Is it bad that I feel relieved that my husband left me?

No it’s not bad. You just got the chance at a fresh new start. Just don’t let him come back. Work on stabilizing yourself now .


Relief is a genuine emotion. Enjoy it.

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Relief equals free!! Take it!

Sounds like the trash took itself out

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Hugs. Hold your little tight and you’ll figure everything out :heart:

U deserve to be happy! Always remember that :blush:

Nope it sure is not bad at all

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it bad that I feel relieved that my husband left me? - Mamas Uncut

No, just be glad he’s gone I felt just the same when my first husband left . I then met a lovely man and we we’re happily for 29yrs until he died. Just look after yourself now and good luck .:heart_eyes:


It sounds like you’ve been given the opportunity to move on with your life and be truly happy with your child. I’d look at this as a fresh start and take full advantage of it. Congratulations honestly — I wish you a life full of smiles and happiness. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


No…. Sounds like you knew it was over for a while and stayed to be loyal… but not happy! Xx


Chin up girl it’s his loss xx

You will come through this, I can understand and empathise having been in your position many years ago and no it’s not bad that you feel relief, as for the affair thing trust your gut instinct and intuition, you have them for a reason, you are stronger than you know

Good for you. Good riddance to bad rubbish

Women are like teabags. They don’t realise how strong they are till they find themselves in hot water. You and your little one are going to be just fine.

Prob cause u,ve gotten to the stage where u,ve taken as much as u going to take if this isn’t first time keeps walking out be strong sometimes it’s for best even if maybe doesn’t feel it right now


No maybe it’s a good thing if you don’t feel bad then that means that might have been the right thing to do in the first place change the locks see your lawyer and get on with your life

Be glad he’s gone and change the locks, of he walks away everytime but comes back this time he can’t cause you take control of whether he comes back or not

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I’m so sorry for everything that is happening to you and your child right now. It’s definitely not bad that you feel relief from him not being around.
If you feel relief that’s your body telling you that he makes you uncomfortable. It sounds like itd be worse for you to force yourselves to get along


Not bad at all I walked after an 11.5 yr marriage with a smile cuz I was relieved to be away from him

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Growing apart is something that just happens. Some men can not fully grow up and face there responsibility’s when you have children most women it happens to naturally. Do not stay together for the children and do not accept excuses. You are strong get on with your life you can do it on your own. Do not fight about it it is just a waste of energy.

It wasn’t meant to be and that’s okay.

Good riddance to him! He obviously didn’t have the balls to face up to the problems between you. Immature and cowardly. Communication is key lol.

May not seem like it now but it might just be one of the best things to happen to you…I know the jack I was married to before leaving def was for me!

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Maybe time to move on.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

No not at all
Happened to me and I’m 1000 % better off
So much so I sent the person who he cheated with a Thankyou card :joy:


Someone once told me you have to get rid of Mr. Wrong before you can meet Mr. Right :+1:


It sounds bad!! But I’m still waiting for mine to go!!!


Okay I know that last post seems cold but been there done that if you don’t feel bad about something then what’s the point of being in a relationship if you don’t feel bad if he leaves if if you can live without him then go ahead and leave without him been there done that it’s not easy but if you have friends I mean real friends they could probably help you out here and there go for it

Go sleep with 5 or 6 guys you’ll feel better.

Peace is what she feels

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Move on, you’ll be better off. I don’t think you want your daughter growing up thinking this is a normal relationship.


I would be relieved…you don’t need a man like that. Yes couples argue but they usually work out their problems like an adult you apologize and move on with life…focus on you and your kid you will be happier in the long run good luck and best wishes

It’s better to be freed from a toxic relationship than to live in it


be happy that you didnt waste more time with him

Relief means its good. Pick yourself up and be the best you love.

U pack all his shit !! Thats what u do 1st! U be that strong mama you are for your 4year old! Hold ur baby a lil tighter tonight :black_heart: you do what you have to do !!! In nicer words f#%$ him! …tell him keep it moving :wave::wave: stay strong …

Sounds to me that you’re better off without him.

No its not bad, don’t take him back next time, what he’s doing is emotional and mental abuse. Goodluck

Change your locks so he doesn’t come back :grin:


And don’t believe him if he says he’ll change. He wont! Well maybe for 5 mins!

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If it’s a pattern I would let him go! It be he is cheating and that’s his excuse to get away. You are worthy of respect. Be strong and don’t put up with a no win relationship. You will never be happy if this continues. Think of you child. They are suffering too. It is hard but you can do it! Be happy