Is back pain normal in pregnancy?

I woke up yesterday with a lot of back pain. I’m 20 weeks. I chalked it up to normal pregnancy problems. So I went to work and suffered my way through. Last night I was up all night. This morning I have a fever, chills, throwing up, and peeing blood. I called my OB because I don’t want to go to the ER because I have nobody to watch my 2 year old. It’s been almost 2 hours and they haven’t called me back. I’m so miserable. Nobody at work will cover for me. So either I take my 2 year old to the ER with me and skip work, or I go to work and be in excruciating pain again. My back pain right now is worse than labor. How do you cope with a kidney infection? Im so sick and stressed out because of my work and the Dr taking forever to call back :sob:


Go to the ER and take your kid with you…they can get someone to help


Go er if ur bleeding thats not a good sign dont wait xx

Go to the ER or call Labor and Delivery to see of you need to go there. Where I live the ER wont see pregnant women.

Can nebhior watch the kid

Go to the er. I had a kidney infection when I was pregnant. It can. Be harmful to you and your baby.


This is emergency room case - a kidney infection can cause miscarriage. Miss work and go now


How do you know it’s a kidney infection?? You take that baby and get yourself to the ER, your job will understand, and if they dont you dont need that stress in your life.

sounds like a kidney infection i would go in to the er

Are you kidding… Get to the ER!!! You can get an excuse from the Drs there to cover any issues at work. Your health is more important


Skip work take the two year old and go to er. I know how u feel with taking a toddler but the nurses will help you until someone can get there. They did with me my son was 1 1/2 a male nurse came in and helped me so much so I could focus on getting better

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Kidney infection from UTI. During pregnancy. Possible placenta detachment. At 20 weeks it’s can be many detrimental things. Go to the ER immediately and call your OBGYN


Go to Er please. Let us know how you are. Prayers

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Just bring his favorite toys, books, snack it will be fine you have to get there ASAP peeing blood is not to be messed with at all or taken lightly

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Your Dr is going to tell you to go in. Sounds like a horrible kidney infection that coukd be leading to infection in your blood!

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Sonds like it could be a kidney infection go to the hospital.

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Go to the ER take child with you or ask a neighbour to watch your child or call family or a friend

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I dont wait for phone calls and take myself in to get proper treatment. ER isnt going to turn you away just cuz you brought your child


Go to the er now!! Take the 2 year old!! If you are capable of going to work in this pain then you can take care of your 2 year old at the hospital. Praying for you and your baby.


Go to the er momma it will ease you’re mind let the two year old play games on a phone or watch movies

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Honey your job will not be the one raising your children and being a mother to them screw them if they have an issue they can’t fire you with a hospital not

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I’m 30w with twins and at 27 weeks got a kidney infection. It was horrible. I was admitted into high risk labor and delivery for 3 days with constant IV antibiotics and then discharged with 2 more weeks of them. You can’t just clear it up on your own. Pyelonephritis is serious and can harm both you and baby. Go to the ER.

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Blood could mean kidney stones

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Go somewhere and fast before you end up in the hospital! Urgent care or just go to the Doctors office.

Call them back or go to the nearest ER

Go to the ER sounds like your kidneys! Good luck

Well you need to go in if you’re peeing blood! I always take my kids with me and I always get an ‘I understand’ from the e.r. nurse and doctor. Back pains can be common as it may just be the way the baby is situated, but not the blood. Good luck mama.

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Go to the ER. If your job can’t cover for you when you clearly need medical attention, report them. I mean, you’re peeing blood. Screw them! Your health and safety should be number one priority!

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Take care of yourself , your children need you ! Your job doesn’t care about you or your child . If you get fired for going to the ER … file unemployment. Moms have to take care of themselves first !

Please go and get checked NOW, take drink snacks toys for the little one, did work, look after yourself and good luck

It sounds like kidney stones… Go to the ER

Sounds like gallstones not kidney stines hun. You have to go ER.

A lot of cities have an emergency baby sitter, not well known… Call the hospital or the police non-emergency number they may know. (my Lactation consultant told me about it).

You need to be seen. It sounds like possible kidney stones which make a kidney infection seem like nothing. The fact the pain is so bad, peeing blood and you’re puking is exactly like my friend went through when she had kidney stones. Being pregnant with those symptoms should get you called back quickly. You can also go to a stand alone ER and the wait times there are minimal.

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Er, kidney infection is bad for the fetus.

Get in asap take your kids with me nurses will understand n they will help u get in asap could b your kidneys n because your pregnant ismakes it even more important


Go to the er I’ve had to take my son to tye we with me then I had to refuse to be admitted cuz I had no one to watch my son

If you are pregnant then load up the youngn and go to er

Go to the ER. A job will replace you in a second, you only have one body so don’t kill it trying to satisfy a job.

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Get to ER post haste! A upper kidney infection can turn into sepsis which is a very serious infection that can have devastating consequences.

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Kidney stone? Go to doc


Go to the er please. I’d say of you lived near me I’d watch your baby my 2 yr old would love a play mate since bubba is to little

Sounds like it could be a bad UTI that progressed into a kidney infection or from other issues. You really need to go get checked out. These infections can trigger preterm labor- please go to the ER. Important to treat renal infections, especially while pregnant.

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You go o the ER NOW. Kidney infections during pregnancy can lead to sepsis. I had one during my pregnancy with my 4 month old. Yale OB kept me on antibiotics the whole pregnancy to keep it from becoming that bad.

I ended up being hospitalized with a kidney infection when I was pregnant with my youngest…because I just kept forcing myself thru the pain and taking care of my older kids. Definitely get seen, even if you have to take the 2yo to the ER with you.

There is no choice here. For your health and your unborn babies health go to the ER.

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Sounds more like a kidney stone. Please go to ER.

Get to go ahead and go ASAP

Exactly where is her baby father she ain’t got invite watch her kids while she goes to the hospital where is the kid’s father playing the role at and is this story is just so sad I hope she gets well soon God bless her her baby in unborn child and praying for a speedy recovery