that my second was a breeze. My inductions and epidurals brought on huge issues my other 2 were good laborā€™s without problems.
it wonā€™t be the same for your second. In Australia the obstetricians always seem to opt for caesareans. So they book them in. If you donā€™t go through one itā€™s natural.
My number one I had 100 stitches and 3rd degree tearing. The anaesthesia ran out so it was another needle for the last stitches or do them no anaesthesia. I chose to do them with no more anaesthesia.
Induction is what brings complications- left alone labor is not as bad. Epidurals bring on issues too. Only had one with my 4th and had the most issues with him, and they begun induction.
Good luck mumma I hope itā€™s an easier time for you second time around.

I have had 2 c sections and one natural birth. I would do natural over c section any time!

My 1st kid I had her via c-section. Yes, recovery sucked and it hurt so much but it was the best choice for what I was going through. After I healed I felt fine. But recovery process was awful big time and a lot longer. My 2nd was VBAC and natural. My 3rd I had to be induced at 37 weeks due to my blood pressure and it was VBAC as well and I just had him 4 weeks ago. Pitocin kicked in and epidural kicked in. Wasnā€™t painful once things started progressing. I wouldnā€™t choose c-section at all again unless medically necessary which my last pregnancy it was written down in case I needed one but the VBAC went smoothly. So 1 c-section, 1 natural, 1 induced with epidural. Iā€™d choose natural and induced with epidural again.

I havenā€™t had a c-section and would never even want to have a c-section although I actually could request an elective c-section if I wanted to. Iā€™m 37+3 with baby number 2 and likely to be induced sometime over the next week. Iā€™m just going to have a vaginal birth again as recovery is way easier and quicker than a c-section

Csection is major surgery. Recovery is painful and slow. It took me a good 9 months to feel like I did before having the csection. If you donā€™t like pain I would say donā€™t do a csection. Maybe at the time of birth you are numb but you do feel tugging and pulling. And after when they massage your uterus you really feel it even though still being numb. But recovery is painful and takes a long time. I wouldnā€™t recommend a csection unless medically necessary.

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Iā€™ve had 4 c-sections and my recovery went just fine. It wasnā€™t as long and painful for me. Everyone is going to have a different experience. My sister had vaginal births with her first 2 kids and had to have c-sections for the last 2. She said the c-sections were much smoother for her then the vaginal so once again it all depends on the person. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Thatā€™s rough I would tell the doctor you donā€™t want to be induced. I think being induced is what makes labor worse because your body isnā€™t ready yet. I was induced with my first in labor for 33 hours pushed for 2 and she got stuck so they did an emergency csection with only an epidural and I could feel the knife cutting into me. I was yelled at and told I was just feeling pressure. My incision got infected a week later, doc ripped it open with a big Qtip without numbing or pain relief. Then poured alcohol into the incision and packed it with gauze. Had to have that done twice a day until it healed. Most horrendous thing ever. Good luck to you hope youā€™re able to go into labor naturally and itā€™s less painful than your first.

Natural everytime unless medically necessary to do otherwise.

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Iā€™m now pregnant with my second and considering doing a VBAC. Not that I had a bad experience with my csection, but I would just like to try and see if I could do vaginal or even just go into labor on my own.

With my son, I was at risk for preeclampsia so I was induced at 38 weeks. My labor was a total of 31 hoursā€¦ Baby was NOT ready at all. I also had the balloon catheter to dilate me to 4 but it mostly felt like pressure rather than pain when they pulled it out. I was only able to dilate to 6cm before my labor stalled. It wasnā€™t necessarily a scheduled csection nor an emergency, but doctor just suggested he thought it was best since they had broke my water 5-6 hours before that moment. However, in regards to recovery, I was very determined to not let it get me down for a long time. I did A LOT of reading about other womenā€™s experiences and the tips they gave were phenomenal, if you could manage the pain. I have a high pain tolerance though so to put it in perspective, the first day I was home was the only time I took medication and I only took one ibuprofen and one Norco (I donā€™t like to use medication, so it was hard for me to swallow those pills anyway) but I was determined to get back to daily life as soon as I could, as carefully as possible of course. Anyways, it pretty much took me 3-5 weeks to be able to walk around normally. Before then, I was just so worried about moving to quick or the wrong way and tearing my scar back open. Itā€™s tough to get back to normal after a csectionā€¦ just remember, every pregnancy and labor experience is different. Itā€™s worth a shot to go vaginally if you can bc itā€™s less traumatic on your body. Especially already having a toddler, you donā€™t really want to be down for 3-6weeks+ depending on your recovery. But thatā€™s just my personal opinionā€¦ good luck mama!!

I was induced with my son and it was excruciating. I didnā€™t want pain meds, but finally was given a dose in my IV. After 12 hours of labor and never dilating past 5, I finally gave into an emergency c-section. Everything went great and he was here within the hour. It was hard getting around for about 10 days but then it got easier with each passing day.
When I got pregnant with my daughter I opted for c section right away. I wasnā€™t about to go through being induced again, that was awful. I ended up having what we think was a panic attack while they were prepping me for the c-section with my daughter. I got horribly nauseous during the procedure. So after several doses of nausea meds during and after the c-section, I was pretty out of it and slept on and off for about 8 hours that day and they would only feed me a liquid diet since I was so sick. My husband ordered food and once I ate actual food I was fine from then on.
Itchiness from the c-section is awful! But they give meds for that and it helps tremendously. With my son the itchiness didnā€™t last long but with my daughter I was still getting meds for the itchiness the next day.
The panic attack was my fault. I got myself completely worked up about it since I knew exactly what was happening. With my son it was an emergency c-section so I didnā€™t have time to stress myself out about it. I just wanted him out now cause I was in so much pain and I didnā€™t really care how they got him out.

My sister was induced with her daughter and gave in for the epidural. She only had a pain shot when having her son.
If I had to choose, being induced wouldnā€™t be 1 of my choices. C-section isnā€™t that bad as long as you donā€™t put yourself into a panic attack :sweat_smile:

Take it from someone that has had 2 c sections i wish I could have had a natural birth. They have you up and walking around only a few hours after birth which hurts like hell. My second c section got infected and I had to have the infection removed when my daughter was less then 2 weeks old. I went home with a 44cm open wound after a week long stent in the hospital. I had to have the dressing changed twice a day which was excruciatingly painful. I still have issues with my scar. I would have done a natural birth if both mine where not emergency c sections. Honestly if you can do natural do it

I got a c section with my first and I have a scheduled c section with my second. They tried to induce me with my first but I wasnā€™t dilating past a 2 and this was with the balloon, popping my water, and pitocin. When they asked if I wanted to try natural with my second I said no thanks. My recovery from the c section wasnā€™t that bad.

Go with c section, much more relaxed and easier recovery for me.

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My first was bad, similar circumstances but I was at 40 and 4 and they were worried about his size too. His birth was spine on spine, even with the epidural I could feel everything. It felt like my spine was dislocating. They suggested a c section for him as I couldnā€™t push him out. Ended up pushing through the pain and met him. Had another natural birth for my second. She was smaller, so much smaller but still big on the scale of things. It was a much easier process. Didnā€™t get a chance to get an epidural as she came fast. If I had to have her birth again Iā€™d ask for the epidural sooner as I was so high on the gas I couldnā€™t feel my arms and was worried about dropping her in those first moments

I am having my second baby and scheduled a c-section. I had a c-section in 2019, I was induced and got to 8cm when the baby decided to just not drop so I ended up with a c-section and recovery wasnā€™t bad. This time around I want it to be a relaxing experience.

I had an emergency c-section with my first after 17 hours of labor. I was induced and it was awful. I was super loopy and out of it. Second one was a scheduled C-Section. While still painful it was WAY easier than the first. You donā€™t realize how much you use your stomach muscles until you canā€™t use them. You literally cannot sit up or get up by yourself for a while.

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Ive had 2 c sections and without a doubt the first one was extremely painful. The first 24 hours, needing a nurse to help me put my underwear on and needing to walk pretty much straight away and the struggle to go to the toilet, it was like that for a few weeks, even laying down in bed and getting back up was terribke. I canā€™t say anything on natural but a caesarean is not a walk in the park for pain.

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I have 5 children, my youngest born via emergency c section a month early. Personally if I had to choose, I would definitely go with vaginal birth. A c section is major surgery. They cut through 7 layers to get baby out. During my c section, the spinal block started wearing off too soon and I felt them stitching me up. It was the worst pain I have ever had. I also lost 1.5 litres of blood during the surgery. The recovery and healing is extremely hard too. Iā€™m not sure how they do it where you are but here, you are bed ridden for around 6-8 hours afterwards, with a catheter, unable to move or get up. Then they remove the catheter and encourage you to start moving and mobilising. Remember you would have just had major surgery. This is all without having to care for a newborn, most of who feed every 2 hours or so. For the first few weeks pray that you donā€™t have to cough or sneeze because when that happens you feel like you are going to split open. Now for the gross stuffā€¦ peeing hurts like ****. As your bladder empties the pain around the incision and inside is excruciating. Donā€™t expect to poop for a few days either and when you do, it will feel like you are giving birth. It hurts bad. Even with stool softeners. Then there is the time the dressing comes off the wound. Here, a midwife will come to your home and take it off for you. Itā€™s basically a free healthcare waxing. That thing is so sticky it catches every single tiny hair and surely makes your eyes water. You have to have someone with you at home to help. There is no lifting for a couple weeks. Baby had to be given to you to feed. And good luck trying to get comfy in bed to sleep. I had to sleep propped up in a sitting position for 2 weeks. Laying down made me feel like I was going to pop open. Being woken up because the pain meds have worn off, that hits all of a sudden and you sure know about it. Forget about wearing jeans or the like. I lived in giant granny panties and loose pj bottoms for weeks. Anything touching my incision, I couldnā€™t handle. This is all if you are lucky enough to not have your incision become infected. Oh and the anti clotting shots they give you to do yourself. Fast forward 3 years and my scar, although healed very well, the area is still numb to the touch, when it itches, boy does it itch and I still even get pain at times.
Obviously everyone will be different and have different c section experiences but this was mine. And if I was able to have more kids, I would definitely definitely opt for vaginal

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Iā€™m just going to be straight up with you. If you thought a small tear was painful you probably wonā€™t like the c section cut at all. Also, after a c section your tummy is never the same. I donā€™t know many women who donā€™t end up with an apron, or fupa as itā€™s called now days, which happens because the muscles are cut and for some reason (Iā€™m sure someone knows but I donā€™t) it leaves your tummy kind of droopy.


Iā€™ve Had Both n I Highly Recommend Natural Birth Way Faster Healingā€¦Or Try Water Birth Heard Its Way Better! All The Best Mama

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Do what you feel like you need to. Not one personā€™s experiences are the same. Itā€™s your body and you should do what feels right to you and your situation.

Um, yea welcome to having a human being come out of you? I dunno. Did you think birth isnt painful? Likeā€¦ C sections are equally as painful. I dont think you can just schedule a c section like that either unless for a legit reason. Thate major surgery. They literally take your organs out and then put them back into your body. But okay.


You couldnā€™t handle the healing pain of a vaginal but you think major surgery would be better and epidural is what they use for a c section pain block soo really think about the silly question you just asked social media we have all had babies and all have had to heal


My first delivery was rough but I wanted to do it naturally. Turns out my sonā€™s elbow was sticking out and caused him to get stuck. 26 hours and no epidural, but we made it just fine. When I went into labor with my second I had the same natural plan, but I started having a panic attack reliving my sonā€™s birth. Completely unexpected and threw off my concentration so badly I was miserable and terrified so opted for the epidural as fast as possible. Her delivery was a very easy 5 hours and painless. Your mental state has a lot of impact and thereā€™s likely more emotional trauma than you realize, so I applaud you for researching options. Donā€™t feel guilty whatever you choose.

Unfortunately pain is part of the childbirth processā€¦stay strong

Iā€™ve never had a C section but I have heard numerous times that it takes way longer to heal & itā€™s really really painful doing anything for the first few days & I recently read a story about a lady who had one and couldnā€™t fully enjoy or have sex till 11 weeks postpartum & even then it was rocky for them. But everyoneā€™s experience is different so you canā€™t make a decision based off of others experiences, if it feels right in your gut to go that route then do that.

I was induced for both of my children who were born 7/29/19 and 3/24/21
I had a miscarriage on 5/31/20.

Every experience is one in its ownā€¦ I have so many underlying health issues from being over weight have a heart condition gestational diabetes, having asthma and kidney failure. I had a whole medical team for both births and was induced a month early for my second baby because they didnā€™t think my body could hold out long enough. With my first child in 2019 i was induced and in labor for 14 and a half hours with the balloon and all and they broke my water and come to find out I only dilated to a 6 and my daughters head was 15cm and they chose the emergency c second within 30 minutes I was done. It is possible and for me the second c section just made sense. I hate pain too but I would look into some birth control. I had to because Iā€™m trying to live for these babies. But pregnancy doesnā€™t agree with me or my life. Bless your heart and I hope you find what you are looking for.

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Iā€™m sorry that your first birth was so traumatic for you. I have some thoughts about what youā€™ve said and I hope you arenā€™t using the same doctor. Personally Iā€™d try some therapy and a natural birth waiting until you actually go into labor. If thereā€™s issues you can always approach a c section. But that is major abdominal surgery and will be much harder to recover from especially if youre a slow healer. What type of laboring method did you want last time? Did you find any of helpful? What do you wish was different outside of the medical stuff? Did you have people who just solely focused on you and working through each contraction was it calm overall? Or did you feel panicked the entire time?

C-section is the furthest thing from an easy way out, how anyone thinks otherwise is beyond me.


If I had another baby, I would have a c-section. Itā€™s really not that bad.


I was up walking 6 hours after my c-sections every time. I have a high tolerance for pain though.

Iā€™ve birthed 6 children 4 singletons and twins. Iā€™m terrified of a c section so I donā€™t see why someone would choose it over vaginal UNLESS medical needed of course. Yes birth is painful. So really think of this.

Everything is painful about having a baby yes if you did a schedule c section you wouldnā€™t have to worry about labor but recovery would still suck I have had 4 kids and every child they have screwed up my epidural first 3 kids they had to do it twice and the 4th kid they did it 4 times and on that one it didnā€™t work properly so at first they gave me to much meds then cut it off cuz I was numb to my chest but by the time I was giving birth everything faded off so I felt everything then the next day I got my tubes tied same thing but they gave me to much and it didnā€™t wear off for like 3 hours after they took the epidural off it was horrible but I expected labor rarely never goes how you want it I donā€™t know why people even do a birth plan cuz I donā€™t see how it could work my last pregnancy he came a week before being induced I had nothing prepared for the hospital honestly nothing even bought cuz I procrastinate water broke all over my couch didnā€™t have a baby sitter lined up for my other kids my mom was sick and couldnā€™t be there for me and my own OB wasnā€™t there.

I had an elective c section. It was fine. I felt pretty good after a week and have no long term issues from it.

My first kid was a c section and Iā€™ve had 4 vbacs since then. Vaginal birth hands down is way easier

Btw your baby will never get to big to birth naturally and induced labors before your body is ready are super hard


So brave of you to share your story and ask for advice, I mean that sincerely. You experienced a traumatic birth, even if it doesnt ā€˜seemā€™ traumatic to someone else, it was to you and thatā€™s all that matters. Whatever YOU think is best for you, is whatā€™s best! Sure a C-section your tummy is numb but you can feel pressure, but like people have said itā€™s still major surgery. I do agree that an elective csection is much better than an emergency csection, plus, if your baby was big statistically the next babe will be too. I donā€™t have the magic answer and Iā€™m sorry for that, I can imagine the anguish and turmoil you are dealing with knowing what is ahead. Really wishing you t he best of luck and here if you need to chat! Whatever you decided, decide YOU CAN DO IT!!

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Before i startā€¦i pray that you dont have the same doctor or go to the same hospital! I think that wouldve helped in your birth experience!

Each pregnancy, each labor is totally different from one another please dont go into this one with so much anxiety. Its hard to cuz you been through itā€¦but you just never know! Breathe, try to stay calm. Ive never had a c section, ive had plenty of friends that have and their healing process took a year plus! I would choose vaginal all the way! Mom of 4, first one induced, next 2 natural, last induced + epidural. I remember each experience and there was negatives but as years move down the line and my kids get older the negatives are less and less. Be gentle with yourself mama. The first hours are vital but it was beyond your control no need to beat yourself up about it. You are phenomenal. What you decide for you and baby, is ultimately up to youā€¦BUT lol in my experiences sometimesā€¦it wont be up to you and thats okay too! Just prepare yourself for different outcomes and scenarios. You got this!

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Iā€™ve had 2 c-sections. Both planned, although I did start labor with the second. That ended up being a non emergency emergency. I have no complaints whatsoever. Recovery isnā€™t easy but I think when planned, itā€™s not as bad. If I were to have another baby, Iā€™d definitely do it again.

So you get an epidural with c section too, it is what freezes you, Iā€™ve had 3 c sections , it isnā€™t easier, and your frozen for a few hours after, so you canā€™t do anything once the baby is born, plus you will have a catheter inside you for a while after the baby is born, and you will have a big cut across your belly, think about how you couldnā€™t handle a small tearā€¦ , itā€™s a 6 week recovery,

W my last babyā€¦ I was 33wks jus in September this year I had to give birth to my girl cuz my bp was tooooo highā€¦ and I went upto 9cm and got stuck at thatā€¦ the doctor started making me push early and when I was 10cmā€¦ Me n baby kept going bradycardia ā€¦ I got induced w the balloon pump I barely felt it and it came out on its ownā€¦ and I had oxytocin tooā€¦ a very strong doseā€¦ so I had to go into emergency csectionā€¦ I woke up in pain on my stomach cause thatā€™s my first csectionā€¦ we wouldā€™ve died if I kept pushing but Iā€™m glad that doctor was determined to get my baby out safelyā€¦ Iā€™ve had 4 vag deliveriesā€¦ 2 stillbirths and 2 live babyā€™sā€¦ she knew what to do and that was my first time I met herā€¦ now my baby is a lil over 2 monthsā€¦ my csection cut healed like within 2 daysā€¦ cuz I kept moving and getting myself upā€¦ after being in the hospital 2 wks before my baby was bornā€¦ she stayed in there 1 month after she was born tooā€¦ I hope whatever u decide goes easy for u but ur doctor knows whatā€™s best :heart:

I had two c sections one emergency and one planned, itā€™s not that scary and the healing process is different for everyone, I was up and walking and showering in 6 hours after my second. Itā€™s a major surgery something you should definitely think about a lot before deciding especially if youā€™re having to look after your other child too x

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I had a primary c-section, the best decision I ever made. The pain was bad at first but it subsided after about a week.

I had a c section in 2019. Vaginally birth before that is 2011. C section was the worst thing I ever experienced, and I had a very difficult 1st pregnancy and birth. It was so bad, I decided to never give birth again. I was in active labor after being induced for over 20 hours and when I finally was getting the surgery, I was strapped to to table wide awake, the epidural only worked on the right side so I felt everything on the left side of my body during the surgery. It was a horrific experience. Wanted my tubal at the same time, but had to wait a full year before they could go back in and do it, leaving more pain and scars. If I had a choice, I would have done anything to have a vaginally birth, hands down.

natural . You will have an even more traumatic experience with a section in my opinion. And I have both natural and c section.

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I have had 2 c-sections and had absolutely no issues I didnā€™t find anything traumatic about either one of them. I was heald completely and back to doing farm work about 4 weeks after each one my boys are both very healthy yes I have scars one vertical and one horizontal but I am also 34yrs old married and could care less what others thinkā€¦ I on the other hand would never do an epidural again my first we tried it to get dilated and it didnā€™t work my second I did a spinal block 100 times better it worked with in seconds. I wouldnā€™t be afraid to have another c-section.


C section is also a long recovery. I had 2 and both took longer to heal than natural. Itā€™s considered to be a major surgery. You wonā€™t be allowed to drive for a few weeks after, canā€™t do any lifting heavier than your baby, not supposed to do any housework or exercise cause you can tear the stitches, your hormones will flood your system all at once and you will become emotional (or angry) over everything, painful incision that you have to keep watching for infection and more. Everyone is different though. You might not have trouble with C-section at all, or you might develop a clot that can do some serious stuff. You will unfortunately, probably still get an epidural because that is usually what happens with a c section.

Second babies are nothing like first ones. Generally labor is much faster and you can walk around 3-4 cm dilated and not know it. A lot of times our second time moms hardly make it to the hospital in time :blush:

Iā€™ve had 4 c-sections. The first 3 were from 2001-2005 and my last was 2016. The pain of the first and last one was no joke but I honestly canā€™t compare it to a vaginal birthā€¦. Itā€™s a rough healing process on your body and you have to weigh in the fact that you canā€™t lift anything over 5-10 pounds for weeks afterā€¦. So youā€™ll need help with any other children you may have and also with even carrying/transporting new baby.
Read everyoneā€™s advice and make a pro and con list for yourself and maybe even ask to speak with a different provider and get their opinion on your particular situation

December will be my 4th cesarean, my first 8 years ago turned into an emergency cesaren because my son was ā€™ stuck ā€™ after 20 plus hours of labor after being induced and them breaking my waterā€¦ my second one I ended up going back to work waaaaaay to early on light duty and tore my cesaren incision open and was put back out for another 6 weeks, my third cesarean where they use the gas to ā€™ blow you up ā€™ I actually stayed swelled a lot longer than normal because I was on my feet and wasnā€™t able to rest like I needed to as having to care for a newborn and 2 other children as their father wasnā€™t able to stay out of work more than the hospital stay time to help me. With my cesarens that were scheduled I had a spinal tap my first was a epidural. They both hurt. I guess yes in some ways a cesaren is easier because youā€™re not pushing the baby out down there, but youā€™re gonna be in a lot of pain and canā€™t lift heavy either. If you accidently cough say from allergies or you drink your drink wrong or sneeze itā€™s going to feel like you just ripped your insides open for a few weeks after surgery. It hurts, you have to have a catheter while youā€™re in the hospital, even though youā€™re ā€™ numb ā€™ during surgery, theresalot of pressure because they cut like a 6 inch opening and use this big circle to hold you open while pulling the baby out so thereā€™s alot of pressure on your chest. Last one my body started going into uncontrollable shivers to the point I was on the operating table and my arms was strapped down and held just so they could get a blood pressure reading. No matter what child birth isnā€™t easy, and thereā€™s really no ā€™ easier wayā€™ as each has its own complications. Youā€™re still gonna be sore, youā€™re still gonna be cut just in a different area, youā€™re still gonna bleed. Cesarean down time depends on how well youā€™re healing. My first was 12 weeks, my second ended up being 18 weeks and my third was 9 weeks. Good luck momma, thereā€™s alot to weigh out there. Itā€™s considered a major surgery, not just child birth. And the doctors do expect you to be up and walking around shortly after surgery around 4 to 6 hours after. You canā€™t lift yourself normally out of bed, you have to use your arm strength because if you accidentally forget and use your abdominal muscles I promise the pain will put you flat back on that bed and make you think youā€™re going to black out for the first week at least. Definitely make a pro and con list

3 vaginals and 1 C-section here. C-section was the second. C-section was way worse and getting over it was much harder.

I had my son vaginally, I tore bad but healed quickly. I just had my daughter in January we ended up having an emergency c section, she got stuck, took me so much longer to heal. I was barely able to do anything for the first 2 weeks. I definitely think vaginal births are easier to heal from

Honestly do what you feel is right. I had my first babe in 2019, I was 40+4 when I went into labor. I was in labor for 27hrs before agreeing to do a emergency c-section. He came out 10lbs 13oz. I had my second babe this year and was really undecided, at first I wanted to go straight for a sections as I knew the healing process, but my Dr really encouraged trying for a natural. What I ended up doing was booking a surgery date, and if babe decided to come before that date I would try naturally. My Dr was aware that I didnā€™t want to be in labor for more then x amount of hours if it did happen again. I ended up going in for my second sections at 39 weeks, and delivered another 10lbs babe.

My second c-section, healing was alot better and wasnā€™t as painful.

You need to do whatā€™s best for you. :heart:

I had a third almost fourth degree tear with my firstborn. I contemplated getting a C-section with my second because of that but I decided against it. Second labors are generally easier - donā€™t last as long and your body knows what itā€™s doing. I only had a second degree tear the second time and it was not near as hard to heal from.

And you want to try natural again?

To be honest, vaginal birth is more painful up front but the healing is typically much faster & easier. A (planned) c-section is less painful in the beginning because of all the controlled pain meds and such they have. But recovery is much harder, more painful, and there are more risks associated with it. A c-section is not the easy way out. Both are hard.

I had two c sections (first was emergency and second was scheduled). I wouldnā€™t recommend it unless medically necessary. Keep in mind a c section isnā€™t the ā€œeasy way outā€. Recovery time is a lot longer and immediately after giving birth, you miss out on those first moments. I wouldnā€™t wish a c section on anyone.

I had a terrible labor and was in labor for 21 hours. I finally ended up getting a c-section because I dilated to about a 7 then started to go backwards. My epidural failed so I had two of those. I was VERY sick and out of it after having c-section and threw up while in the surgical room. I then continued to stop breathing so didnā€™t see my daughter for a hot minute after. Now. All of that being said I went to work a good week and a half after having her and was completely fine. I didnā€™t think my recovery was difficult (especially after seeing my friends who delivered naturally go through a much longer healing period).

Iā€™ve had 3 c sections first one was an emergency c section, second one cause I was barely 18 months postpartum from the first, and my third was plannedā€¦ I healed well from all 3 and the experience was fine for me. I have a pretty big numb section from around my scar and my tummy to my belly button has never felt the same, but over all its okay. My friend had a scheduled c section and half her stomach was bruised and has no feeling months later. Everyoneā€™s experience will be different, stairs are also a no no after a c section so I tried to avoid them if I could but our bathroom is down stairs so just take everything nice a slow when you do. I healed and was driving the minute I could slam my foot on the petal. 4 weeks ish after my 3rd.

A C-section is surgery. A doctor will cut through your skin and your muscles, pull them apart and pull a human out of your abdomenā€¦unless there is an actual reason to have one, you should do it the old fashioned way.

Only had c-sections for both my girls. Healing process is pretty tough. I was down for 1.5 - 2 weeks before I felt I was starting to heal. Since itā€™s surgery, and they cut through your abdominal wall and uterus, be prepared for your center of gravity to be off while you heal. I was also prescribed a narcotic and Motrin 800 afterwards for pain. Narcotics make me feel ill so I really only took the Motrin, which only took the edge off the pain. Itā€™s definitely an entire process. My lower stomach area still is slightly numb after 17 years. Best of luck to you for a safe delivery, which is what truly matters. :blue_heart:

My vaginal birth was terrible I had a 4th degree tear but I would do that any day over having another c-section. 14 months later and I still have pain on my scar and have to wear all my pants high waisted because I canā€™t bear to have anything touch my scar. My healing process for my c-section was terrible, my incision opened back up after getting my staples removed, I couldnā€™t lay down for weeks bc it hurt to lay flat. Every birth is different for everyone. You just have to trust your gut on this.

Iā€™ve had 2 c sections, they arenā€™t that bad. First one was worse than the second but the first one was an emergency c section. Second one was scheduled.

I had absolutely no issues with either of my csectionsā€¦ one was emergency one was plannedā€¦ I took the medication they gave me for the 2 days I was in hospital and then alternated Tylenol and ibuprofen when I got homeā€¦ the key is to make yourself get up and move because if you donā€™t you will get sore and stiff but if I was to have another child Iā€™d schedule a c-section again in a heartbeat

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Maybe try going into labour naturally a week early, lots of walking, sex helps too even thou at that point you donā€™t want to be touched, nipple stimulation. I swear by the birthing ball, I sat on it and rotated my hips during Labour to help bring baby down and it was was more comfortable then my first labour that I didnā€™t use the birthing ball. You may also want a dula ir midwife this time around, also taking a shower or bath to relax, I think making your birth plan ahead of time would probably help. But also keep in mind that things sometimes donā€™t go always as planned but plan for relaxing things like music, baths, birthing ball, c-sections are hard, they really are!

Having babies is hard work. C sections are even harder to heal from. Take your vitamins, eat healthy, stay as active as possible right up to the birth. Second babies are usually easier to have and recover from. Your trepidation is normal but youā€™ll be fine.