Instagram porn vs Pornhub porn

Do you think Pornhub type porn is the same as Instagram porn?

I was on my husbands phone trying to find a mutual friends profile and clicked on his search bar…all his searches were for “up skirt” “camel toe” “skirt slips” and it gave me knots in my stomach. I knew he watches porn and I don’t care about that but these Instagram women are a bit too real for me I guess? In my mind it’s one thing to go to a porn website with the thought of getting one off and another to have all these soft porn stuff come up on your Instagram feed daily because he followed a lot of different pages & hashtags.

I’ll add that just last week he asked me if I get a bunch of random guys in my suggested friends section on Facebook, I said no I don’t get those…you get them because of all the porn you look at! I said that joking but now I was right!

Am I wrong for putting the 2 types of “porn” into different classes in mind?

Pornstars are pretty much unacessable. Instagram girls are not.

No. Insta girls can easily be reached…it is more personal on insta