Is giving birth bad?

They over estimate most of the time

I was terrified about giving birth … labour came , that was the easy bit .
It’s peeing that hurts more ! X

I was 110 lbs before birth, had a nearly 9 lb baby, but I had an epidural which made me feel fine, though I thought with how big I was it was going to be a C-section for sure!

Second baby, nearly as big, no time for drugs, but the nurses helped with breathing & it helped. She was out in an hour so it went fast!

I was sore after the drugs wore off with my first (like Bed those pads that you crack & they get cold), but labor & delivery weren’t bad, though it was hard to push correctly with the drugs numbing things. My then-hubs looked concerned when baby came out looking like a conehead, but that fixes itself. :smile:

Don’t stress! It might be easier for you if you have wider hips. Your medical team should be able to keep you comfortable & you will soon have an adorable little person to love forever!

To be honest yes… I had both my daughter’s completely naturally on pitocin… My last daughter hurt more than my first and i ripped bad. But in all truth as soon as it was over the pain was gone. But when that time comes this amazing beast comes out of you… You become Wonder Woman and truly you don’t know how you did it but you do… And its ok if you need the pain meds…

The contractions are what hurt for me. Those were excruciating. I also had back labor though which is worse than anything! And I didn’t have any pain meds. Pushing was a relief from the contractions didn’t hurt was just pressure

If youre open to it, epidural. It has a really weird poppin sensation in your back but you cant feel the actual PAIN if you get a good person to do it. After that, when youre ready to give birth. You will feel a strange pressure in your pee hole from the catheter and the baby coming out, so then you let the nurse know amd PUSHHHHH haha. I highly recommend it. With my first, my epidural didnt work (i didnt know the signs because i was only 17) and the birth hurt really bad, and the after care was a little painful because where i was in so much pain my body was holding her in lol. But my son is 2 and a half and it was smooth sailing. The after card was very easy because my body was relaxed enough to let the process happen correctly. Hope this helps!!

If it was that bad, knowbody would have another baby, it hurts but As soon as you see that baby everything goes away


Its a few hours of pain for a beautiful baby you will love for ever well worth the bit of pain

Yeah it’s painful but after having your baby you don’t really feel anything! Until you have to get up! But it’s worth it. Don’t stress about it. My son was almost 9 pounds

3 days before I gave birth they told me my son was almost 10 pounds, and 23 inches. He was 7lb3oz and 20 inches. You never really know till they are born

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Well…contractions are the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life! I was supposed to have my son naturally but he got the umbilical cord around his neck so I had to have a c-section. I did have an epidural so this did help a lot.

It’s no picnic in the park I’ll tell u that right now lol

Ultrasounds can be off by a pound or two. Your body will almost never make a baby you can not deliver on your own!!

The baby being in the 97th percentile means that out of 100 babies, 97 of them are the same size at that age.

My oldest daughter had a huge head and my water broke with her at 34-35ish weeks and she weighed 7lbs 7.5ozs and had 7 or 8 stitches. They induced me so maybe 7 or 8 hours of labor and then almost 3 hours of pushing because her head was so big. A c section probably would have been the better route but I was losing blood and my BP was dropping fast from them overdosing me. I literally almost died. I would have if it wouldn’t have been for two rounds of eppy saving me. Word of advice on pain meds, say no to Demerol because if they give it to you and the epidural is put in within 10-15 minutes the fentanyl from the epidural will cause an overdose. Just make sure you have a good nurse and not a lazy one like I had.

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Yes it’s bad and hurts like hell, but you can do this. :muscle:

It depends each ones experience is different may God help you with safety and blessings

I was 120 pounds with both kids gained 40 pounds each . My daughter was 8lbs 3oz full term
My son was born at 33 weeks and they said he would be maybe 3 pounds. When he was born he was 6 pounds 7 oz 19.5 inches long. Didnt RIP with nether . Honestly labour is the worst but you feel so much better and forget all the pain when they are here . Mine where all natural births to

Tooth pain is worse than labor. Lol


I was told by a doctor that my child was going to be over 9 pounds and about 21 inches long. He came out at 7 pd 13 oz and 20.5. I was going all natural with him, and then 12 hours in we ended up having a c section. Just remember that the ultrasounds aren’t 100% accurate. Plus your baby could slow down growing too. Just don’t panic :blush: You both will be just fine!

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My son was 7lbs 2oz .

Hell yeah it hurts you’re pushing a watermelon out of a hole. But that’s what pain meds are for. USE THEM.

Also, our bodies we’re made for this. You got this seriously, you were made for this. The pain is only temporary. As soon as your child is born you’ll forget about it. And honestly, you do forget the pain that’s why we go back a 2nd 3rd and so on. We were made for this. You got this! Ultrasounds are also off there’s no way to really tell how much your child weighs until he or she is here.

Contractions are a bitch but honestly raising the child afterward is the hard part.

Every pregnancy and delivery are different.

No it’s really not that bad it’s amazing

My first I had the needle they had to break my water and she was 8lb 6.2oz and I had 6 stitches, my second was 8lb 3oz 4 stitches and then my third 7lb no stitches my second and third I just had gas my third I asked for the needle by as soon as it was in his was coming out and he wasn’t going to stop so no needle just gas so it. Depends with my second mommy water broke it’s own and my third I had my water broken and had to have meds to be induced, it is bad and it hurts a lot! But it’s one of the most amazing blessing and experiences that you can ever go through honestly first time I was petrified but it wasn’t as bad as what I thought it was I was 18 when I gave birth to my first and I was 23 with my second and 26 with my third :slightly_smiling_face: you got this :slightly_smiling_face: and congratulations

Not gunna lie it was the worst agony I’ve ever experienced! I’d take anything over child birth anyday. But once it’s over you forget it all. Good luck you can do it x

I was told baby would be 5lb if lucky… she was 12 percent for head…and 6.4 lbs… so they were wrong.

You will be fine. In the old days some women didnt even go to hospitals. You can do this! Yes it hurts but the pain ends when the baby comes out

Those estimates are guesses. My doctor never did tell me how big he thought my son would be and I think it did me some good