Is it normal for a 3 month old not to sleep all day?

Is It abnormal that my 3 month old baby barely slept all day today, then about 6-6:15 she went down for a nap and she’s not waking up and if she does she can’t keep her eyes open for longer than 30 seconds it’s stressing me out. She’s easy to rouse and all just won’t stay up if I wake her up. Maybe she’s overtired? I don’t wanna mess up her bedtime if it’s nothing but I have a tendency to panic for sure.


My baby is almost 4 months old, it’s nothing for her to stay awake all day and sleep at night for 10 hours or so, waking up once for a bottle & new diaper. She might take a 10-20 minute nap once or twice during the day, but that’s about it. There’s a 3-month sleep regression that goes along with their 3-month growth spurt!


My babe used to do the same. He’d barely sleep in a day, just look round and nosey all the time, he exhausted himself and started sleeping through the night at 11weeks old. He was brilliant. Now 13month, has 1 nap for an hour at 10/11am and goes to bed around 6pm-7am.

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Used to. Hold. My grandson. For. Hours.