My husband & I want another baby!!! We have 2 under 5… How hard is this gonna be…?
If you want one , have one ! I had three and wouldn’t have it any other way . Was it hard ? Yes ! But , it was hard with 1 and with 2 . Each child is a precious gift from above and I love them all more than words can say . The good times are what I remember !
I have a 1,3 and 5 yr old girls and it gets hard at times lol but worth it honestly. My older sons were 4 years apart so that made it easier.
Hardest for me was seriously 0-1 lol after the 1st it was easier each time. I want #5 to try for a girl as I’ve had 4 boys but he says no lol
Only as hard as you make it,some people can’t handle one some people can handle a dozen
At one point, I had a 7 yr old, 17 months old and a newborn. We all survived They’re 16, 17 and 23 now. If you want another baby, have one
I didn’t have too much struggle. I was already on a routine with 2, she just fell right in. When I had my 3rd, my kids were 4 and 3.
Wait a while longer
And give your body time to fully
From your other pregnancies and deliveries
I stopped at 2 but everyone I’ve ever talked to says that 2 kids is 2 kids. 3 kids is 15
I have 2 that are adults and 7 years apart. It was hard going from 1 to 2 even with the age gap. My second had severe colic and allergies.
If your kids were easy and are healthy my advice is to use caution because the universe levels itself. I am 50 years old and do not know anyone that go through ALL of their kids without major issues along the way. Yore either going to deal with it in the beginning or the end. My two (G,B) are fantastic now. I dealt with their issues when they were young. As teenagers neither of them put me through Hell. I’m so thankful for that.
When i had my 4th child my oldest just turned four so i had at one time 4 four and under it was wild but i love having my kids close in age but i always said i wanted 4 and i love children so it really depends on the person you are i have alot of patience
I have two girls, 8 and 3 and I’m expecting a son in a few months. I’m nervous but excited. I believe the same strengths that’s gotten me through with 1 and 2 children will sustain be and carry me with 3. . Good luck I say if you and hubby are OK with it, go for it! I’ve always been told, if you can financially and emotionally care for them then have as many as your heart desires.
I think it just depends on you and your husband. Mine are all spaced apart i have an 11 year old son a 7 year old daughter and 2 year old son . I didn’t plan them that way that’s just how It happened.