Is 23 to old to start over?

It is not too late. I was 28 years old when I went to court reporting school. It was the best move I ever made :slight_smile:

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I started over at 33. I ended up separating from the dad and even was in a homeless shelter for awhile with a 6 year old and 4 year old. I could have been at home in my own house, but I was determined to finish a life recovery program so that I wouldn’t need to depend on anyone. I graduated feom the program at 35. I got kicked out 2x. I moved back home into my mommas house. The kids and I restarted our lives and I went back to school to be a social worker. I got my associates in 2018. I got us our own place - it’s a staring place but it’s ours- I went to sdsu in 2019. I will graduate in December this year with my bachelors. My kids have great relationships with their dad and his wife and their babies. I just couldn’t do that life anymore. I needed consistency, sobriety and I wanted to follow God. I’m 40, still single, and the happiest I’ve ever been. My kids are blessed with 2 families and very favored. I say yes, absolutely, you can start over at 23. You can start over always. You can feel stuck but you are never really stuck. I didn’t even get clean from crystal meth until I was 24 so you’re doing better than me. (Had my fist kid 18 months later).
Go home. Show your baby that we are worth it. It’s hard at first and humbling, but I’m sure you are already humbled in your present situation. If you want to talk to me directly I’m here. You got this girl. God bless.

By the way, my mom wanted me to respond to you. :heart::heartpulse: thanks mom! Sue McClellan


Never to late, certainly not at your age. You can do whatever you want. I started to college at 30 and I have been a nurse for 30 years. Go for it! Good luck

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Now is the perfect time to invest in your future! Youre never too old to start a new direction in your life. Go for it! I truly wish you and your daugjter ALL THE BEST!


Better at 23 than later and if he continues. It appears that grass is greener on his side. Hope you have great parents!

If you have a safe place to go then go now! You deserve better and so does your child. 23, 63, or 103 it’s never too late to start over if you want. Don’t get discouraged!!:pray:


Go home, take your child with you, be grateful you a go home and start doing for yourself and child,. Foc us on your education, get a good job and provide for you and your child. I earned my degree late forties, went on to earn enough for house, a car and good retirement WITHOUT a man. Consider yourself lucky
Hang on a d keep your eyes on your goals. Make sure you spend time with your child and parents

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Im 33 and just left my child’s father after a rocky 12 year relationship. Its never too late! Do you lady! Good juju!

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You are never too old to start over. My ex-husband cheated on me and I left him as soon as I found our. We were stationed in Texas at the time and had a 4 year old, a 2 year old and an 8 week old. I moved back to CA and in with my parents. I was lucky enough to have a very supportive family and got a job that I have now been with for over 40 years. Have a loving husband that has accepted my children as his own and we have 5 beautiful Grandchildren. Do not worry about starting over and get out of the toxic relationship. Best Wishes to you!

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Today is the first day of the rest of your life! If your parents are willing to help, praise God! There is no shame in that at all!! You and your child deserve a man who will treat you with love, understanding, and respect. Do not settle for less. Go to school and get your degree. Be the example of strength and perseverance for your kiddo. It will be hard at times, but you CAN do this!!

you are not to old to start over. go for it. I started over at 45 and am so much happier


I started again with two young sons when my husband with his Secretary on my 40th birthday ! Classic scenario.but I went on to have a full and happy life as.did my sons. I have wonderful daughters, fantastic grandchildren and now two gorgeous great grandsons. Grab at life with.both hands. You can do it !!


You never too old. I was 27 with 2 kids (now 37) when I move back in with my dad. I found a good job and have been doing it for almost 5 year but August of 2020 I started back to college. So if I can restart mine you can definitely do it. You need to be happy and don’t take shit from someone that cheats.

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Do what you have to do kindergarten age is very helpful as they are in school no more outrageous daycare bill if your parents are supportive i would do it don’t keep putting it off and making yourself more miserable

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You do what you need to do to take care of yourself and your child. It’s never to late to go back to school. Just trust in God and he will carry you through all this.

You can do anything you set your mind to do, still young!! Yes, time to leave the cheater and start a new way of your life! Hug that child and assure that you will be okay! Get educated, no one can take that away!! Been in the situation , raised 3 kids now they are grown with family and I just retired after working 30 years to take care of us! God bless you!!:pray:

I begin starting over at 36 after a divorce, I was slow moving, but did move foreword and I finally finished nursing school at 54, had a successful career and retired at 71, raised two marvelous daughters and now am enjoying the frosting on the cake with my four grandkids. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!Good luck,!

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My daughter moved back home along with my 3 month old grandson. That was 9 yrs ago. She started back to school part-time when he turned 3 and although it wasn’t always easy she graduated with a Bachelors Degree and now has a great job that she loves. She’s been a life saver to me during illnesses and injuries and we’ve never regretted have her. Now she’s saving to buy her own home for her son. I hope your parents will be just as supported. It’s tough out there these days.

It’s never too late. You and your little one deserve better. You will be teaching your child the best lesson in self respect. Good luck it will be worth it!

Jump into your new adventure with both feet running. It may be difficult, but you can do bad by yourself. Been there, done that. Keep looking forward, don’t look back. Make your little one proud. She will learn from your accomplishments. Best Wishes to you and your family.

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It is never too late to start again - for your peace, sanity and contentment no matter your age. Your wish for the future sounds very positive so go for it. It may be bumpy at first but you and your lil one will be so proud at the end. You are worth so much more!

Never too old to start over. I did it at 45 with 2 kids. Do what is best for you and your kids.


My daughter, her husband and their dog moved back home for a year so they could save for a house. She was 26. We set a time limit. And also requested they pay some towards food, bills etc. parents should be there to help their kids no matter the age. Limits do need to be discussed at the beginning. Get out of your bad situation.

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Go for it. Your child is the perfect age and I’m sure your parents will do whatever they can to help you get your education. You deserve better than to stay with someone who isn’t good to you. You’ll do great!

Never too late to make a positive change in your life for you and your daughter!!! Believe it people look up to someone just few years older who want to better themselves. Please don’t go back with her dad you deserve better concentrate on education first tour lucky your parents are willing to help u. Good luck

I went back to school for nursing school and graduated at age 55 I am now at 85 and still nursing part time it’s never too late to go back!!

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23 is not too old to start over. Better to start now then stay in a bad relationship. If you can go back home go for it. Go back to school, get that job. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it. Be that example for your child. 5 years from now you’ll be stronger and independent. Your life is just beginning. :kissing_heart::pray:

Oh my goodness you’re only barely getting started in your life’s journey. Do what you know is best for you and your child. It’s never too late to start over. I’ve done it many times, with jobs, relationships, moves, friendships. Each time has been hard but always it’s been worth it.

It’s never too late. He is not going to change. He doesn’t deserve you and your child should not be raised in that environment
Children need to see love and effection between their parents. I too stayed with my kids dad but I did eventually leave and it was the best thing for me and my children.

Never too old to start over. Work with your parents if they are willing. Be happy with yourself first and foremost.

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Over life you reinvent yourself time and time again. I have been a teen mom, a single mom, a step Mom, a college student, automotive technician, nursing assist, now and empty nest mom and wife plus so much more. I Got my degree at 29 as a single mom of two. There is no such thing as too late.


I am 63 now, 40 years later. At 23, I was in your sam circumstances. Unless you have a bad relationship with your folks, I cannot urge you enough to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity of going to school amd living with them. I did not get to go back to school until my kid was in highschool. I did not get a great job until he was almost grown. I regret not moving back home with my folks when I was 23 because my son grew up in a very impoverished environment. Had I gone the education route at 23, he would most likely have had a better standard of living. As a grandmother with a great job, I am able to afford to give to him and also his kids get to have music lessons, etc. that I was not able to give to him. No age is too old to learn.

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Honey, I was dumped at 30 and my parents took me and 3 kids in. I went to college at 32, 2 degrees and graduated at 39. Started my teaching career and retired after 22 1/2 years. Yes. You. Can!!

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You are never to old to go to college. And go for four years. Best job for you is to become a nurse. After graduating go to the largest hospital and get a job because big city hospitals can offer more money and a lot of opportunities. Get rid of your cheating husband and go it alone. Keep your plans and never give up. You are a Mom and you and your child come first and foremost. Oh. Make damn sure you get alimony and child support and lots of it.

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Girl please get out while you are 23 you are to young to be going thru this just don’t let him talk you out of leaving cause he want change I moved back in with my parents in my 40s for a month that’s what parents do help their children and you will help your child one day good luck and God Bless you and your son

You are at the prime of your life. Never to late to go back to college and educate yourself. Your daughter will be glad you did. GOD bless you in your endeavors

You’re never to old to start over! You’re better off getting out of the situation you’re in and concentrating on bettering yourself and your child. I wish the best!


It’s never too late to start over. I have done so many times. Let the relationship go and move on. 23 is so very young and there are more relationships ahead of you. Take your time, get your degree and be picky. You don’t have to be with the first man who shows interest. If you are moving back with your parents and are expecting them to be your babysitter, do you and your parents a favor and respect them enough to ask them and offer to do something in return like making dinner or cleaner or doing the shopping or yard work. Remember, they had their children and they are doing you a favor. It’s hard at your age to see your parents as individuals with interests beside you and your child, but try. It will serve you in the long run and make this time easier on all of you. Those please and thank you go a very long way. Never take them for granted. Now, go get that degree and start a new chapter in your life.

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I started over at 40, went to college and got my nursing degree. It was rough (financially & emotionally) for a couple of years (our kids were 24, 6 & 4) but the ex & I did the best we could to make it go smoothly for them. Best decision I ever made. I am so much happier now! I was definitely a better parent being happier (even during the rough years) than I was when I was miserable in our relationship. I say go for it! Life is too short to live with someone who doesn’t deserve you (my ex cheated as well). Good luck to you!

You are just a very young lady. I went to Community College and received L.P.N
Degree. I had 3 children. Ages 12, 10 and 5… I was 29 yrs. Old. Go for your future and you won’t be sorry. GOOD LUCK

It’s never too late to change your life! You & your parents need to have a serious discussion about what the ground rules will be though. It can really be difficult once you’ve been on your own to have to abide by someone else’s rules - even if they are your parents. Also your parents will need to step back & not interfere with the way you parent your kids. Good luck!

Do it for you and your little one. It’s never too late to start again. Every day is a new beginning. Leave the past behind.
Definitely go for college. When I was in college I started late also and I met so many other women there who were also starting fresh again after a divorce or whatever. Many of them in their 30’s and 40’s raising kids and juggling jobs. You can do this. :pray:

I’m 43, last year I left my husband that I’ve been with for 23 years. It’s never too late. Find your happiness!!

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I got a divorce and started over at 25. I had 2 small children and it was not easy. But it was WORTH IT. Don’t stay in a relationship where you are miserable. Life is to short for that. Do what’s best for you and your baby!

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It’s never too late to better yourself!
Go for it!

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Hell No! It’s never too old to move on when you’re being cheated on and disrespected. Tell him to go live with his girlfriend and you go on to live a happy life with your child and a man that is going to love you, cherish you and respect you. God Bless.

I didn’t start college until I was 34 years old. Got my BS and MS degrees and taught for 30 years. Excellent decision!

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Never to late to better yourself; absolutely seek better for yourself and daughter. Show your daughter that respect and loyalty mean everything and demand it!
But most of all show her love and faith win every time!! Do what is best for you and your daughter.
Show her what’s acceptable and what is not so that she doesn’t follow the same path.
Real men are…supportive, loving, kind, respectful and loyal. Don’t settle for anything less my dear…
God Bless

You are Plenty young to start over. Do not waste your life any longer. You are blessed to have parents to help…Go now. Pray for God’s guidance. Get you and your child in church. The true one that teaches Jesus Name. The only one that can solve your problems, and save your soul, and give you peace . Blessings. God is love.

It’s never too late to change or make changes. I have done it regularly throughout life and I’ll be 40 this year.
Life is a series of moments and movement.

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There no such thing as being to old to start over. U do what’s best for u and your child. I started over at the age of 29 with a 4 year old and let me tell it’s the best decision I ever made. I am in my forty’s now and my daughter will be graduating high school this December. It’s wasn’t easy but I made it work for me and her.

There will never be an age too old to be treated with love and to set a great example for your child. RUN do not walk out of this “relationship” and do better for you and your sweet baby! A decade from now you’ll be so so thankful you did!:heartpulse:

I’m 37 and have started over with a new job degree plus I know 40-50 year olds who have started over

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It’s never too late for self improvement and get your education! You will be so happy you made the move to leave.

Lady Wake up no Man is going to take care of you and your kid. Like you will take care of you and your kid. I finished a Degree at 54 years old. I did get married again and my 2nd husband raised them. He and my parents encouraged me to go to school. I did two classes some semesters and sometimes only 1. But I finished

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Never too late to start over! You are in the prime of your life! I’m so proud of you for being willing to stand up for yourself at such a young age! Model for your child what you want for them!

Baby, it’s never too late! Do what you got to do to make a life for you and your child.Reach for the stars and God will do the rest! Just never stop praying :pray: and believing. God got you :pray:.

I started over in my 30’s and had a 6 1/2 year old. It’s never too late. I went back to college too. Best decision I ever made. Oh, I moved back in with my mom too.

Me at 27 listening to a 23 yr old describe her feelings as “old”…Never too old to start over. You deserve happiness and you deserve to feel loved and wanted. Staying with that POS will only hurt you more and also your daughter. She’s gonna think that that’s normal and god forbid she go through the same thing thinking it’s normal. Stop the circle.

Your not too old- leave him & make a new life for yourself & child! I was older than you when I when to nursing school & it changed my life! Don’t stay with someone who doesn’t love & care for you!

Your NEVER too old to start over you don’t need to be demeaned like that you and your child deserve to be treated and loved and I’m sure your parents are there to support you.

Go for it you will succeed take advantage of anything you can and be grateful that you are able to go for a life change good luck with everything ,and from experience a leopard doesn’t change his spots

Absolutely not! Many of us had to start over at 35. Many don’t find a serious relationship till way after 23 and I didn’t have my first child till I was 28. Never too late

I didn’t even get married until I was 30. So um, 23 is not too old. I went to college for the first time when I was 47 and no longer had a husband. See what I’m getting at here? You can do this!

Never to late to make your lives better!! Good luck on all your future endeavors! Not sure what you want to go to school for but if you have any interest in medical assisting I can answer questions.

You are NEVER to old to improve your way of living. If not for yourself, for the sake of your little one

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Never too late.Leave him you will be much happier.Not at first but for the age that you are you deserve to be happy


Make your decision based on the needs of you and your child. I am sure your parents would support your desire to make a better life for you and your child. Once a cheater – always a cheater. Good luck.

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I went back to school at 54 after being out of school 36 years. I finished high school and then became a Medical Assistant. Starting over isn’t as hard as you think it is . Good luck and show the world what you are made of.

Young lady please start over. If you have parents who are willing to support you by allowing you to move back home please do. Go back to school.

You are still very young and it’s never too late to start over!! I was 28 when I left my daughter’s father because he always wanted to try and take her and sell her to someone!! You got this!! Go get that degree!! This is the best thing for you and your little one!! I ended finding a great man at 30 who treated my daughter as his own!! We have been together now for 20 years!!

You are never be too old to grow and learn! This will be a fun opportunity for you and your little one to begin school together. You will be an excellent roll model for her to see that you value a good education. Go for it! Good luck with your journey!

You and baby are #1. Do what needs to be done for you both. He isn’t the right guy for you. Doing the right thing is always the hardest. You will be proud of yourself later. And great example to your kid. You got this. Reach for help when u need it.

Definitely start over and go get your degree! You have a lifetime ahead of you. Find someone who appreciates you!

23 is Soo young. You are just getting started. Show your daughter what a strong woman can do and what she doesn’t have to tolerate from a man. You got this! She will admire you for it one day.

You are simply worn out from dragging this emotional burden. Makes you feel old. Go home sweets, make the most of your parents help, teach your child about change and determination, and soar with your ambitions.

I stayed 15 yrs and 3 kids! I started over at 42 with 3 kids! Young lady, you decide how you want to be treated and how you want your child to be treated. Make a plan, get a lawyer, and do what is right for and your child. It won’t be easy; however, you will find life will be happier. My prayers are with you.

You deserve happiness. He won’t stop once a cheater always a cheater. Most importantly you don’t want your child to see this and thinks it’s okay. I am sorry you are facing this.

It is never to late to start over!! Please find your happyness!! We all need help just be thankful your parents are still alive . Just remember don’t take advantage of your parents if you move back home help them out as much / and where ever you can .

I got divorced at 28 after 5yrs of marriage. Moved back home and went to college. I Had my son at 34yrs old…Its NEVER to late to “start over”. It would probably be best for you and your child honestly. Staying in an unhappy, unhealthy relationship is not good for either of you.

If your parents are smart they’ll jump at the chance to help you and be a big part of that 5 year olds life

23 is so young so girl, go for it. Look into scholarships at the school of choice. There are tons of scholarships that go unused because no one applies for them. I used to work at a college and I was one of those individuals who took advantage of them. Being a single Mom, you will be eligible for tons of them. Apply for as many as you can. I was forever grateful for the two organizations who spoke sponsored me. I will always remember and I have been paying it forward. Do It! For you and your child!!!

You are so young and have your whole life. Nothing wrong with going home to make a better life for yourself and child. I’m sure your parents agree. Good luck to you on your journey ⚘

First you are never to old to start over.

Second, why ask others what you should do.
You will get to many different answers.

Sit quietly, and ask yourself what you truly want for you and your son.

Give yourself permission to be happy.
Run twords happiness.
Your the only one who can achieve it.

GOOD LUCK.:blush::blush::blush:

Absolutely start over, respect yourself you’ll achieve and look back with pride. If your parents can have you both living there, why not.

you are never too old to start over!!! you starting over is a great exaple for your little one. be proud that you were strong enough to leave!!! Be strong and be proud ans let noone doubt what tou can do. only you can stand in your own way.

You are never to old, just get rid and I am sure your parents will help You with open arms. They will love to see you bettering yourself. Hope you do well.

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I’m currently a masters student returned after over 30years away from education. I must admit best thing I ever did.
I have been fortunate and been with my husband for almost 37years so can’t advise you there but on education grab your opportunity with both hands. Good luck

OMG! 30’s and 40’s were my favorite years of being a woman! Kids in college, life on track, and I felt matured enough to handle life! Have you thought about how many more miserable (possibly) years a 23 y/o woman can have with a less than desirable man? Girl Gone! #lifeistooshorttoplay


You’re placing your feet on a great road to be on… be happy. My daughter just completed her degree at 30, with four children. Life is looking better for all of them already. Stay close to The Lord and He will guide you I promise!

If you have the desire to go back to school. By all means do it. I was married and had 4 little girls. Completed my bachelor degree in my early 30’s with the last couple of classes while my military husband was deployed. Then got a Masters degree at age 52. It is never too late to go to college!

If he respected you , he wouldn’t cheat on you. Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life, plus possibly catching an std from him. If you aren’t the best person you can be, how can you be the best mom you can be

Go to school I’m sure your parents will let you come home for a few or help with the rent while you go to school. Kick boyfriend out put son in daycare as planned. & enroll community college your still young. By the time your 30yrs you can have at least a Bachelors degree. good luck, god speed.:mask::heart_eyes::ok_hand:t6::pray:

No now is the time to move on so your child want grow up thinking life is this way just keep telling yourself you deserve better and so does your child one time maybe you can let it go but over and over he will never change hope the best for you

No!!! I didn’t even start nursing school until I was 31 years old with two kids. You can do it!!

You are still young take the opportunity to go college. It’s never to late and if you need to move in your parents do so they can help you financially and emotionally with support that you will need. Don’t worry about your relationship because there are other decent men in the world that will respect you and treat you like a queen
Right now the most important thing is to focus on yourself and raising your child not being with a man that cheats and disrespect you all the time. Hold your head up and focus on your future journey. Goodluck.

I went through the same thing… I was married at 19 had our daughter at 21 and got divorced at 23… It is rough but it will be better for you in the end… Good luck!

You are young and it’s a great time to start over for yourself and your daughter. My mom did it when she was in her thirties with three kids. She put herself through nursing school and worked. We didn’t have much money during that time but we were taken care of and incredibly happy. You can totally do it!

I graduated college at 29. Masters at 50. You are never too old to return to school. Good vibes to you. Check colleges for grants and scholarships for mature learners.

Hello my dear it is never to late go to school and be the best person you can be. I did it and had 2 children at the time. You deserve better and don’t let anyone tell you any different.