Is cramping normal while pregnant?

I’m 32 weeks pregnant tomorrow and having some dull period like pain in my pelvic region, just as you would if you were on your period. You know that sore achey feeling? My belly also feels kinda tight. Is this braxton hicks? What do braxton hicks feel like? And when should I get checked out if I am too worried??


If ur worried, go check but the tightness sounds like Braxton hicks and the achy feeling could be ur pelvis shifting getting ready for the baby…

My last month of my last pregnancy was miserable. I hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep at night. There’s a ligament in your tummy that is stretching and preparing for baby. I would say it’s that, but that can be terrible and uncomfortable and uggghhhh :grimacing:

Most likely Braxton Hicks but call your doctor and get an appointment. Had that pain with this pregnancy really bad only to find out I was dilating too. Was 3 cm dilated at 33 weeks. Make sure they’re not time-able but for sure call your doc. I always called mine whenever I felt something new.

Braxton hicks are just really inconsistent cramps. They feel like labor but they are not

Contractions are higher up than braxton hicks. I’ve had the pelvic pain the entire pregnancy. It’s the ligaments and fibroids in my uterus. As he gets bigger he is weighing on those ligaments and constantly hitting my fibroids which is the most pain I have. You dont have too much longer! Thats what my husbands pep talk is every day to me. This has been my roughest pregnancy. Ive been miserable from day 1. Im 34 weeks today.

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Whenever you want to if you are worried what’s wrong with you, you can think for yourself can’t you.

Sorry I wasn’t trying to be mean just sometimes you just have to think for yourself

I’m also 32wks.and have the same issues. It’s just your body getting ready for baby. Go anytime you feel worried. With my first, towards the end of my pregnancy I was constantly worried, and ended up at the hospital pretty much every week. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, & the Drs and nurses are completely understanding. If you think there’s a reason to worry, get checked out. But I would say baby is just getting ready, and your body is preparing itself. Also Braxton Hicks feels like mild period cramps. They are preparing your body for the real thing

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Ligament pain. I had the same thing going on. Its just your belly stretching.

Stay hydrated, I had lots of cramps around that time, 32 weeks, and was becoming dehydrated which doctor said was causing mild cramps.

Yes, ma’am. You are entering the month of pregnancy that lasts 1267 days. :+1:t2: It’s miserable. Stay super hydrated.

Most likely your body preparing for labour. If your ever worried about anything get intouch with your doctor/Midwife for peace of mind.

Better to go get checked. I thought I was having these “Braxton hicks” and I was actually 3 cm dialated. Better to safe than be sorry.

Practice contractions maybe. I had the same a few weeks before having my son

Sounds familiar! Like the other ladies said, stay hydrated! It’s not labor until you are unable to speak or sleep through the pain. Just a rule of thumb.


Sounds like Braxton hicks drink fluids, the Dr told me that I’m not getting enough fluids. Then try to relax if they continue call Dr.

If there every 5 min apart then call th dr or best yet go in

When it gets that bad as tasha says I’d be in the hospital alreay but of course i live in los lunas

Thats what labor felt like for me period pain that went all the way into my back. Get checked