Is a queen bed to big for a 4 year old?

We just bought a new house and will be moving next month, now my question is do you think a queen bed is to big for a 4 year old? We have a queen bedframe and would need to get a new mattress but wanted to know your ladies thoughts?


Nope. Both of my kids have had queen size beds since they were 2 years old.


My kid has had a queen bed since he was 2. :joy:

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If you already have the frame and you have the space in that room for a queen sized bed, I don’t see why not. We don’t even have room for my kids to have full sized beds!

I’m grown and have never had bigger thab a double.

There’s really no right or wrong answer. As long as they are ready for a “big kid” bed, I don’t see an issue with it.

It’s your child your home it’s your choice


You do what is best for you and your children

It’s big , but the kid will grow.

 I love to theme decorate my daughters room so the only thing that will make me not get a queen bed for her is that there’s not much option for queen bedding that are kids related
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As long as they have room to move around in the room and can get up and down I don’t see the harm

Damn! Wish I would’ve had a queen size bed when I was growing up. 

If your child has transitioned from a toddler bed, might as well go big. They will eventually need it anyway. It doesn’t make sense to buy a twin, then a full, then a queen. My now 11 year old has been in a queen since she was about 5.

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Kind of big for a little kid especially if you’re going to have them learn to make their own bed but if you have the extra room for a big bed they still have plenty of room to play that’s up to you

My daughter got one when she was about 3 or 4 and we put a bed rail on. Has worked perfect for us. I would definitely recommend the bed rail though.

Go for it the kids will love it

My kids have been in queen beds since they were 5. If you already have the frame and there is enough room then why not? They are going to grow anyways

Good to grow into why not

As long as it’s not like 10 feet off the ground I don’t see why it would be a problem, my son has climbed up and down on mine since he was 2 1/2. :laughing:

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We moved our 3 year old into a queen because she moved so much in her sleep she was hitting her head and arms/ legs on her toddler bed waking herself up multiple times a night.

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My daughter just turned 5 and has had her queen bed sense she was 2.

My kids are all in queens

It just makes it easier to spread out all the stuffies and be able to still see the child, lol

full is probably big enough unless you have the space then why not

No and you don’t have to worry about getting anything but a new mattress in several years. Just try to keep it lower to the floor. Don’t set it up high.

Nope. We go straight to Queen. Saves us from having to buy a mattress every few years.

My first thought was “more coverage for the kid to have accidents all over”. I personally would not do this at all.

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Sure. Why not teach them to be bed hogs now so when they are older they can learn to steal the covers too​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

If my kids’ rooms were bigger, Id do queen beds for them. They’d grow into it, wouldn’t need to be replaced ever if taken care if right, and friends or cousins (of same gender) could sleep together

My oldest went into a queen size at 3 it was the last bed I had buy. Her beagle & Chihuahua sleep at rhe foot of her bed with all her stuffys.

I think it’s fine. I got my son a full size bed when he was 2. My baby has always slept in a full size bed (with rail) after she outgrew her bassinet.

Your child, if you want her to have a queen bed. Do it.

Up to you what bed your children have tbf
My 3 year old has a double bed

If you already have the frame why not. As long as it fits nicely in her room and she has space for her toys

Both my kids had King/called King at like 2/3 because they were gifted and/or we upgraded and passes to them.
They also have cousins who stayed whenever they wanted cuz they could. Made it easier when they are sick and want u in their bed or have a couple guests stay.