Never too old to be happy. Always do what makes you happy no matter what age you are.
You’re never too old to look after yourself and make your life better! Like Karen says, you can do anything you put your mind to
R u trying to be funny? Girl 23 is just the beginning with r without a child and dont look back, he got u feeling old
You’re still a young lady go for it. And the best of luck on your journey.
You re bever too old
When you re too old, you Might be death
Be a strong go back move forward start now for your future
Its NEVER TO LATE TO START OVER! Get out of that bad,abusive relationship!
You are never to old. If your parents are ok with you moving back in go for it
It’s never too late to start over. Know your worth sweetheart … You deserve better!
No 23 is not too old start over. Go for your dreams and a better life for you and your little one. I did the same at 25 with 2 little ones
Never to late to start over and if you’re parents are able to take you and your child in then go for it and use the time wisely upgrade your education and in time find someone who treats you as you deserve and would treat them with respect and care and enjoy life with your child
It’s never to late to do anything as long as you got breathe in your body. Do for u n ur child
23 OMG, leave his cheating ass and go do you. You are young, go get that education and career going on. Live your life just for you and your little one!
Sweetheart, please don’t take this in an offensive way because it is coming from a place of love.
You are just a baby in the eyes of us older mommas.
Meaning, you still have your whole life ahead of you. Grab hold of your and your baby’s life, turn away from the heartache and keep on moving forward. It won’t be easy, but I promise it’ll be worth it. Time will pass us all by; if you don’t leave now, you’ll just ask yourself why you didn’t leave years from now. Run, don’t walk, especially if you have support from loving parents. Lastly, your babies deserve to know/see their momma happy and in a healthy relationship with her partner.
Know your worth sweetie and then add tax to that shit!! Sending you virtual support and hug.
I went back to school when I was 40… you can do this… let him go and move on!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
Get out asap! You have your whole life ahead of you, starting over sounds like the best plan, to me!
You are never to old to start over especially as young as 23. Leave him and make you and your 5 year old happy xxx
Never to old to do what makes you happy.
No girl I’m 26 and moved back in with my mom. With a 4 year old and a new born. It’s never to late. Do what makes you happy. And if it’s leaving him then do it! You need yourself happy first.
Coming from a 44 year old woman…
I had the same mentality, at the same age, and I DIDN’T do it. One of (if not the) biggest mistakes of my life. I know you feel old, I did too, but I promise you it’s not too late. If you don’t do it you will always regret it. Living half a life is no life.
48yo single Mama here I went back to school at 43 and completed my B.A. in Applied Psychology in 3 years. I wanted to set a good example that if you’re unhappy in life and want better, you have to do better. It’s never too late to change your mind or try something new. Leaving an abusive relationship is the single best thing (and hardest!) you can do for your child and yourself!! Go for it Mama you got this!! And your parents are there for support and to help you, that is amazing. Use all the help you need to make your life better and your child’s life will be better as well
You’re never too old to start over
What would you say to your little one, if they asked this question? It is never to late to follow your dreams.
Never to late honey you are still young with plenty of life ahead of you
You are NOT too old. Most people who are 23 are just starting out too.
I say do it. Your daughter and most importantly YOU will benefit greatly from this.
23! You haven’t even began living yet! Go back home and kill college. You can do it. Keep your head up
It’s never to late, know your worth respect yourself, do what’s best for you and your child. You still so young you have a great future ahead.
Anyone can make a mistake but this guy is not right. Ditch him if only for the sake of your sanity. You sound like a tough lady as most women are…so what are you waiting for…let him find another door mat. Good luck and god bless you.
23 is only the start hun
Never allow a relationship to be the cause of disrespect to you. No one deserves to be disrespected. People will treat you how you allow them to.
Oh come on you still a baby
its never never to late
I’m not a young Mom, i do have 6 sisters though. NO you are not too old. 23 is really still young. You are smart, go to school and take it one day at a time. God is with you to see you through this . God Bless You and Good Luck for a much better life.
No you are not too old! Your whole life stretches before you. The possibilities are endless. Embrace life and go for it!!!
Its never to late to go to. School. Go for it.
Never too late, do it and don’t look back. Much love x
I once thought my child needed a father in the home more than I needed to be rid of an unfaithful husband. It made it a bad childhood for my child. I did not see it then…hindsight is 20/20. Leaving and going to school are the 2 best things you can do right now. Dress for who you want to be when you graduate and your teachers will see you that way. Be sure your parents feel appreciated, your child will learn from your example.
I’m 39 and back in school for a nursing degree. Its never too late.
What? You haven’t even lived yet! I had to start over at 42 after 22 years of marriage. I’m better than I’ve ever been
Its never to late to start over and do better for yourself my mother was a single mother of 3 when she was in her 30s she went to college for law and worked a full time job while raising 3 kids with absolutely no help im sure it was scary for her I know for a fact it was definitely stressful as I herd her cry in the middle of the night sometimes but she kept going and i look up to her so much for that we would help each other with homework as I was 14 at the time and had a college level in English I would help her with her English she would help me with math worked great
no go for it i would be a proud of you if i was your parent
My mother started over at 28 all by herself with 5 kids if she cn do it u cn do it plus it sounds like ull have ur parents there to help u out
Divorced mother of 2. I just graduated from and xray program. I turn 40 this year. You have your whole life ahead of you! Go get your dreams !
You are NEVER too old to follow a dream and/or do something great to improve your life. Go for it!! And best of luck with everything!!
Never too late… and 23 your life is just starting now. You haven’t Started living your best times yet… and the truth is that you even have headstart about life. That child is your headstart. Be positive sis
23 is very young. I admire you for having the courage to change your situation. I wasted most of my youth on someone. Best of luck to you.
Too young
darling…go for it
Never too late!!! I divorced at 23, met the love of my life at 25 and now I’m 28 with a new baby and we just bought our first home together!
Its never too late love!!
Start over whenever they heck you want or need Who cares about age!?
Never too old to start over. You don’t have to wait for him to decide for you. He’s already done that. Pay your way at parents place. . You are still so young. Good luck honey.
Your still a little spring chicken go better yourself for you and your child, you got this mama good luck
How can starting over at 23 be too late when at 23 you’re just starting out. You’re young, you’re going to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.
You’re never to old to return to school and increase your education. Go for the gold
25 is only 1/4 of your life cycle.
You’re good
I was 27 when i started over. Your good. Your young. You know what you want. Make that move mama.
I started over at 35 and went to college in my 40’s. Do what is best for you and your child and be thankful your parents are willing to help.
23 to old? Shoot you at the very very beginning
I just started over after leaving my husband of 23 years that was having an affair. I am 61 now and on my own. I’m happy & my only regret is having not left years ago.
You are never too old to start over. You have to get away from those who have gotten used to disrespecting you. They will not change.
I don’t think you are too old to start over! Living with parents is also a great idea, more family time for little one and additional support. I just turned 25 yesterday and live with my dad, sister, her son, and my daughter. I graduate with my bachelors in fall 2022!
You got this!!!
Absolutely not to late. It’s never to later!
You still have 40 years to work. Do what make you happy
Do it! You are young with your whole life ahead of you. You have a great plan and it sounds like a good support system.
You have your whole life ahead of you doll. Get out while you’re still young. I started over at 35 with 4 kids from my marriage. Found my happily ever after too. Find your happiness.
Dear, you are still so young. You have a life time ahead of you. Do not live like this. Go home, go to school, be able to take care of you and your child. Do not live free at your parent’s. Pay your way, work and go school. Be free! The Lord will watch over you.
I went to school for dental assisting at 26 and at 29 I’m now going to apply for dental hygiene. You are young! Do it now! But it really is never too late.
Absolutely not too old You have all the time in the world, good for you for having the courage to start over and make a better, happier life for you and your little one!
Its NEVER to late to start over
It’s never to late to start again. Your child needs to see that you are strong enough to conquer any mountain.
You are NOT too old. Get out now! You are fortunate that apparently your parents are willing to help you now but don’t expect them to be willing to do so forever. You can have a happy life if you work hard to do it. Good luck.
You’re very young. Now is the perfect time to start over and do what makes you happy
Psh. I started over the day of my 23rd birthday I packed up and moved a couple hundred miles away from my hometown with my mom It was the best choice of my life. My daughter was 1 years old. 23 won’t seem old in a couple years though i promise. Heck 30 won’t even feel old when you reach it. Atleast not for me. At 23 your JUST starting to figure life out. Who you want to be. How you refuse to be treated. Everything wi change In the next few years
Isn’t this kind weird to post on Facebook?
I went to nursing school at can do this
Twenty three is young love go back home were your family love you And your child Hun go back to college and be happy love one day you will find a good man I managed with three kids and was happy
If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always gotten…It’s never too late to better your life
I went back to finish my AA degree at 27, enrolling for my BA this year at 28 (turn 29 in august, having kid number two and a 4 yr old.)
It is never too late to begin a better life.
I started over at 22 with two kids. Same situation as you. You forgive a million times and they don’t change. But it is up to you to decide that enough is enough. That’s the hard part. Sounds like you are realizing that and already on your way to better things. Better to start over now than to regret not doing it ten unhappy years from now. You got this, girl!
You can do this…dont stay with a cheater. Once a cheater always a cheater. 23 is young do it for your child and yourself. You deserve it.
You’re never too old to go back to school. Good luck and I hope things work out for you.
Your situation is making you feel old. You are NOT too old. Sounds like you are pretty self sufficient so you don’t him. If you can move in with your parents for awhile that’s great. I know it’s hard. But get out while the gettin is good. Best of luck and prayers coming your way.
I started over at 23, I started college at 31, then had a second child at 40, and started over again at 43. Started a new career at 44. Your never to old to start over.
It’s never ever too late!!
I’m doing it right now at 27.
Your life is ahead of you, you made a very wise decision at your age,go for your education then apply with an international company and find what position in that company that suits you keeping your eyes always for advancement in that company, may opportunities in an international company then look at your benefits and start small so that eventually you will become financially independent then if interested in hobbies, cultivate your talents and always remember your trusted friends and please do not ever discuss your private life at work, it is a huge Nono, keep your dignity,walk proud for I am proud of your plans and trust your inner voice in regards to relationships, try to be aware of the traits in a man that is not for you, do not repeat your previous relationship,I wish you happiness, success and all the love of your child and family,enjoy a day at a time with always believing in a Higher Power,
I moved back in with my parents at around that age. We stayed there for a few years and paid our bills down and built a house and then moved out. It was such a blessing to be able to go back home and get the help and break we needed to get back on our feet. My sister did the same thing too
You’re never to old to go back to school! Good luck to you and you daughter. YOU’VE GOT THIS!!
Omg are you crazy baby girl you are so young! You have so much time go back to school you can do it! It’s never to late. Wishing you all the best
Oh honey 23 is way too young to think that you’re too old to start over. I had to start over in my 40s and if I can do it you can do it. You have your whole life ahead of you. It’s never too late to start over. You’re better off making the decision now than wasting more time
It’s never too late!
I “started over” at 51. And it made a world of difference. It’s never too late.
Good luck you can do this
It’s never to late to work on yourself and better your life for you and your daughter
50 isn’t even too old! You can do anything!
I was 29 with 4 kids and married for 8 years and started over. It’s never “too late” and you’re never “too old” to start over if that’s what you feel needs to happen
I’m 45 and started college a year ago. You are never to old to start over
Think of you and your child and let that loser go,never look back you’re better than that.
Of course it isn’t to late to start over. You many not believe it but you are just a baby
It’s NEVER too late to work on you. Yall get away from that boy and get your schooling done. If your parents are cool with you going back, then go. Just make sure you remember something. It’s not your home/rules. Please be respectful of your parents. Help out around the house, help pay bills, help keep groceries stock etc. I’ve seen so many people go back with their parents and use them like a nanny/maid/chef and baby sitter. Those times ended horribly. Be responsible. Even though most is a given, apparently it’s not that common. Best of wishes love! You got this!
Like many have said it’s never too old to start over!! You got this girl! Keep that head up and straighten that crown! You are doing what is best for you and your child! I wish you the best of luck!
Your never too old dear and 23 is young as hell your just getting started in life so attack it now before your 30 and full of regrets. Do it! Get it done! And live your best life. Forget about that pos baby daddy he has his own growing up to do but in the mean time you don’t need his toxic.
I’m 32 and starting over