My son turns 2 tomorrow and is non-verbal. He is being assessed for possible autism.He had never used a bottle really, he was breastfed into a year but he can have picky eating days where he doesn’t eat much at all and so we have always given him a bottle of toddler formula at bed time. We sit in the rocking chair with the white noise going and the projector and the lights off and just drink the bottle then I put him in his crib and he goes to sleep. He’s done this since he was 6 mucus old except it used to be a boob. He sleeps amazing through the night and his afternoon naps are like 2 or 3 hours. At Nap time we have the same routine and he goes down easy. However, at day care he does not use a bottle at all ever and still sleeps close to 2 hours. At home we want to take the bottle away but it is JUST THE SWEETEST THING to cuddle with him in his room and just enjoy that moment and he just loves his bottle. If he seesI’m making it, he immediately gets so excited and starts pulling me to his room for bed time routine. I know bottles are bad BUT he doesn’t have it in the crib with him and he always drinks from a regular sippy cup or plain cup and not a bottle AND he has never used a soother so I’m not concerned about his teeth at all. So what I’m saying is like A. How terrible is it that he still does this and B. If I should be changing this, like how? Just switch the bottle for his sippy cup with formula in it and still do the routine? Cause we did try that once before and he was not happy about it.Part of me is like sad to see this cuddle time go but also part of me thinks I’m holding him back or something by treating him like a baby lol the other part is the possible ASD which means he is very attached to his routines and he doesn’t talk. I mean no talking or communication so I can’t just explain to him that it needs to go. He does not understand most of what I say so that doesn’t work.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it bad that my toddler goes to bed with a bottle? - Mamas Uncut
From one autism mama to another you do whatever you feel is best for your child. I do want to add though as a mama to 2 with autism (13yrs and 9yrs) please don’t underestimate his understanding based on his language skills. They understand a whole lot more than people think, it took me a few years to realize this.
I think everything is fine except for that bottle of formula. He needs to brush his teeth afterwards to avoid bottle rot. Perhaps give him the bottle and then brush his teeth? Or have a bottle of water instead of formula?
Everything else: the white noise, rocking, etc is perfectly fine because that’s what works for you and your child. Changing it up could be a disaster.
You said that your child isn’t going into the crib with the bottle.
Theyre fine.
Just be sure to brush their teeth well morning and night.
It’s not really good for the milk to sit on his teeth overnight. It can cause tooth decay. That’s one of the main reasons they say you shouldn’t give them a bottle at bedtime. I’d just be cautious, make sure your brushing his teeth twice a day.
Can you switch the bottle to water? Toddlers have teeth and the sugars and acids in formula will rot a kid’s teeth. I know people say baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, but the reality is neglecting baby teeth will lead to problems with adult teeth later on.
Taking care of your son is about doing the things that help him feel comfortable and safe and you’re doing just that. I don’t see anything wrong with his routine.
If it’s anything other than water please change to water.
Speaking as a mom who allowed the bottle out of sleep deprivation and then my child at 3 needed oral surgery due to the amount of cavities she got. We brushed her teeth at night but then the sugar in the milk from the bottle ate at her teeth overnight. I had never even considered the sugar from milk being an issue. She is my 3rd and I still have mom guilt over it.
So keep the bottle but just use water instead
I am judged all the time because my daughter is autistic and only drinks milk from a bottle at bedtime and we brush her teeth after her bottle and she’s fine our doctor said no one ever graduated with a binky or a bottle in their mouth she’s fine let her have it and so shes 4 and that’s just how it is the way i see it is do what’s best for your family and so what if people judge at the end of the day he’s your child and you make the decisions❤️hugs momma
He’s a non verbal 2 year old. If you dont want him on the bottle just stop giving it to him! Instead hand him a zippy cup with milk in it.
I traded cuddle time with a bottle for cuddle time with books. My son gets so excited to cuddle with me at bedtime while I read to him. It’s my favorite part of the day.
If you’re not brushing the baby’s teeth after the bottle it isn’t good. Both bottles and sippy cups that have spouts that go into the mouth are bad for their teeth. If you want to switch to a regular cup of water after teeth brushing before bed that would be better for the health of his teeth and gums. He can do toddler formula if the Dr is still recommending it due to poor weight gain but otherwise toddlers at 2 should be off formula and completely on regular food cut appropriately as needed. It is normal for toddlers to have days where they eat a lot and other days where it feels like they barely eat half of what you give them.
Using a bottle at his age can seriously mess up his teeth even if he didn’t use a binky. It sounds to me like he only does it at home because he knows mom is going to give in.
The milk in the cup is the problem. Whether it a sippy or a bottle. He’s old enough now that he needs his teeth brushed at bed time and no milk. Unfortunately you may need to just adjust the routine a bit.
Obvi all kids are different but I had a 2 year old in my daycare class a few years ago who was nonverbal & attached to her routines as well. She could understand what we were saying to her though. I would tell him the bottles have to go but that you would still love to cuddle/rock him. It will take time of course but you will have to make new routines every few years. Going to daycare will help him w this transition.
Its not helpful for him. Can mess up his teeth badly
I am a daycare provider & I start switching kids to a sippy cup with a soft nipple at about 10mo & a regular cup at 2yrs. I would find a sippy cup with a soft nipple (same brand as your bottle) & start transitioning at naptime & work towards bedtime. You can give milk (or better yet water) in that just as you would a bottle. I think it’s probably more of a bonding routine for you now that your not breastfeeding anymore.
Start adding more water less formula gradually so that he don’t really notice the difference .it might take several weeks but he soon will be drinking water instead of formula and that will be much better for his teeth …if you are are worried about nutrition ask his doctor about vitamins
My son was non verbal, he went to multiple therapies and we learned ASL. He too liked the security and routine, he went to pre-k 3 where he received a lot of 1 on 1 education and therapy, but he had to be potty trained ASAP (he was 75% when we started) and he didn’t get any type of bottle or sippy at school. I also enjoyed the snuggle time, we just slowly transitioned away from bedtime formula or milk, and went to a big boy routine with shower, teeth brushing, bedtime stories and singing songs and some lullabies still. It’s whatever works best for you and your child!!
Super unpopular opinion it seems like…do what you think is best and most comforting to you and him both!! My youngest is going to be 4 next month and I still rock him every night before bed. He took a bottle until after 2, all five of mine did, and had his pacifier until almost 3. All of my kids have great dental health and have had zero issues with their teeth! They will only be little for a short time…wish everyone would stop making littles grow up so fast!!
When my son turned 1 peds wanted him off a bottle and paci. Even though they were comforting to him, it’s important to start using sippys because it messes with their teeth. Start by introducing a sippy every so often instead during night routine and eventually he will see it’s comforting as well. Transitioning is always hard for them and us too. Good luck mom!
You could always try giving him water and do the same routine as far as protecting his teeth goes. Other than the teeth issue, I don’t see a problem with it. My three year old still has a sippy cup when she goes to bed and she’s fine. It’s just a comfort thing.
The main concern here, is his dental health. As long as his teeth are brushed after his bottle, it’s fine. Maybe try water in the bottle instead. I’m willing to bet he understands more than you think he does. Just because he’s nonverbal, doesn’t mean he can’t understand you, it just means he isn’t able to express his understanding with words.
Yes, it does more harm than good. Starting off with ear infection. My niece almost lost hearing in one ear due to constant ear infections. Please take a look at the physiology between ear, mouth and nose in babies because its different from adult.
It’s not so much the bottle that’s bad but at that age, you need to be brushing his teeth before bed, he shouldn’t be sleeping with milk being the last thing he’s drank.
Have his pediatrician refer you guys to a speech therapist (this will get the ball rolling) and get him a neuropsych evaluation. This will give you a diagnosis. Get him in speech, OT, PT, ABA asap. Through your state there is early intervention through the public school system. Take the bottle away. Make sure you’re brushing his teeth 2xs a day. Sensory play with foods and textures. Have a normal meal time routine encourage him to join everyone at the table to eat together.
My boys had bottles only when in bed tul they gave them up
Get a good sippie cup with water for nap time prep at home and just tell big boy or good boy
His teeth will rot big time fom the nighttime bottle. Milk bacteria left every night on teeth cause rotten baby teeth.
Please stop with the bottle! So bad for his teeth. He is 2! There is a sippy cup with a nipple. Maybe start with that and find other ways to soothe him into bed. Read a book to him instead of the bottle and of course give him bedtime snuggles!
Mind did. No issues.
Keep the bottle… nurturing him out weighs everything!
It sounds like you are aware that your child may have autism. Often times this means the child is a bit “behind” or delayed in some areas in comparison to typically developing children. My recommendation would be to follow your instinct. Oral soothing is EXTREMELY common for years and years. If it is comforting I wouldn’t concern myself too much. Again, go with your gut. And don’t compare to other children his age. He is on his own timeline, it’s different, and that’s ok
Yes bottle rot on teeth is no joke …
He’s nonverbal, a picky eater (sensory issues) you know your child better then any random strangers on the internet. Do what you feel is right and what your child doctor says.
I would keep the routine. Theres nothing wrong. You don’t want to change a routine with asd kids. Talk to his doctor and see what they say
It’s not that big a deal. If he were still bf he would still just drink snuggle and go into his crib. I see the problem with the children that spend hours slowly sucking on the bottle for long periods of time. I do recommend brushing baby’s teeth twice a day and no pacifier. I understand giving the toddler formula and agree with why you feel more comfortable.
I would see what’s better the formula or cows milk.
Put it in a soft top sippy cup. You can still cuddle with him and not do as much damage of him sucking a bottle at this age.
But if you must do a bottle at night, it doesn’t matter where he is drinking it, just give him toddler milk during the day and cool water at night. He doesn’t need it for any other sleeping but with you. It’s not a need or a soothing thing…. He likes routine. Make slow changes to transition to no bottle. A soft silicone sippy cup might be a nice transition for bedtime if he gets sippy cups during the day. I bet he won’t really miss it if you add a story book, sippy, cuddles and momma.
It just feels it’s for YOUR comfort and keeping him a baby at this point.
I’ll give you a case in point. We had wondered if my nephew was on the spectrum. He grunted and pointed and didn’t speak more than one or two words. I watched my sister in law with him (she is an AMAZING mom, so caring and loving and devoted) and he would grunt and she knew what he wanted. She taught him that behavior. Once she realized that she needed him to engage and ask for things and prompt him to speak and do engaging activities that taught language and coloring and writing she jumped on it! He is in kindergarten now and speaking like a champ and so so soooo smart !! Genius level actually! I told her he is smart enough to train them he is a smart cookie… stop answering for him and let him ask for things. He just has nothing TO say to you all some are late bloomers and sometimes we assume that any delays are a super cause for concern and our first thoughts are autism. Give him time little momma!! And don’t use the bottle for your own comfort and let that boy grow up and blossom!! he knows a routine so changing to the sippy won’t be hard, he uses it other times
No…its not bad youre still doing this. Its a comfort to him and you both enjoy the cuddle time.
On saying that maybe introduce a quick teeth brushing after hes finished.
I wouldnt be concerned about damaging the shape of his teeth. My dentist wasn’t and both my kids have perfect teeth despite holding onto bottles and pacifiers for years
There is a large selection of transition cups available these days with soft supply cup shaped teats you might try and see if he’ll accept that. I wouldnt stress him out though.
If he won’t take a sippy cup, how about you let him pick an older style bottle so it don’t have teat buy a straw, he’ll still have his milk in a bottle type style, and he isn’t still drinking from a teat?
I don’t know if it will work, but might be worth a shot?
Some of y’all do not understand Autism and it shows.
Your child, do as you think is right for your child. If someone objects - too bad.
My 2 toddlers are autistic and developmentally delayed, both nonverbal as well. They’re 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 and still rely on a bottle of oatmilk. We can try our best to ween them, but they’re not neurotypical so we must give them and ourselves some grace. My DMs are open if you need to vent anytime.
Dentistry wise no it’s not good
Good luck with it all
My child’s dentist and pediatrician recommended water at night
Not good for the teeth. The milk sits around the teeth all night and will rot/weaken the teeth. Maybe try water?
My nearly 2 year old still has bottles of milk… it’s not bad one bit, my eldest had bottles till 2 and a half and had a drink of milk before bed every night till she was 4 it helped her settle
That is your baby boy if he wants a bottle every now and then I don’t see why he shouldn’t have I’ma and you could try the De Browns bottles with the flatter nipple and side handles it replicates a sippy cup beginner sippy if you will maybe that would ease what you’re feeling about it and don’t forget every single little person is different so no guilt mama you got this…
My son is ASD. When it came to bottles, pacifiers, and other big changes we’ve noticed it’s best to pick a day, throw them all away, and only give our son what we “want” him to have/do. Also this is the best time to start introducing sign language. My son is nonverbal but can do simple signs like play, more, and sometimes a few others.
If he is drinking from a cup instead of a bottle at other times then definitely need to get rid of it! You can still let him drink the toddler formula (my nephew does pediasure) just use a cup or cup with straw then brush teeth.
Our son is 3, and we just cut him off the bottle. He’s very verbal, he just isn’t into eating. If you want to stop, don’t say a word, just don’t offer it. See how he reacts.
My youngest went through withdrawal for my medically assisted treatment and one of her strongest side effects/symptoms was the excessive sucking. She took a bottle until well after 2yo but we were adamant about oral care and she has absolutely perfect teeth. One dr insisted she come off and the other said to do what feels right to us and she will let us know when she’s ready. She did and nothing bad happened. I personally think every story is different and no one can really say what’s going to work for you all better than you. He already has some obstacles ahead of him it sounds, don’t start doubting yourself now bc there will be much bigger battles than this one.
I worked at a dental clinic when I was younger. If possible just put water in the bottle… juice and milk can sit on teeth and result in some pretty severe decay. It can be very traumatic for kids to go under sedation at the hospital for crowns to fix this so the bottle is not so bad, it’s more about what’s inside.
My son is 2. Non verbal and takes sippy.cup.with water to.bed nightly
I didn’t talk till after I was two and the first thing I said was S- - T! My mom was to scared to wash my mouth out, afraid I wouldn’t talk again but I did!
It’s really bad for their teeth to “go to bed” with a bottle. Mainly bc the liwuid stays on their teeth. Having one before isn’t an issue if you clean their teeth.
Pediatric dentists say to stop bottles or binkeys by age 1 bc it can mess with incoming teeth.
Have him examined, if possible, amd if you get the go ahead, go for it.
Being non verbal, he can’t tell you if his mouth hurts. My cousin had her young boy checked 2x a year.
Is it normal to still give a child formula at two years old?
I babysit a 2 n 3yo both on formula and soothers in cot and bed the milk leaks all over the pillow case and sheets children’s clothes as well Just ditch it he will get used to it remind him at day care he doesn’t need bottle or at home because his a big boy all grown up.
Bottles are for babies your not a baby your a big boy now
Do whatever works for u! 4 kids had bottles of milk for bed teeth r all beautiful. Just brush and they r fine! Dont listen to anynody else about there opinions.
Whew y’all!!! You can tell who on this thread does not have a child with severe autism, yikes! Please ask parents to autistics only so all these neurotypical moms and dads can keep their “if it were my kid” irrelevant ass opinions to themselves and spare yourself the heartache of reading their judgmental comments!
I breast feed mine till she was almost 4. I mean it’s my child. It’s your child spoil the heck out of them. I did! My daughter didn’t speak till she was 3. My kids are all college graduates. They are very independent.
No it’s not hun you do what right for you and your son.!!! Our opinion doesn’t matter because your doing fantastic xx
Hes only 2…cuddle away. If hes non verbal he may need that extra.
Have you started sign language? Easy words drink, more, eat,
Keeping him on a bottle like that will screw up his front teeth… and that won’t be cute.
It’s bad for his teeth and the shape of his mouth.
I would try to switch him to water instead. Milk is not good to sit on his teeth at night.
That is a special time for you and your Baby,He is still a Baby enjoy your special time it will be long gone before long. A Bottle at night I will not do damage to his Teeth.
Yes. Only put water in the bottle or he a mouth full of cavities! He can have a mouth full of rotten teeth 1
I have a daughter on the high functioning end of the spectrum. She had her bottle until she was 3 almost 4. It doesn’t hurt anything to let them have it at bed. It causes them MAJOR stress when you try to phase things out quickly. You need to coordinate with your neurologist, pediatrician and therapist… if you have one. Then you can all try to make a plan that works for your kiddo.
Switch to an orthodontic age appropriate zippy the bottle can further delay speech and and chewing of different textures. Beyond that you’re good. See an OT for mouth and jaw function.
My girl is 3 and has to have a bottle to go to bed. Who cares what others think as long as you and your bub are happy
I usually only give my LO a bottle of water at bedtime, a sippy cup when she was smaller. See if maybe you can slowly start replacing his milk with water
You can explain to him, that’s how he will learn to talk.
My son wasn’t talking at the age of 2 and I asked the pediatrician for a hearing test. His pediatrician also got him in speech, developmental, and occupational therapy. They helped a lot. He also ended up needed tubes put in.
I do have a 14 year old daughter with autism also.
Mine had the toddler formula as well. We recently started giving him whole milk. Start with 6 oz of milk and 2 oz of water…if he takes it, just slowly take away the milk and replace it with more water. Mines 2, not autistic, and still takes a bottle before bed. You’re doing just fine❤️
Try not to let him sleep with it. The liquid can cause rot in his baby teeth. Anything else is just being a good mama
My son isn’t autistic or doesn’t have any other condition but he still has a bottle of milk for bed he drinks from cups etc thro the day but does use the bottle for comfort and before anyone gives there options i have tried everything going at bedtime but nothing else works apart from a bottle and without it he won’t sleep. It works for him and it works for me this mummy is a mummy of 7 and i need my sleep lol x
To be honest, it is bad for a toddler to go to bed with a bottle. I really do understand your dilemma. Some doctors say that kids can have binkies and bottles up to the age of 3. HOWEVER both doctors and dentists say that a child shouldn’t fall asleep with a bottle because it can rot their teeth. Now if it’s water, that’s fine. But milk and juice can rot his teeth and that can be painful. I would have a conversation with his pediatrician to see what they have to say. Good luck.
Sounds like mom is addicted to the bottle and night time snuggles…just take him to bed with no bottle, if he does it at daycare, he can do it at home…p.s. that doesn’t usually happen until your a grandma…
Do you brush his teeth after the milk at bedtime?
As far as the milk staying on his teeth afterwards as he falls asleep with it, our dentist recommended just wiping my sons teeth clean with a rag once he fell asleep because this was our routine.
His teeth will rot you need to brush them after it. Id take it away you can cuddle without it.
All 4 of my kids either had the bottle sippy or pacy for way longer then suggested they each had there own reason they had it longer…they are all perfect and have great teeth even when they were little little (they are mostly teens now) they had good teeth also…they got rid of which ever it was when they were ready I was good with that and so were they no traumatic fights about throwing things away no silly trash the bottle parts or any of that other weird stuff they just sorta stopped using them when they felt cool to do so…f everyone else let ur kid be ur kid hes perfect just they way he is even with a bottle!!!
If he is happy and you are happy then it’s no one else’s business at all. Just continue to be happy
If he goes to sleep immediately after the bottle the formula is on his teeth and can cause cavities! You need to stop this practice as soon and you can. Perhaps try reducing the quantity a bit each day until he’s down to an ounce. He may then give it up.I think that bedtime cuddle is more important than the bottle!
Terrible for his mouth and teeth! Get rid of the bottles he’s to old for one.
My son went to bed with a bottle until he was 2. After his 2nd birthday I cut it off and he was fine transitioning!
The baby teeth will fall out
Just upgrade to a sippy cup with the soft top for now.
Your doing fine. I just seen a video of a mom complaining that her kids won’t go to bed. Doesn’t even want to do a bedtime routine and started giving her baby melatonin at 6 months. She’s confessed to giving all her kids 1oo MG of melatonin a night. It’s freaking sad
Just do what YOU feel is right for YOUR BABY!! God Bless you and yours
Yes it will give him cavities
Both my kids had a bottle until almost 3. My daughter got the toddler formula because she barely ate. My son just loved his bottle and still at almost 5 he has a small bit of milk for bed in a cup. You have to do whatever is best for you and your child.
Why do you want to take it away if it comforts him. He will give it up himself in his own time when he is ready.
You’re doing great momma!
I am 76. My mother let me take a bottle until I was starting first grade because I wouldn’t drink milk from a cup, and she figured I needed the milk. I didn’t do that with my own children, and they gave it up between one and two. I think if he needs the nutrition and he gets comfort, don’t worry about it. Sounds like you’ve got a good routine going! One day he’ll be too big for your lap, treasure this time.
Brush teeth after the bottle or give him water right after, my daughter uses a sippy at night we started only giving her water after her teeth were damaged from the sugars of milk. She is also autistic she didn’t start talking until early on learning( once your little is evaluated see if there’s and autistic learning centers that have speech therapists) helped us so much now she’s 3 going on 4 and makes 3 worded sentences within a year of being in school, she can also read 4 books now and is learning others. She was evaluated last year and we were told she has the mind of a ten year old at 3 years old.
You’re doing fine. Don’t let anyone tell you different. I have 1 son diagnosed with autism and I know what its Like. My oldest son also is on the spectrum but he hasn’t been diagnosed because we can’t get him to the dr. But you’re doing fine. Really it’s not that bad at all.