I’m 38+4 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I might need to be induced this week once I reach the 39 marks, but I’m terrified. I do not want an epidural for so many reasons I keep hearing people say u can’t get induced and not get an epidural due to the pain. I really don’t want to do an epidural. Is it as bad as people say it is to be induced? Is it really not manageable? I have pretty high pain tolerance, and I had my first with no epidural or pain meds. Also, do they typically allow u to be in a tub if ur induced?
Being induced does hurt but you get thru it.
I was induced with both my kids. To me it didn’t hurt.
Don’t let them induce that baby will come out when it’s ready
I was induced and could not handle the pain. But it’s different for everybody!
I was induced at 40+1 weeks! I did not get an epidural or anything for pain.
I’ve had 3. Induced with 2. Didn’t seem much different.
I was induced with 2 out of 3 of mine and had no issues to me it was better and went quicker
Been induced all 3 times. It’s not awful.
I was induced with both of my pregnancies and my labor and deliveries were so easy. Completely unmedicated
I was induced with other of mine and I last second got epidural which did nothing
I was induced and was able to be in the tub to help with pain in the beginning. I ended up with horrible back labor so I ended up with an epidural but that was my choice. Talk over all the options with your doctor with your induction
I was induced with my second, didn’t have the epidural and my labour was much faster, it seems more painful because you can progress quicker, the midwives and doctors know if you need to stop, my drip was on for half an hour and nature took over, dont panic and don’t feel you have to have pain relief you don’t want
I got induced and didn’t have an epidural. You can go into labour naturally and want an epidural, it just depends on how you handle pain
I had to be induced with my second born and she was far less painful. I didn’t need an epidural. And it only took about 8 hours of labor and 5 minutes or less of pushing. I was terrified because I heard all the horror stories about induction, but it was not bad for me at all. I hope yours goes just as well!
I was induced with 3rd baby was fine dont be afraid and dont go by how others got on. You need to put yourself in the right frame of mind and think i can do this no bother to me. Only one i was induced for and it was my fastest delivery less than a hour. You will be fine best of luck
I was induced twice. It was awful.
I was induced with my first and it wasn’t as bad as my second. He was all natural. They let you get an epidural with inducement. But the hospitals we have here don’t have baths
I was induced with my second and didn’t get an epidural, the pain lasted longer but it is manageable
I was induced with my first and ended up with the epidural. Mainly because my labor was long and hard (36 hours) and I was so exhausted I needed to be able to relax to rest so I could push her out
I was induced and felt nothing at all! I was getting an epidural anyway but my doctor had allowed them up till 10 cm and I was 9.5 when I said okay I’ll take it. I then couldn’t ouch cause I was numb. Lol
Was induced with my three boys, it wasn’t horrible.
I was induced with my first one and did fine without pain meds all natural it hurts but I got through it
That’s not true I got induced and never got the epidural. The pain contractions don’t really hurt until you dilate pretty far. I don’t really feel them for the first 4-5 hours then I just got pain meds in an iv.
You can deffinatly be induced without an epidural
2 outta 3 of em were absofuckinglutely horrible. 1 was a breeze
I prefer being induced. Two pregnancies induced 3 hours and 5 hours from no contractions to baby. 1 pregnancy I was NOT induced over 12 hours. Omg I begged them to induce me. But I was b positive on something so they couldn’t. I don’t get why being induced is seriously so scary to people. Never had epidural pain was manageable with all three just breathe.
Will not be any different than going into labor like you did with the first
I was induced with 2 do to high blood pressure. It a little uncomfortable. Mu son was easy ( apparently for being induced I went fast. Started meds at 7 and he was out at 1130) my daughter took her sweet time working herself down. I was 8 cm dilated and the doctor still couldn’t break her water because she was to high. The peanut ball was amazing for that. ( started at 9 am and she was out at 220) my 3rd came on his own. I was already 7 cm when I got to the hospital he was out in 30 mins. The recovery from the Natural was way better. The 2 I was induced with I had an epidural.
Ngl i found it horrible n by the time the acc labour happend which was 4 days later i was beyond knackerd! But everyone’s diff x
I was induced 3 times first 2 times I did not have an pain meds or epidural, my third was unbearable after 9 hours I caved got the epidural
I got induced my first pregnancy and it was honestly the best experience I could’ve had. No complications and I had my daughter within 8 hours
I was imdu ed for both my babys (first at 36+5 second at 39) i ysed no pain med other then gas and had very fast realitivly easy labors (9 hours first time 2 hours second time)
Everyones body is different… u always here the horror stories but wont know how ur body will react until u have it done. I am now pregnant with baby number 3 and asking to be induced…
I’ve been induced twice. The pain was manageable for me and as long as you breathe and stay calm you will get through it and it all depends on your hospital if you can sit in a tub or not. They generally give you an iv full of meds to induce your labor with so I think as long as you don’t soak your hand in the water you should be fine.
I have been induced 3 times and never had an epidural. It does hurt more than going into labour naturally but there are other methods of pain relief to choose from. It’s also more tiring
I was induced with no epidural.
I was induced both times. No drugs (thou I was more than happy to have them if I needed them). I came in with a really positive mindset, I can’t handle pain normally but I just kept reminding myself it’s all for a reason and the pain will stop, soon!
Its not ‘bad’ I just like to think of it as skipping the first stage of Labor that makes you wonder hey is that a pain or do I need to poo? Do not get on an excersise ball when induced Labor starts that was my biggest mistake You kinda go straight into stage 2 when your Labor starts after induction where you can definitely tell exactly what’s happening & you’ll get contractions earlier a bit hard to sit still during them etc, it started off for me about a 3/10 on the pain scale but quickly went to a 6 within the hour. My eldest was born within 2hrs of being induced with the tape thing on my cervix & I definitely enjoyed my non-induced Labor of my youngest a lot more because I could relax for longer in the early stages. I wouldn’t opt for it if I had a choice, But it is not as bad as they say, Same old Labor just skipping the first more relaxed stage. I’ve never had an epidural, I only had 2 puffs of the gas before vomiting from it with both my girls. As I mentioned it’s the same pain but just cut to stage 2 lol, Don’t stress love you’ve done this before you got it! Not getting to feel a few hrs of 1/10 painscale contractions is the only difference & missing that build up can lead some people to think it’s more painful when in reality it’s the same
I was induced and didn’t have an epidural. The pain was manageable for me. Idk if there is any difference in the pain between being induced or naturally going into labor I’ve only had one child
Ive been induced twice. Never had epidural. With either. No pain relief just gas and air. No different to my other two labours.
I had an emergency induction due to pre-eclampsia and did not have an epidural. It depends on your pain tolerance. One nurse kept INSISTING I have the epidural and was pressuring me to do it (she was a bad nurse), but I was fine. Another nurse also offered an alternative pain management that they injected into my hand’s IV. So dont think that just because you’re induced doesn’t mean your option get taken away. Induction is not any worse than going into labor “naturally”.
I’ve been induced both times. The first I went 16 hours naturally and couldn’t handle anymore. It was mainly my hips that hurt the worst. The second I went 3 hours natural and asked for the epidural again. She was born 2 hours later. When i finally got the epidural the first time i could actually relax and enjoy labor. I have an OK pain tolerance but I liked the epidural.
IMO induction makes the pain 10x worse. I didn’t get the epi until 5 mins before my first was born. With my second I begged for it all day long
Both my pregnancies I got induced I can’t handle pain well an I never got the epidural an I labored in my back the sec9nd time it’s not like anyone makes out it’s just intense cramps
I was induced and had to ask for the epidural but I guess it depends on where you go
I was induced and much preferred it to my natural birth, I had pethidine, no epidural, seemed a lot easier to me xxx
I had 4 babies. Three of the four I was induced. Out of those three I didn’t have an epidural with the third one bc I deliver so fast that the first two didn’t hAve. time to set in.
My fourth child my water broke on it’s own but then had to have pitosin to start labor bc I stalled. I didn’t have an epidural with that child either.
The choice is yours. If you have high pain tolerance then you probably won’t need an epidural. Good luck!!!
yes! pitocin causes the worst fucking contractions you will ever feel! just brace yourself and expect it bc there is no way around it. And most likely will be put on it afterwards to force your insides to contract and get back to “normal” . And i have a pretty high pain tolerance. Dont let anyone lie to u just brace for it!
The pain was the same as not being induced for me. It just came on fast and sudden
Not true. I did it 17 years ago. It’s sucked though. I would’ve killed ( if I could’ve moved with the pain) for an epidural. I progressed too fast and it was too late already after an hour.
I’ve been induced 3x, last baby was 9lbs 3oz and i had no epidural.
Two pregnancies one induced one not both hurt like hell lol
I was induced and it was AMAZING !!! 37.5 weeks pregnant with twins and it was a breeze being induced
I was induced for my first child and had an epidural after about 12 hours because I was so uncomfortable. Nobody ever told me that I had to or indicated that the pain would be worse. Unfortunately for my second I had to have an unplanned c-section so I can’t compare.
Is any labour a fun time ? I was induced it hurt just as much as a natural birth . Pain gone as soon as bubs out . Best of luck
My induction was my easiest labor! They spent 4hrs slowly getting contractions going. I was in active labor for an hour and a half. I used a ball after they broke my water which was amazing! I pushed twice. The doctor literally caught my little guy. Everyone is different but my induction was my least painful and I never had an epidural with any of them (3 babies).
I was induced and didnt have an epidural
Guess I cant handle internal pain, or mine was high, because it freaking sucked and hurt. A lot.
it does hurt a little bit more the contractions start coming you know and everything like that but I would suggest do not have them break your water too early in on inducing the pregnancy because that is beyond unbearable you want to maybe wait until you’re about six to eight centimeters before they date break your water because otherwise you going to be in miserable pain
No! I was induced twice and I’d do it again if needed. I had 3 babies, no epidurals, twice induced
First time induced had epi, 2nd time came naturally still ended up with epi. I enjoyed the epidural because it allowed me to relax and rest enough to have the baby soon after. The first time around I went 12 hours naturally and could no longer handle it. 2nd time I asked for epidural immediately and from the time my water broke to delivery of baby girl was only 5 hours. I believe the epidural helps.
I got induced without an epidural and I had 2 naturals one with an epidural and one without. Getting induced wasn’t that bad to me. It all felt the same
Daughter-in-law was induced for the third baby. By the time she asked for pain meds, she was told it was too late because the baby was too close to birth. She came through like a champ!
I was induced and didn’t have an epideral.
I was induced with my twins and tbh it wasnt that bad a long process and I wouldn’t have had an epidural but I was advised in case of emergency they didnt have to wait… with my single pregnancy I dont plan on an epidural unless absolutely needed as I didnt enjoy having it x
I was induced twice with no epidural. I had cervidil with my first and went straight on the drip with my second !! Had my second 6 hours later
I had my daughter at 34 weeks. My water broke at home. I was in labour forever. My contractions stayed too far apart. For medical reasons I couldn’t have a epidural. I was finally induced and had my daughter without the pain meds. They can definitely induce without a epidural.
I was induced with no pain medication. It was hell but not unbearable. And it was soooo worth it. Just get up and walk the halls when they start the drip. You’ll be fine
I was induced. No epidural&no pain meds. Was only in labor for 2 1/2 hrs.!!!
I had induced labor and its not out of the ordinary
For me the pain was unbearable. I had to get an epidural
I’ve been induced with 2 of my babies. Absolutly nothing to be worried about. You don not have to have an epidural if you dont want one. Dont stress yourself. Enjoy it. Xxx
I was induced with all 5 of my babies and didn’t have an epidural with the last 2 amd recovery was much better without it!
With my first daughter had back labor no I went in 1/30 at 10:30pm water broke at 4:53am and she was here 11:53am 1/31 easy labor no pain meds.with my second daughter went in 12/30 at 8:30pm the contractions was harder this time but refused pain meds water broke on 12/31 at 12:15pm ended up havin an csection at 4:12pm
My 1st pregnancy I had all natural birth at 34 weeks not being induced. My second pregnancy I had to be induced at 35 weeks… in the beginning it seemed fine, but once those contractions started they were SO much more painful. But it legit went by so fast I had to go all natural AGAIN, i just kept breathing and pushing as hard as I could I just wanted it to be all over
I was induced with both my kids and not once did I have an epidural.
Contractions hurt, induced or not. I wouldn’t say one hurts more than the other.
It was very painful. More so because of the contractions coming back to back after they broke my water. Gave birth in less than 30 minutes. Didn’t have time to get an epidural because they didn’t know it would happen so quick.
42 weeks pregnant? 10 weeks shy of a year?
I was induced with no epidural
Ive been induced twice evening before… They popped my waters in the am . no epidural just gas had both boys within 5 hours
I was induced and didn’t get the epidural. For me, the pain didn’t really kick in until they broke my water which was well after being induced.
You definitely don’t have time have an epidural, I was induced at 40+5 with my daughter and only had gas.
Good luck mumma
The worst part for me was how long it too. I went in on Sunday night and had my daughter Tuesday.! The pain was manageable in my opinion but I did get the epidural
I was induced twice with no epidural. First time when I was 17 and didn’t get anything, second time and an IV drip of something. But being induced can cause contractions to be stronger and closer together. My last was a c- section, so had to have an epideral.
I was induced with bouts of my boys. It put me in straight labor. I was miserable. With my second I ended up with a c-section after 24 hours. If I ever were to have another kid I’m opting for a scheduled c-section.
I was induced at 41+2. I did not have an epidural. I labored in the tub. I actually had my baby standing up in the tub. I couldn’t make it to the bed. I was in labor for 3 hours.
It felt the same as regular labor for me
I had all three of my kids with no epidural and no pain meds. All natural vaginal births. My daughter was looking like she was going to go over her due date so I was induced with her and the pain is absolutely unbearable and totally different from not being induced. But I did it with no epidural or meds. And seeing as how you did the same before you can do this again. Just tell yourself the pain will be worth it. It does hurt a lot but it is worth it. You got this.
I always get an epidural but I swear the labor I actually went into myself was the most painful labor I have ever had and I’ve had 4 induced 2 csections and only 1 I went into my own labor for.
I was induced and I got the epidural I wouldn’t have made it without it I have a low pain tolerance and yes contractions are worse when being induced
Thompson Method, she explains everything you’re asking
My induction was HORRIBLE because whoever did my pitocin made it higher then it should’ve been. Which made worse contractions and then I got my epidural and was fine untill pushing when they turned it off
… …
Induced with my first, no time for epidural. Wanted it in all my other pregnancies because it hurts lol
I didn’t have an epidural for my 3 pregnancies and I was induced with all of them.
I got induced with my second child, I had to take the epidural earlier then I wanted, the contractions were much stronger then what I had with my first child. It really depends on you and your pain tolerance. I was not able to handle it
My fourth daughter I was induced and did not have an epidural while the contractions are stronger and more painful than the children I was not induced with it was possible.
I was induced and they screwed up my epidural so I felt everything… wasn’t bad. I believe you have up to 5cm to change your mind depending on the hospital policy
Had my 1st baby no pain relief. Nothing. Labour was 10 hours.
2nd baby got induced. The pain is completely different. I planned on no pain relief agin but wasnt progressing and my waters were gone too long so would have ended in a section. Which i didnt want. Ended up gettin the epidural at 3cm and within 15 minutes I had gone to 10cm and had my baby. Personally the pain of the induction was extreme.