Is 23 to old to start over?

You’re never too old to start over. I was almost 30 when i started over with the guy I’m with now. He adores my daughter and she and i both love him to pieces.

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It’s never too late to start over. If it doesn’t feel right get the hell out of it.

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Girl your only 23, life’s just getting started! Plus it’s NEVER to late to start over.

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You’re never too old to move on and bring a better life to you and your lo. Better to do it now than in another 6 years :grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck momma!

Never too late I went to nursing school at 35 so never too old or late

My grandmother got her GED in her mid 60s. And I am currently 33 getting mine… So no. 23 is not too old.

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You’re never too old to start over. And definitely NEVER too old to leave a toxic situation

Never to late to start over. I’m 32 and I’ve done it several times until I got my life back on track. You can do it. Have lots of faith and pray about it.

I’m 29 and right there with you so no not to late.

You’re still a baby. Lol. Never thought I’d hear a 23 year old say “I’m too old” :joy:

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It’s never too late. I started over in my 30’s after an 18 year marriage…


23 is so young! You could easily retrain for a new career, start a new relationship, set up a new home and still be younger than most people doing those things for the first time!

Remember your child will look at you as a role model, do you want to think that cheating is ok and something that they should settle for in the future?


I’m 35 and live with my parents.

Your still very young. Get rid of that loser cheater. Once a cheater always a cheater. I got divorced at 24 with 2 young boys. Went back to college and became a nurse by the time I was 30. So no it’s never to late to start over for the betterment of yourself and child. Girl go for it

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I started over at 26 with a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old. You can do it and its worth it!

23 is crazy young babe! Some ladies must start over MUCH later in life

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I returned back to college at 34. I felt like a hypocrite telling my son he could become whatever he wanted to be and I didn’t do the same. I was a single mom and had a mortgage therefore had to work full time. I became an LVN in 2013 and an RN 2016. It took a village. Parents, sisters, friends, neighbors,bosses…
If I did it anyone can.

I’m 56. I learn to make dream catchers,spray paint art, jewelry. You will never be old to learn new things. Congratulations on moving to a new chapter in your life. Worry about you hun and your child and everything will fall into place.

Im 28 and only now going back to college to get my degree in nursing with 2 toddlers!

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Never, ever too late. Your life’s just begun :kissing_closed_eyes:

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23? Ur still a baby urself. Ur just beginning to live. Go to school get ur life going.


I have 4 grown kids 2 boys an 2 girls ages 32,29,27and22 . Three of them married with children, if any of my 4 need to come home for whatever reason an start over they know that my home will always be there home . Go home an start over your still a baby . I’m sure your parents will be more than happy you did , God bless you :pray:t3:

If I can do it at 32 u can at 23. U can start over at any age

I was with my daughters dad from 18-24 we had our daughter when I was 21. If you asked me back when I had her I thought we’d be together forever and making that choice to walk away for good was one of the hardest (at the time) best choices I ever made! You got this!

It is not too late and you will be setting a good example for your little one. They watch everything that goes on and learn from it. They learn how to treat people and be treated by seeing the relationships you and the father are in. From this, they learn it’s never too late to grow, learn and take care of yourself. Go home, go to college and be the best you can be for your child. As you do thus, your best will continue to grow and grow. There are no limits.

At 23 your still so young girl, I dont have kids yet but I started over at 23 too, got out of an abusive relationship and moved back in with my parents, very soon after my now husband came to visit and I ended up moving to California with him, I’m 30 now and it feels like my life didn’t even really begin until I started over :heart:

I had to go back to my parents when I was about 22/23. Thats not old lol or anything to be ashamed about, I mean going back to your parents.

You’re never to old to start new and fresh! I’m 57 and was married 33 years when I caught mine cheating. I’ve moved in with one of my grown sons till I get on my feet and start over. It’ll be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself. Take that leap! And best of luck to you!

You got this I was 24 with a new born and left my asshole of an ex who was constantly cheating and always picking fights. I’m am now 28 happier than ever just got married to an amazing man who loves my son as his own and am in school for nursing you can do anything you set ur mind to! Good luck mama!

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I was 28. My son was 7. I moved back in with Mom and went to college. Do what is right for you and your child.

Never to late to start over!

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Girl! You’re still young and have plenty of time still to achieve your goals. And now that your child will be in school for longer, it’ll be easier for you to be in school as well. Good luck in achieving your goals and don’t stress because you got this!

It’s never too late to better your life and do what is best for you!!

You’re young yet, I started over at 26, thankfully no children with that. I was with my ex for 6 years, I knew him for 3 years before. It’s like I wasted 9 years but it was the best decision I ever made. I was able to find myself and learn what I am as an individual, I managed to move on and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

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It’s never too late for self improvement

Besides what do you consider starting over anyway?? Your life?? You can’t because you are already here and 23 so you are not starting over your only writing a new chapter in the book of life.

Its never too late to start over. :heart:

It’s never to late. You’re doing what’s in your best interest to move forward with your child. I started over at 28 yrs old (education) and met an amazing person at the age of 39. Do what’s best for you

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Definitely not too late. I didn’t even move out of my parents until I was 26. Don’t stay in a bad relationship. Your child is watching you.

It is never to late to start over!!!


23 isnt old, move back in with parents and do whatever it is u need to do to better urself for ur child and while u have ur parents there and willing to help u, dont be shame…good luck.

No age is too old to start over and at 23 you have barely started living. Go back home, get a game plan together, focus on your growth n your sons happiness while executing said plan

How about moving in your own place? Instead of expecting your parents to take care of your child while you’re working or going to school? :thinking: It’s never to late to start over, but don’t expect your family to take care of your children while you do it. Some single parents do it all by themselves.

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Honey…it aint EVER too late. You are still very young baby. Find what you wanna do in life n dont stop hustlin!!

My daughter is 29 and starting over.

Sounds like you’re giving yourself excuses on why you don’t want to better your life… do everything and anything to better you and your child’s life. ANYTHING is possible.

I’m 33 and I still live with my mom raising two boys and just started college today. It’s never to late to start over

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Never too old to start over. You have the right to ALWAYS choose what’s best for you and your child. Choose happiness :heart:

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Go for it. And good luck.

I’m 37 with 3 kids and just got my degree. Granite I have an awesome fiancee

Do what ever you need to do to make a better life for you and your child.

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Please take advantage of the opportunity to start over. You are still very young. Thank God you have parents that are willing to help you. When you leave make a clean break and don’t allow him to talk you into going back.


Definitely not. Do it you have the rest of your life. You are so young.

Start over!!! Becoming what you want to be is the best feeling ever! It can be difficult but don’t give up! I’m right there with you completing goals little at a time!

If you think 23 is too old, you need to reevaluate your short life, start over is not going back to live with your parents, starting over ia when you start everything by yourself and yes, that’s hard but extremely valuable… go back to your parents, you still a child and find some professional help to guide you in your new journey and to teach you some reality about life and growing. Good luck :+1:

Girl, 23 is a perfect age to start over!! Get to living and leave that BOY alone!

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It’s never too late to start over… I was in my later 20’s with 4 kids when I did. Similar circumstances when I found out he was lying and cheating. It’s never to late to start over. Your child deserves to see his mom in a happy healthy relationship. Life is to short to be lied to, cheated on and unhappy. Move on you both deserve it

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Kick it to the curb!!

You NEVER TO OLD to start over do what’s best for you and your child you do not want your her growing up thinking it’s ok to be treated any less then she deserves show her the strong beautiful independent women you are you got this :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


Your life will be sooooo much easier at ur parents its never to late to start over. Take time to love yourself cause that piece of shit aint going to change he will do it over and over and over no remorse for your feelings. Get you and your baby out of the there and yes start over!! Im telling you it will be your best option. Its always rough at the beginning cause you think you have second thoughts now hes kissing your ass. NO! dont believe any of it. He dont deserve you. Walk away. And make good memories with your family tbat loves you and your baby. Life flashes by and the ones that love you wont be here forever dont put your heart and soul into some loser who doesnt appreciate your love.

You’re at an excellent age to start over. You can become a whole new person if you want to lmaooo :sob:

I’m 24, moved home after a bad break up and currently switching career paths. Its never too late

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Your never too old to want to better yourself. Where better to start over and regroup than the safest place you know, your parents. Good luck Sweety.

Just go for it I was married with 4 kids the day I chose to not put up with the BS was the day I started over. I met my husband and he took care of me and raised my 4 as his own. And we have A son together it will 35 yrs together in nov.

Absolutely not your still a baby yourself girl go get that degree to give your little girl a better life

To old to start over? You’re at the age of just starting! Most people dont even find themselves untill their 40s or 50s! You start when it’s right for YOU it’s your life. You seem to want things to be better NOW so do it. Go for it! Give college, your baby, and moving on all you’ve got and youll do wonderful! You got this!

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Never to late to start over

You need to look at the relationship there are two sides. Have you asked him if he is missing anything in the relationship? A lot of time people cheat in a relationship because they are missing thing or the love is lost. Is it right no but is is human. With kids its easy to get lost in that, communication is key. Talk to him don’t yell or accuse him. If things don’t improve in the relation leave but know you tried. There are kids in this and maybe couple counseling would be worth seeing if there is something to safe. If not leave and be wise with the next relationship. take the time to heal and get to know you. No woman needs a man in there life. It a choice. Be someone who depends on yourself and raise your kids the best you can. If the right one comes you’ll know and it will be a choice to have someone their who loves you. Relationships are hard and need work everyday. If you don’t keep the garden clean of weeds the weeds will ruin the garden in time. same as relationship. Woman are not better then man I have seen and heard both side. At the end do you!

Your ONLY 23, you have a lot of life ahead of you, your still very young. Leave him immediately and move on! Best of luck you young whipper snapper😉

You are barely out your teenage years…why in the world would you feel to old to start over? This is the time when most people are jus starting their lives

Its better to go back to your parents now they would never want to see you struggle and stay with a worthless man and never feel you have to stay for your child just go home where the doors are open and get yourself back in college and you will thank yourself in the end

Idk I just started over at 32 after 16 years and with our newborn son so yea I’d say it’s never too late to be happy

I went to college at 33. Why would 23 be “too old” to make a better life for yourself and your daughter!? Grab that dream with both hands and DO IT!! :wink:

I’m 23 and I live my mom trying to get back on my feet. I was with a guy that was toxic for almost 5 years.

It’s never to late to start over

You are not starting over … you are changing direction. You are important, you are loved, your family love you and they are helping you with your new journey. Have faith …


You’re just starting. Plus it’s Never too old to start all over again. Good luck!

It never too late to start over, to reinvent yourself. Have courage go forth and kick a$$

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Time will continue to pass no matter what you choose. Make the decisions that work best for you to build a life that makes you happy and shows your little how to be happy.

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Your never to old to start over. Im 32 now and did it myself a little over a year ago after going thru a tough relationship i also have 2 kids who are much happier now and so am i. So go to college get that degree and go you girl!!! 23 is young you have lots of life left in you so go for whatever you want to do in life


Girl you are allow to start over until the day you die. You do what you need to be happy in life!!

It’s never too old or late to put ur self first an ur child. Do what is best for u. My daughter went back to college at 23 annhas a wonderful job she enjoys an makes enough money to raise her daughter an put her thru college. I’d luck. Love urself an u will find someone wonderful


No I got my boyfriend at 35 and now 42 and I had a teenager at that time so no

23 is a great age to be able to start over, I started over around 28 that was a few years ago, it is never to late to start over with your life. I moved back in with my dad at that age to, now I’m living my best life!

Hell no!! You’re still young :heart:

I left a abusive marriage of ten years. I was 31 years old with a 6 year. We moved in with my parents till I could get on my feet. Thats been 21 years ago. Now 50 and I’ve found the love of my life. Going on 3 years now. Take time for yourself and your child when the time is right It will happen.

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Mama I went back to school at 26 and feel like I’m too old. But really? We’re still young! Do it!

Do it. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you but life doesn’t come to you. You need to take charge now and make your dreams come true. Go get it girl​:two_hearts::man_genie::+1:

They let you run don’t walk to your parents !!

I started my life over at 34. From a 18 year marriage we have 4 kids together. I was a sahm from 20 until 34 with no work experience and here I am 35 found my soulmate and working 2 jobs to get MY LIFE started and that’s OK too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have started over at 50. It is never too late and don’t ever stay in a abusive relationship. Know your worth!

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No your never to old to start over

Never too old to get help from your parents!! That is a much better option than a toxic untrusting household! I wasted 10 years on my life doing that exact thing and moving home wit my dad at the age of 30 was the best choice I made!! I am now a supervisor at my job, I have a beautiful 4 bedroom house and 2 wonderful children now enjoying their lives!! GO FOR IT GIRL, YOU DESERVE BETTER ITS TIME TO GO HOME :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No , girl … it’s not . Go strong …

You’re never;to old to start over. Changing your;direction for yourself&kid. You just;need your parents support&a part time;job to pay for your studies. It’s gonna;be a bumpy ride. But have faith;you can do this.

23 old. Then I guess women are over 30 are dead. I started over when many people told me that I can’t do it. I put on my big girl panties on. Rode that bitvh.

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Nope it’s not!! I did it at the same age!! Best decision i ever made for me and my son!!

Do it! Im sure your parents will support you to the fullest, remember you are an example to your little one-build your self and provide a great life for you and your baby!

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It is never to late to start over you are young so go for it😊

I went back to school to get my associates degree in diagnostic medical sonography when I was almost 24 years old. I graduated with honors. So worth it. It’s never too late. Best of luck to you and much strength to leave that relationshi.