So long story short I have five kids ranging from 2-9 and recently I’ve been wanting another but I don’t know if I’m crazy or not. The oldest 2 are not biologically mine but we have the 50/50. Can I have some info on large families and if it’s any harder going past 5?
I have 6 kids ranging from 14yrs to 11 months old xx
I have 6 … ages 30 28 18 16 11 9 Lol
and yes I gave birth to all of them
Can you afford it with everything so expensive. Not being rude but things are hard out there.
It’s all harder with each and every child it’s just more hard
I’m 1 of 6. Oldest and only daughter. Love my siblings dearly…we are all very close, always have been. But we all agree it was utter insanity, chaos and my parents had no business raising a family they couldn’t keep up with mentally or emotionally.
What’s one more . I would have 12 if I didn’t keep almost dying after each birth
I have 6 kids ranging in age from 9months old to 10years old i also have my youngest step daughter regularly & I don’t find it difficult I mean we definitely have our hard days but all family’s do no matter the size none of our children go without anything.
Feel free to pm me if you’d like
After 5, what’s one more? As long as you have a vehicle that can accommodate 8 people you should be good to go.
no difference after 3. just kore heads to count and mouth to feed. routine is still the same. not much changes
Nah number 6 just slots on in there, I lived with a friend that had 6 ranging in ages from 16-baby
I have 2 and am pregnant with my 3rd snd feel like its gonna be even more chaos… i feel like when u have 5 children already one more is not going to be a big change , if you guys can afford it financially and have the space in your house go for it momma! Sending baby dust ur way
If you can afford them breed away!
As the 1st of 7.
1 and done will always sound great!
I get you but it’s only hard if you let it be just depends on you I have 5 the older 2 are with there dad most time and I have 3 with me full time my older 2 are 13 10 and my younger 3 with me are 7, 4,7 months I was done after my fourth but COVID hit so my surgery to get mt tubes tied was canceled so I got pregnant with my fifth and I had a high risk pregnancy can the complications I had would mean that if I got pregnant again would cause the same complications I had the same risk of having the same issues it was a very difficult pregnancy and had to be induced early because of it steroid shots multiple appointments multiple of ultrasounds for me it’s a different situation so I got my tubes removed after I guess it’s all up to you and what you think you can handle
I thought after three it was all the same
I’m the 5th out of 6. Yes. Lmao there’s no privacy for sht, it’s always loud, someone is always fighting, everyone gets on everyone’s nerves, and it’s expensive af, going anywhere was chaotic and took forever to pack stuff. Now, I’m saying this as someone whose parents were privileged, we each had our own rooms, and had a maid and a nanny because both my parents worked. I personally wouldn’t. I honestly had kids past my first that was not planned because they kept denying me tubal ligation (thank you very much texas!) and I’m fertile myrtle thats apparently immune to bc pills, plan b and iuds, and now had my 4th and last kid because of a failed vasectomy (yeah cause I’m that lucky ) and finally was allowed to have my tubes tied (moved from Texas).
I have 4 girls right now with twin girls on the way lol, some people may say that’s the hardest of all! Honestly it’s busy but they really keep each other occupied and they’re all soooooo different it’s amazing to see. If you love kids and the thought of having a “big family” I think everything always works out. Don’t fret
We have 7 ranging from 24-5…it’s loud crazy and always busy but we love it…
I don’t think it much matters after 3 - you are outnumbered ! Lol
I had 3 but kept my niece a lot and always had playmates over .
I have 3 and they range 16 to 3. If you’re going to do it don’t wait to long I feel more drained now trying to keep up with the 3 of them.
Its only as hard as you make it,have as many as you want
I’m about to have my 6th (and last). I can’t really comment as to how it is raising them all at the same time though. Mine are 25, 20, 17, 12, and 21 months. If you feel like you can handle it emotionally and financially I say go for it!
I have 7. Not to bad. 5,6,7 were easy additions
Reading these comments is crazy! I have 2 kids, almost 5 and 1.5. I’m considering not even having a 3rd because it’s hard! I want to be the best parent I can be and I feel maxed out at 2. props to you guys
We have 6. After 4 I didn’t really feel like it got any harder
I mean this with so much love and respect but someone very kindly explain what the big difference would b going from 5 to 6 I mean I’m a mom off 3 but in my mind if you already have 5 you have a big family so what’s one more much love to everyone
Um it’s harder going past one lol
It is hard for me but worth it 🩷
Its hard having just 1!! What you mean 6!?
We have 7… ages… 24, 19, 16, 11, 10, 4 and 3… it’s not that hard past juggling 2… once you get a routine, the hardest part for me was always finding that routine the first few weeks, but once you have it down it’s great. Don’t get me wrong, bad days are still there even with only 1 child. To me it’s all worth it! I’d have another if I knew I wouldn’t repeat the last pregnancy that one was rough and I decided then I was D.O.N.E
My 5 are slowly killing me.
I have 6. Its not easy but def can do it. My kids are silly so they make life fun. Very funny kids.
I have 6 and I have no problem I think it is fun having a large family and I work with children
We have 6 kids ranging in age from 10 to 20 years. The hardest part for us was going from one kid to 2 kids. Having 6 is a breeze!
I have 6. Range from 5 to 12 years old and taking care of them isn’t the hard part they kinda keep each other entertained its the buying what they need thatmakes it hard. It’s exspensive exspecially the older they get. For my 7 and 5th grader alone I spent $70 just on the school supplies they needed. I never pay full price for clothes I always get stuff on sale. Don’t even get me started on groceries lol.
Who even keeps count after five if that’s what you want, do it!! Good luck
I am a single mom of 8 kids. I work full time and go to school. It’s not easy at times but it’s totally worth it.
I don’t know how people can afford so many kids. We both have great jobs and we can barely afford 2 comfortably, not to mention the time it takes to go to all their sports and such. It’s a lot with 2. You all are super heroes
All fun and games till sports and teenage needs happen lol
Already have 5 just do it
You probably wouldn’t even notice a 6th, haha
6 kids here 11-1 not a big change at all. Busy, a little more on demand obviously because babies are super needy but just like having 5. I feel like once you hit 4 anything after is just an added person with different needs.
After 3 your just a bouncer lol I had 5 at one point I lost custody if my step son when my ex husband was arrested n when you added the extra kiddos aka adopted kids you get into a routine n learn to delegate my kids go from 5 to almost 19 I love my built in baby sitters n it’s nice to have the help while teaching compassion n responsibility
We have seven, six of our own, and our niece. They range from 18-5 months!
Six was no problem, but going to seven this year about did me in, partially because it almost physically did me in but also partially because I’m getting too old for this!
Join Large Families Tricks of the Trade, there are tons of other parents with families even larger than mine!
If you already have 5, 6 isn’t much different. I feel like once ppl surpass 3 they could manage a football team … The question is are you financially stable enough to have 6 kids.
You already have a large family
Im having baby #8 today!! Its not always easy but its not as hard as you’d think😂 its fun having all these different little characters at home and they are all super close. I love it and wouldn’t change it for anything… Ages are 17,15,14,13,11,9,2, and a newborn arriving today😊
My mum had 11 6 boys 5 girls . It was hard for her but we all grew up okay. I have 3 girls but I didn’t want any more because have time for them all is hard so I’d think long and hard befor having any more
So long story short you have three kids.
I have one.
But I am one of 9 but the first of 4(of my own parents) but the 5-6 of my parents separate.
I have two older brothers that were my mom’s and two older. Brothers that were my dad’s. Oldest is about 17 years older then me, the youngest of those four is 6 years older then me.
I have twin siblings who are 29, as of last wed and I’m 30 in two/three weeks. My youngest brother passed when we were young.
A few years ago we learned we had an older sister and we met her about a year ago.
My dad is currently with a girl with two boys.
Only some of us keep in touch, some only each other. Some. We meet up for holidays others we gotta meet elsewhere and I have always loved having a lot. Of. Siblings but idk how my parents did it lol.
I have 10 kids at my house daily, from 13 to 9 months. it’s really not that bad, we have schedules and daily activities. just have to keep them busy most the day
i always hear that after 3 it doesn’t get harder just louder
It’s easier in my opinion
As long as you have the energy go for it😆
One of the biggest obstacles is finding a 3rd row seating vehicle that seats 8 and not 7 people…
It’s hard on the kids especially older daughters as they’re usually burdened with caring for younger children
It’s always “harder” so say to have another child … weather you have 2 or 6 …
I envy all of you we have 4 2 are grown at 27 and 25 and we have 2 girls at home 12 and 13 iam 48 with health issues and iam going crazy with these 2 youngest girls they have really gave me a run for my money I envy you all my daughter has 4 girls 10 to 2 lol and she doesn’t miss a beat and I’m over here like jelly roll asking someone to please save me lol much love to you all
Look around at your day to day life and imagine an infant in the mix. Imagine doing all you did today 38 weeks pregnant. Look at the 2 year old, think about when they’re 3 or 4 and imagine having an infant to 1 year old with them. Look at how well the kids get along, imagine adding another one.
Just think about it when you can here and there, really imagine it as vividly as you can. Eventually it’ll either make your baby fever worse, or it’ll cure it right up. Don’t forget to imagine the sleep sacrifice all over again too. Some people it’s not a problem, others it is. You gotta decide which you are.
I understand asking what a typical experience with having a sixth child may be. But keep in mind that you are not guaranteed a typical child. If you aren’t prepared to accept a child that may have higher needs then you should not have another child. Each child is going to change your life. You cannot determine whether to have another based on whether it’s going to be harder than your current situation. There’s no way to know what another child will bring to your family, including the potential for making life more challenging.
It didn’t get hard for me til 8…
6 here. Not really. Once you get past three it’s a free for all and nothing is ever clean again
if you can’t give individual time & attention to each kid regardless of biological or not, no… 6 isn’t going to be a good idea… even Nick Cannon said he doesn’t have that kind of time for his 12+…
I’d jump off a bridge if I had more than one this day and age
You’re crazy! Just kidding. If you want another that’s on you! I personally could never do it. I have 2 and I lose my shit I can’t imagine 6 kids.