Honestly people are so annoying and obviously misread this as this person thinks they are currently having a miscarriage and not they are worried and would like to know the symptoms to look out for etc
Also things to look out for is - spotting it can be an early sign of miscarriage and also just feeling ‘off’
When you have a miscarriage in the first 8 weeks you have cramps usually like period pains but stronger normal bleeding or spotting and you’ll pass a gunky ball which will be the embryo and some people notice it some dont
8-12 weeks can vary some people have extreme pains others have mild some people bleed normally some bleed heavily but after that point it’s no longer a embro it’s a fetus and you should definitely feel when you pass it
If your concerned you should talk to a doctor regardless of if you have symptoms / what your symptoms are
Sending love and care to the OP and anyone else struggling out there
Poor choice of wording I must say. If you think you’re miscarrying you need to go to you doc 100%. There are many symptoms and posting this won’t give a definitive explanation. Healthcare pages and your doc will be able to explain. Good luck I know that can be tough. https://health.ucdavis.edu/obgyn/services/family-planning/early_miscarriage.html
Why the duck are u asking this here ?! Crazy , get to emergency
The only way to know for sure is to go get check out. Some mom’s bleed, cramp, and no signs at all. But remember even the doctor could say looks like a miscarriage at this stage and be wrong. Depending on how far along you are. They would have to look for an heartbeat. If your not far along to depend on a heartbeat then it’s blood work. But blood works can also be wrong on telling the Dr if your having one.
You will have bad pains n bleed alot… a friend just lost theirs n all they did was hook her up to IV to give her fluids n gave her pills to pass the rest thats all…
. They will also do blood work n to see if ypu lost to much blood … just please go get checked … n for the ones that are rude … she’s just asking a question give her a break
It varies from person to person. It can be some spotting and cramping to worse. My past pregnancy I had a couple scares so I just went straight to the ER to be checked, don’t feel dumb for going, it’s better to be safe.
Go to the Dr. And for all those who just want so peace of mind buy a fetal Doppler heartbeat monitor. It helps to be able to listen to heartbeat and movement. I found it very reassuring.
Cramps are worse than a period double over pain and a lot of blood clots
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Has it crossed anybody’s mind that maybe she doesn’t have insurance, hasn’t seen a doctor yet, doesn’t want to go to the ER unnecessarily?
Do people mistake this page for google search or something?
Wow…go to the er right now!! You really spent 2 hours checking on Facebook first??? No . Put the phone down!! Your either in danger or the baby is!!! Wow.
Well… it’s a baby… and you would have cramping and bleeding… I’d go to the ER hon… I hope everything is ok
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No movement… my baby didnt move for two days before I “expelled” her… i was in late 1st trimester. But it still makes me upset…
This is not the place for such questions. Talk to your family or go to ER
Intense period cramps, so hard it may make you feel like that is what giving birth will be like.
Possibly some nausea and irregular heartbeats. Anxiety is common as well.
And seeing blood that’s more intense than spotting, it may seem like your period came back with the vengence
And ignore the negative comments, i understand why you asked here and im glad you reached out for opinions.
I hope everything works out for you beloved.
Heavy bleeding and bad cramps… if you’re lightly bleeding, prop your feet UP and stay laying down till you’re able to see your doctor. Prayers to you
Sudden loss of pregnancy symptoms, bleeding , intense cramps , severe back pain
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Smh. They turn to social media and everything but the doctors, or they mother/close relatives
This isn’t a question to sit around n worry about. Go seek medical attention
Ant nothing here but internet doctors.
You could also have a missed miscarriage. So you could still carry the baby with no symptoms of miscarriage at all.
You need to see your dr and discuss why you think you’ll miscarry.
My miscarriage wasn’t like others.
I had no heavy bleeding, no pain, no cramping etc etc. I did have spotting and only had chunks of blood and tissues when I peed.
My ultrasound showed a baby with a heartbeat at almost 7 weeks and I still miscarried 2 days later.
But some people have a missed miscarriage and need a d&c to remove the tissue and baby.
Start taking a pregnancy test daily and see if it starts to get lighter and then a negative line.
If you’re early in pregnancy it could be a chemical pregnancy or even an ectopic which requires emergency medical care.
Check your area for a planed parenthood for pregnancy care free or for a low fee.
Good luck and hoping your baby sticks.
So far People have given good information . Unfortunately There isnt always signs to look for . When there are no signs it’s a missed miscarriage. A missed miscarriage happens when the embryo has died, but your body hasn’t expelled it yet. It’s also called a missed abortion or silent miscarriage—and for good reason: You won’t experience the common miscarriage symptoms of cramping or bleeding.
Cramping and bleeding. Take some pain killers if you need too
Heavy bleeding, cramping. Get to emergency right away to be checked.
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Why mention that on this page, there is other pages for this and yes that comes from someone that’s had a miscarriage… I wouldn’t want want this page answering for me…
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This is the sickest thing I’ve read in ages.
They say you “just know.”
All pregnancy symptoms suddenly stop. Maybe bleeding…
symptoms do come and go yes, but an abrupt stop to all may indicate missed miscarriage. Only way for sure is to go see your dr and gave them do an ultrasound to check for heartbeat.
What symptoms are you experiencing that makes you ask this? What are you thinking about ?
You can have symptoms or no symptoms only a doctor can confirm this
I miscarried at 15 weeks, no symptoms…nothing told me something was wrong until I heard the words “there’s no heartbeat” at routine check.
Why in the world would you be on THIS site asking this??? Find an expectant mother’s site or a medical site or better yet get to a freaking doctor.
Do not speak negative. Only positive. Don’t consider the worst scenerio. Consider the best. That’s what will keep your baby healthy. Have faith. Happy mother’s day
Drink something’s nf and lay down and breathe deeply on your back. Then,if no movement, turn to each side. . Be patient. Baby may just be sleepy today, or maybe can sense that it worry. Try turning on some music and singing your favorite song if you still can’t get him to move shine a flashlight and talk to him… Every mom has those concerns early. But staying in faith and thinking good thoughts are vital to babys well being. Prayers
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This is at least the 3rd post this site has made today about miscarriage. Disgusting point you’re trying to make
I didn’t have any when i miscarried my twins…in fact I still had all pregnancy symptoms
Dont stress yourself out! If ur worried go to the Dr and get checked out.
It’s a dead fetus if it’s first trimester. It’s a scientifically a fetus until it leave the body and can survive without being inside the mother.
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Id call the doctor, obgyn, urgent care and not depend on fb for this
Bleeding a lot every time I had sex was my only symptom, but yeah you shouldn’t be asking on here. You should be consulting your doctor. I had to have it aborted because the drugs they gave me to bring on painful contractions didn’t work. If they dont give you sedation tell them to f off and find someone who will.
Could Atleast put a trigger warning on the post some parents might not like seeing this
I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks my symptoms .Bleeding cramps pains in your upper legs that you can hardly walk lower back pains . Go to emergency but expect a wait as I waited for 4 hours to be seen
Go visit your doctor fb cant help
Go to the ER at the nearest hospital
I only had light spotting with no pain & still contacted my gyno who sent me off for an ultrasound & we found my baby had died at 9 weeks & i was at 11 weeks when i started spotting. I was then put in for a D&C.
who the fock would post this, if you are serious you call your doctor not post on freaking facebook
Discuss with your OB/GYN as to what you need to be aware of
Seriously…you simply shouldn’t be asking a group of strangers or non medical people this question, especially on Mothers Day. Call your obstetrician and speak to them or schedule an appointment to be examined and ultrasound or, if emergent, go to the nearest ER at a hospital
Some of you are quite naive. You don’t need to be in a hospital to miscarry I am a Birth and Bereavement Doula and support many women with at home miscarriages. It is safe in most cases and most recommended if there is no extensive bleeding.
Also miscarriage can have 0 symptoms or tons. It is best to keep an eye on bleeding and go in and see a doctor if either no bleeding happens for days. You have a fever. Or you bleed through a pad in an hour or less.
Cramps and blood go doctors get checked out if worried prayers for u
Severe cramping beforehand is a sign, see a obgyn to get a scan and make sure
Think this page needs a name change …
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Get a fetal heart monitor if you’re that worried
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I think it’s better you speak to your doctor and get a scan done.had the same issue 5 months ago.the fetus was dead and I felt no cramps,no bleeding.just some slight spoting which I taught was normal until my doctor requested for a scan.then it was confirmed I had miscarried.
Since when did this group become questions about pregnancy?!?!? Ughhh I thought it was funny memes
You feel very sick, very weak, throwing up, then the blood with the baby comes out. That’s because once the baby has past away it is toxic to your body. So your body gets it out because it’s then dead flesh in your body. Just go to your regular check ups. That’s what there for to make sure everything is the way it should be. Like the heart beat being normal, size of development, ect. Miscarriages are NOT rare. It happens more than you think. That’s why people used don’t tell anyone their pregnant until the 2nd trimester.
You don’t have any symptoms they pick it up via scan. So if your concerned go to the doctor
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Pain bleeding but always see your dr i had 3 miscarriage s its important to see dr
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The best way to know for sure exspecially at an early stage is by blood test. They can check your hormone levels in comparison with what you should be and know right away.
Bad cramping, like menstrual cramps is a #1 sign. Also, spotting. Go to ER immediately. I experienced this😔 I hope you aren’t miscarrying.
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This is clearly a sick wind up…no expectant mother would call her baby a ‘dead foetus’
Wtf kinda question is this omg
Very severe cramping and bleeding with huge clots
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Heavy bleeding and bad craps
I was told in Sep 2019 that I was going to miscarry. I bled a lil on the 29th. I started a heavy bleed in Dec, and into Jan I never experienced anything like it. No pain until I actually passed the fetus and it hurt like hell for about 30 mins and once it passed, no more pain. I still went to the ER. Sorry for your loss
Not everyone bleeds heavily. I only spotted when I miscarried.
Every miscarriage is different,with my first one I only bled lightly for days and with my second I lost clots,I bled heavy and had really bad cramps
Extremely bad cramps. Blood clots as big as your fist. It’s one one the worst physical pain. Like labor pains.
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It depends on how far along you are. I miscarried before 6wks and it felt like a bad period, bleeding was normal till the fetus passed but cramps were more severe feeling and came in waves.
You will feel different…it’s mother instinct,some of the symptoms go away,you can painful cramps,or have little cramsp or no pain …have unusual discharge .like brown,red or dark brown .better to consult you midwife…cause I experienced it last year at 3months. And it’s hurt me so bad.
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Omg this was in another group go to the doctor they are the only ones who can confirm this fb cannot I’ve bleed heavy and had severe cramping and still carried my child full term so please just go to the ER or schedule a doctors appt
I cramped a lot. With my youngest, I started bleeding heavily and passed some sort of mass. I was afraid I was going to miscarry… went to the ER, and as gross as it sounds, I took what I had passed (as directed by my dr). They checked it and said there was no fetal tissue. Theh weren’t sure what it was, but the ultrasound showed I was still pregnant. Was put on bedrest and have a healthy 5 yr old now.
If your pregnancy symptoms suddenly stop. And you dont feel pregnant.
I still had symptoms of being pregnant even thou baby was dead inside for a while already then heavy cramping and bleeding it was a missed miscarriage
This I offensive and triggering. What has happened to this page
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I had big clots I was bleeding and severe cramping.
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Cramping heavy bleeding and blood clots
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Depends how far you are,blessed to have 4 children but lost 4 along the way,period type cramping,bleeding and spotting although i had no indication id lost at 18+3😢i just knew something wasnt right,get checked out,u may well be reassured all is fine
Usually its first the spotting then blood and clots, depends of the weeks of how big and how long you will bleed. The pain feels like period pain and you just know when u misscarry… i knew in a instant. The pain can come and go, but i remember i was in pain for few days, moving around hurt.
I spotted two days before I had miscarriage .
Depends how far along u are. The further u are the more the cramps hurt. Some ppl bleed alot some dont. I remember my first miscarriage i had cramps spotted a lil than a really painful cramp came and i felt like i was pissing myself so i ran to bathroom just to find alot of blood than i it was like a normal monthly after it had passed. Was told i couldnt have kids. Got pregnant than miscarried 8 times had one baby weel two but one pasted 29 days after birth. Hardest tome of my life.
Perhaps just speak to your doctor!
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Please put a trigger warning on such posts
The worst pain/cramps and blood clots.
You may not feel anything. Sometimes there’s clear fluid and clots, sometimes just spotting. I had to have a d&c because my baby had no heartbeat but the miscarriage process never happened and it had to be removed. I hope all is well. Good luck to you
I would personally advise you get checked because you can still experience the symptoms and not be having a miscarriage so it’s best to get checked out either at your local gp or hospital
I thought this page was about nails? Lately it hasn’t been
I like the page for the nails. What’s with the questions???
Wtf do any of these posts have to do with nails? Is this page about nails or is it an emotional support page? Unfollowed
Go to a doctor problem solved. Get a clue
Nails or personal stories? I’m sorry to hear you may have miscarried. Maybe you should go see your doctor instead of asking fb
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Absolute bollocks this page !!! See ya !!!
How did this get approved? There are way more reliable resources and qualified people to answer this than a nail inspo page followers. How’d you get to personal medical emergency details from nannies and sleep training?
Plus, it’s lookin like a good time to rebrand and change that name to Inappropriate Questions 2 Cringe Over.
Buncha snowflakes on this page
Girl if you feel that something is wrong, TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. You know your body best. Fight for those tests. Be the biggest advocate for you and your unborn child. I wish you luck
I’m officially over this page
Va à l’hôpital tout de suite il vont te le dire en 5 min si son coeur bat
Why the hell is this posted in here?
As a woman who lost her only child, I just want to say this is the most ignorant thing you can post on Mother’s Day. What do you want us to do, relive it & describe it to you in detail what it’s like to lose a baby just because you’re paranoid? If you’re really worried you’d go to the ER, not post on FB. If you have no medical issues & doctors aren’t worried, please don’t ask us to recall that type of pain on Mother’s Day of all days, just to console your weird hypochondria.