What’s the dynamic of 3 vs 2? I think I’m pregnant and trying to prepare. I have 2, a 5 yo girl and a 2 yo boy.
The change from 2 kids to 3 was not very hard for me but my oldest two are now 12 and 8 and he is 3. The hardest change was 3 kids to 4 kids and I honestly think it’s because the last two are so close together I have a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old. Plus it meant a new car to be able to take everyone everywhere
I have a nine year old and 17 month old, and my youngest is 9 days old. I’ve found going from 2 to 3 to be easier in a way? It’s hard to explain how haha. I guess because by that point you know exactly what to expect and you just have more patience, more willing to go with the flow.
I’m currently dealing with this scenario except my son is 1.5 with my newborn on top of it and my daughter is 5 in June. It hasn’t been a horrible transition kids wise (clearly would be easier for you as 2 under 2 is the hectic part physically) but emotionally my oldest is still adjusting to another kid which can sometimes be complicated. Overall though I think I expected the transition from 2 to 3 kids to be way harder than it really is.
I have 4 kiddos. Personally I think going from 1 to 2 was the hardest
2 and up I found no different. I had 5 close gaps. Need routine