Nope was 28 when I finished my masters. It was not easy working full time and taking care of a child plus school but you can do it.
im 25. ill be starting my bachelor’s in the fall and have a 6 year old. you got this mama. it is never too late! run as fast as you can away from that man though!
You are so young but even if you were older it’s never too late to start over. You do you, do what will make you happy.
Girl I will start over at 99 if I’m unhappy!
First of all, great job in recognizing that you be treated better. Second, you are NOT too old to start living a life that you choose and deserve. I saw this today and it speaks volumes. Believe in yourself and don’t accept other’s poor behavior as ok. Good luck in your new endeavors!
Girl you are still YOUNG! I have friends in their mid to late 30s starting over…I didn’t have my first kid until I was a week before 30, second at 32, my friend is 38 and pregnant with her first!! Stop thi king you are old!
23 is not too old to start anything!!!
Some people aren’t starting their career until late 40!
Go out and do it if that’s what you want to do!!! Xxx
I had to start over quite a few times before I was 21. It happens. Keeping working for a better life until you find what is best for you and your children.
I just want to hug you! You are me at 23! First of all, like the majority, you’re never too old. Life is short to be miserable. Find something you like. I didn’t find my spot until I was 29 and didn’t finish my degree until I was 34. Just plug away. There will be ups and downs. You can do it!
It’s never to late to start, I was 32 when I went back to college to finish. Now I have an amazing job, out of an 18 year abusive relationship. Two beautiful daughters and a new love(fiancé). I bought a new car and next comes my new home. I’m double your age. You do you!! Good luck!!
If your parents are letting you move back with them go for it. I graduated at 55 with my associates in business while bringing up my 18 month old grand. Your never too old. You got this mama.
Plenty of people start over a heck of alot older than that. Work hard focus on your future and don’t waste your time on guys for a bit. There is alot to say about women who learn to respect themselves and stay single to figure out who they are
no matter how old you are is never to late! 23 you are still.young! do what your heart desires
Good luck abs all the best for you abs your little one!x
Once a cheater always a cheater unless he finds God
Girl, hell no!! You need to do what’s best for YOU to be the best mama you can be. I started over with two kids after an 8 year severely domestically violent/abusive relationship and it was THE BEST THING I ever did. Do it now, don’t wait another second. You don’t deserve that treatment, that is not love. Sending you light and hugs:white_heart:
It is NEVER too late to start over !
You are not too old. I am 30 with a 2 years old about to start over all by myself . Go for it.
Yes you are too old for everything !!! OMG girl, we are never TOO old. Always remember that. I left my husband at 20 yrs old with 2 kids. Never moved in with my parents. Did it all myself. My kids were my force, my being better. I did everything i ever wanted to do/be since i was a little girl. And no one stopped me. No one told me i couldn’t !! Do what is best for you & you child. Oh. I retired last yr @ almost 67 yrs old.
Nope I started over at 24, then again at 32. It’s never too late to start creating the life you need for yourself. Leave that idiot. (Oops did I say that out loud?)lol
You are NEVER to old to choose to be happy.
I started over at 27 with two kids 2 & 4 at the time so you’ve got this keep your head up. You’re worthy of so much more then to be disrespected and unappreciated.
I started over at 34
Never too late. You do whats best for you and your kid.
Start over don’t be afraid to start over leave
You already know you should you have the answer just do it. Your
child will be happier and proud of you for doing what makes you have self worth and stand up for yourself be happy
Go for it you deserve to be treated with lov and respected Moving on
Stay strong !!
God’s Blessings
23 is still very young. Leave that abusive relationship. Do what you need to to be the best mommy to your baby girl. Don’t depend on your parents though. If you’re going to school instead of working at least let them claim your daughter & you on their taxes. Once you get a good job & home of your own pay your parents back rent, utilities, food.
It’s never too late! I was 36 when I divorced with two kids. Was it scary, yes! But omg so worth it!! Find happiness for you and your child!! Live the life that makes you thrive!
Oh honey. Start over! Its never too late. You are so young!
You need to do what is best for you.
So you can enjoy your child .
Never too late for anything
It’s never too late. You could be old and gray and it still will not be too late.
Never too old to start over! Never too old to find happiness! Keep your dreams alive girl! Get the eff out and move on!
It’s never too late to start over.
Move forward and enjoy ur life. You and ur child deserve better and only you can do that! Good luck
Go for it! You have a desire to better yourself and give your child a better life! He’s a loser that will only cause you pain! Dont look back!
I left my cheating husband at 37, moved home with my 15 year old son, to my moms for a few months since I was moving back home from another state. It’s not really starting over, it’s moving on. And it sounds like a healthy move for you and your kiddo! You are still so young! You’ve got this!!
23??? you have plenty of time
It’s NEVER too late to start over. Live your best life, girl.
Not at all. I started over at 24 with 2 kids and no help from my parents. Dont stay…
I love this story!! Yes go back to school!! You are so young and can have a wonderful full life
I’ll be 24 in September and im planning on going back to college soon
My mom went back to college with 4 kids in her 30s
Its never too late
You are never too old to start over!!!
I am 33 love and I left with 3 kids my oldest was 11 at the time my ex was abusive in every way shape and form and I live with my parents. My parents home is my home my safe place and my dad provided that for me and my children even added on another bedroom so we could all fit. Not everyone has that I am aware but no no no it’s never to late to start over! Luckily you are younger. Absolutely do what you need to do for you and your child.
Oh girl. I did exactly what you want to do now… except… I was in a 17yr relationship, I had a newborn baby, and I was 35 yrs old. That was 5 years ago and I am so happy a choose to start over. It sounds like u have a good head on ur shoulders and a good plan. Set it up. Pack your things and start a new chapter in your life.
Your never too old to start again… And tbf your still young. I got married at 25,divorced a year later n started my life 3 years ago with my soulmate. I’m 31 now. Plus if your partner cheated thay would be it for me. I wouldn’t give anyone a 2nd chance
Education is never-ending. We learn something new everyday. It is never too late too start over AND to continue to educate yourself. Best of luck.
Never too late. I was 29 when I split from kids dad. I enrolled in college at 37, I’m 39 and still attending. My oldest just graduated high school last week and will start attending college in the fall.
23 is barely starting! Everyday is a new day!
It’s NEVER too late to start over.
You’re never too old or too late start over in life and try again we all screw up we learn by your lessons just try to do better Jimbo
Never too late to choose YOU!! do what you have to do to get back on you’re feet without a guy that treats you like garbage. You deserve better and can do better. Hugs!
Why would you ever think 23 is to late to start over? Most people don’t even have kids at that age. Most people are just got out of college or are still attending college. Most people at 23 are in serious relationships.
Never too old to start over! Life is too short, start NOW! I started over at 25 with three kids and no help.
I’m sorry but this is a ridiculous question lol you’re only 23! Like you just were legal to drink two years ago. It’s never to late to start over. Especially in your early 20’s
Definitely not too old or too late. I’m 30 and staying with my dad with my two kids so I can go back to school because my income currently won’t give us a home of our own. It’s hard. I feel awful sometimes but I know in the end it’ll make things better for my kids.
Heck no, I started over with 3 kids at 29, moved back in with my parents and all… Please do what’s best for you and your child.
The laughing emojis are really uncalled for. People are reaching out for help and dont need to be mocked. Dear, 23 is the beginning of your life. You are still so young and can have a beautiful future if wish. Do what you NEED to do now so you can do whatever you want later…dont waste anymore time on anyone or anything that affects your peace and happiness.
Your never to old to start over! U need to better the environment for your little one, if he’s cheating and u two are not made for each other there’s no reason to stick around! Get out of that relationship go back to college and better you and your child’s future!!
23? You’re fine to start over. You’re fine. Get her into school & get yourself in classes! Sounds like y I use got your head on straight! My mother went back at 45. I mean, she didn’t leave my father, but she went back & got a degree!
Please move back and try your best to be happy and enjoy your moments with your parents and make sure you’re making memories with your little one. Life is so short. You have no idea. And make sure everyone is seeing a doctor and on top of their health. It’s never too late to start over but if you let time pass you by you won’t get it back
Girl never to old to start over in a bad relationship. By all means your little one does not need that. Take care of yourself so you can take care of the little one
It’s never too late to do better for yourself and your child
Dumbest thing I’ve read today
I know what you mean but NO, you aren’t too old. Girl I’m 28, divorced with 4 kids all alone and I’m starting college this fall I know other moms who didn’t “start” their stuff till they were in their 30s and kids were older. You are not too old and I think starting over and leaving that shitty relationship will teach you SO much. It’ll be hard, but it will be amazing when you look back. Good luck
It is never too late to start over love. And I wanna command you for knowing your worth and saying enough is enough. Even though you’ve been together so long. Good for you babe! That right there shows even though you’re young. You’re mature and have a good head on your shoulders. Your child deserves to see mommy happy and being treated the way you’re meant to be. They deserve to have a good example of how relationships should be and how you should be treated in them. Sounds like you know what you want and you’re willing to work for it. You got this momma
23 is young sounds like ur wanting an excuse to stay. Do urself a favor and pack up and leave. U can do better! I was 26 with 3 kids and moved in with my dad and started over. Its never too late.
I don’t know why people are laugh reacting - it is not a funny thing and is actually something quite serious. Just better hope and pray that you are never in this type of situation or be so down in your life/luck that you need help. You wouldn’t appreciate others laughing at you or putting you down - treat people how you would like to be treated because Karma does not like ugly.
You are so young yet! I went back to school around the same age. You can do it! If it is what you want, you should do it! The sooner you start, the closer you will be to getting it done! In two years time you could have the degree or you could just be starting the degree. Either way though, those two years will still pass. Also, with what you have going on in your life at this moment, you will find a whole new support system in college that you never knew existed. You got this!
Old is when you’re dead. Leave now set goals and a timeline. Don’t get comfortable at home with mom and dad. Do what you have to and get back out on your own.
sounds like you got a plan already and sounds great! I’m 28 and never finished my schooling and I’m going back soon as my youngest is a bit older.
It is never too late to start over!! I started over at 30 with a 6 year old! I’m now almost 34 and In a much better place, loving life!! Your little one needs a happy momma! You do you and don’t worry about the opinions of others!
Your so young !!! Do it you won’t regret it ! And F*ck that guy you’ll find someone better I promise
Never too late. You gotta do what’s best for you and your child. Be thankful you have family that will help too. That’s wonderful. Go do your college thing. Best of luck.
No? How is that even a question?. Your 23 not 65. Now is the perfect time to start over. Your still young. You need to think what’s best for the child. And being in a relationship with a man that doesn’t want you is not the right thing
You are young! And leave that he has no respect or anything for you.As others have said you are never to old to start over especially in a relationship where there is no respect,appreciation,or loyalty.
You’re never too old to start over. I’ve done it so many times already …last time I was 29 and I’m about to do it again at 37 just because I’m not where I want to be in life right now. Do what you need to do and be happy
23 too old to start over? That’s enough stupidity for the day
23 too young to start over? girl I would leave at 70 and start over.
Nope. It’s never too late to start over if it’s what’s best for you! I was w my son’s dad for 3 years, things were getting bad, he had a very bad anger problem and destroyed majority of the trailer we lived in, decided to have a baby at 20 and then when baby was about 6 m I seen my son looking at his angry dad and his sad mom and I left him. And let me tell you. Best. Decision. I. Ever. Made!! Not only does my son have 2 loving parents, he sees his biological father once a week (no court order it anything) so he has a lot of love from everywhere.
I met my bf 6 m later and it took a while to let anyone around my son but once I did my bf took to my son and my son adores my bf, even referes to him now as his dad(he calls him by his first name but if you ask him who his dad is he will say my bf)
And on top of it all, not only am I happy but my son is as well and that’s what really really matters.
No its not. No one deserves to be treated that way. Pack up and go. Cheating is never ok especially when you have a child. You teach your child what to put up with when you continue to forgive. Took me forever to learn this. I had three kids and started over twice. My husband currently never lets me forget I am enough as I am. I also thought who is going to want a single mom of three kids. I am stretched out on our couch. 2 year old fighting sleep and pregnant with our 2nd. Life gets better. Taking the step to move forward is scary but worth it
Honey! You are 23. Your life is now beginning. Please please leave and start fresh so your child can be proud of you. Know all of us mother’s are rooting for you.
It is never too late!!! Do what’s best for you and your kid!!! The right man will come along!!
I’m 31 with one kid… he didn’t cheat but he was physically and mentally abusive
It’s never to late to start over! You’re only as old as you feel, and maybe time wasn’t good to you, but life can be good. You’re so young with so many doors in front of you, you have no clue who you are yet.
Life’s to short to live unhappy girl.
Do start over. It will be exciting and you will never regret leaving
Do it girl. The best investment you can make in your kiddo is investing in yourself. They see us watch and grow! Do what you feel is right.
I was 30 3 kids and a husband when we moved In with my mum to star over, 4 years down thw line we are finally getting into our forever home and better financially. Its never too late
Never too old honey! I did it at 31 & it was the best decision I ever made for my kids and I.
Omg, your just starting out girl, 23 is young, you got your whole life ahead of you. So do what you planned. Leave the SOB, get custody of your child, get child support, move on with your life, go back to school, get that better paying job…and never look back.
I wish i was 23 again
No age is too late to start over, people go back to college at 40/50, whatever you want to do, do it x
You are never to old for further education or try something new in your life Hope everything goes very well for you
Yup move out and start over. Definitely. 23 is young. You deserve better!
You got this! Ditch the loser who cheats and better your life for your child.
I am 31 and just got a bachelors in nursing with one child…you have the support system…do what makes you happy
I am starting over and I am 32. I had a lot of bad relationships that if felt right for me to start over. If you need someone to talk to you can DM me.
Never too late. I was in my 30’s divorced with 3 and went back to school and got my bachelor’s. Do what you deserve and takes care of you and your baby
23 is not old. You got this baby do for you and your babe okay.
Honey, I moved out of my father’s house this late time at 39. You are definitely not too old at 23 lol
Do it! Work towards your happiness! 23 is still young and it might be a tough couple years but it will all work out in the end momma!!
No. You are never to old to start over. I did that as well.