Is blood work to detect gender accurate?

Mine was accurate it was a boy

You’re totally having a baby girl with that heart rate


Blood done for my son. Hes now 5. Blood work for my daughter she is now almost 9m

I had blood work done at 9 weeks and it was accurate

Only blood work gender I’ve ever had done was for my 7th. It was accurate, done at approximately 11w. I lost my baby at 21w 4d.


Had it done at 11 weeks and was accurate

Mine was accurate :slightly_smiling_face:. Had it done at 9 weeks and I got the results at 12 weeks. Now 26 weeks and it’s been verified twice by ultrasound.:slightly_smiling_face:

Had ours done at 10 weeks, was accurate! Our girl was 160-175

I was like 7-8 weeks it came up boy and then did an ultrasound came up boy still sure enough it was a boy I wanted another girl so bad but that didn’t happen so I now have 3 boys and my girl

I’m pregnant with my 8th baby all blood test results have been accurate with each baby. Heartbeat is definitely a myth. They always say boys heartbeats are lower but I just found out I’m having a boy and his heart rate has been 166. All my girls heart rates were around the same as his. Congratulations.

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It was perfect and accurate

Mine was boy had a boy. Other said girl was a girl…another boy…it’s a boy…

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19766 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I was about 10 weeks when I did mine and it was accurate

Its been accurate with all 3 of mine.

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It was accurate for me

Mine was right both times I had it my girl heart rate was 141 and the other one was 134

Blood work is accurate. Heart rate is a myth. I’m pregnant with my second daughter. Both times Herat rate was between 130-140. If you go by the heart rate, you’d think I was having a boy :slightly_smiling_face:

Its based on genetics, so yes. Accurate :slight_smile:

I had my done by an ordered kit (sneak peak) at 10 weeks and then again bloodwork through Kaiser at 14 weeks. Both said male.

Mine was accurate and she is now going on 3 months old!

Also, heart rates change throughout pregnancy. The closer to term, the lower the heart rate. So if someone says “my baby’s heart rate is 170”, at 12 weeks that’s fine, but at 30 weeks it’s is considered tachycardia and is too high.

I never had it done but I’ve heard a lot of people say it’s very accurate!

I had it done at 8 weeks said I was having a boy. I had multiple ultrasounds all said boy had him had 38 weeks he was a boy. My best friend had it done hers said girl gender reveal said girl. She came out as a girl.

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It’s like 99.9 % accurate. I had 4 with 4 different kiddos all were 100%

Mine was accurate and I had it done at 11 weeks

I never had it done, or they didn’t offer it back when I had my kids. I don’t see why people can’t just wait til the ultrasound appointment and try to find out then lol

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Both of mine were accurate

Yes I had it done at 9/10 weeks

Yes mine was accurate❤️

I had blood work done and said it was a boy for our gender reveal and 2 weeks later in the ultrasound it was confirmed a boy but blood work is more accurate than the ultrasound… that’s what my OB told me.

I did my blood work at home at 8 weeks and it was accurate

The NIPT examined the DNA. So yes, accurate

Yup all very accurate

If done after 11 weeks my Dr told me it’s more accurate than ultrasound. Had mine done at 11 weeks 3 days and it was right. Confimed by ultrasound at 20 weeks

Mine was! Had it done at 8 weeks pregnant

Also note, my insurance did NOT pay for the NIPT bloodwork, so check that first if you’ll be using insurance to do it. Got a bill for almost $1000.

It’s more accurate than an ultrasound.

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $21633 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

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Did it say girl? My daughter’s stayed in the 170’s

Mine was accurate at 9 weeks.

Its usually accurate but if any male DNA gets in it (like the lab person) then it’ll contaminate it

Yes it is! Did it for my daughter and now son both are accurate

Both genders accurate for me

It’s accurate if you get the one from the dr sneak peak is like a 50/50

Me and 4 of my friends did it at 8weeks. All of ours came back 100% accurate. We got the sneak Peek test online got results within couple days to our email

i had mine done at 10 weeks!!
my parents read my reaults at 13wks :heart_eyes:

I never did the DNA but with my kids I noticed with boys I had worse pregnancy but nice hair and skin. With the girl, brittle hair, dry acne riddled skin, but overall not too sick. (6boys, 2girls)

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Mine was accurate. We were so eager to know the gender of our baby. When we knew blood work could tell us it was pretty definitive for us. Nothing more solid than your own dna in my mind :slightly_smiling_face:

Sometimes the parts don’t match the DNA. But it’s rare, usually the ultra sound will confirm the DNA blood test but I was told my our ultra sound person that it happens.

Definitely accurate. The only way it isn’t is if you don’t follow the directions and the sample gets contaminated with male DNA

I did a blood test at the office at 10 weeks. It was right. After 2 girls it was a boy. Didn’t believe it until I met him though lol

Accurate!! Sounds like you’re having a girl, by the heart beat!!

With both my girls the heartbeat was 165+ and I did a blood test to determine gender at 12 weeks with my second she was definitely a girl. Lol. And with my third we did a blood test around 12 weeks and he was indeed a boy like it predicted. Also his heart rate was lower. Always in the 130s-140s.

I did the blood test at 16 weeks with my twins and it was 100% accurate. Said I was having a boy and a girl and that is what they were

Mine was done at 8 weeks and it was accurate

Nope…there’s always room for error…was told at 10.5 weeks that it was female fetus. Turns out that at my 28wk scan…it was all male.

Mine said girl at 12 weeks. I had a girl.

I have 5 kids, I got the blood test with the last 3, my 4th said it was a boy and she turned out to be a girl! They said there was probably a vanishing twin in there that’s why the male hormone was picked up! All the other tests came up right

Had a blood test done with this second pregnancy and it was accurate at 10 weeks but I’d already had a feeling it was a boy based on his heart rate and my cravings were nearly identical to my first (also a boy); salty anything, milk and black olives. (NOT together, just to clarify :joy::sob:). I didn’t eat olives prior to pregnancy, and don’t eat them once it’s over :joy::joy:

I was told I was having a boy when a baby was born it was a girl there’s always room for error

Yes my was my little girl is a month old now

It depends on the brand.

Heart rate has absolutely nothing to do with the gender.

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I have had 3 blood tests done at 12 weeks. The test I took checked gender and genetic abnormalities. All 3 were accurate.

I got it at 10 weeks and it was 100% accurate. You’ll have even more confirmation at your anatomy exam between 18-20 to validate.