Is 23 to old to start over?

I started over at 25 with 2 kids, u can do it

No age is too old to start over and get away from a bad relationship. I did it at 41! Start over for you and your child and build the life you deserve for yourself and your child!!

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There is never an age limit on starting over
You do what’s best for you and your baby at any time and any age. You’ve got this.

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NO! I restarted at the age of 24, with my 3 year old and pregnant with my second baby. I got us out of a bad situation, got us back on our feet. Now we have our own home, I’m in college, and we’ve been happy and life has been SO MUCH better. GO GIRL. Take care of you and your baby no matter how it looks to anyone else. You’re still super young. You deserve to have the life you want.

It’s never too late!

Go for it. You are too young for this lifestyle. Live for yourself and your daughter. Good luck

You deserve better. You deserve to be loved. And you deserve a fresh start. Moving back with your parents will be temporary and rewarding. Love yourself.

Agree with Erin - U R still very young - U have you’re whole life ahead of U - do it and make a better life for U and you’re child…

23 is not starting over! You’re just getting started! Go live your best life, you and your child deserve it!

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It’s never too late :muscle:t5::muscle:t5:

Do it…you won’t regret it!!!

I’m 26, moved in with my mom a while back. Went to nursing school, got my shit together. Now I’m engaged, and looking for a place right after I take my nclex. 23 is definitely not too old to get your shit together and better your life for yourself and your daughter!

Never too late. You probably think it’s too late because you may have started early. Actually you’re right on time. Don’t be discouraged. That’s why it’s called “A New Beginning” :pray::revolving_hearts: God bless you for standing up for yourself and wanting a more promising LIFE for you and your child. With God YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!! Go get yours!!!

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Oh honey!!! There isn’t an age that’s too old to start over! And even if there was one 23 definitely ain’t it! You’re so young still and have tons of time to do whatever you want! Do what’s right for you and your baby!

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Many people haven’t even started yet at 23 so I would say it is definitely not to late!

23 is still young for college … you shouldn’t feel awkward about moving back in with your parents, your doing the right thing ! Know your worth and don’t settle for anything less !

Most folks are just starting out at 23. Free yourself and live in peace. You and your child deserve that.

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Go girl!! Get that college degree, and get some support from your parents, and rise like a Phoenix!!

I was 25 with 3 kids, got divorced, went back to college, got my degree and got remarried at 30. You are never too old” to begin again!!

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I started over at 23 then again at 29… never to old to start over I’m now married for almost 2 months to the best man ever

Girl your young move back in with your parents and go to college. You deserve to be happy. Also I don’t feel it is ever to late or your ever to old to start over

The best thing you can do for yourself and your child. Some girls aren’t that fortunate! God bless and guide you!

You are never to old to start over.

To answer your question, No it’s too late. Ppl start of way later in life due to other or similar circumstances. I did. You’ll be fine, focus on your child and things will fall into place.

It’s never too late to start over. Do it for yourself and your little girl!

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I’m 38 and I’m in school. There are even older people than me in my school. It’s never too late!

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I did it at 34 with 2 kids

You are never to old to start over :slight_smile:


You are kidding me righ!! You’re a baby yourself!!

Oh lil lady😬 you’re to young to talk like that❤
I graduated at like 40ish, got my BA late 40s and now 56 I’m almost done my education degree​:heart::sunglasses::poop::hugs::kissing_heart:
So don’t think you’re to old​:heart::sunglasses:take care and stay safe :heart:

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You are not too old to reinvent yourself. I went back to school in my 30’s. You’ve got this. Believe in yourself :blush::two_hearts::sunflower:

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Too old? 23 is still a baby :joy::joy:

I’m turning 40 on July 1st and I’m finishing up my nursing degree. It’s never too late to go back to school.


I just turned 27 last month and I moved back in with my mom a few months ago, with my 3yo and 5yo daughters. Their Daddy and I went through a lot in 6 years, but we realized we aren’t good together.

It’s definitely not too late, 23 is still so young…You’ve still got plenty of time to get your life on the track you want it on!

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I got my degree bachelor’s degree when I was 59 I think you are still young enough to go to college

Girl!! It is never to late to start over!!

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I’m 25 and started school last year for my degree… it’s never too late… :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:


As a 29 year old, I can confidently say 23 is not too young. I graduated college in 2019. You got this. Do what you have to do in order provide a better life, and example for your child.

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It is never to late. Especially that you have parents behind you. Good luck.


I moved back home with my parents at 29 with 2 kids. Do what you have to to build the best life for you and your child!!


Your still very young go for your dreams never to late to start over good luck

If I could just go back to 23 and start over. Girl please, I’m begging you, for yourself and your child. Leave that man and further your education and your life while you’re still young. It’s never too late to get out of an unhealthy relationship or further your education sweety.


You’re never too old to start over! I moved back in with my Mom when I was 26 with an 18 month old. Your happiness is what matters. Not your age.


It’s never to late to start over. Do what you think is best.

Fuck no it ain’t lol it’s prime time too

I’m 25 and I will be graduating with my first of two bachelors in 2023. So do what’s best for you, no matter your age.

Move home. Start a life for you and your child

You’ll never be too old to start over because you know your worth. Leave, don’t look back, pursue those dreams

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Baby girl, you’re never too old to start over… I’m 29 and I have 3 under 4 years old … I’m starting over again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m 26 with a 5 year old and have moved out and moved back in with my
Mom and am still there saving for my perfect home for my baby girl and I! There is no “starting over” this is your life and your journey and there’s nothing wrong with taking a step back so you can take 3 steps forward to happiness. That’s all your kids needs, is a happy Mama. Don’t look at it as a failure, if anything it proves your stronger because you know you deserve better than him.


:woman_facepalming:t3: define starting over…
I had two kids was with their father 6.5 years left him when I was 26…
Was miserable!
Now I’m 31 getting married to the love of my life and trying for baby #3

It never too late. I got myself out of ugly divorce, etc. my mom always open the door for me to come and stay with her till I got everything back on my feet. There’s no starting over :heart:

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I’m 35, just about to be made redundant, with a 16 month old lil boy, recently single. I HOPE 23 isn’t too old lol or I’m in deep water! I did keep mine and my lil boys hone though.


You have 1 life. You can start over as many times as you need to, you can change your mind as many times as you want. As long as your living your best life and never settle for anything less

It is NEVER to late to start over.

Young, get your education or will build your self confidence, then you wont need him, and you will make you and your child better off financially!!

You are super young…Go do it!!

Sweetheart, 23 is not to old to start over! There is no age restrictions on this rough road we call life. I went back to school at 28 and it was a two year program. You can do it!!!:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Starting over has NO age limit!


Never too late. You are practically a baby.

We are the same age and I promise you 23 is not to old to do anything!! If you have a place to go even if it’s your parents, DO IT!!! There’s no reason to stay with that man if he doesn’t care. Your baby needs to see you happy and loved properly. Go to college, get that degree go make that money. Take care of yourself and your baby that’s all that matters.

If you stop making excuses not to leave
I never thought I could get away from my cheating abusive manipulating exxxxx
Well one day I had enough of his shit and left

6years later I’m in love with a different guy now we have a handsome child and life is good

Nope not even. You got this!!

Girl I started over with 4 kiddos at 29, I’m now 35 on my own house, have an amazing job, am with someone who sees my worth, and have 4 very happy kiddos…. It’s never too late!


Girl I’ve started over twice. Last time being at 29. Do what’s best for you and your child. Toxic relationships are NOT worth it.

You’re young! Start over now before it’s too late, you’ve already been seeing red flags all over.

Do it. I’m 26 today and starting over with an almost 4 year old and a baby on the way. It’s whats best for you and your kids. Remember that. It won’t be easy but it will be worth it


I don’t want to advise you but I do want to wish good luck mat god bless you

Girl I got pregnant and moved in with my parents at 34. You’re good sis. Set yourself up now so you’re independent in the future :heart:

I am 28 almost 29 going to school working full time with a 5 year old. It is never to late.

Heck NO! If yours parents are willing to help you and able to you do that! Nobody’s getting any younger and they wanna know you can take care of yourself just like you want to be able to take care yourself. You hop on that train and take it all the way to the destination. Then when your set and have that job it’ll be your turn to spoil them in return.

Girl I went back at 29 and got my teaching degree. Now at 39 I’m starting over as a single mom having a baby in a new relationship. Its never too old to make a change for the better!


Moving back in with my parents when I was 25 with a 3yr old was one of the best things I ever did for my life or hers. I had help for once! I was able to get a great job, go back to school, & more!! Would you want your baby to come to you no matter what age if they were in your shoes

It is never too late. Go do you :heartpulse:

Do it!!! Don’t wait!!!

It’s never too late! My only advice would be to do it now and make it last! Start over for you and you kid! Make it so you dont have to rely on another guy so when you do meet someone new (and you will) you dont have to worry about anything if they leave or it doesnt work out! Be brave! You got this momma!

Girl, I know it doesn’t seem like it right now but your life is just beginning!! You’ve got this!!

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23 with a two year old just started over in October best decision I’ve ever made

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You’re never too old to start over and make a better life for you and your family.


Dump his ass!!! You and your child are the important ones here!!

It’s never too late! My mom went to college when me and my sister were school aged. I went to college when my 2 kids were 8 and 10. My sister went to college and she had 5 girls at home. We were all single moms! You can do it.


Girl you are not old! You are still so young and can succeed in whatever you put your heart into! I was 26 when I started college with 2 young kids and a few years in my ex and I divorced. I still pursued my passion and graduated within 6 years instead of 4 but I did it! At 32 years old. You got this!

Let me start by saying that I’m so sorry that you’re faced with this situation but please know that You are never too old to leave a toxic situation and I’m sure your family would be happier to have you living with them over living with some guy that doesn’t respect you or worse. There’s absolutely no shame in starting over, it’s gonna hurt bad and maybe even for a long time but you will set yourself and your child up for an independent life in the long run.

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That was something I struggled with too when I decided to go back. I went back at 24, and still going strong. You are never too old to start over, and it will be so worth it in long run! You can do it!


It’s never ever too late for college and if your parents are ok with you moving in while you attend school then go for it. But don’t expect them to babysit all the time


I was 40 when I got a new start so 23 to me is a youngen I’m 61 now been married 22 years when I got my new start

You can’t be serious ?


You are never too old to go back to school. I have friends in their 50s & 60s that have gone back.

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Omg ur still a child urself … go home n go to college n never look back.


You CAN do this!!! For you & your child, move in w your parents, go back to school… make a great future!!!


Your never too old to start over. I recently had a coworker who in his 40’s had become an RN. He was a salesman before but due to the economy changed careers. He is a great Nurse and I truly believe he found his calling.

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Go back to school better yourself and your little one you do not need him.

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Definitely not too late. Do it!

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It’s never too late
To start over. Move home, get a degree and you will be good to go!!

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Not being mean but I almost laughed at you being “23” and even thinking you are to old to start fresh - you are still young and full of life and have been taken advantage of 6yrs. to long - go back to your parents and go back to school just like you want to do and flourish - spread your beautiful wings and get out of life what you and your little deserve and that’s to be happy with yourselves first and do what you need to do to be happy - because a truly happy mommy make truly happy children whether it’s just mommy or both parents and it seems that maybe the dad needs this time to fill his oats and grow up some and no I’m not bashing him just some guys tend to mature later than girls do. You do you and things will fall into place just as they should - it may be with him and it may not but don’t feel bad either way. It sounds like you gave it your all to make things work and he took it but really didn’t give much back - you got this girl go for the gusto. Good luck in whatever choice you make and God Bless.

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It is never too old to start over. I didn’t go back to school but I had to start over because of my divorce at 57.

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It’s never too late.

You can do it! It’s never to late to start over

Girl. Eff him. Move back home, got to school and never put up with that shit again!

Umm no you are still very young why would you think 23 is too old to start over?

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