What’s wrong with you? Get to a hospital
What is going on with these post lately asking medical advice? You ask your doctor not a bunch of strangers. If you are young I highly suggest you let a adult know ASAP.
Done following this shit. Wtf
It depends how far along you are, and why your body is miscarrying.
Bleeding most likely happens all the time; but you can also bleed for other reasons that don’t result in miscarrying.
Cramping is a good indication, however this doesn’t always happen & can also happen just because your uterus is expanding.
The only way to be certain you are miscarrying is to go to the doctor / ER. Even if you miscarry and are sure (you expel the fetus), you should still go to the doctor because they need to make sure everything is out…
The things that have been posted on here recently are ridiculous.
Blood clots, cramping! Bleeding up to 2 weeks.
Dont even ask facebook no offense but go to a doctor it’s a serious issue an they can help out with that…
Heavy bleeding and cramping. I say there is no harm in going to the ER as some bleeding in early pregnancy is normal and some is not.
There is a lot of cramping, there will be bleeding and you may end up expelling what would have been a child, not a dead fetus as you call it. If you are fearing this, please seek medical care
It’s the minute the doctor schedules you for an abortion.
Get off facebook and go see a doctor about the BABY!!!
Ffs if your asking in here instead of a doctor or taking yourself off to hospital then honestly you aren’t ready to be a parent
Im not doctor… But you need a doctor.
I get why yall are bugging out but she didnt say she thinks she is miscarrying now…she said she thinks she might, so she wants to know the symptoms for the future. Obviously they would rush to the hospital…why can’t yall just be kind and give them the advice they asked for?
All my symptoms left. I never miscarried had to hv dnc.
There isn’t necessarily any symptoms, it maybe that you had symptoms of pregnancy, such as sickness and now you don’t.
Bleeding would be your biggest red flag that something is a miss.
And any worry no matter how small should be an immediate trip to a maternity unit for a check up. They will scan you and very often they will send you away for a week and then scan you again, it’s a very difficult week, but they have to be sure.
My baby died at 8 weeks and I had not symptoms until 12 weeks. I had a scan, then went home for a week then another scan and then a D& C and then when I was 13 weeks I was told the baby had died at 8 weeks.
I will say though this was some 30 years ago.
Wtf, stop with these questions and seek medical help
Bunch of hateful c u next tuesdays on this thread. Smfh.
Some of you ladies are savage. Wow!
Happy Mothers Day!
Why is this allowed In this group ? Talk about off topic
If you don’t have any signs of bleeding or Cramping then the Only way u can knw is to go to the doctor have a Ultrasound done. If they expect something wrong like no heart beat they will run a blood test to see ur HCG level.
You think you’re miscarrying and you aren’t at the hospital?
For everyone saying there is bleeding and cramping, yes those are some symptoms of a miscarriage. However, not ALL women have bleeding and/or cramping. I had what’s called a “missed miscarriage.” I went nine weeks thinking the fetus (and yes, it was a fetus, not a baby) was in there developing normally because I had no signs of bleeding or cramping. When I went to my first ultrasound a heartbeat wasn’t there so I had to schedule a d&c a week later to remove the product of conception.
Please. Don’t jeopardize your and/or your child’s life at the Facebook Clinic. Call your doctor. Or go to the ER. Please!!
I feel like the choice of words in this “question” are really kind of dark just sayin. Wish you the best of luck, tho. Maybe speak to a dr or nurse regarding your concerns. Your dr is more familiar with you and your body than a bunch of random people on the internet. Everyone’s body is different so symptoms may vary.
Why do you think you would miscarry?
There aren’t any specific symptoms.
Everyone is different.
First signs that you “MAYBE” miscarrying are bleeding,cramping
back pain.
You need to go to ER or call your OB/GYN ASAP
You go to see a doctor. Emergency room, and obviously a simple google search can tell you symptoms
Yes ! ER! Stat! Even if baby is ok… will put ur mind at rest. I was in ER all the time to get confirmation that everything was ok. Your worry is very common.
How about you just go to the hospital and get it checked?
Any cramping and you should go in if you want to try and save the pregnancy
Go to a fucking doctor. What kind of question is this for Facebook.
Dear lord hon, first of all if you are pregnant you should be seeing a obgyn! Many things can go wrong and your Dr. Could answer these questions for you. Please see a dr. If you do not have one for your peace of mind!
Probably a troll looking for attention.
the only way to determine that is by exam at hospital by doctor and testing
Bleeding, cramping, unusual new abdominal pain. But definitely go to emerge to be safe and get checked out.
Ya, your DOCTOR. NO idea why you guys keep posting these questions for these women who need to go to a DOCTOR for their answers!!!
Um you need to go to the doctors girl. WTH!
Literally posting this on Mother’s Day with no trigger warning?
Miscarrying in the first trimester feels like a nasty period
Most of the time doctors wont try to prevent it unless you are IVF.
If your scared go hospital get checked out
Dear… ask a doctor. Facebook and people not trained in the medical field aren’t who you ask…
May I ask why admins keep posting questions that should be answered with “go to the doctor”?
Ffs why is this question even allowed on here…are people really this stupid?
I’ve had three myself. I’ve had one “missed” miscarriage. I didn’t have any signs with the missed miscarriage. With the others the bleeding was tell tale sign, however I’ve met other women whom have had spotting or other health conditions that caused bleeding during pregnancy. Please consult a dr or OB right away.
I will pray for you and your unborn.
So with Covid going on right now and a lot of hospitals are filled up not to mention exposure to the virus this girl is just asking a question because maybe she wants to make sure she needs to go to the dr before she actually goes I was pregnant once and I experienced these cramps that I thought were a miscarriage turns out it was just my uterus stretching some of you need to stop judging people so much it’s not healthy
Like you’re going to have your period
Why are we doing this on Mothers Day??
Shame on all you woman , jeez. I went through 4 miscarriages , don’t stress If you have no reason to believe your going to miscarry , except being scared to. If u haven’t before and your having no symptoms just schedule a doctor appointment to get reassurances , or go to the er. I KNEW it was coming , call it instinct , the cramps were dull and consistent, I never bled. Mine were all 11+ weeks so I had to get a d&c all times . But I have 4 amazing kiddos now and my tubes got tied on my last birth . (Well c section because of placenta abruptions ) listen to your gut and try not to worry for no reason.
If you’re in pain and/or bleeding call the doctor asap.
Repeat ==" GO TO THE DOCTOR !!
Ok I’ve lost 2 ba ies and my daughter just lost hers 2nd trimester. Isnt there any other terminology to use besides " dead fetus"?. Especially on mothers day. I sympathize with you but come on. Go to your emergency room
Calm down honey x firstly your body is an amazing machine x it will tell you but secondly so is the mind. If in doubt seek medical attention not Facebook x
Spotting and cramps are the answer but so many things could be something or nothing ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS X
For gods sake admin !!! Seriously. What has this to do with the site?? Ask a doctor !!! not people on Facebook.
Mine felt exactly like labour. Contractions and a lot of bleeding. I have had 1 miscarriage at around 14 wks and have also had a still born who passed inside me at 33wks. My advice would be go straight to the hospital. I hope everything works out for you.
Pain similar to menstrual pain near your lower back for starters
Go to the hospital that’s all I can suggest, I started bleeding in my first trimester with my third child worried like hell ran my ass to the hospital for there to be absolutely nothing wrong with baby, if in doubt get checked out
Miscarriages are nothing to go to the doctors about… I have had 2 within 3 months apart. One on Christmas and one 2 days before Easter! And both times I went to the hospital and they all me the same “chemical pregnancies need no medical attention”
But seriously, on mother’s Day out of all days, and to call it a “dead fetus” … it’s our children no matter how small or how far along, in that sense maybe you shouldn’t have children
If you have to ask this question to complete strangers on the internet you shouldn’t be getting pregnant
The way some of you are commenting makes me question your level of compassion and humanity. Do any of you know the person that posted this? Nope!!! So you probably have not bothered to use your brain to realize that maybe they asked the question while also calling their doctor. You people that have made hateful comments need to grow up.
Please go to the doctor get checked out to put you mind at ease! Not ask strangers on Facebook! We are not doctors!
Time to unfollow this page. I used to love the posts here. Lately it’s all been drama or ppl seeking medical advice from a community forum. Smdh sad af.
I had a very painful miscarriage. I was admitted to the ER. Not everyone has the same symptoms. The only way to know for sure is to have an emergency meeting with your care provider and have an ultrasound done.
I’m not trying to be rude or come at you. What horrible way to word it a “dead fetus”.
Plz honey, call your doctor
Id be straight in hospital
Jesus christ If you need to be told what to do by a bunch of facebookers ,your next question is should I really be having children?
Maybe she did call and is waiting for a callback. Maybe there isnt a female friend or family member to ask. Thank you for all those get professional help suggestions.
Idk how to answer that maybe someone else could. if you don’t have an answer don’t comment. Idk the circumstances look up the reasons for a miscarriage of your on this page I’m assuming it’s because something happened with your partner. Cause some concern. Please see a doctor psa bleeding from down there when pregnant is a huge concern.
If you’re miscarrying a baby go to the ER
Maybe refrain from referring to it as a “dead fetus”
I think maybe a doctor and not facebook might be your best bet here ya know???
Call your doctor would he the best advice
Those saying a miscarriage is no reason to go to the hospital. Yeah I was told the same until I was found by my husband in a pool of blood passed out in the shower. Needed a emergency DNC so NEVER not be checked out it litterly can kill you. Mine was because my body wasnt purging the baby a week after it started. Had he not found me I could of bleed to death.
It’s like a period but cramps r really bad I just miscarriage like 5 days ago
I smelled something burning for a couple days before I woke up covered in blood. I also kept saying I didn’t feel pregnant like something just felt off.
If you don’t know the answer, shut up. Easy guys.
If you are worried that you ‘may’ miscarry then you should go to your doctor’s and ask them what precautions you need to take so that you can prevent that. If you are worried that you are miscarrying, go to the ER. While they may in fact send you home to let it come out naturally, if you are just questioning whether your baby is alive, they will be able to give you that information. With my miscarriage, I was only a few weeks and had extreme pain but it was also a tubal pregnancy which could be deadly to the mother so I spent a couple days in the hospital so they could make sure my levels dropped.
Maybe she just wanted to know how it feels to miscarry from others who have experience it, she probably already saw a dr.
There is nothing anyone on Facebook can tell you that you can’t Google. Unless someone is a doctor they should not be answering medical questions on Facebook.
Even if you have the slightest thought that it’s a possibility why aren’t you at the ER:woman_shrugging:t3:
My daughter miscarried last week she lost so much blood she passed out and broke her nose and cheekbone. Please get medical attention. She received medical attention, and they sent her home. To have the horrible fall. It’s tragic and sad. Please take care of yourself.
What’s up with all the Karen’s?
If you have concern look it up and go to the Dr.
A baby, its a baby…
you won’t feel pregnant anymore, your stomach cramps up into a hard ball and you start to bleed
Go to a doctor why are you asking us???
Omg! Call your doctor!
Well the first sign that your baby died is bleeding. Maybe see a doctor.
I don’t know why everyone is feeling the need to be so rude to this women that’s just trying to make some sense of what’s happening to her! STOP IT! To OP if you are reading this please call telelhealth if that’s an option In your area and see if they suggest you come in and be seen. I’m so sorry
Big blood clot but you need to see your dr if you did miscarry to make sure it all came out if you got your period heavy you probably miscarried sorry
Symptoms of a miscarriage can differ if that’s what you mean, heavy cramping, bleeding other than spotting, things like you are having a period. I did cramp a lot during my first trimester but it’s always better to be safe than sorry if you are worried. Bright red blood is not normal most of the time, brown blood is usually older blood as long as there’s not a lot of it. When I miscarried I had a lot of clots which is also something you have to look out for. Hope that helps and prayers for a healthy pregnancy!
I would go to the ER. Immediately. For one, if you are afraid that your baby died inside you you will get very sick because you didn’t miscarry or you would be bleeding and cramping an the miscarriage would be obvious. When a baby dies and there is no miscarriage the term is called mistabortion (I hate that term). At least at the ER they can do a sonogram and either confirm your fears or give you peace of mind. Either way get to the ER or call your doctor. You are not alone. You are in my prayers . If you ever need someone to talk to pm me. I lost my first child in the beginning of my second trimester but didn’t know. I got really really sick.
If u suspect there is a miscarry u have to be at the ER now… from others who have experienced it, it feels like period cramps and u will feel like u r not pregnant anymore maybe there will be bleeding …
It’s really hard to just know that early, because you aren’t actually feeling the growth yet. I had a miscarriage my first pregnancy too, so I was so stressed my first trimester of my current pregnancy. If you have any worry, just go to the doctor. That’s the best you can do
How bout this - call your doctor😳
I didn’t know I was pregnant when I miscarried my first. As I had always had a regular periods I had gone a short while without one but did not have any odd symptoms. A week before I did miscarry I ended up getting very sick and ran a fever over 105 for about 3 hours. When I returned to work I miscarried and brought it to the doctor I worked for and she explained to me what happened.
If your morning sickness stopped abruptly instead of tapering off, go to your OB-GYN immediately and ask for fresh labwork and an ultrasound. Speaking from experience, you can miscarry without any other symptom than this.
Consult ur dr., sometimes it’s miscarriage can be prevented by medicines n bed rest
With my miscarriages I felt lower back pain and started spotting. Those were my only symptoms until I started bleeding heavily, like a painful period with clotting. With my first I was 11 weeks, second I was 6 weeks.