Is it better to have kids back to back?

As others have said, its best to look at your family & dynamics & do whats best for you.
With that said, i had my girls 16.5 months apart and they are the best of friends (at 2.5 years & 14 months). BUT i can tell you the first few weeks/months were sooooo hard. I often questioned what i had done, but once we got a good routine in place things got better & i absolutely love it now. They also have 2 older half brothers who were 30 & 31 when my 2.5 year old was born. So we had quite an age gap but the boys adore their baby sisters & my girls think they’re brothers are just the best.
It really is personal preference & what you are able to physically, mentally, financially handle.

Whats best is for you to decide. Look at all dynamics of multiple children at one time and so close together. There are pros and cons. Only you and your family can decide. Personally. More than one child is just absolutely terrifying. But thats just my opinion.

We havd 3 daughters all 5 years apart. Almost 11, 6, and 1. Sometimes I wish they were closer in age, but our decision stemmed from only having one in daycare at a time.

I had my first two 6 years apart. Now I’m pregnant with my third and final baby boy… 8 years after the last one. People always feel like they need to mention that my boys will not be close, but the first two are the best of friends! They do everything together and they are so sweet to one another.


I’ve got a 12 yo, 9, 7, and 1 year old…:joy: they all have their own dynamics with each other. But having 2 under 2 was a blur lol

All about preference…my twin girls and their little brother are 4 years apart.

Depends on your money and sanity

This is a quick way to ppd. Take Andrea Yates for example.

NO! I feel like children shld be able to have there time alone with mom n dad.

It’s best to give your body time to heal and also your mind.


It’s better to do it however the hell you want.


I wanted my children to grow close in age but unfortunately my daughter is going to be 5 & we are currently expecting our 2nd.

I think there are pros and cons to both. Honestly in my opinion its is all about what you are wanting. I had my children close together and they all grow up together. But I feel like I wish I had waited a few more years in between maybe my last two because “empty nest syndrome” is real.

Mine are 17 months apart they are 7and 8 now they are the best of friends one minute and fight like cats and dogs the next lol

My first 3 are each 5 years apart. Just how it worked out. I wanted them closer but you know… life. 14, 8 (about to be 9), then 3 (almost 4). Then my 4th is 1.5. I can honestly say having a toddler and a baby can be taxing, much more than a 5 year old with a baby. HOWEVER, the age gaps make it harder for them to play together when they are a bit older. I think if I could “redo” I’d lessen the age gaps honestly. My 8 year old isn’t old enough for my oldest to play with but doesn’t like playing with the toddler for example.

My kids are 7 years apart. If I had a choice I would have had them closer together. It was like I had 2 single kids. They are grown now and love one another but when they were younger they had nothing in common.

Mine are 2 and half years apart and now they are teenagers but I think was good timing because they are close to each other . Do they fight ? Yes , sometimes but most of the time they are good and happy for having each other . When they were little they didn’t fight because I told my oldest :”you are the older brother and you have responsibilities for your little brother “ ,and I told the other one ,you have to listen to your older brother . It work most of the time

Mine are 22 months apart and they fight nonstop.!!! From the time their feet hit the floor to the time they go to bed, its non stop all day every day

At times now that they are teenagers they are more independent. Now I’m just a referee when one of them are in their moods. They do stand up for each other though.

My kids are 13years apart one is 14yrs old the other is 16mths and both girls argue with each other lol but I wouldnt change it at all. But I wasn’t supposed to have children so they both are spolied rotten

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Mine were 17 months to the day apart. Much easier than spread out.

Our older two are about 3 years apart, and the younger two are almost five years apart. I like the 3 year difference better.

Mine was 10 years apart and all they did was fight something awful. Now that they so much older ( 21-11) they get along.

I wouldn’t recommend it…but i wouldn’t change it either.

Really, it depends on their personalities, so: total crapshoot.

For reference, mine are 11, 10, 7, 5, and 9 months.

When they were younger, i was constantly reconfiguring car seats be based on who was getting along (or not) with each other.

No perfect way, our kids are a year and 3 weeks apart, and just stopped arguing, they are 18,17.

To each is thier own, HOWEVER I wouldn’t recommend it. As a parent of 30yrs mine are grown and on thier own 3 yrs between my oldest and middle, and 9 yrs between my middle and youngest whom is 20. There’s several reasons why I CHOSE the distance between my kids. First was Financial, Diapers are expensive, formula has become astronomical and daycare is down ridiculous ! Now if you’re choosing to be a SAHM having kids back to back, you WILL become overwhelmed, bc one child isnt getting the chance to be the baby anymore bc there will be a Baby. So they are gonna be expected to be the Big Kid when they are still a baby themselves. Iev seen so many young mothers get so frustrated with their 18mth old when they aren’t taking to Potty training bc mom is Over all the Diapers. Then Mom gets upset that after Weeks on end of CONSTANTLY being home with a 2 yr old, 14 mth old and a NB that she NEEDS a Break that Nobody volunteers to take her THREE babies! I would seriously recommend having the oldest potty trained and Head start READY before having another baby.

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As a child with a sibling 10.5 months younger, I can say it’s better for the kids. I love my little brother more than anything and the memories we have growing up is wonderful. I also have 6 older sisters. We all grew up with a close in age sibling. We all loved it

Mine ar 2 yrs and 11 mo this apart and it was perfectly timed.

3 years at least so each can enjoy being the baby.

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Want to get diapers over at one time? What can u endure?

2-3 years between each one is better.

Mine are 18 months apart and are best friends

Mine are 23,19 and 11

My sister has a 16 month old and is due in August with her second/last. She’s freaking out!

Mine are 13,12,9 & I’m 10 weeks currently so we will see I dnt really have a choice in the matter :joy::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

I grew up with 3 younger sisters, I’m 24, then 22,21,16… I wouldnt trade our relationship for anything. Yes we fought, yes we probably drove my parents nuts BUT, I also remember always having a friend, I remember all of the amazing stuff we did. My husband and his brothers are all 5 years apart with little to no relationship at all. Now granted there are some stark differences obviously boys vs girls and we were raised slightly different but it played a factor in our kids. We are going on baby #3 making all three of our girls about 29 and 22 months apart. Our two littles right now are so amazing with each other. Yes they fight that’s normal, adults can’t even get along realistically, but I wouldn’t have wanted to space them out any more in my opinion because it works for us. Everyone is different, something that works for one family could be awful for another one. Mindset, family dynamic, and support can make or break any situation, and finding what works can be hard but I think no matter what a little love can make any family beautiful no matter the spacing :heart:

It depends on how young you are lol! My kids are 12 11 9 7 5 and 19 mo