Been induced twice, no pain relief whatsoever with both births, my contractions were back to back with my 2nd for nearly 2hrs after my waters broke, didn’t actually hurt though annoyed me more than they hurt
I was induced at 37 weeks. No epidural, no c-section, natural birth. First and only child
So I’ve had one natural start to labor with an epidural, one induced with an epidural and my last was delivering 30 minutes after arriving so I had no time for anything. They all had pressure but honestly the pain wasn’t bad with any of them, I think all the adrenaline helps.
There’s no reason you can’t get induced without an epidural. Being induced can/does increase the intensity of contractions and labor pain, but you’re not required to get an epidural. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different and if you’ve already had 2 natural births then you already know what to expect. As far as the tub, as long as there is a tub available where you’ll be birthing, you should be allowed to use it.
I got induced and the pain was pretty bad but it was manageable. But they kept sending me home cause they didn’t have any room for me, and the shot they sent me home with the 2nd day took 4 hours to kick in. I got induced Friday and my baby didn’t come out until after midnight on Tuesday so I was in labour for 4 days. The epidural didn’t really work either, I still felt everything so next time I wouldn’t even bother with one. But with induction the contractions do come on stronger and faster but I opened slowly, and since I got the epidural I wasn’t allowed to get up even tho I was still in pain.
I was induced with two of my kiddos and only medicated once. I honestly preferred the no meds route. Less recovery and your body will guide you through the process more efficiently. It was painful but I felt more in control. Good luck !
I’ve had 5 kids, 4 were induced. Had an epidural with the 1st and the other 4 were natural…I did not like having an epidural.
I never had an epidural and I was induced, also badly wanted my water birth but wasn’t allowed!
I was induced at 41 weeks and it wasn’t that bad at all. I was in labor for maybe 7 hours.
I was induced and didn’t have an epidural, just gas and air.
I’ve been induced and didn’t get an epidural
I tried to avoid being induced also but my last baby i unfortunately ended up getting induced and i was upset and petrified like you. It is as bad as they say it is. Its forcing your body to do something that should naturally on its own, so of course its going to be worse. I ended up getting an epidural but i honestly felt like it didnt do much. Just listen to your body, if you feel you need the epidural (as scary as it is) i dont think personally the epidural was that bad but to each their own.
My 5th was induced and I didn’t have an epidural, from when drip started to when my daughter was born was about 6 hours
3 kids, 2nd one induced 2 hr labour. All 3 kids done on gas and air only. 3rd most painful as bk 2 bk.
Was induced first kid. No problems no epidural
I was induced at 38 weeks exactly, due to preeclampsia. First baby, only used gas for pain relief. No c section or epidural needed.
The worst part is the contractions don’t build up like normal labour, the contractions come on hard and fast and mine overlapped leaving me no time to rest between.
I was induced and in labor for over 24 hours. The pain was manageable up until two hours before the actual birth. I ended up getting the epidural at the last minute and ended up needing stitches anyways so it ended up working out in my favor.
I was induced but the pain was only bad because my son flipped and i had awful back labor so i caved and got an epidural but i also didn’t have any bad reaction or long term medical issues from the epidural either.
Induction doesn’t technically hurt more than naturally-brought on labor, it’s considered so painful because you skip any milder building contractions and jump straight into sudden active labor- therefore your body doesn’t really get to build any tolerance to the pain. That being said, an epidural isn’t eminent /just/ because you’re induced, don’t fret and just listen to your body, it’ll tell you.
6 kids 2 induced. I can tell you now they were my worst labors. My advice is BREATHE! cause I sure as hell lost my shit more than afew times even forgetting to breathe through them.
I was induced at 38 weeks with my youngest son and I used zero forms of pain management, tried a small amount of the laughing gas and it instantly made me nauseous so I chose not to use it further. He was 8lbs 12oz
I’ve been induced with all four of mine, but I got epidurals.
You don’t have to get an epidural when being induced. I was induced at 39+5 and it was my first baby. I don’t have a super high pain tolerance so I got my epidural at 8.5cm. The contractions didn’t even start to bother be until I was at 6.5cm. Being induced is different for everyone. Labor hurts either way😂
I was induced with my 3rd child and no epidural.
Once my water broke he came really quick (hour in a half). Worst labor of the 3 pain wise but I’d refuse a epidural again even knowing how painful it was.
Four births two natural, two induced- I found induction worse. It’s quick, it’s intense and hurts a lot more!
I was induced and didn’t have an epidural.
I was induced on both… both easy labour’s the last baby was only gas and air and an hour labour and the first labour was good to x
I were induced because it were a high risk pregnancy with a lot of issues and I didn’t need an epidural.
I was induced with my daughter. It was more painful than my first child but I still did it without any pain meds.
Laughing helped. I also spent a lot of time counting the ceiling tiles. It helped me focus.
My sister got induced and did not have an epidural. If you’re stubborn enough you won’t give in and get the epidural. Practice breathing all the way in until you can’t anymore and then all the way out until you can’t anymore. Get a rhythm and focus on that rhythm instead of the pain.
I was induced 3 times at 37,38,39 weeks ! I was on a very high dosage of pitocin because I wouldn’t dilate past 6 it literally took my like 6-8 hours to dilate past that and all my 3 labors were natural 11 hrs each with no epidural! You got this !
I’ve been induced with 3 out of my 4 children and will be with my 5th. I’ve never had an epidural x
My first was agony, I didnt get induced, but she was back to back. Horrible! My second was induced. Easiest labour. I was up and about 2 hours after giving birth ready to go home!
1st and 2nd were induced due to being a week overdue. 3rd I went into labour naturally at 39+2. I’d definitely say I rather natural. When I was induced the contractions felt “stronger”.
The were more intense but natural was still pretty intense as well lol.
I never had an epidural with any so it is definitely not needed at all!
I was also allowed to be in the bath if I wanted but i preferred not to be.
Just focus on your breathing.
Nice controlled breaths don’t let your contractions get the better of you! There were a few times with my first two that I felt like the pain was too much and was breathing way too fast but when I took back control and slowed my breathing it helped me feel I control again x
You got this!
I was induced at 38 weeks 3 days with the balloon catheter and then the next morning they gave me pitocin and I took the epidural as soon as they offered it to me when I had started active labor that afternoon. Just under 6 hours later, I had my son. My birth was easy compared to my pregnancy. I hope everything goes well for you!
Iv been induced twice. Med free All natural. I guess it’s different for everyone but it was no big deal for me.
I was induced and didn’t get an epidural
Omg they put on me pitocin AFTER I was dilated to a 9 1/2!! That’s when things got rough for me
I was induced, had an epidural, they had to tell me when to push. I didn’t feel a single thing. Piece of cake
I was induced with my last two and they were the easiest labors for me
I had a friend that had 2 babies naturally and had to be induced with the 3rd and induction went faster for her, she did have to get the epidural because she said contractions were much worse than natural. I was induced 2x with my kids, it went faster after I got my epidural.
I was induced and did not get an epidural. It can be done!
I was induced with both my boys no epidural but I did have pain meds with both.
Ive had 4 vaginal unmedicated births. Two of them were medical inductions with the pitocin drip. I also consider myself to have a high pain threshold. It can be done, you’ll be fine. Good luck x
I was induced and didn’t have an epidural. Don’t listen what others say and do whats best for you
I was induced for three days in a row. No pain relief needed. I just had warm baths. When I finally went into labour I was using a TENS machine all the way. I did end up with a c-section because baby got stuck trying to come through the birth canal. No epidural though. I had a spinal which is a single injection instead as I didn’t want an epidural.
I was induced, no epidural or pain meds lol. It wasn’t that bad.
I was induced with mine and it wasnt bad at all i was able take showers the hospital i was in didnt have a tub
My Mum was induced. No pain relief, regular birth with no stitches or complications. It can mean your milk is a bit delayed coming in. You can cup feed until it does.
I have gotten the epidural 3 times so far, but I have long labors and always wait 12+ hours in. With my first baby I was induced at 41+, my 2nd and 3rd came naturally 2 weeks and a month early. Personally I feel like the pain level has been comparable all 3 times and didn’t notice much of a difference other than the waiting factor.
I was induced and nothing was happening so they kept turning up the machine. Finally when I did start to get contractions, they were coming every 2mins at first and then every 50sec or so. The pain was beyond overbearing so I asked for an epidural. It didn’t even work at first and took like 10-15mins to kick in. After that they checked to see how dilated I was and I was 9cm lol. I went from no pain what so ever, to full blown very full on contractions Everyone’s body works differently. You’ll know what you need when the time comes xx
I was induced at 35 weeks with my eldest (now 3 nearly 4) and only had gas and air, also quick delivery once waters had been broken at 3cm dilated and was induced at 37 weeks with youngest (6 month old) and the contractions seemed stronger they took pessary back out as had too many contractions but only had paracetamol and gas and air for pain relief, got waters broken at 10.32pm again 3cm dilated and she was born 10.35pm so really quick delivery. X
I was induced however I was dilated to 10 before they started the induction so I had no epidural and it was very manageable pain wise and this was my 1st child at 42 years old
You can get an epidural and get induced or get induced and not get one.
Saying that my water broke when I was 39 weeks with my fourth child. Within 3 hours of being at the hospital they gave me pitocin. It was the worst experience of my life. my blood pressure bottomed out and they ended up having to give me three or four shots to get my blood pressure back up. all of this happened within a span of 5 minutes and they were getting ready to take me to the or for an emergency C-section if it didn’t come back up.
No epidural and being induced? You go right on that fairy train girlfriend lol. I was induced and my epidural never kicked in. I wanted to die from the pitocin. It’s the devil.
I got induced with my second baby at 39 weeks and did it all natural (both my births were). Mind you my second baby was also 8lbs 11oz when she was born. Honestly it all depends on the person.
I was induced with 3/5 of mine and it’s def more painful but still manageable. I did 4 births natural, 5 was a c section. They can give you I believe it was called demerol to take off the edge and it worked for me.
I was induced,it was painful as but can be done without pain meds…I was offered a bath but didn’t take it, looking back I wish I had of…
I have been induced 4 times, and every labor is different. I managed all mine without an epidural, and I can be a big baby. You can do it Momma but don’t be afraid to ask for relief if you need it.
I was induced for my third it wasn’t bad at all, I didn’t have no pain meds or anything.
Let’s just say that I had an epidural and gut Pitocin towards the end of ny labor and I felt the contractions a decent amount through my epidural
I’ve had 2 inductions. 1 at 34+6 and the 2nd at 37+2. The pain was horrible, but they were both natural and did not have pain meds. You get through it.
I was induced with no epidural with my 3rd one
They want you and baby monitored closely. If you’re getting pitocin baby needs to stay on a heart monitor. I highly doubt they’ll let you be in a tub…
I was induced with my first child and told them I didn’t want an epidural…there is no reason for a hospital to give you one if you don’t want it
I was induced with 40 weeks, the contractions started within 5 minutes and very fast,I was in labor for 8 hours I almost ran mad, just when they were trying to prepare me for labor a nurse saw that I was fully dilated but the cervix was not opening up but they made me push by force even one nurse sitting on top of me to help me pushed and in the process both my legs were dislocated I couldn’t turn or get out of bed on my own for two weeks
Omg I wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemy
I was induced, i had back labour. So I just had back pain real bad which they gave me demerol. I fell asleep and woke up in labour thinking I had to
I have a high pain tolerance and when they gave me pitocin they said are you sure you don’t want the epidural? (They repeatedly asked me before this too) I said no and let me tell you I was crying it was awful. They came so fast and so intense there wasn’t even away to breathe through it. So I told them I want the epidural. Of course the anesthesiologist went into surgery and I had to wait. In my case my son was not responding well to everything and his heart rate dropped too low and I had to have a emergency c section. But that’s just my situation.
I had to be induced with 3 of my kiddo’s and never had an epidural or pain med’s. I have a high pain tolerance also. No matter what labor hurt’s.
I do alright with pain. I was doing well in labour and could have done it drug free I reckon. Then I was induced with the drip and it was all over red rover and I yelled for the epidural
I had my 1st natural no epi no induction. My 2nd I was induced and asked for an epi because I was nervous. Which didnt end up working. From when the drip induction was put in to birth was 2 hours! I thought I handled pain with my 1st well. But my 2nd the pain was sudden and horrific. I had no time to ride out the contractions. I was a mess.
Okay whoever told you that is stupid. You can be induced and deliver naturally with no medication, it is up to you. I was induced December 2019 I opted for a natural birth however the pain got me and I got iv pain meds. But you absolutely do not need an epidural or any medication to be induced.
I had induce for my 3 kids without epidural .
Yes it’s bad !! but only because I think once you are hooked up to drip and contractions start… they come on very strong very fast and I didn’t get a break they literally were ontop of each other. Waters broken at 7.30am…hooked up by 8.30am. Strong contractions started by 11am and I gave birth at 1.57pm. Gas as my only pain relief.
Goodluck you can do it x
Unless you or baby is in distress you should be able to go your full 40 weeks… dont let your doctor make you for their leisure. I didnt have an epidural for either of my kids and i would not reccomend unless medically neccessary
You do not have to get an epidural.
I was induced and once labor started I moved to quickly for an epidural. It was painful but I recovered better after not having an epidural.
i had 2 induced with no pain meds 1 with iv meds 5 total and never had an epidual
i just think to my self all this wolill be over n ill be holding my baby
i think labor moves faster with no pain meds
my last 3 were completly natural 2 of them induced
u got this
I was induced with my last baby. They broke my water at 2:05pm and he was here at 5:02pm. Naturally with no epidural and they didn’t even have to start the pitocin as my body just naturally went in to active labour once they broke my water.
You don’t have to have an epidural while being induced, I was induced with the 2nd and didn’t have one. The good thing is if they give you pitocin the labor can go quicker than natural labor.
Petocin was conjured by the devil and made by a man. Take the epidural.
I was induced twice and both experiences were very different. I can’t weigh in on not having an epidural because I had one with both
I was induced with my second and the labor pains were so bad. It took them 10 times to try to do an epidural but the pains were so bad it was impossible. They gave me some pain killers and finally got it in. She was born like a half hour later. I will never get induced again lol
I was suppose to be induced but instead of being put on the medicine I asked if they could just break my water instead since I was dilated to a 4 or 5 and they did. I did not get the epidural and yes it was painful but labor always is. I have 3 kids and have never had epidural.
I was induced and ended up getting the epidural around 6 cm. I was in the shower and it helped a lot , if I stayed in the shower the whole time I probably wouldn’t have gotten the epidural. The back pain I get now though is definitely not worth it
I was induced with both of mine. Had an epidural with the first one and not with the second it was not unmanageable!
I was induced with 3 of mine dont think the contractions are worse just happen faster with less time to build up. I never had an epideral.
I had the option for morphine and went with that instead. Honestly I felt like I could have gone without it fine as long as I focus on something through the pain. Dont let anyone tell you that you “need” one as you might not tbh as they can cause problems later on down the line.
If you already did it once, you got this. Get a stretch and sweep to get things going. I was induced for my twins. It can bring on the labour fast and furious. Put yourself in your happy place and you’ll lose track of all time. BUT there is no shame in getting pain intervention.
My water broke with no contractions or anything I still got Pitocin and still didn’t need any medicine.
I was induced twice. I feel the more patosin you have it makes the contractions stronger. I didn’t want and epidural but that’s your decision on that one. Either way a beautiful blessing will arrive
I’ve had to have pitocin with all 3 of my children as my laboring doesn’t seem to progress on its own. I had an epidural with the first at nearly the last minute and I regretted it. I didn’t heal nearly as well. The last two I had no epidural and just went through it. You can do it. It’s over before you know it.
I was induced and I never took an epidural or any drugs … I had four children with our last one being the one I was induced with, it was a long haul and very intense but you can do it, just focus on your breathing and think about the precious gift you get in the end❤️
Me personally, I took the epidural. Pitocin induced labor is not a short labor lol. 36hrs of labor was rough and I needed sleep. I went about 10hrs/6cm without an epidural. It was like 3am and I needed sleep so bad. I was still very exhausted once I finally was ready to push for 2 freakin hours.
Side note: sunnyside up 11lb babies are also very stubborn and cause a lot more pain than ones in the optimal position and size, so to each its own.
Been induced 4 times and this last one I was induced with they never said I had to have an epidural it’s not terrible bad and nobody can force you to get a needle in your spine it’s a choice. I said the entire pregnancy I will not have an epidural and I’m allergic to pain lol. But I did it and she came at a 6 and when I was dying for an epidural she was coming you can do anything you put your mind to and nobody can force you to do anything you don’t want to! You got this good luck momma!!!
You cannot compare 2 deliveries or know what to expect because each delivery can be so different induced or not. These are questions that you should ask your doctor. What goes for one woman may not be true for another. Hope things go well for you.
I’ve been induced twice. And loved both time. Much simpler to me,
I was induced and didn’t get an epidural at first but I did up getting one because I never would fully dilate. But everyone is different, it all depends on your pain tolerance
My second I was induced .it was the worst labor out if 3 pregnancys. It ended w emergency csection bc my body was going into shock from the pain. 24 hrs of full on hard contractions. They kept checking and I wasn’t dilating much . It was horrible . They kept increasing my dose of meds… by 24 hrs I was only 4 cm. They were like 30 seconds apart. When they took me to csection and they took the iv bag full of induction meds out my arm OMG I will never forget that relief! Even tho I was getting a spinal at the time it felt so good. U will need an epidural ! Mine was not done right the first time. The anesthesiologist even apologized about it. When they realized they gave me 80 mg of fetanyl through my iv. Trust me it didn’t do much. Made me messed up mentally , but I could still feel it.