Is breast pain normal after stopping breastfeeding?

Did anyone else get pain in their breasts after they quit breastfeeding? I don’t mean right after. I mean a couple months later? I stopped breastfeeding first week of December. But I noticed that my boobs hurt a lot. Not randomly, but if my daughter uses it to like hold herself up, it hurts a lot. It never did before. If i grab them a little too much or by accident, it hurts. Is this normal? I breastfed for 14 months


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I breastfed my last baby for 2 whole years. He is 5 now. I still have weird phantom pains that feel exactly like letdown, which was very painful for me for several months. I don’t mind because it reminds me of a time that was extraordinary beyond words that I will never experience again. :heart:

I breastfed for a year. She is 3. I still leak and still have sensitivity. I wish I could offer you more hope.

Okay, didn’t breastfeed. Plus, 26 years later…
If it’s sharp, shooting pain that feels like it’s running through the ducts, and made worse by pressure (bump, push, leaning on) be checked for mastitis (duct blockage).

Yes. Bad tickles( thats the only way I can explain it☺) and numbness…

I think it’s hormones/periods returning, normal breast discomfort with hormonal cycling/changes. Important to get mammograms to rule out any problems. Having dense, fibrous breast tissue can cause discomfort, too. Hereditary