Is it normal for a 6 month old to not roll?

Anyone else’s 6 month old old not roll? She’s meeting all other milestones. Grabbing, wanting to stand, trying to sit her self up, loves her bouncer, but she won’t roll. She has a handful of times on her own but that’s it. When she’s on her back, she’ll roll to her side some.


My son didn’t roll over until after he learned to walk :laughing: meanwhile, my daughter has been rolling over nonstop since 4 months … every baby is different! I wouldn’t stress about it if I was you :slight_smile: she will get there!


I have an adopted special needs 5 year old. I missed the entire baby stage and all those milestones… but one of his doctors told me not to compare him to the standard. The way his brain works (he has a brain injury) he will want things a different way and at different points in life than other kids do, but when HE wants to do it, he WILL do it.

That was the most relieving advice a doctor has ever given and I have to remind myself of it often. While it’s not true for most things in neurotypical kids- I definitely think that advice is solid for rolling if she’s meeting every other physical milestone. She sounds strong enough to do it, she just doesn’t want to.

My 6 month old doesn’t roll either. I am not worried though. He pulls himself to stand and is good with hands. He can sit up pretty good by himself. I don’t think he will crawl. He is trying to bum scoot around lol.

I wouldn’t worry about this. All babies are different!


She will roll when shes ready, just like everything else

Try putting something she wants just out of reach, it might encourage her to get moving lmao. If not, she will when she feels like it :relieved::joy:

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If she’s done it a handful of times then she can do it she just chooses not to. So don’t worry.

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