Is 23 to old to start over?

I started over at 26. Never too old

You are little more than a child yourself. You make a plan and go for it. Life is just beginning for you! Make good, careful choices and have a good life. Good luck!

Girl move back in with ur parents thats the best option for u and noone is gonna judge u for moving back out of necessity wat we r gonna judge is saying 23 is too old :sob::sob:

Lol you’re 23 you’ve only just begun hun, I got an entire decade on ya and I’d do it now at my age we’re never to old to better ourselves. DON’T waste the best years of your life unhappy! I WISH I was 23 again.

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Its never too late to better yourself! Take the plunge and live your life the way you want.

Girl!! Never too old to improve yourself!!

It sounds like you already know what you need to do :blush:

Never too old to be happy

Never to late I was in an 18year relationship 2 kids with him. Ended it I was 34 found the love of my life.

I started over at 28 with two kids. You’re still young. Do it!

Separated from my ex at 40ish with 2 girls…a few years later met and married Mr. Wonderful.

Jesus if 23 is too old then I must be ancient if I ever need to start over. :joy:

Go for it girl. 23 is very young to not move on. Leave him

Not at all! I’m 23 with a 5 year old. I left her dad when she was 1.5 and have been with my fiancé since. Her dad has moved on and got his own girlfriend and life I’ve moved on and have my own life. It’s never too late to do anything :slightly_smiling_face: My girl starts school this year and I’m going back to school as well online when I’m not working. I promise everything you want to do is so possible

I did exactly this and it was the best decision ever. DO IT ! you will only regret not doing it sooner. I was in a very similar situation and now I’m happier than I’ve ever been !

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I’m getting out of a relationship/marriage. I’m 29 and I’m half way through school. I started over again and to be honest I’m starting over in the love life area. It’s never too late or too old to do something especially for yourself and your child. That’s what I’m doing. It has made me hella stronger

Never too old to start again.If i did it so can you.Just believe in yourself and follow your dreams.Always remember you deserve the best in life.So go for it.Wish you the best of everything.xx

You’re NEVER too old to learn.

You’re still very young. You have a whole life ahead of you. Kick that dude to the curb & do all these things you want to do. You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you work hard for it. You got this girl!

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It’s never too late to be your best self!


First time was shame on him. Second time shame on me for taking him back after the first time. He will never change. Mine didn’t till he passed away of cancer.

Too old at 23 God bless you.

Your never to old to be happy and start over. You only deserve the best for you and your child💞

I’m 29 and I just graduated college. As long as ur breathing ur never to old to start over this is what I was told and honestly got me through school :smiling_face: good luck u and ur baby both deserve better

No one can make up your mind sweetie that decision has to come from u take it from an old lady follow your heart u know more about him than anybody knows take one day at a time think hard and I hope u make the right decision good luck

I AM GOING TO TELL YOU . You are only bound by your own visions. Go for the gold without him. You have to love you before anyone else can

You’re still knee high to a grasshopper :cricket::cricket::cricket: No 23 is Not 2 old to start over neither is any other age!

Go 4 it. Never never ever u can & will b better. Moving on what a looser

I started over ay 72. It’s never to late!! Go for it. You will be surprised how much happier you will be.

Absolutely not! I was 23 when I had to start over. And now I’m happily married to a wonderful man and we have three children.

Move on!!

It’s never to late…

Just do it…you will feel accomplished when all is said and done

Never too old to start over and do better for yourself

It is NEVER too late to start over. You do you! Do what’s best for you and your child. It may not be easy but it will be worth it.

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I recently went back to college at 44 just to make more money and allow myself better financial and career opportunities. It’s never to late to better yourself

You’re going to be 24 here soon whether you are educated or not.

Dump the dork, move home and go back to school.

I graduated college in my late 20s. My girls and I benefited so much from it!

You are never to old to start a new life. I did it with my son and moved back into my mums. Best thing I ever did starting again. You can do it.

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It is not too late! You’re doing the right thing. Thank you to your parents for helping & good luck to you! :clap::pray:t2:

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I always say your 20s are for making mistakes, never to late❤️best of luck

I’m 30 and started over it’s not to young or to old. It’s what’s best for you and the kid!


Go back and get your education

You can’t go back, but you can start now and change your story…just yell plot twist and do what sets your soul on fire! It’s 100% worth it! I was 27 the first time I was ever on my own with a 6 and a 7 year old…I would not change a single thing except maybe doing it sooner

Absolutely not … At 23 you’re still a baby … Move in with your parents … Go to school and build a fantastic life for you and your child …you deserve so much better … Hugs :heart:

You are never to old or never to late to have a better life

Never to young to start over, go home and make changes, you maybe surprised that your parents will be happy to have you back and while you make changes in your life for you to be happy

Leave. Go home and do what you need to do for yourself and your child. I had to start again at 33 with four children. This time last year. Never been happier!


Perfect time to start again. Get out of there darling. Find love and respect for yourself. Good luck.

It’s never too late to start over… Swallow your pride and do what’s best for you and that kiddo.

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I started at 18 started over at 22 and then again at 31… Stuff happens… Just keep swimming

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23 is suuuuuper young. You have a lot of time ahead of you. No. It is not too old to start over not even a little bit

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Never too old. Go geddit girl and throw the whole man in the bin!


I’m dealing with the same issue

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It’s never too old…I tell my kids they can always come home…regardless if they’re alone or with their family…we’ll make room and survive…I’m there for them if they need me…good luck!

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I’m well over 30 trying to start over. You’ll be happy you’re getting started now rather than later. Do what you need to do.

You go for it honey and stick to your plans I know I’m 80 years old and I’ve been there twice till I got on my right path

Leave! Never too old. No one should tolerate disrespect!

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No way, never too late to start over!

It’s not starting over. It is moving forward. Making positive changes for you and your daughter.


If you have rhe chance start over. Make a better life for you and your child. You deserve it. You’re woth it.


You’re so young you have your whole life ahead of you! Leave! Start fresh! :heart:

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I so love you Jennifer Jones

23!? Your super young, never too late to start over

Right now is the perfect time to start over and only surround yourself with loving, supportive people. You will reach your goals and will be so much happier! Let him have all the other women he wants, if he settles down with any of them, he will end up continuing the cycle and the woman will end up wanting to get away too. Also go and get custody of your child and apply for child support. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you :yellow_heart: Sending positive vibes!

Nope! 23 is young girl! Especially when you have supportive parents. Do not deal.with that disrespect. Also that a terrible role model for your young child. Start over. You sound like you have a solid plan

Never to late talk to your parents to see if you can move back home .

Leave and start over, it’s never too late, and if you find yourself in the same position (hopefully not) 10 - 20 down the track know you can start over again, it’s never too late to make a better and healthier choice for you and your children and no matter how old you are your parents will always be there for you!

It is never too late to start over…
You are still so young… don’t waste any more time on him…
Run girl run!!
:two_hearts::two_hearts: Best of luck :two_hearts::two_hearts:

23? Your only young!
If you have a chance to do that then do it, leave his ass.
Move back in with mum & dad!
Think about what’s best for you & your little girl. You’s both deserve so much better

Lady I went to college at 42 due to my ex having affair…raised my teen kids and did two and half yrs of tech college, had surgery between semester s, drove hour each way , youth leader for church…dealth with serve pain and little cash…once I got associates degree life made many journeys…now 67, still disabled, yet love being Mimi to 6 grandkids and serve 2 gentlemen in my home with disabilities…You can do this…

I am 35 in college !! Never too old to continue education!!

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Never to late to better yourself honey!

I’m 42 and I’ve started over so many times it’s turned into a hobby of mine. You can always start over.

Not too late. I went back at 27

Your still a child to me. Leave him! Go to school and get a better job. But, don’t take him back. Trust me, I know, it took me a really long time to learn. I finally found the love of my life at the age of 41! He looked about 50 or 55, nope he was 62. We were together for over 21 years, married almost 14 yrs when he past last yr. your never to young or old to find love. Get your Education in girl and raise that baby right!

Girl i moved back in with my mom at 22 and I’m 24 with a 3 months old son still living my mom. Not ideal but my baby dad left me right before our son was born n we were supposed to get a place so now I’m gonna be doing this on my own n it’ll be harder but I’m saving!

Girl I’m the same age and going through almost the exact same situation. Feel free to message me if you want to talk more in detail. I don’t want to post too much. But believe me when I say I understand and it’s never too late. I’ll be honest, I’m living with my parents and I have 3 kids.

Girl is 23 old??? Seriously. I guess FML having 4 kids and working on my broker license at 40…:unamused:

Went back to school at 40 to become a nurse and did it with a 5 year old to raise by my self with only help from my parents and made it through school and got a good job. So know I don’t think you are too old.

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If 23 is old I’m dead. It is never too late to leave a bad relationship and/or go back to school.

It’s never too late to start over ! Go for your dream and make it come true!

You grew up. Your life is just beginning. Take care of you. He’s a worthless baby. Dont give in. Parents are great. Move back but go by there rules. Get enrolled in college. Do some courses online to.

Honey, start over and never look back!!! You can do it🥰

Going to college and I’m 38.

I did it at 25 with a 5 year old after 10 years and never looked back.

Girl I’m 27 years old and I just now went back to school and I have two kids one isnt in school and one is in and I work a full-time job you got this you’re never too old to do something you want to do as long as you put your heart and in your mind that you can do it

It is never too late to start over! You can do it!

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Girl I went back to school at 25 lol with twin infants. Didn’t work for 3 years & lived off my husband. Just got a job in my schooling area 2 months ago & am starting an associates program next year when I’ll be 30! Late is always better than never cuz time is gonna pass regardless

At 23??? You’re still a baby! You can absolutely do all of the above. I had my babies young and graduated college at 27. Your whole life is still in front of you girl. Go do great things!!!

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You are very young. I started over with 3 kids at 46! You are never too old to start over.


No you can start over at any age , you do need to leave him.Do not allow any one to treat you bad and you do not need approval from no one to improve your life and sons.

Heck no every new day you can start over

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Never too late. Pack your bags, grab your baby and START your life. 23 is very young. YOU GOT THIS!!! :purple_heart:

Nope ur never to old to start over. Go for your dreams. I wish the best for u and your daughter

I was 27/28 when I moved in with my fiancé and finally got out on my own, and I have a now 8 year old. It’s never too late to start over and I’m 29 now. Do what makes you feel better! You don’t deserve ANY of what he’s doing to you

Honey I am about to be 31 and still haven’t started my career. It’s never too late!

It’s never too late to do better

It is never too late! As long as you are alive you can still do anything you set your mind to! You deserve everything you want! Go for it! Good luck

I had my little one at 19 my bd way never in the picture met my husband at 23 got married been together for almost 5 years and he is everything I could want in a man and father

Never too late to start over. Significant other wise. I started dating my fiance when i was 24 and the person i was with before i was with for 5 and a half years and my fiance is a much better match for me than my previous boyfriend was. School wise it is never too late to follow your career dreams!

Sweetie, you’re NEVER too old to start ovet!!!